Whenever something like this "phone hacking scandle" takes over all the news you should try to pay attention to what's going on elsewhere. What is our attention being diverted from? What bill is passing? What country is quietly being invaded?

110  2014-09-04 by [deleted]


US and NATO troops moved to Ukraine.


Any mainstream outlet really. Just heard it on NPR too.

US and NATO troops moved to Ukraine.

Only 200 from what I see. But still.


Thanks, you beat me to it. It's not much but any amount would probably heighten tension in the area.

Any troop killed would be sufficient for casus belli.

Most likely marines

When I was talking to a recruiter and we sent troops to Gaddafi the first and only ones in were marines

I guess we can send a small amount if them in before the 30 day invasion thing or something like that

Immediately after the hub-bub, Israel annexed 440 acres of Palestine.

This is where my attention was. They are building an ENTIRE CITY on the West Bank. Is this not bothering ANYONE?

People are on drugs. Literally.

First, the hunger games was a book meant to install fear in people. Fear that scarcity of resources would lead to a gladiator-based economy and a return to the Roman Bread and Circus.

Second, Hollywood casts a skinny homely chick in the role of leading female gladiator. The machinery goes to work popularizing her beauty. She's not beautiful.

Eventually, Hollywood "leaks" nude "selfies" of this skinny chick. Millions of porn-addicted men now fap to a non-shapely, too-skinny, not-attractive female body. They feel they aren't worthy of her, because she is celebrity. In reality, they could pick up a better looking chick at a bus stop...

I haven't read the Hunger Games, so I don't know if it is propaganda or not, but I can see where you are coming from. It won't really be scarcity of resources though, just that they will be tightly controlled and manipulated through corporations controlled by the U.S.F.G.

Jennifer Lawrence is definitely beautiful. She's by no means a super hot, 10/10, but she's a good looking woman, and rather down-to-earth. She's a distraction though.

Please get your ass to the nearest bus stop for 90 minutes.

Yes, I know what women at the bus stop look like because I actually walk through the bus station on my way to work every day (that I work). I cashier, so I see hundreds of different women every day. There are beautiful women everywhere. I don't understand what your point is. I'm pretty picky about who I would call beautiful too.

A lot of important info in this thread, but I agree that Jennifer Lawrence isn't as pretty as people make her out to be. She is attractive, but not a 10.


What if all the strawmen?


I wasn't calling all media strawmen, I was lumping your strawman argument with all the strawmen, and now you've made not one, but two, strawmen.

Learn a new tactic for pretending to be better than others.


Yes, I know what a strawman is. I am not going to waste time on your semantic games, we're done.


Not so. That's four strawmen. It's so many that they could be the Four Strawmen of the Apocalypse.

I suspect you get paid for performing this task. Good day.


You really need to recognize the inherent fallacy which rendered your initial argument "fake" to the extent that it was a strawman. You're at that level.


No, of course not. YOUR above-stated point of view is a straw man, not ANY dissenting point of view. Your argument doesn't qualify as worth bothering with. It is so bad, in fact, that either you need to sit down and shut up due to lack of qualifications to be here, or, more likely, you are being paid to lower the level of discourse.

Lets not forget fukushima is still a thing!

THIS ^ About a month ago I heard that they had 10 days to figure out how to cool a reactor before it reached dangerous temperatures. never heard the outcome of that one.

Then yesterday I heard that they were building a dump facility that was ~29x bigger than some baseball stadium. <--- Might have facts wrong but I heard it has way bigger than some sport thing.

Edit Found Sources. Fukushima has 9 Days. Dump Facility

There are lots of model plane enthusiasts that moved on to "drones."

Japanese citizens should get a couple and fly them around the Fukushima area.

Well, maybe they would if the radiation wasn't so high as to literally incapacitate all electronics that get anywhere near it...

Dude did you post this like a year ago? Im getting serious deja vu wtf

Haha. Nope. Deja vu is an interesting phenomenon though! Have we all been here before?

