Steven Satloff and James Foley beheading videos; my opinion.

19  2014-09-02 by [deleted]

I just watched the "Second message to America" (Satloff beheading video). I was pretty skeptical after watching the James Foley beheading last month. Then today's video. I'm not trying to be insensitive; but I think the videos are complete bullshit.

Terrorist aren't squeamish. They relish in their executions. For ISIS to be such Boogeymen, I don't understand why these two videos look like a shitty, horror, B movie scene. The camera fades out as "The Terrorist" begins to saw the the journalist's necks. Then the camera shows the corpse breifly. I guess I expect graphic, macabre, images out of such hardcore fanatics.

Secondly, the dialogue. I feel like this guy is trying to portray a super villain. His mannerisms are off. Rehearsed. And I don'treally pick up on an accent. Both of the reporters seem fairly stoic, considering their impending execution; their voices aren't even shaky.

I was in the Army. I just know terrorist can be quite savage. Maybe I'm just jaded. I'd to hear other's opinions.


What's also frustrating to me is the amount of journalist/media types and regular folk who just say "i didn't watch it, but...(insert these guys are totally awful comment), or who flat out tell people not to watch it because then you're just helping the terrorists you filthy sympathizer.

The State and their sycophant lapdog media doesn't want you to watch this because you'll see it for the obvious fake it is. It's like it's almost a test to see how well they can still make people fear something they never even witnessed. And anyone who doesn't parrot the message is condemned and ostracized as "conspiratorial" or whatever. We're just supposed to take their word for it.


Orwell really nailed it with 1984, didn't he just. A perpetual enemy to be chased perpetually keeps people in a dizzying fog. And if you're around long enough to witness and realize the contradictions surrounding the "enemies" and who they are or where they come from or what their motives are, you best not voice it or else face the consequences within your community/social life.

And from time to time they need to roll out a flesh & blood body for the masses to throw rotten veggies and feces at while they are strapped to the stockade.

The other thing that gets me is that, since actual beheadings are viewable on the internet from real gangsters and the like, there is just no comparison in the brutality. If you're going to intimidate someone, you show it, leaving nothing open to interpretation or skepticism. Want that guy dead and his family/friends to get the message loud and clear? Chainsaw to the neck. Not some angsty speech while trying to be menacing holding a Fisher Price knife. So scary.

Everything from how the video was shot and framed to the weird techy opening with Obama to the corpse with the decapitated head set nicely on top like it's a pillow, nothing about it is looks real. I hate to be so pessimistic, but it's coming to the point where I'm feeling like an Alex Jones type and my default position is going to be that anything the State says isn't true.

The journo also looked fairly well-fed. Compared to his earlier pictures he's just as chubby as before he got taken hostage.


I was going to mention that too! Both of the journos looked well fed and were very clean. That just doesn't seem realistic for hostages. They were also very calm through out everything, even dying. Not even a shaky voice. I understand how some people accept their fate in those situations but to barely flinch at having your throat sawed on with a serrated blade? -.-

I don't normally jump on the conspiracy train but I completely agree these videos are 100% fake.
How do I know? I watched them. I admit I was a bit hesitant to do so because the way the media made it sound as if it was the most horrible thing you could witness. But as the OP said, it was very similar to a B horror scene.. maybe even C, if that exists. They needed more ketchup.

We need to look at the fact that his choice of instrument for beheading a human was very.. small. I'm sure you all realize how hard it is to break someones neck but to actually sever it with a knife? No. To decapitate someone you need a lot of force behind the object in question.. you also need a clean cut to produce next to no blood. Obviously, the journalists did not receive clean or swift cuts. This guy was sawing through their jugulars with a knife. Blood would have spewed everywhere. He obviously isn't going to behead someone quickly with his method, it would've taken a very long time. His hand would have cramped up and he would have had to physically break the spinal cord in order to detach the head from the body or used his Sub-Zero Spine Rip fatality move. It's a load of BS.

