ISIS was in all likelihood created by the US and Israel for false flag purposes. This is all true. However...

36  2014-09-09 by no1113

...even though that group is in all likelihood a ploy - a contrived construction for purposes of covert societal manipulation - and even though an attack on US soil by the US/Israel-backed ISIS will indeed be a false flag, the MAIN thing to keep in mind and realize and get ready for in all this is the fact that the false flag itself that the US and Israel will have ISIS perpetrate WILL STILL BE REAL. In other words, people will die. Your/my loved ones, etc may still get killed/murdered in it.

This is very important for everyone to realize, and I'm not sure that many of us are realizing that.

Yes. It will be a false flag. Yes. It will be staged for the purpose of getting us to react like scared sheep and agree to literally whatever demands TPTB here make as a result. And yes, the event will have likely been planned and contrived before hand.

However, the death and destruction that the false flag will cause will likely be very real.

Like 911. That was contrived as well. That was a 100% false flag.

However, three thousand people still got murdered on that day.

What we have to make sure and do [and this is the real point behind this entire OP] is NOT lose our heads and give in to the government's/PTB's demands even after some ISIS-blamed destruction comes to our front door. Immediately after 911, we all pretty much fell for TPTB contrived bullshit story pretty hardcore. We have to make sure and not have an immediate knee-jerk reaction if/when it happens again.

THAT'S the key.

It's not just about the fact that many of us on here are smart enough to know and understand that we citizens are being played like fools. It's not just that so many of us in this sub know that ISIS is indeed a false flag op.

All the information and knowledge that we have in this sub will really show itself and become valuable not so much in preventing an ISIS false flag attack from happening (although we can help spread the knowledge and the word to others and that could help prevent an attack - yes). The main benefit will happen if we as citizens STILL don't fall and falter and give in to whatever demands TPTB have even after they follow through with their shit false flag attack and our very own mothers and fathers and brothers and sisters and husbands and wives start falling dead in front of us.

Much easier said than done - I know - but THAT'S the key. THAT'S when the knowledge we have will really show and prove its real value.

Knowing something means nothing and is of no good if it can't prevent a people from still being taken advantage of.

Our knowledge might not prevent an ISIS false flag from happening (might not), but it CAN indeed prevent us from reacting in a manner that causes us to fall right in to TPTB's hands. It CAN prevent us from going right along with whatever nefarious plans they have.

Our focus and our knowledge and our being diligent in NOT giving in to whatever fear-inducing false flag attacks they perpetrate is what will be of greatest importance and value in all this.

I think the citizenry overall has reacted decently well to the Batman shooting, the Boston Bombing, and the Colorado school shooting false flag attacks. There were pretty immediate questions that the public started asking, and a lot of red flags came up indicating that these events were just that: false flags. Again, it's good that the public has generally reacted in this diligent and critical thinking manner.

However, realize that these other false flag events were really all very small potatoes compared to the whole ISIS bullshit that TPTB and the MSM have been drumming on about and pounding the war drums over. Realize that all those other ffs might have just been drills in preparation for ISIS.

All I'm saying is 1) stay diligent, and 2) make sure and don't lose your heads AFTER the shitty PTB egg actually drops and the latest "national catastrophe" does occur.

Stay strong, stay diligent. That's all.



I sometimes get the feeling that ISIS was created for this exact purpose but rather than be used as pawns they used US and Israel as pawns. Rather than stay in syria like they were supposed to they backtracked to iraq and threw a monkey wrench into the entire region.

They also are keeping the US from any substantial actions, only token bombings, because they have the dirt on who really ordered the chemical weapons attack in syria and can really embarass the US internationally so the US is playing with kid gloves untill they can figure out the best approach to deal with ISIS without shit hitting the fan on an international level because of the chemical attacks.

They also have saudi support and we all know the US wont do anythign to piss off the saudis.

This seems like the most plausible, almost common sense, situation. Well put.


Good idea indeed! So let's turn something around that has been used in recent false flags by the 'parents'. They always react with non-anger toward the perpetrators and instead focus on getting the guns out of their hands in the first place. Well if we apply the same thing, including splicing in their speeches, then the same powerful intent could be focused on how ISIS got their weapons and support while not attacking them directly.

the same powerful intent could be focused on how ISIS got their weapons and support while not attacking them directly.

Perhaps people can begin to do that now and show how it is that ISIS is being funded and an argument can be made NOW that if there is indeed any ISIS attack on US soil, it's those that funded them, helped them, and provided them with weapons that should REALLY be the real culprits in all this.

That quickly puts the onus right on the US before any false flag can even occur.

Quite honestly, if Christians got behind that and actually stood up for what they supposedly believe in, my estimation of them would be improved immensely.

As it is, I can barely imagine them behaving that way (en masse).

