Serious question, where does the reptilian conspiracy theory come from? Was it created to discredit "conspiracy theorists"? Does it hold water?

36  2014-09-07 by [deleted]

Let me make it clear, I do not, by any means, believe in the reptilian theory of creation. I think it is used to discredit us as "conspiracy theorists", but then again, I am very open minded.

Can someone give me more information on the reptilian theory of creation, its origins and its validity? As well, what are some good books relating to it?


The idea is that the apple in the garden of Eden is a metaphor for sex: Eve was impregnated by the serpent, who was actually a reptilian humanoid, and started the bloodline of psychopaths (basically people who are born with a stunted neocortex, causing them to think with their "reptilian" brain) that vex us to this day; beginning with the fratricidal Cain.

Supporting elements are that Freemasons call themselves the sons of Cain; and are, by psychopathic means, nearing completion of their global civilization which selects for psychopathology. Also, Jesus was often portrayed in prophecy as the serpent on the tree; and Quetzalcoatl/Kukulcan, who taught the Maya and Aztec their civilizations, and who knew the secrets of masonry, means feathered/resplendent serpent.

The 'reptilian' brain isn't involved in 'higher order' thinking/thought, that's the neocortex..

The 'reptilian' brain isn't involved in 'higher order' thinking/thought,

Higher order thinking / thought doesn't necessarily have to mean the leadership that we see now-a-days.

It could mean leadership that benefits all and not just the few elite.

Resorting to the "reptilian brain" would lead to what we know as sociopathic tendencies.

The reptilian theory is as old as written testament. From the Sumerians, to the Maya, to the Egyptians, to the Chinese, even the Christians to this very day have an intelligent reptilian account.

Does it hold water?

I guess that depends on who you ask. Is there documentation outside of David Icke? Yes. Is it a true representation of factual events? Not sure.

An idea that has survived the test of time, and has traversed the globe demands a serious investigation, in my opinion.

I was really surprised how much old/ancient info there is on reptilians.

At this point in my life nothing would really surprise me anymore. There are so many seemingly ridiculous things that I find at least plausible, from the artificial moon to the inner earth(ok maybe not that one) to the nephilim to the universe being a simulation. Everything in reality seems so absurd to me that if reptilians were somehow proven to exist my reaction would just be like, "yup, that explains a lot."

I looked through this list, if you have further links you want to use to substantiate your claim please post them.

It seems as if reptilian representation in theology is what you'd expect. People see animals and creatures around them and write about them. I'm not really seeing reptilians being given too many key roles in their respective manifestations throughout theology.

As an agnostic atheist, I don't see the place for mysticism in our culture as anything more than a periphery side distraction.

I'm not ruling out extraterrestrial intervention in our origins, and sadly its a topic that is both very interesting and very scant on substantial fact other than the intriguing artifact or the carving however I'm more than open to receiving any new information on the subject.

I digress, the world as we know it with its nation states and powers, cultures, peoples, follows a logical procession through all the static of individual human choices.

Geopolitical thinking and opportunism has driven leaders and peoples to causes and is thus a better explanatory mechanism for the actions of political leaders, groups and world events. (with the spice of uncertainty and the human variable for good mix)

TLDR: yeah I'm betting on the chance that "reptilian political hegemony" is a disinformation/misinformation smear campaign.

I found this interesting.

In 1982, Dale Russell, then curator of vertebrate fossils at the National Museum of Canada in Ottawa, conjectured a possible evolutionary path for Troodon, if it had not perished in the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event 65 million years ago, suggesting that it could have evolved into intelligent beings similar in body plan to humans. Over geologic time, Russell noted that there had been a steady increase in the encephalization quotient or EQ (the relative brain weight when compared to other species with the same body weight) among the dinosaurs. Russell had discovered the first Troodontid skull, and noted that, while its EQ was low compared to humans, it was six times higher than that of other dinosaurs. Russell suggested that if the trend in Troodon evolution had continued to the present, its brain case could by now measure 1,100 cm3; comparable to that of a human.

Is a reptilian humanoid plausible? I think so. Do they exist? Maybe. It's a fucking huge universe/multiverse. In relation to the rest of the cosmos our system is relatively young.

I think chalking it up to disinformation/misinformation is a rather myopic view of reality. On the other hand, believing any old theory, just because it fits within a preconceived notion is ignorance and must be guarded against. Research, investigation, and logic must be used to solve this puzzle.

I'm not ruling out extraterrestrial intervention in our origins, and sadly its a topic that is both very interesting and very scant on substantial fact...