The UK seems to suspect some 23 year old British rapper noob trying to impress his terrorist father who is currently imprisoned. Before he left England to join ISIS, he frequented 4chan and made videos of himself rapping about censorship and how he was gonna kill Americans or some kind of mindless banter. Funny how the actual beheading was censored.. maybe he's trying to get publicity for his shitty music or make some sort of political statement.
Who knows, really.

What it all boils down to is that our government isn't going to acknowledge these things being fake.. why do you think they keep us so sheltered from the real life shit that happens everyday? Showing a picture of what our own soldiers are made to do during war on the news isn't acceptable. They come home all fucked up with PTSD and get no financial help from our government after being forced to murder, murder, murder.

I don't think we'll ever know if those two men are still alive or not, I personally don't think they are. I also don't think anyone witnessed it on film either. It was probably done afterward. Or maybe they just converted to save their own lives. They spent copious amounts of time in dangerous areas around dodgy people, the ideal of that isn't so far-fetched either.

The government only wants you to be scared when they need you to be. Then they can step in and be heroes with our full support.
It's time for everyone to wake up.

My hunch is that the videos is just ISIS trolling to show they can fake footage too. Though i don't have evidence for it, just a hunch.

Fake Knife too small No sun reflected knife Terrorists dont edit throat slits Its intelligence propaganda to use mega million buck tomahawks Got to take out camels

It is pretty odd that the actual beheading is never seen in either video. Even more odd that i remember hearing sotloff was released on the news last week.

Nowhere shows that he was released last week, his mother released a statement last week. Maybe that is what you are confused over.

I thought I heard that too but was mistaken. You may have confused Sotloff with Peter Theo Curtis

There's more to this if you look hard enough. Great link though!

Really? I hadn't heard that about Satloff. Gonna' check into that.

This shit looks even more fake than the first one. Again, the "Masked assailant" uses Western body language, speaks without a heavy accent (or tries to fake one?, doesn't sound like any Arab I've ever heard), and doesn't really even say anything of value in this one.

At least in this video, he uses "us" to refer to Muslims instead of "the Muslims" like in the Foley video....why would he use language that separates himself from the plural noun if he was supposedly a spokesman for the regime?

And I totally agree with so many other posts, all I see are people who acknowledge that they haven't and THEY WON'T watch these videos. Just like any 9/11 debate, just like any argument about ending the fed, just like any Murrah Bombing debate, the people are already committed to falling asleep.

Why is the Zapruder film shown on public television, yet we can't get a video showing two journalists being decapitated by the "slime of humanity"?

To quote Alice Cooper: "I will cover up my eyes.....and it will go away."

I think CIA/mercenaries whoever it may be (US backed, aka ISIS) have been holding these guys hostage, they rehearse the video many times so the journalists aren't nervous. The journalists may not even think it's going to happen..... Then boom, machete to the head and the final photo op. They staged it for maximum brutality, He SAWED it off with a dull blade! but not really.

I dont doubt that they're dead, just, who killed them and why. I dont think ISIS was hitting close enough to home, so someone decided to sacrifice a couple Americans in full Hollywood production style (the only way for Americans to understand it) to get American support for war, and that is why it all looks so fake.

Couldn't the people who did this just be random ISIS 'supporters/members'? Does ISIS do role call every morning? Who's to say it isn't the CIA dressed in costumes with bad accents and great laptops? They post the videos and the rest of ISIS goes crazy in support. Never questioning if it was really anyone in this gang called ISIS/ISIL/IS/QSIS/???

Just talking though, who knows.

Well they are getting their support for war already, it's going exactly as planned. Our own religious extremists (Christians) are beginning their "end of days" shit. Ebola, gay marriage, Americans being executed by ISIS - they are signs! Signs from Jesus.

They are already blowing up forums with their ridiculous prophecies, saying we should nuke everything basically. Telling everyone to get their bibles because the heavens are about to open.

