The government is infiltrating this community to contaminate us and mitigate the truth.

54  2014-08-30 by [deleted]

It's not exactly hard, they may be having people spread misinformation so that the line between the truth we spread the lies they're trying to spread become blurrier and blurrier. They'll slow us down, because if they assign enough people to upvote bad content and downvote actual good content, our community could crumble.

They're probably doing it in other subreddits to, to even further spread their rule and keep the average sheep to obey the government.

That's why the other subreddits don't like us, the government could even be paying people to make conspiracy theorism look bad. Even though we're the only true adherents to facts and evidence in this modern world, the rest of them are just willing to listen to CNN.

Seriously, it's like they want to emphasize Barack Obama doesn't have a plan for ISIS, but don't worry he'll get there.


The single most important thing we can do on social media is to break political correctness. We need to violate it every chance we get, and we need to mock it when others attempt to apply it. That is the control mechanism that the elite are using on us to prevent a free discussion of ideas on the Internet. They can't censor all of us, so they have devised a strategy whereby we censor ourselves. That is political correctness -- self-censorship, reinforced by peer censorship, on any topic the elite decide must be off-limits. They use their control over media to indicate to the general population which topics are taboo, and the public has been so well trained, they almost immediately begin to attack anyone who discusses those topics.

Attack political correctness. Attack censorship. Stop censoring yourselves and say what you actually think and believe.

I've noticed that so many of the names, words and ideas that trigger a derisive response paint a picture of what is going on.

What can't we talk about?

Conspiracy theory

The economic value consolidating nature of the fiat banking system

The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds

The new world order

The Bilderberg group

Israeli (AIPAC) control of the US political system


False flag events


We can't talk about the very things involved in controlling our (time and effort) money, politics and perceptions.

I could only support this if your "attack on political correctness" doesn't include denigrating groups of minorities.

To me, this sounds like a thinly veiled call to bigotry, especially since it's coming from you.

We need, absolutely, not to cause further divides in our communities. Honestly, if there were any plan I'd be wary of, it would be one like yours. The ruling class don't want you to get along with the different people you live around. It's an ancient tactic, divide and conquer. Minority populations deserve the same respect we give to everyone else, abandoning civility because of misinformed notions is only going to cause rifts and break society faster.

Treating everyone with genuine kindness, having empathy for all peoples and not immediately fearing your fellow citizen will go so much further towards undermining the plans for societal domination, than would abandoning civility in attempt to say "fuk censorship!!!!1"

edit: however, if it were an attempt to destroy the political correctness of american exceptionalism in this country, in an attempt to get the citizens to see that we do live in a corporation-controlled shithole, well I could easily get behind that.

american exceptionalism

American Exceptionalism is fundamentally Zionist/Jewish in flavor.

Here's Watergate journalist Carl Bernstein the most famous Journalist in America discussing the Jewish Neocons influence, while also alluding to the cloak of political-correctness that prevents open discussion of this point.

Carl Bernstein speaks

It's been obvious for a long time. Reddit isn't the first place it's been happening won't be the last

People always say it's hardest to fake the truth.

Every small minute difference between the truth and a lie is interpreted by our brains

It's why it's so difficult to write convincing slang into a movie or sitcom or why fake anything is do difficult

Our brains know when something "isn't right" No one can articulate the sea of thoughts and deductions that comprise our thoughts.

So don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining.

Some people have better bullshit detectors than others.

I will never believe cnn bull shit. You can literally see the lies on their faces, disgusting.

I noticed this in just the past year... I'm assuming those who have been here for longer notice it more.

When I look at the front page of r/conspiracy, I don't see conspiracy, I see the news.

always sort by new. always.

This is good advice. Also, set your preferences so that you see all the posts, not just those above a set threshold.

I wouldn't be surprised if instead of just making new accounts, they buy established users accounts' with 5000 karma or something, and proceed to post there propaganda/misinformation on that account, as it gives that much more credibility to the message.

Some time ago that happened and probably continues to. Other times a new account gets an unrealistically high karma rating. Votes are manipulated and no one should think Reddit reflects opinion objectively or fairly.

I think it's more likely that when something "unwanted" is posted they jump on it and debunk it before it gains traction and thus falls to the sidelines

I've noticed that the Zionists will gang-attack a post, hitting the poster with six or seven malicious, insulting retorts one after the other. It's very likely this is done by an individual using multiple accounts, or at most a couple of people with multiple accounts working in tandem. They try to give the impression that the entire sub is against the poster they are attacking. Don't be fooled by this strategy.

Yeah this is what I mean, we need to show solidarity. It could be that TPTB see this sub as a threat as it's easily the best place on the Web for conspiracists to throw around ideas and thus target the sub like the zionist israelis over on r/worldnews attacking anything against Israel but go crazy over pro Israel propaganda


which also hides conspiracy content in a small sub and it's not allowed to be seen on larger subs.


Is this an alternative to reddit? If so, how is it different?

Honestly, statements like this are paranoid and even megalomaniacal. They overestimate the importance and impact of self-described conspiracy communities. The very title of this sub labels it as fringe. If there were actually government shills on Reddit, they would be delighted to have conspiracy theorists in one neat place with a conspiracy label. They would spend their time on mainstream boards.

Checked your post history.. you toe the company line with the fervor of a religious zealot, when really you're speculating about things just as much as anyone on this sub

Anyway, carry on.

I guess if we don't believe in hilariously implausible theories like fake Sandy Hook kids and Apollo coverups, we're zealots toeing the company line. It'd be nice if the company paid me for my common sense.

Nice strawman

Honestly, statements like this are paranoid and even megalomaniacal. They overestimate the importance and impact of self-described conspiracy communities.

Ah, yes. This again.

What exactly does JTRIG infiltrate?

The Thin Grey Line

Human perception is a mess. I've been around enough to know I can't, necessarily, trust even my own eyes. In this state it's's even appealing to think "someone" has the answers.

I'm easily confused and led astray by my own interpretation of events. I rely on my fellow human beings to lend context. My default assumption is that in this soup of billions of people we're all very much pawns in a game that may, or may not, have a puppet-master.

I'm puzzled by people who seem to think they are smart enough to positively identify the puppeteers yet not be one of them. These would have to be people capable of controlling 9 billion human beings. I don't tend toward that direction. I think the entirety of life on earth is extremely absurd and nonsensical. I used to ask the question "why am I here" but lately all I can wonder is "what the fuck". How in the hell did 10 trillion cells, each as complex as a small city, form into a self-aware being called Jerry? Shit I can't even answer that and that is the core of "me-ness". At my core I'm an indecipherable monstrosity of complex interactions and I'm just one of billions.