Seth MacFarlane

28  2014-09-05 by [deleted]

Seth MacFarlane is an interesting individual. He was almost a passenger on American Airlines flight 11, which hit the North Tower on 9/11, but missed the flight. His show, The Family Guy aired an episode about Robin Williams and suicide the week before the actor's death, as well as an episode about mass murder at the Boston Marathon right around the time of the tragedy. He also performed a song at the Oscar's last year, alluding to his desire to see Jennifer Lawrence's boobs.


Over 350 Passengers Canceled Their Reservations or Didn't Show Up for the Hijacked 9/11 Flights

Seth MacFarlane is the creator of the Fox network cartoon sitcom Family Guy and is also well known for having hosted the 2013 Oscars. On the evening of September 10, he gave a lecture at his old college in Rhode Island, after which he went out with some faculty members and "had a few pints." He was therefore hung over on the morning of September 11. Furthermore, MacFarlane has said that his travel agent mistakenly told him Flight 11 was scheduled to take off at 8:15 a.m., instead of 7:45 a.m. Consequently, when he arrived at Logan Airport the gate had already closed, so he exchanged his ticket for a seat on another flight later in the morning and avoided being on the hijacked plane. "I missed it by 10 minutes," MacFarlane has commented. "It was very, very fortunate." [10]

Curiously, Macfarlane's account is contradicted by an FBI document that lists many passengers who canceled reservations for Flight 11. While MacFarlane suggested that he intended to take Flight 11 but arrived at the airport too late, the document states that he actually canceled his reservation at 6:34 a.m. on September 11, more than an hour before the plane was scheduled to take off. [11]


Read it again. He arrived at logan airport late.

I'm sure he did, but it doesn't mean he cancelled it at the airport.

So he called and cancelled at 6:43am but then went to airport and realized he was late, not that he cancelled it, that he was late? That doesnt make any sense.

He called, cancelled (and rescheduled), then went because he was going on a later flight.

Youd think that he would say that....its kind of a stretch to assume that when thats not what he said.


He was hung over, slept in, missed his flight and rescheduled, YET he called and canceled his ticket very early in the morning? He didn't miss shit. He was in on it the entire time.

^ Bad reading comprehension.

It was difficult to understand what the person above me was saying.

The Family Guy aired an episode about Robin Williams and suicide the week before the actor's death

I think it was actually a repeat and it was playing on the BBC at the time of his death, not a week before.

For the record BBC3 plays at least 2 episodes of family guy every night, drastically reducing the coincidence levels of that one.

BBC 3 plays two episodes of family guy per night?

As an American this blow my mind.

Yeah, all repeats though. And a good series behind the latest batch.

I'll blow it further for you, Swedish Chanel 6 shows 4 episodes of Family Guy each afternoon, and 4 episodes of The Simpsons, back to back.

Do they play episodes that were inexplicably not shown on the date they were originally scheduled (in this case, by a massive two weeks. By your logic, 39 episodes out of sync.) Then play an episode that deals highly with the subject of an insanely strange suicide. Running parallels to the entire suicide throughout said inexplicably delayed by two weeks episode?

Didnt think so.

McFarlane is in on it. Zionist? Homosexual?Thought so.

There is no schedule for re-runs, they're random. I could not tell you how many times they've shown the episode where Stewie kills Louis but air part2 first amd them pt1 can be shown the next day or even a week later, same goes for the Simpsons episode "Who shot mr. Burns", pt2 is often aired before pt1.

Are you seriousy believing McFarlane made an episode about R. Williams then planed the re-run of said episode to coincide with his death? Do you also belive that McFarlane is a psychic or how do you explain how he knew when to schedule said re-run? And what does his sexuality has to do with any of this?

This is a typical Saturday night on BBC Three. Family Guy from 11pm until 2:20am.

It's also on every week night a few times.

And you guys lay for this garbage. Staged "news" and shitty yank reruns.

