Has anyone else been getting this strange gut feeling that something big is coming this year? Never before with any doomsday prediction have I thought anything would actually happen. However this year, I feel like with all these dots connecting, something is moving.

6  2014-09-03 by [deleted]

It's probably nothing. But it feels like something. I have no idea what, but something.


We need a big war before the economy collapses to keep the myth going.

Ya, you aren't alone

he'll never be alone in this matter. Since I started studying this shit like 15 years ago... there is always this sentiment. I'm sure it goes well back to before written history too.

Ya, but I feel like the propaganda is really ramping up as of late. I don't know what it means, but it makes me feel a little less comfortable.

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Yes, and I keep trying to shake it off. I have a terrible feeling some awful catastrophe is going to happen for several weeks. I tell myself it's my depression and when something bad does happen, like a recent death in the family I feel like "okay, that was it" But it wasn't, the feeling comes back.

Well... frankly, I was surprised to recently learn that there is Scientific truth to this from non other than Princeton Univ. researchers. Not that the media would EVER cover something positive. This research is an ongoing project titled the Global Consciousness Project (Google it you will find what I am citing they keep the data fairly current) This research has validated that people in the aggregate must share (on some subconscious level) a sixth sense. People globally seem to send out measurable vibes minutes prior to major global events that have occurred. This has been detected before both natural and man made tragedies. They have proven time and time again through retrospectively analyzing the data collected and comparing the data against historic events from as small as a local community to the whole planet. I've learned at this point in my life that you are not the CRAZY one. Those that choose not to trust their gut almost always regret it later. I am with you though. Approximately 2 years ago all of my priorities realigned without me consciously thinking about it. I went from being a pretty successful mid level Exec. at two different fortune 500's over the prior decade into a guy in an entry level job at a tech co. and "PREPPER" with no career aspiration literally overnight.
I started seeing through all the B.S. That we allow to drive our daily decisions. I stopped watching TV and began reading about this countries founding from Original Sources in the founders own words. We are nothing but a shell of their vision at this point and we are living ALL of the fears and ideals that they warned is to avoid which is ironically what is causing the fall of the empire like the creation of a central bank...that has taken 70 years, but that alone has done more damage to this country. Nixon taking is off the Gold Standard. The Fed. Gov't becoming too powerful and the States forgetting that they are more powerful that the Fed. Gov't. States can ignore any Federal law they wish to protect their people from as long as the Law is not an item SPECIFICALLY states as enumerated to the Fed. Gov't BY THE STATES. It is coming, and will unravel 2015 into 2016 and will be painful. Honestly believe it could lead to a second American Civil War or New Revolution entirely. Think that's a crazy statement? Consider this, in my entire life, I have NEVER seen local Militias show up and stand down a Federal Law Enforcement Agency. Have you? Not until the Bundy Ranch and Texas border. What about the blatant disregard and suspension of the 4th Amendment. It's not a conspiracy anymore. The Gov't is openly spying on all of its people. If you dare have a data center offering encryption to protect your customer Identity, than you will be raided and fined daily until you give the Gov't the Encryption key to the entire code enabling them access to everyone's data on the network. See Lavabit! The owner who is a Patriot shut down the business and destroyed the servers. That way when he finally complied with the order nothing was available for them to snoop. We are now a TAX SLAVE country. Most are comfortable just going about their daily lives until the government comes for them. Instead of trying to fight them now in the court of public opinion. We need to TAKE back our rights that they Fed is supposed to protect for us and not take from us as they have. I dont have faith that anything can stop what's coming, so if you have not done so yet, go get your bullets, Bread, guns and band aids. Good Luck

We're approaching solar minimum, so it won't be wwiii.

What does the solar cycle have to do with ww3?

Interesting article, there. Though, i refuse to admit it is true, as i dont beljeve correlation equals causation. But, entertaining the idea, i found that your conclusion is actually the opposite of the one i drew from this article.

He concluded that 80% of the major events of human drama occurred during the 5 years around maximum in sunspot activity.

The mkst recent solar maximum occured very, very recently. Like last year. It may still be technically occuring, but i think the apex has passed. Regardless, we are well within his "five year" parameter. Also, i found this line in the article:

Upon close examination of the data, a pattern begins to emerge wherein wars are most likely to start in key points of the sunspot cycle. This is when the geomagnetic activity is changing most rapidly on the upsurge of solar activity, or the downward part of the cycle, when sunspots are rapidly diminishing.

Again, even if the apex has passed us, we are well within the range to fit this pattern for ww3 to occur.

BUT, thats assuming this correlation to equate causation.

Really great breakdown of the article. I don't disagree with your assessment. It was the first article I found on google and hoped it would be good enough to get the point across.

I started looking into heliobiology/heliopsychology/bioelectromagnetics a few years ago and read quite a bit about it. Saved all of it to a different computer. When all put together it lends a better picture of causation.

There is a ~40% increase in psych ward admissions after geomag storms (england research, I believe). The federal reserve did a study and found that geomag storms altered and lead to a predictable trading behavior on the stock exchange. There's numerous articles on PubMed tying in solar cycle/storms to effects on circulatory system. The list could go on and on but I'm on mobile.

Anyway, see here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Chizhevsky#Sunspots_and_mass_excitability

If you can get Chizhevsky's papers in front of you, well, it may be a bit more convincing.

Ill look into it. Afterall, our brain patterns and behavioral mechanisms are driven by electronic communications between the synapses of our neurons. So the idea is plausible, at the least. I just havent found enough to sway my current belief on the matter, as of yet. Though i still remain open to the idea.

Yeah the US economy is collapsing, but central bankers won't be giving up power willingly. I fear for the US, but if we can make it through this, much better times are coming.

We have all had that feeling at somepoint in our lifes!

Lines are being drawn up for WWIII, if you're in your 20's you are sure as shit going to be drafted

The selective service lasts until 26 actually and if it is anything like the past, students are not likely to be drafted.

Thank fuck I live in Australia.

Ah yes, Australia, the land of socialism and total gun control. Where the balls of the men are chopped off shortly after puberty.

Wow, I'm suddenly glad for all my various arrests, nut hut visits and medical conditions!!!!

9/11/14 is the 13th anniversary.... creeps me out

We are also about exactly 100 years from the beginning of WW1

We know how the elite love their number games.

I think the overwhelming feeling comes from how obvious it is getting. You don't even have to be a "conspiracy theorist" at this point. It is scary how obvious they are acting.

I think we have all been waiting on it. However this feeling is getting to be a bit more "real". A lot of odd shit is going down and it seems like there are so many issues going on across the geopolitical world than any action will likely be a surprise. I am betting on power grid failure. Fuck up the power it fucks up communications. Communications are an important thing.

Nothing will happen in a non-wrecked country this 9/11. Something bad will go down in a country that has nothing but dirt, dryness, crumbling bland concrete buildings, and dust. But who cares about that since bombs and "lalalala BANG" are a standard part of their culture now.

As a life-based civilization, we owe it to the universe to not let these death-based food eaters make us become pessimistic!

Thinking that the world will end makes it happen for you as an individual. You spend $$$ on a bunker instead of living life.

Ah yes, Australia, the land of socialism and total gun control. Where the balls of the men are chopped off shortly after puberty.

We know how the elite love their number games.

Ya, but I feel like the propaganda is really ramping up as of late. I don't know what it means, but it makes me feel a little less comfortable.

What does the solar cycle have to do with ww3?