Sadly, our country is it's own enemy. We don't need any help destroying ourselves, we piss off a few more people every time we intervene with shit that doesn't concern us.
I wouldn't be surprised if the 'Hollywood production style beheading' was sponsored by McDonald's.

I'm not sure how everyone can walk around oblivious to everything until a non-graphic video is shown on the news (the news that is more or less controlled by our government).
And not many people really took note of James Foley's sister laughing heartily during an interview with Katie Couric, talking about her recently beheaded brother. Seems legit. I guess all grieving siblings act like that on television.

I've been beating this drum from the beginning. The videos are fake. The propaganda speech delivered to the relatives from the last video were more BS. It's also the reason liveleak won't carry this video. Too many people called bullshit on the last one. They don't want you to watch it just hear about it and get pissed off. Come on ,Liveleak carries the most horrendous shit ,but they won't carry a video that doesn't actually show a beheading ? They think the people are morons and they are right.

,Liveleak carries the most horrendous shit ,but they won't carry a video that doesn't actually show a beheading ? They think the people are morons and they are right.

This was the red flag to me, liveleak either doesn't want to participate in the propaganda, or their obvious censorship is so that its harder for people to watch and analyze the video.

Watch the end of the Sotloff video. His "severed" head is fucking BLINKING! insanely sloppy!

Can anyone else see this? I cant watch it.

There's a reason why they started putting bags over people's head back when guillotines were used.. because the severed heads would blink and their mouths would move, changing expressions and sometimes even attempting to talk. It only happens for quick/clean decap's though.

Have a look for yourself: How Stuff Works - Lucid Decapitation

It's because Stanley Kubrick isn't filming the videos.

The only way I see this not being fully staged is that they do dress rehearsals over and over. Making the victim do these videos numerous times so they are broken and read the statement properly. The final time when the execution was committed did not go so well so they edited in one of the previous dry runs.

I'm with you OP.

I watched both videos many times over, analyzing to the best of my ability. For the record, I'm an indie film writer and occasional director. I work regularly in the theatre too, so I know quite a bit about stage magic and on film it's all even easier.

Also for the record, I've watched quite a few beheading videos in my time. I was around when the Internet was a free-for-all of snuff films and more (BBS FTW). These to me came off completely rehearsed, like a decently done scene from an indie film made purely for optimal televised news effect.

Some of my problems:

  1. The blade is tiny. Watch any other terrorist beheading video and they will commonly use bigger blades that are traditional for the area. Not to mention, the blade never reflects sunlight, which is odd for a sharp metal object, particularly in a video shot outdoors.

  2. Both men are oddly calm considering what is about to happen to them. Again, other beheading videos have a distraught man saying something through a cracked voice. That's terror. Then, ok, they were calm enough to read the message. But once the Terrorist starts sawing (and he saws), there is not one peep of pain. Knives are EXTREMELY pain-inducing objects, even more so than a gun shot. Why? First there is the question of the placement of nerves closer to the top of the skn. Second, guns do things fast, not allowing nerves to react sometimes, while knives are the complete opposite of that and almost instantly agitate nerves upon first cut. For either man to stay so calm and quiet while having their neck cut is HIGHLY questionable.

  3. In most beheading videos, the actual act of beheading is the point of the video. Most people only see violence in movies where there are cuts and edits. Why would they conveniently cut and edit here? It's shot almost exactly like a scene from a movie, allowing the imagination to take over, which is great when you want to affect TV viewers. But if you want to piss off a country to start a war, then you show the brutal act which horrifies people. This all seemed just violent enough to get the point across, but not so violent that it can't be shown on TV.

  4. Perfect lighting for an outdoor shoot, shifting lighting, and a lob mic? For most of both videos the lighting is insanely precise. In one of the video, the lighting suddenly changes. Either ISIS is "tech savvy" or they aren't. Why would they go through the trouble of getting the lighting right (and believe me for a shoot like this it's A LOT of trouble) and then not do it for a few scenes. Also, the lob mic on both victims conveniently goes away before the cutting. This means they stopped the recording to take the mic off and move it to the terrorist.