Since you do accept the possibility of extraterrestrial/extra-dimensional/extra-temporal beings. Why would a reptilian form be out of the question? Or, are you saying that these beings might exist, but that you don't think they are messing in our affairs?

Edit: What exactly is an agnostic atheist?

Agnostic Atheism- I don't claim knowledge nor belief in a mystical magical deity.

Now if we're going to talk about all of space and time, and not just limit our reptilian search to Earth history then I'd say absolutely. I'm almost willing to bet that somewhere out there are reptilian looking creatures with human characteristics. (although I'm sure someone with more of a background in taxology can make a more insightful statement here about what we can really call reptilian and to be mindful of how we use species labels to ET life.)

For Earth history, probably not so much, but then again I haven't lived for 4.54 billion years. Now I disagree.

We can argue all day about whether intelligent reptilian like creatures have ever existed on earth, and definitely if we consider the whole universe. If these creatures: ever intervened in human history, were its origins, inspiration for some cultures and ancient art and those discussions would be interesting.

But if we're talking about the specific idea that reptilian creatures exist, have intervened in human history by being our creators and have somehow managed to keep a discrete but powerful political influence in our affairs by whatever means including shape shifting, and continuing this control to this very day.

I'd say the chances of that being true are >1%.

While the chances that this theory is used to smear the image of "conspiracy theorists" to the mainstream public are I'd say are at least 50%.

Our spy agencies have proven innovative, aggressive and have resorted to crazier tactics than this to discredit any perceived opposition.

Thinking of some insidious hidden evil menacing the human race now reminds of the Silence from Doctor Who.

There are reptilian statues in the rothschilds estate with reptiles coiling around the figure of a human. There is definitely a higher control than humans. I think the theory does have credence as there is symbology referencing a reptile type race in many old cultures from Egypt to Maya. Now is it something to get caught up on? Not really, because who it is that is perpetuating these structures of control on humanity doesn't matter as much as accepting that we have been enslaved/controlled and now is the time to take our freedom back from this small group.



Obama's Nobel Prize doesn't seem quite as baffling after reading that!

No, they said you were a 'prick.'

Did y'all ever see that TV show Land of the Lost? Probably before your time; it was before my time, but still shown on TV when I was a kid. Dinosaurs, subterranean lizard people ("Sleestaks"), terranean hairy hominids, and they enter the world via an earthquake while rafting in the Grand Canyon (you want to follow some rabbit holes, look up Indian legends surrounding the Grand Canyon and conspiracies around hidden caves and artifacts found in the Canyon's "temples").

Every time I hear about lizard people, I get a chill and think of the Sleestacks. The show is really, really campy/cheesy, but I have a weird feeling that re-watching it might yield funny things now...


<3 Used to run around playing this as a kid, Land of the Lost, getting chased by Sleestaks, haha.. :O

There be hidden diamonds of 'truth' in the childhood mind control 'programming' (ok, it was creative, imaginative programming, and yeah, cheesy and campy) from the 'ole box..

Dude I used to love that show and you have really fucked me up. I never put it all together like that. I used to love that... thing,Sasha? Tasha? How horrific.

I loved that show to

Just for fun, I'll tell you what a mysterious telepathic entity / schizophrenic voice in my head claiming to be a reptilian psychic spy employed by the DoD to steal my company secrets that was selling anti-hacking tech to Iranian banks at the time.

  • Claimed that he was initially ordered to spy on me, but found nothing interesting but enjoyed that I was able to talk to him. He was ultimately lonely and wanted friends.
  • Said he was a bit of a double agent, actually resenting humanity
  • I asked about reptilian origins, he said they lived only in the desolate interior of the Australian outback
  • I asked why there were so few compared to humans, answer "They just failed to really thrive"
  • I asked about holographic disguises, he said "We don't have that technology, we just have rubber prosthetic makeup."
  • When I first asked about his identity, he said "I am a lizard covered with skin"
  • He said he bore a huge grudge against humanity for enslaving reptilians, and basically just wanted to see the world burn
  • Called himself "Lizard D"
  • Frequently referred to lizard sympathizers/shills as "reps"

Now, I don't know whether that story was bullshit or not, but the entity eventually claimed that it was all bullshit, just a story to make me less nervous about the reality of the situation. Later claimed to be a variety of different real and spiritual personas, but always revealed that it was a joke later on. The effect was to make it such that I could make no more guesses about his identity, because he had lied about absolutely everything.

It sounds fanciful, but our interactions were very real. I was being hacked at the time, I had to get rid of my Mac and buy a cheap windows laptop. Lizard D instructed me over many sessions about how to maximize security configuration in Windows 7, and I had no knowledge of that previously. He actually led the mouse around the screen like a Ouija board (using a Wacom tablet).

