250,000 Subscribers!

99  2014-08-31 by mr_dong


The sub is growing quickly, more and more people are asking questions and discussing geopolitical events. 2014 has seen a huge rise in subscribers and page visits, with everyone's help this will continue.

Conspiratorial thought and ideas are becoming more and more mainstream. Governments have given even the most skeptical mind much food for thought and in light of stories such as the testimony of Ed Snowden, NSA revelations or the ill fated Malaysian flights, people have never had more reason to seek out alternative news sources, views and opinions.

We have our place r/conspiracy. Keep content relevant and of quality but also don't forget the fringe.

Forbidden archaeology, UFO's, secret space programs and a plethora of alternative topics all belong in the realm of conspiracy and sometimes they can offer us much food for thought, sometimes here they are also overlooked. The rabbit hole is deep, keep an open mind.

Discuss and discover on this page, but do it politely. If you see racism report it, if you see problems with a theory or idea then debunk it but keep it civil.

The moderators here look to the community to help and guide us. We would not have got to this number of subscribers without the help and vigilance of the community so a big thank you to all our regular contributors.

Onward and upwards and thanks again to everyone who contributes to the page.


Also like to say be sure to check out 'new' and 'contoversial' tabs

Great work keep it up!

this should be default sub.

I kind of agree, but if it was default it'd already be crushed.

I dont think so I think its better as not a default

the more people who see this information the better...this stuff isn't secret or anything.

During Israel's bombardment of Gaza, almost every story talking about Israel's atrocities was only found in /r/controversial. Screenshot

Perhaps this would be a good time to make the 'traffic stats' visible to everyone.

I would be lying if i said i had any idea of how to make these stats available old man but i will look into it and see if we can make traffic stats available for everyone.

It's in the 'subreddit settings' near the bottom under 'other options'.

I'm guessing a screenshot may be the easiest solution?

My first choice would be a link in the sidebar.

Regular users can access the stats?

Example: http://np.reddit.com/r/911truth/about/traffic/

But only if mods make them available by doing what I mentioned earlier. I see that you're the mod of a sub so try it out.

A mod has to check the box in front of "make the traffic stats page available to everyone", then we all can see the stats.

It's in the 'subreddit settings' near the bottom under 'other options'.

Also, it looks like a link would have to be added to the sidebar so people could access it.

Edit: Don't forget to use "np" instead of "www".

I have a sub. I made the stats public with a mouse click on the MODERATION TOOLS, subreddit settings, other options, page.

I've used that logo as my avatar for nearly 10 years, since way back in the Myspace days. Those of you who are members of v2 recognize it but I photoshopped it together with one of the Infowars V is for Victory contest pictures. I remember I met the guy on there who originally drew that picture. I wonder if he knew the impact that one image would have, I certainly never knew how much I would have.

Don't ever think you can't have an impact out there, seek truth, stand strong when you know you are right and the universe will bend towards you.


I too have been using that logo for years. Not as many as 10, but long enough that I don't remember. Great symbolism.

Humanae Libertas

Just another voice to the choir: THANK YOU MODS!! Bad mods have killed almost every other subreddit out there. This place wouldn't be what it is without you. Ten years from now, you'll either be remembered as heroes or we'll all be dead.


I used to actually post at Huffington Post a lot before I came here. After they went to facebook for all discussions (I fucking hate facebook), they have limited discussion so much that they pretty much killed the place from what it once was. Since the switch it simply became not worth even trying to post there anymore. (they had a way of making you think you were posting, but when I got suspicious because I was never getting any replies or 'likes', I used Tor to see what was up I saw that none of my posts were showing up at all, but did appear in the browser I posted from).. Basically, when AOL/Time Warner purchased the site they gradually implemented tighter and tighter control over what was and was not "allowed" to be discussed in the forums.

When they switched to facebook and eventually to a no pseudonyms policy there was a mass exodus, I know their numbers plummeted across the board, but hey, they got their "civil" discussion. It turned out to be a blessing in disguise, I am very glad I came (back) to this place, the fact that the discussion is not limited at all as long as you are civil and act like a grown up is becoming more and more rare on the internet these days, and I believe this subreddit is not only very important because of what people are "allowed" to talk about when it comes to the world today, but also turned out a great place for a disaffected poster from HuffPo like myself to have landed.


tl;dr - This sub is way better than Huffington Post ever was.

I feel like this subreddit brings forward present day issues to the public as well as solid evidence indicating some fucked up shit is going down. call me crazy but i refuse to believe that none of the political, economic, and social problems today can be attributed to groups of wealthy people who can infuence others to do their bidding. with all of the hype about the police killing people, the government spreading war, the corporations crippling the middle and lower class, depletion of water/oil supply, and obama and the CIA torturing in the middle east and trying to hide it, I feel like this all could be connected. r/conspiracy brings to light the fact that there are major problems with our modern civilization, its time we clean up our act as homo sapiens, together. Cheers, to all r/conspiracy redditors/lurkers

Whooooooooo! This sub rocks!