  5. Neither guy seems handcuffed to me, it looks more like what actors do, holding their wrists behind their back. How do I know this? Look at video of people in handcuffs and more often than not their elbows just out a little, because their arms are relaxed and the only thing really holding them tother are the cuffs. When you hold your wrists, your arms are straight and close to the body, just like in the videos.

Videos seem overly slickly produced for no reason. ISIS has no reason that I can think of to take so much time and put so much effort into making a video like this.

For those who are going to ask me what the motive would be to fake them .. it's the same motive it would be to not fake them. Say there is a group in the US/UK who make A LOT of money off of war. They fund groups like ISIS in the hopes of starting a major conflict that will fill their pockets even more. This practice is not out of the ordinary. Major governments back terrorist groups; Osama was trained by the CIA in the 80s to defeat the Russians for instance. There have also been many documented incidents of lies being use to perpetuate the war machine and make money for the right people.

If the executions are faked, what would be the motive for faking them? We can be pretty sure that ISIS is behind said executions, as no one in ISIS is saying that their not the ones behind it. Why would they bother to keep these guys alive? They're obviously trying to stir up shit with the US, is their plan to bring these guys back out eventually or something. I can understand why people think these are fake, but without a motive for faking them I doubt they've really been faked.

Motive? To get American's upset/enraged to bolster support for our ongoing involvement in Iraq.

Look up Operation Northwoods.

If the purpose was to get the US enraged, then why the fuck is the Obama administration taking such a cautioned noninterventionist stance to the situation? Furthermore, if the US "mock executed" the guy, then why would IS deny that they killed him? They absolutely despise America, there would be no reason for them to perpetuate a US lie.

The motive behind the cautioned stance is to show us as "not easily provoked" IMO.

If we can play it as cautious as we can, THEN enter the war, then Washington can justify it as, "they kept on poking the bull, then they got the horns."

The entire thing is just a huge cliché being played out over and over again every few years.

That still doesn't address my second point. You can go on twitter and see a bunch of IS accounts glorifying the deaths of these dudes.

I don't have an opinion, I don't believe it's a mock execution at all... They could have their heads cut off posthumously for all we know... Hell this recording could be from MONTHS ago when they were all rounded up by "ISIS". These guys could be dying from malnutrition and then being passed off as "executed". We may never actually know the truth.

This just seems to be operating too much off of a "script". Like I keep hearing, it's a b-movie attempt at poking the West/America

Tune in next week, when we see what happens to the British guy.


Show me one ISIS twitter denying that they killed Foley. What you said above has nothing to do with my argument.


Lolol where are you getting that most accounts are bots, because that sounds like grade A bullshit. I have a very, very hard time believing the CIA or some other intelligence organization is fabricating IS's entire twitter presence. That sounds pretty fucking far-fetched. Furthermore, if intelligence agencies were so powerful and efficient, why would they be trying to start pointless wars?


You realize twitter has 271 million active users? So even if 23 million was a bit of an underestimate (why would they admit to any bot accounts if it was exponentially larger than that) thats still >10% of users. Furthermore, do you really think twitter would consent to A. deleting every twitter account that any real IS member makes (which would be incredibly expensive) and B. Allowing CIA shill accounts to remain and post (insane) fake things? And do you expect that they would be able to do this without any journalists finding out? That's one of the most farfetched things I've ever heard.


What data do you have to suggest that twitter is lying, because what you're saying sounds like 100% speculation. I didn't say that manipulating public opinion was far fetched, I said that entirely fabricating ISIS twitter presence was farfetched. Don't put words in my mouth. I know that governments manipulate public opinion through twitter and the internet in general, but to suggest that the US is 100% making up IS on twitter is utterly ridiculous.


Hasn't it been known that most of the accounts on twitter are bots? With that in mind, is it so hard to believe that this is a fraud to propagandize an organization and lead us into yet another war? It really doesn't seem all that far-fetched to me....