This by far the rawest thing I have seen on this sub.

This is interesting. Do you have anymore proof this lizard was real?

As convincing as it was, it turned out "Lizard D" was just one of many personalities adopted by this same voice, others included "A beacon of Zoroaster" born in 13th century, Roberta Williams (ex CEO of Sierra), Bill Gates, Lan Cai He (one of the 8 Immortals of Taoism), a gigantic telepathic brain grown in a jar at Microsoft headquarters, an anthropologist from a planet in the Betelgeuse system, the spokesperson from a team of microscopic alien birds with silicon minds living in my left eye, an extraterrestrial kid, time traveling me from the future who had learnt telepathy and was trying to teach me telekinesis because I would soon lose my arms due to a strange cancer, and a few more.

Each identity came with its own comprehensive backstory, and despite how crazy it all seems when I list it out like that, at the time I could never find a question that it couldn't answer convincingly. It was only when my paranoia about each situation started causing difficulty for me that it would relent and admit that it was just another story.

Yet I kept asking "but who are you really?"

The answer we finally settled on is that it's "the one thing you can never really know."

The whole story is huge and I am slowly turning it into a manuscript. Obviously, it sounds like paranoid schizophrenia, and in a way it was -- all phenomena were experienced as part of a years-long personal experiment I conducted into chronic sleeplessness gone wildly off course. However, part of it was truly bizarre in that I was given information I couldn't otherwise have known, as well as real life telekinesis and other completely bizarre phenomena.

Wow. This is good shit. What information did you learn from the voices that you couldn't have known before they told you? Was it schizophrenia or sleeplessness?

Well, I learnt many things, but in a kind of half-assed way, unfortunately, because I was so badly strung out from the lack of sleep. I was able to perpetuate my sleeping regimen by constantly taking phenethylamine and selegiline, which ultimately produces a pseudo schizophrenia.

This is unknown to ordinary psychiatrists and when I was eventually sectioned by my SO & family, I could not convince them that I wasn't actually schizophrenic. I had to move state to avoid forced injections. Psychiatrists in my new state affirmed my sanity, thankfully.

In any case, the few real "proofs" I received were when I asked for them, and it was always to inform me ahead of time when I could see a meteor. So, I'd be walking along at night and the voice would say "quick, in about 10 seconds over the east horizon, look!" and lo and behold, it would appear.

Other things would be incidental, like "ok, very attractive african woman around next corner." It happened, and there are almost no African black people where I live.

Anyway, there is something about being in that state that enables basically any manipulation of reality. My big revelation is that anything is possible if you can find a way to somehow believe it. I started my career as a scientist (chemist), and basically this voice started where my understanding of physics and the universe ended and provided a pseudo science that was so different yet internally consistent. I really believed it and because of my degraded mental function somehow believed at a deep level. Once I reached that state, I was able to do things as strange as performing remote telekinesis on situations that occurred in the past by focusing on a film or video recording.

As far fetched as that sounds, I actually have a reasonably water-tight explanation for how that could be possible. But, I don't think it really matters, it just needs to be whatever will truly convince you.

That's what all the religious / esoteric / occult symbolism and ritual is -- completely arbitrary stuff the only purpose of which is to be convincing and authoritative. Once you believe, the world really does change.

So, I will write comprehensively about this in future, I'll keep you posted.

I think the reptilian conspiracy theory is David Icke's baby, and he has written extensively about it.

I've often wondered if he doesn't believe in his reptilian craziness, and only goes to that extreme to take the focus off the things he says that are on track. Just to not end up on the radar, so to speak.

Better to be thought a fool, than a dead hero.

I'm not sure the heroes of history would agree with you.

I've heard it from a source I regard as reputable (friend of friend) that David Icke really does believe in the reptilians. I'l grant you this is pure anecdote and impossible to verify, however, I'm willing to believe this one.

The story was simply that a person happened to be near David Icke and took the opportunity to talk with him about the reptilians. The person said to Icke, "I am with you all the way to the reptilians. You don't really believe in those, do you? I mean, are you just saying they're real to kind of throw them off your scent or something?" Icke's response was something to the effect of, "Oh, no mate. They're real."

Not that it even matters.

Icke is just a guy. Once you know what's up Icke is ancillary at best.

I believe he would say that regardless of his true feelings. Maybe I'm wrong, but reptilians are about 4 steps too far up the crazy ladder. To me it's on a belief in god sort of level. I do like his thoughts on politics though, but I mostly watch his stuff just for a good laugh.

A.) Do what you like.

B.) Don't do what you don't like.

Yes sir. Words to live by.