This one however was scheduled for two weeks priorm. It was not shown then, and instead was shown just prior to his actual death. This is HIGJLY abnormal. And as we know from Roosevelt, coincidence in politics doesn't occur. Ever.


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The episode before the Boston Bombing, which was about muslim terrorists blowing up a bridge, really disturbed me.

Copy-pasting a previous comment I wrote:

Propaganda is so pervasive in TV and movies. One thing that I couldn't believe was an episode of Family Guy. In the episode, Peter joins a terrorist sleeper cell which blows up a bridge. At the end of the episode, as the terrorists are arrested they make a 'joke' about how they will not be given a fair trial. After watching that episode, I couldn't stop talking about how disturbing the propaganda of the episode was. The episode was presenting a reality in which we are surrounded by Muslim terrorist sleeper cells which care about nothing but blowing things up, and that these people are not to be given fair trials. The dehumanizing of muslims was unbelievable. I felt like I was watching anti-jewish propaganda in Nazi Germany. Fortunately Fox doesn't have to fully live up to the shame of pushing such racist propaganda because they stopped airing the episode after the Boston Marathon bombing less than a month later, because this episode of Family Guy also contained a really bad joke about Peter killing a bunch of people at the Boston Marathon. The recent episode of the Simpsons where Lisa reports Homer to the FBI because she thinks that he has been converted into a Muslim terrorist also made me very sad.

It's satire, not propaganda.

It's portraying how the majority of US citizens view muslims.

I'd say it is shaping people's views as much as it is reflecting them.

I have never seen credible evidence that there are Muslim Jihadists here on the USA mainland, neither in real life, nor in video or photographs. If not for the media, I doubt that Americans at home would see Muslims as they are portrayed in the media.

Muslim hate mongering in the media is propaganda. I don't see the satire here.

It's satirical because it's portrayed in a comic tone.

Family Guy isn't "The Media," it's a comedic-cartoon that satirizes popular topics in "The Media." If you were watching Fox News, and they had a segment on "Signs That Your Neighbor is a Muslim Jihadist," that would be propaganda.

You did touch on one truth though. There are many people in society who take satire at face value. For instance, there are some people who believe that Stephen Colbert is being straight-up about his views on the Colbert Report. Those people would be wrong; but that doesn't stop them from watching the show and adapting those opinions as their own. This is the double-edged sword of satire.

The thought of taking Colbert seriously is really wild. Whoever invited him to deliver a speach at the White House in the company of George W. Bush must been among those who take Colbert seriously as a political commentator: Colbert Roasts Bush - 2006 White House Correspondents' Dinner


You missed the part where I explained it.

It's satirical because it's portrayed in a comic tone. Family Guy isn't "The Media," it's a comedic-cartoon that satirizes popular topics in "The Media." If you were watching Fox News, and they had a segment on "Signs That Your Neighbor is a Muslim Jihadist," that would be propaganda. You did touch on one truth though. There are many people in society who take satire at face value. For instance, there are some people who believe that Stephen Colbert is being straight-up about his views on the Colbert Report. Those people would be wrong; but that doesn't stop them from watching the show and adapting those opinions as their own. This is the double-edged sword of satire.


prop·a·gan·da ˌpräpəˈgandə/ noun 1. derogatory information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.

sat·ire ˈsaˌtīr/ noun the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.

Sounds like there's a pretty clear distinction to me. But sure. Whatever you say.


I'm pretty sure "aren't mutually exclusive" would imply that something can be a satire and a piece of propaganda at the same time. I asserted that they are mutually exclusive, and now we're getting into a semantic argument.


Now you're getting defensive and spouting nonsense. You're wrong. There, I said it.


Sitcom/funny movie =/= Satire


Dude. No. I'm not going to do that.

The reason satire can't be the same as propaganda is because their purposes are in direct opposition to each other. Satire calls attention to social injustices, or parodies popular cultural tropes; while propaganda creates social injustices or cultural tropes.

I've already given more than anecdotal evidence supporting my case. If you're so certain that satire can be used for the same purpose as propaganda, then how about you come up with an example and prove it to me.