That's exactly what you said at the start. In order to propagandize ISIS on twitter such that not a single account (that I've seen or heard of) disputes that they killed Foley when they didn't, the CIA or some other intelligence agency would have to be synthesizing nearly their entire official and unofficial twitter presence


You think that IS on the ground fighters with twitter accounts wouldnt be informed by their commanders that the US is impersonating ISIS twitter accounts? Furthermore, do you think the CIA would risk being caught running fake twitter accounts for ISIS supporters.


I like how you claim something 100% ridiculous and then try to back it up by saying non ridiculous things. Double agents in ISIS: not farfetched. ISIS not being behind Foley and Satloff "executions" or alleged executions: pretty fucking farfetched. If ISIS official twitter accounts are reporting it and the accounts of the ground fighters are confirming it and glorifying it, then they likely played a part in it. Why would they not be saying something if they weren't the ones behind it?


Yeah if you question your ranking officers it wont go well for you, but they don't only communicate with their ranking officers through twitter. And why would their ranking officers perpetuate something they know to be false.


wow do you write shitty hypotheticals for a living?

Just because you see twitter profiles doesn't mean they are genuine.

I'm sure literally every ISIS twitter account is a paid CIA shill. In fact, I bet the entire Islamic State is a CIA fabrication. /s

Because it's all or nothing, right? Some people are hopeless.

It's hyperbole. Your counter to my point was to say the US gov tried to set some website up to overthrow Castro and failed. I haven't seen a single supposed ISIS twitter user or ISIS news source say that they didn't execute these guys. Considering from that article the US gov isnt capable of keeping a website afloat, I highly doubt that they could fabricate the entire twitter presence of an organization controls a Jordan size chunk of territory and has approximately 80,000 fighters.

You are just another drone, that much is obvious. You probably cry when you recite the pledge of allegiance.
America has a perpetual boner for wars, I'm sure you've noticed that.. if you're a citizen anyway. It's greed, simply put. America doesn't 'help' people out of the goodness of their hearts - they take advantage of times like these so they can benefit from it somehow.
If Obama really wanted to take a cautious stance, he could have paid ransom for his citizens yet he did fuck all. He could have prevented the 'outrage'.
To address your speculation on the executions being faked - if you want to believe they weren't faked, you're entitled to your own opinion. But I don't think it's very customary for people to die as.. casually as Sotloff did. He was calm and rational, like he was at the hairdressers. That's just not.. realistic. Even if you've accepted you're going to die, you're still going to react in some form.
Especially from a death as slow and drawn out as that one seemed to look.

Go read some books.

Edit: Typo.

Haha anyone who disagrees must just be an ignorant patriotic American. It's called skepticism dumbfuck. I thought the execution was fishy too, but I'm not just going to assume that it was faked without figuring out why someone would fake it. I don't think the US did it, because ISIS has been saying over and over that they did do it.

Fair enough, I see your point, "dumbfuck".
No one has any proof of who did what, we have speculation and our opinions. No one said you had to assume anything. You asked questions and they got answered. Which is typically what happens in that scenario.
Those two guys are most likely dead, not denying that. The sad truth is, we'll never know the truth. We just have to see what unfolds. <3

These executions are without a doubt real. If the full execution were to be recorded, what would we debating or questioning? Forget about your doubts of authenticity and keep the focus on the grand scheme of things.

Why? Why would they have to be "without a doubt" real when you weren't physically there to witness with the journalists birth certificate being signed off by friends and family?

What is your opinion of the "grand scheme of things?" Are you in favor of more war and death? Are you in favor of a government instilling fear in it's citizens to gain further control of what "liberty" they have left?

We've always been at war with eastasia.

All I'm trying to say is...questioning the legitimacy of these executions doesn't get us anywhere. I'm not for war, I just think the authenticity debate is a bit of chasing-tail.

It's an ongoing conversation of fearmongering, firstly. Secondly, that's not all you're saying, you said they are without a doubt real.