A little too close to the Crowley-esque "Do as thou wilt" for my liking.

"Do what thou wil shall be the whole of the law."

  • Crowley

A.) What happens if you deny someone to do their will? You violate their law. Now you're a bad person. It works both ways.

B.) Why should I do what I don't like? I don't like paying the U.S. Federal government to kill people. And so I don't do that. I fail to see how that's a controversial position.

I'm all for freedom, as long as you don't infringe on the rights of others. "Do as thou wilt" is how TPTB run the world, sidestepping Natural Law and the Golden Rule.

I disagree.

The self-appointed rulers violate the one true law daily because they inhibit others' freedom and will. When you kidnap [imprison] people for smoking a plant or for failing to pay blood money [taxes] you are infringing on their free will. They violate the Golden Rule, Crowley's Law and Natural law daily.

The whole point of freedom is that others may not violate you.

Which brings us to the second point:

You're free to defend yourself against aggression.

But that's a very tricky topic.

If you have ever watched any of Icke's marathon lectures on Youtube, it becomes very clear that he literally thinks the global elite are shape shifting reptilian hybrids.

Oh he believes it alright, because he's seen them..

So you're saying that he came up with the most ridiculous conspiracy theory ever just to draw attention to some rather less fantastic but probably more true theories? That would be one way of going about it.


That's some mighty fine propaganda, there, Lou.

The use of metaphors and mythology allow concepts to travel further though time.

Icke's ideas will be pondered years from now, and continue to illuminate the "selfish gene" of people who feel an inherited privilege.

its a meme sort of thing, also an insult towards the psychopathic bastards that own and control, and ruin societies and lives.

The Triune brain and the reptillian ganglia

Limbic resonance aka mammalian empathy

so from this came the concept of the 'reptilians'

Original source work before it got spun so many umpteen times

Genesis introduces reptilians as humanoid and then God condemns them to crawl on the ground as punishment for the apple...

'I told you to buy Nokia or Samsung, anything, but not IPhones...'

In the occult, the human beings who rule the planet once made up the "black" priesthood of Atlantis and then Egypt. There is/was mysterious magic they practice which is where the reptilian form is sometimes witnessed...besides other animal-human forms. Notice the Egyptian drawings of gods are this way...

This document is fascinating and I believe it to be true. Thank you

I have an more less crackpotty explanation, might be an methaphor? For the individuals who push their own hidden agenda like reptiles slithering around creeping up to their prey. Just my 0.02 cents of rationality :p

That's how I always interpret it. Truth wrapped in a lie (like the serpent in the Garden of Eden).

It comes from ancient civilizations

Wow how had this not been posted fellers...

The answer is: V

For real. Before V the concept had much, much less traction in the pop imagination.

us older ones remember V, we watched it.

I'm not statistician but I think one might find a significant correlation.

They don't really believe in reptilian being. The powers that be, paychopaths, operate as soulless reptile like assholes. So different from is, we can barely understand them. Their motives. Their selfish actions none of is would perform if we had their power.

The problem with the theory is that no one to-date, has been able to produce a single photo. I went down that rabbit hole and entertained it for a few months, found no proof, and moved on. Thought you might find this of interest.

The most obvious source is the stories of Robert E. Howard, creator of Conan the Barbarian. He created many other characters, among them King Kull. The reptilians appear very clearly in these stories.

The guy also said he was the son of god (which actually most Christians believe that depending on you take that meaning).

Do you honestly believe that he thinks he is the son of god? I would say no. He realizes religion is bullshit and he wants to make fun of it and expose it.

Does he truly, actually believe in the reptilians? No. But it's just as real now as the Amazing Magic Jesus. I highly doubt he thinks space alien anunaki shape shifters exist. It is mostly metaphorical but with many partial truths.

When you think of where we came from though, it technically is from lizards, we have the Reptilian Complex in our brain, and technically we've been enslaved for all time by elites to gather resources, wealth and gold.

The arguments ive read about them seem plausible, but still reside in the "fantasy" section of my belief categories.

From what ive read, the arguments use the duality of particle-wave existence of all matter, as well as the resonance and vibrational tendencies that all energies/matter follow, per quantum physics. (To explain their phasing and dissappearing and doppleganger abilities that they alledgedly have.)

My big issue is with their biology, as well as their origins. It is easy to "create" a species in your mind that utilizes the laws of physics in such a way for their existence to be plausible, but if you cant explain well enough were they come from, or their biological facilities to support those claims, i couldnt say that i would subscribe to the idea.

Ive read a few of david ickes books, and while he presents arguments based on physics to make his claims plausible, i have not once seen anything indicitive to answering those two topics, in regards to reptilians.