The Fappening is a big distraction, hackers are taking the blame but I wonder if the NSA is involved. Let's not forget that finding nudes is a "job perk" and these findings are shared. I often think that these "hackers" are the NSA.

Also I realized that I am getting old because I only knew two of the celebrities...Dunst and Lawrence.

As someone with a degree in CS and worked for years in the IT/Security industry, it is highly improbable that these were obtained through any sort of hack. The difficulty in even identifying the accounts of this many people on this many different devices & sources is astronomical. Then actually breaching these accounts is pretty much impossible for anyone outside the NSA.

It is already documented that the NSA techs regularly pass nude photos of people around the office. We know that they have the capability of typing in anyone's name/email/phone# and bringing up every electronic communication they have had in the past several years. It is far more likely that one of these guys went through and collected all the celeb nudes they could find, put them on a USB stick, shoved it up their ass, and smuggled it out.

The other probable explanation is a trading ring operating on the deep web went through some drama and one of the members decided to sell their stash to screw over the other members.

To many people, guessing a password is considered a hack.

This is the best thing I have read about this so far, care to give more details as to how impossible it would be due to the reasons you provided?

What makes it so hard to hack both an iphone 4 and galaxy S4?

I thought it was all an icloud hack, that's what the media seems to be saying.

Individual phones can be targeted and hacked, no problem - especially if you have hands-on capability. The issue is doing it systemically. And even if you managed to crack the entire system (no small feat, and worth millions of dollars on the black market as a zero-day exploit with actual real-world business uses for gigantic financial gains and insider information from anyone, rather than just wasting its existence on a distracting set of leaked photos) and have access to literally everyone's data, you now have the problem of trying to figure out whose email is really going to the specific target you have in mind. That's going to be hard; even if Jennifer Lawrence uses something obvious like name@apple.com, there's going to be thousands of people with the same name, and thousands more with fake emails. The number of variants is staggering… and that's assuming (which is almost definitely an incorrect assumption) that the account is not abstracted or difficult to guess at all.

Also I realized that I am getting old because I only knew two of the celebrities...Dunst and Lawrence.

Or because they only used up and coming/current hotness in this leak because it was who the greatest number of people would know, and therefore effect.

Somalia you guys.

Yep. Airstrikes on shabaab. No talk in the media. I dunno what will come of it though.

This whole situation is pretty interesting to me.

Look up "Underground celebrity nude trading ring," apparently it's something that has been going on for quite a while, open to people that "buy" their way in with their own unique photos, and the fact that such a deluge of "desirable," (in relation to who's popular at the moment) photos has been released like this is a bit sketchy.

I've never understood what makes celebrities "desirable" in the first place. Think about whatever 'hottie' is popular this week; you've never heard a single word out of her mouth that wasn't written by someone else, and you've never seen her without the benefit of her makeup-squad. So just what are you attracted to?

Tits, I'm pretty attracted to tits.

And then we have ebola :\

Why is it always assumed that we can only pay attention to one thing at a time? I don't know about you but I am perfectly capable of following multiple news stories at once. I'm not a complete fucking retard.

It's not about paying attention to multiple news stories it's about drowning something out intentionally.

In an age where you can actively select what you want to read watch and hear, how exactly can you honestly say anyone is drowning out anything? It's like when Fox claims "the mainstream media won't cover this story" They are the mainstream media and they are covering it. It's juts sensationalist BS. In this day and age you have complete control of the media and information you hear. You act no one is capable of paying attention to more than one thing at a time. It's moronic and complete bullshit to try and create a conspiracy where none exists. Sometimes shit just happens.

Unfortunately, the masses aren't as sharp as you.

I think the icloud scandal was to make the entire US aware of privacy concerns, not just at the consumer level, but to initiate some outrage at the No Such Agency which steals all our data.

If you think everything is a distraction, you have been successfully distracted. Take your own advice, pay attention.

I like it, distractception