Yes, I believe they're real...the bodies are shown decapitated afterwards. I don't believe those are dummy bodies and corn syrup.

Your belief and "without a doubt" fact are two widely different things, don't you realize that? I could whole heartedly believe you're a figment of my dogs imagination because he seems like the type to believe things without seeing proof. Does that make it real? Without a doubt real?

I think I get what u/TheLastWill is saying, though. Correct me if I'm wrong. Let's say for the sake of argument that the beheadings are without a doubt real. Now, thinking with that train of thought as a r/conspiracy commenter, what would be your opinion on the purpose of these high quality videos being provided in English to directly address the President and the rest of America?

Edit: Does your opinion change? Could the question of legitimacy be a way to derail the discussion by having us argue amongst ourselves over it rather than the agenda it's being used for?


You missed the point. I'm not debating whether or not it's fake. Just presenting a hypothetical. I think the agenda it's being use used for wouldn't change with legitimacy. The point is to get Americans so pissed off that they beg for the military to go in while pretending they're showing restraint.

I think you pose a really good point, to be honest.
Would you classify it as psycho-terrorism?
The thought had also crossed my mind that they faked the videos as a possible 'advertisement' for recruitment as well. A way to kill two birds with one stone when the video was covered in American news.
I don't want to go as far as to say every single Muslim in the world is an extremist because it just isn't true. But aside from the UK, the USA has one of the largest Muslim populations. UK has a bit over 1,600 mosque's, whilst America is well over 2,000. Maybe they want to reach out to them via the news, hoping they will get involved with their cause. The British forbade citizens to watch the video due to it being propaganda, we got no such threats in the US. I think it's fair to say, when it comes to two countries who have always been at war - we'll never know the truth.

I would classify it as deception. I think terrorism is a buzzword used to manipulate us into reacting out of emotion rather than logic. Overloading our minds with so much fear and anger that we disregard the possible consequences of overreacting and/or dismiss the possibility that we're being manipulated by any means of deception to that end. A lot of times it's tough to figure out exactly what their (US & UK) intentions are when it comes to them explicitly telling their people what not to do and by what means they use to get it our out there. David Cameron through his position as PM told his people not to watch it. Was his intention to keep people from questioning the legitimacy of the video? Was it to use reverse psychology to push those who already don't trust the government to possibly seek out the video in an act of defiance to acquire a list of untrusting citizens? Was it to possibly use that same reverse psychology for the recruitment of other Muslims for the cause that was undoubtedly created by the Western powers? Does it make sense for a government official to forbid it's people from doing something as mundane as visiting a website or watching a video? When it comes to America, the government didn't, but it often uses the media talking heads to make it's point for them. They don't tell the news as much as they present an opinion on a certain piece of news. News is suppose to be unbiased and conjecture free. Yet, they invite people on to tell the viewers what they need to know about any situation. However, our news is filled with subtle suggestions, by those who are suppose to tell us what we need to know, to not watch the video. "I didn't view it myself, but..", "The images are chilling, I wish I didn't see them", "I refused to watch the video as it's clearly propaganda, "ISIS wants people to watch..", "The video is horrifying, let's show the viewers this quick clip first then get (insert names) take on it after", and the other such statements. Could the intentions be the same for both countries by using separate tactics? Are we reading too much into it or are we not digging deep enough? I really don't know(pun not intended). I can't answer for anyone else, but me. I'm just posing the questions that I hope we're all asking ourselves before we state anything as fact or fiction. As always, I'm curious to hear what other's think.

Edit: grammar

Not arguing. What is the "grand scheme of things"? Seriously?

Enslaved vs. enslavers.

This is exactly what I was saying when people started talking about the Foley execution being faked. Why would they fake it? Why pretend to kill someone? These guys are killing people every day and for some reason they will pretend to kill two American journalists? For what reason?! The videos are "staged" for sure, but not fake at all.

One possible explanation is that they fucked up the decapitations and might have had to reshoot with corpses or something.