Yeah, I know you're going to act like you've won because I denied your stupid request to prove my correctness. I really don't care. Your comments alone call attention to what a pedant you are.


I don't seem to understand what duality? All you've said are some cryptic things with no actual examples to support your claims.


Like I said. Cryptic shit. No actual evidence. This debate has been getting more ridiculous with each comment.

Give me something concrete that supports your point, or GTFO.


You're an actual idiot. This conversation is over.

You got trolled. I don't know what /u/I_do_not_consent wanted or got out of this exchange. He was just spouting BS to keep you arguing.

Lol yeah, I got that.

The episode were Lois runs for mayor of Quahog and wins the debate by just saying "9/11" without any context is also very telling. =)

Even though it's a quote, foreign terrorist sleeper cells don't exist. Domestic intelligence sleeper cells on the other hand...

Yea, all this has made me much more analytical of family guy, even if it is all coincidence. Family guy takes on a different meaning now, for some reason.

(And american dad)

how about the american dad episode with the rapture

And he has a terrific voice.

And looks amazing in a tux.

He was trained by the same vocal coaches as Frank Sinatra

Obviously he can predict the future guys.

No. But just like the Lone Gunmen episode that directly paralleled the 9/11 incident to a T. He has "friends" feeding him info.

I've heard three different accounts from 'seth' on his missed flight. it's bullshit. either that or he was on the flight, they killed him, and replaced him, or they reprogrammed him.

He goes from a cancelled funny satirical show and a fateful flight to 3 prime time shows on the fascist network. go figure.

Haha his how got cancelled and the DVD box sets were selling so damn we'll as well as reruns on adult swim is what got him his show back. Fox has always had cartoons on their network. They like making money he's not some mk ultra guy here to manipulate us somehow.

the tone of the show also changed a lot, and it wasn't anywhere near as biting. then they make a show about a CIA guy, and the whole thing reeks of establishment. bait and switch

american dad is hilarious


DVD box sets were selling so damn we'll as well as reruns on adult swim is what got him his show back

I'd say he knew the right people and rubbed elbows with them enough to get a 2nd chance. Hollywood is not a meritocracy; it's all about who you know.

Hollywood is about making money. Family guy was the best selling DVD box set. The rerun reached a wide audience on adult swim then it did on fox. They saw an opportunity to make gobs of money and try took it.

FTFY: All about who you blow. And Seth, straight around the clock. Straight is the wrong word to use.

We're talking about FOX here. Come on.

Not quite. No one died on the digital airliners They died from the planted explosives sure,but digitally inserted planes, even waxing existential, no one died on the "planes."

His Oscar presentation angered the Hollywood jews, he knows whats up.

this might not be that hard to find, but, link?


He's old school gay hollywood, that trumps hollywood jew, unless it's a gay hollywood jew....In that case, they make him head of CNN. Boom!


It's not really all that surprising. There were plenty of politics centered around Bin Laden before 9/11, but not a lot of media coverage.

Seth MacFarlane is a hyper political guy. It's extremely apparent in episodes of Family Guy and American Dad.

Add to this discussion. A Simpsons episode called Homer vs the city of New York. Has a Bart very open to buy tickets for the family to go to NY to get Homers car, he holds a pamphlet that says 9/11 on it, the whole episode is Homers struggle not to leave his car waiting for a traffic cop to pay the ticket to take the boot off his car which is dead center of the WTC. This episode was aired in the late 90s, 98 I think? It was season 10 of the show. Good episode too.

There was another controversy when Family Guy aired an episode of the dog Brian dying in a car accident and then a week later Paul Walker off of Fast and Furious died in a car accident in real life, Paul's stage name in the movie was also Brian.


Why would someone as rich as him need lottery tickets

I'm pretty sure "aren't mutually exclusive" would imply that something can be a satire and a piece of propaganda at the same time. I asserted that they are mutually exclusive, and now we're getting into a semantic argument.

american dad is hilarious

how about the american dad episode with the rapture
