Do Globalists Really Think we are That Stupid That They Can Fund & Arm ISIS in Syria, but Fight Them in Iraq?

63  2014-08-22 by [deleted]

It boggles my mind that some conservatives are openly advocating arming and funding Syrian rebels aka ISIS in Syria, but the same people want to "wipe them out" in Iraq!

Do they really believe l think the American people are That stupid to not know the difference?

Now Obama administration is openly saying that they won't take bombing ISIS in Syria off the table, helping Assad, when less then 6 months ago they wanted to bomb Assad himself!

This is unbelievable that this happening in front of our eyes.


Do Globalists Really Think we are That Stupid That They Can Fund & Arm ISIS in Syria, but Fight Them in Iraq?


So far, they seem to be correct.

May God Help us all.

He left after we murdered him, iirc.

My dad is so brainwashed he finds this sort of thing as "rational".

When I saw that article a few months ago I said what the fuck? Then I remember I live in the kingdom of America and I wasn't surprised anymore

Not only do they think it, we are.

No, you're not.

most are

Did you get downvoted because you forgot to capitalize the Y in "you're"?

Your reply is actually correct in that the OP is showing they are not fooled by the Globalists bullshit, and your post seems to be just acknowledging this.

..or is it a reading comprehension issue in the downvoters?

Time for some more coffee..;-}

Yes. It's why they said a passport survived unscathed in the rubble of 9/11 yet none of the black boxes were found at WTC. They are arrogant, fuckhead, psychopaths. Americans are domesticated morons.

Well technically they sort of had just as much role in programming the western public - but I mean more and more people are realizing whats going on, it's only a matter of time until more people see through the illusion.

We can only hope people continue to seek the truth at growing rates and wake up

I'm not sure what the whole story is on these guys, but I did see them putting heads on stakes in what locked like Iraq, saw the Vice piece(vice mag is one of the few honest media outlets) on ISIS propagandizing 4 year old young children.

What, let me guess the decapitated heads were all Hollywood props or something? Sorry that is just is not plausible.

Plus people do realize that ISIS were against Asad, however they are always mentioned as only one of the groups against him. There is no proof that the US has armed ISIS, if it had then why would ISIS have been so intent on taking war spoils from the Iraqi security troups?

So yeah until I see a legit, believable source claiming we armed and trained these guys, I will continue to simply the view the situation as "complex" with interests aligning in one region and not in Iraq. Why is so implausible to happen?

If IS is the biggest, most dominate group fighting in Syria, then it doesn't matter if we gave "the moderates" weapons and training, because they will just steal it from the other rebels.

The other large group currently fighting in Syria is Al Nursra, who have joined ISIS now

Once more, that states that a local chapter of Al-Nusra has joined ISIS. Not the whole thing. Read the article again.

Its so fucked up dude. They do it because they can get away with it

Bah, wrong.

Complain about wiki all you like but this is from the Syrian Civil War page.

Well it seems your Wiki source is not up to date. Many of the smaller groups have pledged allegiance to ISIS including Al Nursra.

That states that a local chapter of al-Nusra has allied with ISIS. Not the whole thing.

Syrian rebels aka ISIS

See there's where you're wrong. There are many groups operating in the Syrian Civil War, nobody is advocating funding or arming ISIS.

Conflating the entire rebel umbrella with ISIS is wrong and misleading.


I see what your saying, but at the same time you're naive if you think that the equipment we give to the "good" rebels isn't ending up in the hands of ISIS (who seem to be the dominant group).

Exactly. They run to Iraq to Syria and they get armed because we are fighting with them in Iraq with the armed rebels in Syria . This Shit is fucking stupid. Can't wait till more people wake up to this nonsense

Sure. Some of it probably is. I'm not naive at all.

War is incredibly messy. A lot of ISIS' current military hardware was captured from the Iraqi Army who got it from....the US Army! This sort of thing happens when you've got a large bunch of yahoos trying to st up a new country based on ancient murderous bullshit.

Arming/funding Syrian "Moderates" may have been seen as the best choice, even if some of the equipment would end up back with al-Nusra etc. Trying to fund and arm moderates, because you see it as the best of a bad bunch of choices - doesn't mean there won't be problems down the line.

Point is, there are hardly any "good" rebels, as you put it. A patchwork of various nasty and not so nasty groups fighting one very nasty man.

And the crazy thing is not we might have to give Assad a break because he's also fighting ISIS, and apparently doing a decent job of it. Again, awful awful choices. But definitely real and not the imaginary meddlesome puppet show OP seems to believe in.

That's the thing, Bashaar Assad is an angel comparatively to who is fighting him! He had protected Christians, and other minorities, he wears a suit and tie, and is very Western. Assad was never a threat to the United States, and is the least bad man in the entire mix!

So 6 months ago we wanted to bomb Assad, and now we want to bomb ISIS and help Assad out? This is absolutely a joke, we are funding both sides, the entire thing is designed to scare Americans into bombing foreign countries for the military industrial complex, and I'm fucking sick of it.

iraq: we got rid of saddam, the country spiralled into chaos and civil war

libya: we got rid of gaddafi, the country spiralled into chaos and civil war

syria: tba

see a pattern yet?

That's the thing, Bashaar Assad is an angel comparatively to who is fighting him!

You're missing the point. There's a wide umbrella of groups fighting Assad, of course it's more solidified now than a few years ago, but butchers like ISIS are not in the majority.

His security forces regularly torture, kidnap and kill people for merely disagreeing with the regime. This was happening long before the war.

He had protected Christians, and other minorities, he wears a suit and tie, and is very Western

He could have worn a fucking clown suit and been from Framingham and it wouldn't change anything.

So 6 months ago we wanted to bomb Assad, and now we want to bomb ISIS and help Assad out?

No. Nobody's looking to help Assad out. What may happen is coordination with Assad to fight ISIS more effectively. Yes that would be of benefit to Assad but the express purpose of this is not to "help him out". This isn't a firm plan yet but it's a possibility. Triangular diplomacy is a pain in the arse most of the time. This time too.

What it is is a shitty situation. What it isn't is a joke.


So we fund & arm the Syrian rebels, moderate or not, knowing that ISIS Is the biggest dog on the block, and are likely taking all aid and weapons for themselves...for what? A guy who is one of the most moderate rulers in all of the middle east? This whole killing of people that don't agree with the regime thing you state has absolutely no meaning. Assad IS NOT A THREAT TO THE USA or her allies! We are funding ISIS to overthrow Assad while fighting them in Iraq, this is our foreign policy by this joke of a president we have, face reality man.

knowing that ISIS Is the biggest dog on the block, and are likely taking all aid and weapons for themselves...for what?

Not the biggest chance of rebels being mistaken for ISIS, as ISIS is actually at war with an awful lot of the rebel groups as well as at war with Assad.

A guy who is one of the most moderate rulers in all of the middle east?

You cannot be serious. Do you actually mean that? 2010

This whole killing of people that don't agree with the regime thing you state has absolutely no meaning

I really don't know what the hell you're talking about here. You're defending the guy as a decent leader and I'm explaining why he isn't.

We are funding ISIS to overthrow Assad while fighting them in Iraq, this is our foreign policy by this joke of a president we have, face reality man.

No. No you're fucking not.

ziopedia is not a source

ZIOpedia. 2 edgy 4 me

But IS are sadly the only ones that currently count !! They already have 1/3 of Syria and currently have under their control enough oil wells to finance their "State.

Certainly the strongest and most well-financed group now, yeah. Not the only ones that count but not far off I suppose.

ziopedia is not a source