My theory is that the guy in the black pajamas is just a face man. He speaks English well and he looks fantastic in a hood, but he probably killed neither journalist himself. Some grizzled goat herder who couldn't point to America on a map sawed those guys' heads off with a really big dull knife off camera.

From what the news is saying there are hundreds of foreign fighters in ISIS, so I don't really have trouble believing that one of these fighters would be capable of speaking english AND sawing someone's head off.

A couple of thoughts: "The camera fades out as "The Terrorist" begins to saw the the journalist's necks. Then the camera shows the corpse briefly."

Might that be so that these videos could be shown in their entirety on MSM, ensuring that the message is spread, and the perpetrators demand of GTFO of Iraq is heard by the public in hopes of starting a debate between the public and the policy makers? Instead of having to scrounge about on the net trying to watch the video in full before it is taken down. Or before the UK govt labels you a terrorist for looking at it?

"I feel like this guy is trying to portray a super villain. His mannerisms are off. Rehearsed. And I don't really pick up on an accent. Both of the reporters seem fairly stoic, considering their impending execution; their voices aren't even shaky."

I think this is highly rehearsed. Everyone involved by now knows that this is going to get massive amounts of views, don't want to sound like a mumble-mouth now, do ya? I have never met a British Middle Easterner, so i would not be able to say what one should sound like. As to the prisoners demeanor, i can't say. Having never been held in captivity for an extended period of time, or ever, and subject to the whims of fanatical captors i can't say how i would react. That is assuming, of course, the videos are indeed real.

Second point is how I feel as well. This isn't some fucking cellphone cam decapitation, this is meant to be a professionally-edited video. IS wants to intimidate with this video.

I have a completely ridiculous thought that I would love for someone to chime in o :

What if... These beheading videos are purposely cut before the action so that folks in this subreddit and communities like it will watch the videos and call out the obvious bullshit. Only then do they release the full beyond-a-shadow of a doubt video, just to make us look like idiots.

Am I way out there? These videos just seem so fake it smells like a honeypot.

These executions are without a doubt real. If the full execution were to be recorded, what would we debating or questioning? Forget about your doubts of authenticity and keep the focus on the grand scheme of things.

If the purpose was to get the US enraged, then why the fuck is the Obama administration taking such a cautioned noninterventionist stance to the situation? Furthermore, if the US "mock executed" the guy, then why would IS deny that they killed him? They absolutely despise America, there would be no reason for them to perpetuate a US lie.

The motive behind the cautioned stance is to show us as "not easily provoked" IMO.

If we can play it as cautious as we can, THEN enter the war, then Washington can justify it as, "they kept on poking the bull, then they got the horns."

The entire thing is just a huge cliché being played out over and over again every few years.

Enslaved vs. enslavers.

Yeah if you question your ranking officers it wont go well for you, but they don't only communicate with their ranking officers through twitter. And why would their ranking officers perpetuate something they know to be false.

You are just another drone, that much is obvious. You probably cry when you recite the pledge of allegiance.
America has a perpetual boner for wars, I'm sure you've noticed that.. if you're a citizen anyway. It's greed, simply put. America doesn't 'help' people out of the goodness of their hearts - they take advantage of times like these so they can benefit from it somehow.
If Obama really wanted to take a cautious stance, he could have paid ransom for his citizens yet he did fuck all. He could have prevented the 'outrage'.
To address your speculation on the executions being faked - if you want to believe they weren't faked, you're entitled to your own opinion. But I don't think it's very customary for people to die as.. casually as Sotloff did. He was calm and rational, like he was at the hairdressers. That's just not.. realistic. Even if you've accepted you're going to die, you're still going to react in some form.
Especially from a death as slow and drawn out as that one seemed to look.

Go read some books.

Edit: Typo.

Haha anyone who disagrees must just be an ignorant patriotic American. It's called skepticism dumbfuck. I thought the execution was fishy too, but I'm not just going to assume that it was faked without figuring out why someone would fake it. I don't think the US did it, because ISIS has been saying over and over that they did do it.