Good going modchaps. You do a good job on a bloody tricky topic to moderate. Particularly liking documentary of the week too.

axolotl_peyotl revived the documentary idea so all credit for that must go to him. He has been a valued addition to the mod team and we will be looking to add another couple of moderators shortly.

Thanks man but I have to say that you really can be the glue that holds this place together. You have the experience and the knowledge to keep us kids under control, so fuck yeah.

Is there any way of seeing a history of membership numbers? My hunch is that every new leak or tragedy brings in more members than usual.

Yes there is: http://redditmetrics.com/r/conspiracy

Stattit.com used to be even more accurate (it had many lists including top /r/conspiracy contributors of all time) but sadly it's been down for ages.

It seems the last major spike in membership happened on November 4th, 2013, when we gained 1400 new members in a day.

The last 1400 member jump was in January of 2013, which may correspond with Aaron's death.

Oh cool! Looks pretty consistent, actually, which I find a little surprising, but probably shouldn't. If the rank of the sub has stayed consistent at 101 for a couple months, we can say it's pretty closely tied to the success of reddit, at least for now.

November 4th, huh? The day after the total solar eclipse.

I promise i will look into this and see if we can make those numbers/stats available.

I imagine it'd look like a slight exponential curve with some jumps for every Snowden leak or plane crash.

Glad somebody has mentioned the secret space program.

I remember 2 years ago their was 40 000 and we were all pleased, its amazing.

I wish there was more deep conversation on some topics but overall this is still a pretty awesome sub. Seems like conspiretards ruined some of the thoughtful conversations here...maybe that's just me. Keep up the good work everyone!

Forbidden archaeology is my favorite topic to discuss. Particularily the origins of civilization and of mankind. This topic does not necessitate discussion of aliens, but i prefer to speculate about them as our "creators" in liue of the ancient deities and angels. Makes far more sense to me than any of the modern organized religions' perspectives on the creation of Mankind.

I am slightly disappointed in how this specific topic is usually shrugged off, but hey. I am in no position, nor do i have any will, to tell anyone what they have a right to believe in or to be interested in. To each his own, i say. This is what makes this sub awesome, imo. There are so many topics aside from the most popular ones discussed here, and there are alot of intelligent folks here, albeit amidst the bad apples.

I'd enjoy if more users commented.

Great job mods. This is in no way a criticism, but I feel it would be in the best interest of the sub if a way were found to limit the number of posts on a single subject. At one point a couple of days ago there were 5 posts related to the MMR vaccine whistleblower on the front page. This happens on a regular basis and I think it would be beneficial for casual or new visitors to have a wide cross section of material to think about. Also, can we link to the Operation Northwoods Wiki in the sidebar?

As a counter, the over exposure on news helps when browsing under new if the topics are posted at different intervals. Since a lot of topics are gamed and immediately get lots of down votes, I don't particularly mind.

The new topics still tend to get decent discussion, a little fractured over the course of the multiple postings, certainly. But I've still seen that most recent topics covering the same issue tends to converge largely on one post.

Thanks OP! It's about time the American people wake up!

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If you see racism report it

Once again, a warning against racism. The top rule is also about racism. Yet in my five years of being here every day, I have never once seen a racist slur or attack.

Why warn against something that's not happening? You might as well make a rule prohibiting ridicule of wearing white after Labor Day. Cause I don't see that either.

Racial slurs =/= racism of any kind.

Rule 1 is prohibiting racial slurs, you don't see them because we remove them. Calling someone a nigger or a kike never adds anything useful to the discussion. However there are many subjects that are racially sensitive which CAN be discussed without slurs even though it is probably offensive to members of those racial groups.

We don't want to be focused primarily on racially sensitive subjects but in the same breath we don't censor those subjects.

Trust me when I say that I remove racial slurs pretty damned often. The rule is pretty important.

Calling someone a nigger or a kike never adds anything useful to the discussion.

I agree. However calling someone a "fucking moron" also adds nothing useful and those evidently aren't removed. Cause I see those a lot. I often report them, especially if that is the entirety of the comment, but the next time I visit that thread, the comment is back again.

Forbidden archaeology, UFO's, secret space programs and a plethora of alternative topics all belong in the realm of conspiracy and sometimes they can offer us much food for thought, sometimes here they are also overlooked. The rabbit hole is deep, keep an open mind.

Very true. Quite recently (and myself included) the public dismissed David Icke's "Elite Pedophile Rings" and its ties to MPs and even the British Crown. And then came the avalanche: Saville, Westminster MPs, Rotterhan, and the rabbit-hole keeps getting deeper.

And remember: Do not feed the trolls

Only 50,000 shills!


Hecka open mind bro

What if you come to find out most UFO sightings are the 'National Security' state (see Bankster occupation breakaway civilization) that has been hording technology for a century and have tech 30 to 50 years ahead of what you think they have right now.

Thanks Obama. I mean Tesla. Sorry, reflex.

You're fucking welcome!