Funny, isn't it -- Christianity could actually be cool and something to be proud about.

Edit: I really like this idea. Do you think that it might even be better to send a letter to all Christian organizations preemptively, before the fuss and panic that would ensue?

I am a professional writer; I could help with a text, but I know very little about Christians or what appeals to them / relevant scripture etc. Let me know if you come up with anything and I'll help edit and distribute.


Oh sure! I could say a lot about this but I will condense it down to: Good on you! ;)

I think more than a Christian idea alone, this is ultimately a philosophy of peace and non-violence, and it's one that can be applied by everyone - Christian and non Christian alike. I think it's good and should be promoted more and more.

ISIS will probaly be protected. If you take them on, you're taking on the CIA or JSOC or whoever is puppeteering them.

There are, indeed, people who read this sub and are reading your post and these comments who could stop a FF attack and/or throw all kinds of monkeywrenches into the works. Unfortunately, they think we're the enemy, and that's why they're here. We're at a place in world history where it only takes one person, or a handful, to alter the course. Thanks for writing all that; very valid considerations and thought food.

There are, indeed, people who read this sub and are reading your post and these comments who could stop a FF attack and/or throw all kinds of monkeywrenches into the works.

I certainly hope so. This is part of the reason I even created this OP in the first place. Every little bit of awareness that gets put out there in the public forum and gets picked up and read by even some people can help make a possible difference and possibly even create the kinds of ripples in the collective consciousness to help move all of us forward toward a greater level of awareness - individually and collectively.

Unfortunately, they think we're the enemy, and that's why they're here.

Well, some of us (perhaps many of us on this forum) have known that they viewed us as the enemy for a long, long time. That's why they're here? Well, that's why we're here too.

We're at a place in world history where it only takes one person, or a handful, to alter the course.

And that's why as many of us as possible need to do every little bit we can to help things - because we just never know which one of us or which one of our ideas will be the "spark" to help move things forward toward the next phase of evolution.

Thanks for writing all that; very valid considerations and thought food.

Yes, sir - and thank you for taking the time to send this response. Very much appreciated.


I think you're going out on a limb on a few points.

Like al Qaeda, the US probably created ISIS.

However, the US did not create al Qaeda for the purpose of perpetrating attacks on America. They created it for the purpose of fighting Russia in Afghanistan. Why fight your own battles when you can convince someone else to do it for you? That's a big part of the CIA's charter.

Likewise, the US created ISIS to fight Assad's government in Syria. Like the Russian war in Afghanistan, the US couldn't for a variety of reasons get into the Syrian civil war so they did the next best thing - create a force willing to fight for them.

The problem in both cases is that the "tool" developed a mind of its own.

The other part I think you're not quite thinking through is your suggestion that there's any need for a false flag attack on US soil, and that ISIS perpetrating it would produce sentiment in the American people that could be used for anything besides, "Go kill ISIS," which the majority of the American public would already support.

Different types of false flags, with different perpetrators, could create American sentiment to do a variety of things, but the only thing an attack blamed on ISIS will do is increase sentiment for killing ISIS, which doesn't need to be done because the sentiment is already there.

Like al Qaeda, the US probably created ISIS.

However, the US did not create al Qaeda for the purpose of perpetrating attacks on America. They created it for the purpose of fighting Russia in Afghanistan. Why fight your own battles when you can convince someone else to do it for you? That's a big part of the CIA's charter.

That is indeed a very fair point. However, I think the CIA and TPTB here very much know about the blowback that has historically occurred as a result of their funding and creating covert programs overseas, and I wouldn't be in the least surprised if they knew and even possibly anticipated/planned in advanced for the possibility of using this newest "boogey man" as a possible "false flag source" in the future.

Likewise, the US created ISIS to fight Assad's government in Syria. Like the Russian war in Afghanistan, the US couldn't for a variety of reasons get into the Syrian civil war so they did the next best thing - create a force willing to fight for them.

Very fair point. Again, however, I think they knew in advance that funding ISIS could "provide valuable future fodder here in the states if planned for properly".

The problem in both cases is that the "tool" developed a mind of its own.

Yes sir. But that's the very point I'm trying to make. I don't think that TPTB here in the US are so stupid that they don't already know that their funding/creating such a force could possibly get out of their hands...especially when it's already happened before. I wouldn't doubt that they're far enough ahead of the game that they have Plans A, B, and C (as well as D through Z) already set up for the groups they fund and aid.

To carry the analogy you made a bit further, I think it's more accurate to say not so much that the tool developed a mind of its own as much as saying that they put a "mind of its own" in the tool to begin with in the eventual hopes and anticipation that the tool could in the future be further used for more false flag purposes down the line. That way they can kill quite a few birds w/one shot.