Personally, if anything, (entertaining the whole "reptilian" argument as fact despite my non-belief in them) extraterrestrials could possibly have created a suit resembling one with scales, that manipulate the natural world around us using their profound understanding of quantum physics amd the like, which has caused humans to believe they are real reptilian creatures with these innate abilities, when, instead, it could just be a very awesome and technologically advances space suit.

But dude, im sorry, this is getting pretty deep down the rabbit hole. I believe in aliens, but damn.

I apologize that i couldnt help you further. Though, i do trust you when you say you have an open mind.

EDIT Oh! One more thing. David icke also talks about the "reptilian complex", described as the primitive part of our brain that deals with aggression and other characteristics of reptiles. I know that the r-complex is a thing, but thats as far as i go on it...

Heres a wikipedia article about the r-complex:

David Icke came up with the idea.

Some supporters of Icke believe it's a metaphor. However, if you watch one of Ickes 10 hour lectures on Youtube, it's clear that he actually believes the global elite are shape shifting reptilian hybrids controlled by reptilians from another dimension who are evil blood thirsty beings, and that wars happen to feed said race with spilled blood. Or something to that effect.

So just to be clear, Icke and his followers literally believe that figures such as Queen Elizabeth, Obama, Bush and a whole host of other political figures, and many news anchors and correspondents are shape shifting reptilian hybrids.

Oh, and sometimes you can see them shifting into their reptilian form live on television! So when we see video artifacts or compression artifacts on television, what we're actually seeing is the elites inability to control their transformation into their reptilian forms. Or it's intentional, who knows.

David Icke is a Discredit Troll. They work one of two ways: Either the person really is a mental case, and so all the gov or corporate entities have to do to exploit the crazy person is make sure they get lots of exposure - sockpuppets linking to their crazy website, TV interviews, manipulation of Google rankings etc.

This is, I think, the most common form. It's quite similar to how false flag terrorism works - you take real terrorists (or nutjob terrorist wannabes it doesn't much matter), and exploit them, help them, and facilitate their acts.

Then there are those, like James Fetzer for example, who are not crazy at all, but deliberately infiltrate CT groups, and then push absurd theories, thereby discrediting the infiltrated groups.

This is exactly what Fetzer did to the Scholars for 911 Truth: infiltrated, got them to sign up and even create a big website (that Fetzer controlled) and then once everyone was on board and the site was live, completely flooded the front page with nonsense and crazy bullshit about "dustification" and space beams.

This act singlehandedly eliminated the threat of the credible scientists who were participants in that site.

A.) Do what you like.

B.) Don't do what you don't like.

If you have ever watched any of Icke's marathon lectures on Youtube, it becomes very clear that he literally thinks the global elite are shape shifting reptilian hybrids.

Well, I learnt many things, but in a kind of half-assed way, unfortunately, because I was so badly strung out from the lack of sleep. I was able to perpetuate my sleeping regimen by constantly taking phenethylamine and selegiline, which ultimately produces a pseudo schizophrenia.

This is unknown to ordinary psychiatrists and when I was eventually sectioned by my SO & family, I could not convince them that I wasn't actually schizophrenic. I had to move state to avoid forced injections. Psychiatrists in my new state affirmed my sanity, thankfully.

In any case, the few real "proofs" I received were when I asked for them, and it was always to inform me ahead of time when I could see a meteor. So, I'd be walking along at night and the voice would say "quick, in about 10 seconds over the east horizon, look!" and lo and behold, it would appear.

Other things would be incidental, like "ok, very attractive african woman around next corner." It happened, and there are almost no African black people where I live.

Anyway, there is something about being in that state that enables basically any manipulation of reality. My big revelation is that anything is possible if you can find a way to somehow believe it. I started my career as a scientist (chemist), and basically this voice started where my understanding of physics and the universe ended and provided a pseudo science that was so different yet internally consistent. I really believed it and because of my degraded mental function somehow believed at a deep level. Once I reached that state, I was able to do things as strange as performing remote telekinesis on situations that occurred in the past by focusing on a film or video recording.

As far fetched as that sounds, I actually have a reasonably water-tight explanation for how that could be possible. But, I don't think it really matters, it just needs to be whatever will truly convince you.

That's what all the religious / esoteric / occult symbolism and ritual is -- completely arbitrary stuff the only purpose of which is to be convincing and authoritative. Once you believe, the world really does change.

So, I will write comprehensively about this in future, I'll keep you posted.

I'm all for freedom, as long as you don't infringe on the rights of others. "Do as thou wilt" is how TPTB run the world, sidestepping Natural Law and the Golden Rule.