The other part I think you're not quite thinking through is your suggestion that there's any need for a false flag attack on US soil

Well, it would seem that as sheep-like as the vast majority of us do indeed seem to be...we still have guns. We still have the 2nd amendment...just barely, granted, but there still are a few of us that DO have guns...we still can form some type of militias.

In other words, the lion which is the public is PRACTICALLY defanged and declawed - yes - but it still does have at least a few dull fangs and a few dull claws left to defend itself with...and it's huge. It does still have great numbers. I wouldn't be surprised if TPTB want to make sure and take even THAT away from the lion beforehand so as to render it completely incapable of ever defending itself.

the only thing an attack blamed on ISIS will do is increase sentiment for killing ISIS

Not if a false flag attack from ISIS on US soil is so heinous that a US retaliation on them would first involve, somehow, the relinquishing of yet more rights.

"Citizens, we absolutely HAVE to kill this grave threat. For our children! But first, the only way we would really be able to do that is if we ban all gun ownership, because we see that this ISIS attack happened because they had access to the guns in all privately owned guns stores."

or whatever other b.s. TPTB want to say.

Of course, I'm not necessarily saying anything like this would "definitely" happen. I'm just saying that we should be at least mindful of things like this and simply keep our eyes and ears open is all.

which doesn't need to be done because the sentiment is already there.

Well, the sentiment to "kill ISIS" might already be here...but, I tell you what...I personally don't have it. It's not like I "love" - or even like - ISIS, but my main focus on "the nexus of evil in the world" is not over in the middle east. It's right here in my own backyard (and in Israel).

All good points though. Thank you for bringing all this up.

Like al Qaeda, the US probably created ISIS.

However, the US did not create al Qaeda for the purpose of perpetrating attacks on America. They created it for the purpose of fighting Russia in Afghanistan. Why fight your own battles when you can convince someone else to do it for you? That's a big part of the CIA's charter.

That is indeed a very fair point. However, I think the CIA and TPTB here very much know about the blowback that has historically occurred as a result of their funding and creating covert programs overseas, and I wouldn't be in the least surprised if they knew and even possibly anticipated/planned in advanced for the possibility of using this newest "boogey man" as a possible "false flag source" in the future.

Likewise, the US created ISIS to fight Assad's government in Syria. Like the Russian war in Afghanistan, the US couldn't for a variety of reasons get into the Syrian civil war so they did the next best thing - create a force willing to fight for them.

Very fair point. Again, however, I think they knew in advance that funding ISIS could "provide valuable future fodder here in the states if planned for properly".

The problem in both cases is that the "tool" developed a mind of its own.

Yes sir. But that's the very point I'm trying to make. I don't think that TPTB here in the US are so stupid that they don't already know that their funding/creating such a force could possibly get out of their hands...especially when it's already happened before. I wouldn't doubt that they're far enough ahead of the game that they have Plans A, B, and C (as well as D through Z) already set up for the groups they fund and aid.

To carry the analogy you made a bit further, I think it's more accurate to say not so much that the tool developed a mind of its own as much as saying that they put a "mind of its own" in the tool to begin with in the eventual hopes and anticipation that the tool could in the future be further used for more false flag purposes down the line. That way they can kill quite a few birds w/one shot.

The other part I think you're not quite thinking through is your suggestion that there's any need for a false flag attack on US soil

Well, it would seem that as sheep-like as the vast majority of us do indeed seem to be...we still have guns. We still have the 2nd amendment...just barely, granted, but there still are a few of us that DO have guns...we still can form some type of militias.

In other words, the lion which is the public is PRACTICALLY defanged and declawed - yes - but it still does have at least a few dull fangs and a few dull claws left to defend itself with...and it's huge. It does still have great numbers. I wouldn't be surprised if TPTB want to make sure and take even THAT away from the lion beforehand so as to render it completely incapable of ever defending itself.

the only thing an attack blamed on ISIS will do is increase sentiment for killing ISIS

Not if a false flag attack from ISIS on US soil is so heinous that a US retaliation on them would first involve, somehow, the relinquishing of yet more rights.

"Citizens, we absolutely HAVE to kill this grave threat. For our children! But first, the only way we would really be able to do that is if we ban all gun ownership, because we see that this ISIS attack happened because they had access to the guns in all privately owned guns stores."

or whatever other b.s. TPTB want to say.

Of course, I'm not necessarily saying anything like this would "definitely" happen. I'm just saying that we should be at least mindful of things like this and simply keep our eyes and ears open is all.

which doesn't need to be done because the sentiment is already there.

Well, the sentiment to "kill ISIS" might already be here...but, I tell you what...I personally don't have it. It's not like I "love" - or even like - ISIS, but my main focus on "the nexus of evil in the world" is not over in the middle east. It's right here in my own backyard (and in Israel).

All good points though. Thank you for bringing all this up.