9/11 Was a sham, it was a lie. Instead of looking at individual details like building 7, take a look at the finer, hidden elements of the 'conspiracy'

273  2014-09-10 by mr_dong


I am going to be transcribing the key points of the video here. This post will be constantly edited till I finish watching the video. Help me find sources and maybe we can make a difference. EDIT: all the sources for the video are in the video's description.

  • September 1991 - George H.W. Bush and a number of bankers and people in intelligence, finance a $240 billion dollar covert operations war chest (called Project Hammer) that were scheduled to come due on September 12th, 2001.

  • Project Hammer was mainly used to finance a cover economic operation against the collapsing Soviet Union, where "unknown" Western investors bought up much of the Soviet industry, with a focus on oil and gas, crashing the Russian economy, looting its central bank, orchestrating the "great ruble scam" and a number of other clandestine operations meant to keep Russia from ever competing with the U.S. as a world super-power.

  • Several agencies were collecting and compiling evidence on Project Hammer up until 9/11. This included the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), which was moved to the outer E ring of the recently renovated section of the pentagon that was hit on 9/11.

  • DIA E.P. Heidner of ONI said they had been investigating the crimes associated with the plundering of Russia. 39 out of the 40 people who worked in those offices were killed on 9/11, including ONI's entire chain of command.

  • Many passengers on Flight 77 held 'top secret clearances' and were connected with Pentagon black operations.

  • Agents of ONI were also investigating financial transactions linked to securities being managed by those security dealers in the world trade center that were also targeted.

  • 31% of the 125 fatalies in the Pentagon were from the Naval Commander Center that housed the Office of Naval Intelligence.

  • 41% of the fatalities in the Twin Towers came two companies that managed U.S. government securities: Cantor Fitzgerald and Eurobrokers.

  • There were three major securities brokers in the World Trade Center: Cantor Fitzgerald, Eurobrokers, and Garbon Inter Capital. Cantor Fitzgerald was the largest securities dealer in the U.S.

  • Fire and explosions reported in the World Trade Center: under the FBI offices in the North Tower on the 23rd floor, fires on the 22nd floor at 8:47, explosions and fires reported at Garbon Inter Capital on the 25th floor and basement of Tower 1. Shortly after, at 9:03, Flight 175 hit the South Tower- directly beneath the floors in which Euro Brokers was situated. In all these cases, the explosive, fire destruction consumed the offices in the several floors above, destroying files and trapping victims.

EDIT: had to stop to go shopping


  • Building 6 was destroyed by an explosion that took place before either tower fell. This secondary explosion took out a portion of the building which just happened to include the El Dorado Task Force's offices.

  • The El Dorado Task Force was an inter-agency money laundering watchdog group responsible for coordinating all major money-laundering investigations in the U.S. In the immediate aftermath of September 11th, these groups would be redirected to investigate terrorist financing.

  • FEMA photographer and 9/11 whistleblower Kurt Sonnenfield testified to entering the U.S. Customs Vault in the basement of WTC 6, which was found completely empty and left with the door wide open. All of its contents appear to have been looted during the attacks. There is also evidence that gold was being looted from the vaults beneath WTC 4- there were several early reports of a 10-wheel truck packed with stolen bullion, caught fleeing WTC 5 when the vehicle had become stuck on a collapsed ceiling brace, forcing the driver to flee the scene.

  • Fireproofing "upgrades" on the exact floors coinceding with failure and impact in the towers. Suspicious power-downs and evcuation drills.

Very quality post, but I'm not sure this sub has enough earnest subscribers to compensate for the brigades anymore :(

So what if we get brigaded from you know where? It's not like enough downvotes will delete a post. Just unhide everything, ta-da, delicious information.

I, personally, don't really pay attention to point counts. Read everything and you can judge each post personally. Might be a popular idea in a sub dedicated against following the herd.

This is why everyone needs to set their Preferences to NOT automatically hide posts below a certain thresshold. Wouldn't you know, the default value is used to automatically give posts that are damaging to Zionist Israel just a few more downvotes than it takes.

Delete those values, and all posts are shown regardless of flawed vote tally. Remove the shills ability to hide critical views. Be your own censor.

When the brigades are funded by the government probably not.

Edit: Did I post in the wrong subreddit?

Did we already forget that one of the Snowden leaks was that PAID government shills are operating in social media sites and blogs to sway public opinion?


It's funny you say that, considering the only downvoted posts here are the ones that disagree with this narrative.

My post is -2 right now.

Maybe people are just getting sick of seeing the boy who cried shill act in place of an actual argument?

Because you're wrong.

I guess you forgot this

Just because that exists doesn't mean that everyone who doesn't agree with your ridiculous, disrespectful conspiracies is paid off by the government.



I make comments. That is all I do. I do not believe anything really. The comment could be true and it could not be true. It could be partially true. You could be a government employee with the job of discrediting comments like that. Maybe youre not. I probably care just slightly less than you do about the whole thing.

Hahaa because you're that influencial that the government hired someone specifically to monitor YOU!

I love the egos here!!!

That isn't what he said at all.

But nice username.

I also notice your account is 2 days old.

You gotta make an account someday!

And fights comment just like a Zionist Israeli shill, right?

Zionist Israeli lizard*** shill

lol how did you get that impression from powerz' comment?

besides its not the gvt montoring him, its da reptilez!

Lizards... Jews... Illuminati .. I see no difference.


Stick around. I just started drinking.

Shill detected

someone called a comment dumb on the internet

The only reason someone would do that would be if they got paid

I was set to just call it a troll. How do we differentiate between the two?

The only difference is their intent, their reasoning. The outcomes are the same, shill or troll, both disrupt discourse.

I've noticed that people make fun of folks on /r/conspiracy for calling people shills at the drop of a hat, and while I'm sure that some of the trolls or others on here are paid to cause problems or disrupt conversation, I think it both cheapens the term to use it so casually and tarnishes our image/credibility if we appear to assume that every contradictory opinion or troll is a shill.

What can we do about this? Too, there are undoubtedly people on here who pose as caricatures of conspiracy theorists to become sort of living straw men, so even if the user base on the whole is acting sensibly with the use of the term, there would still be shills/trolls throwing it out wantonly.

You're basically just asking a bunch of extremely closed minded people to be open minded. It's never gonna happen.

I'm curious by what basis you've determined that the majority of the people here are extremely closed-minded. It seems somewhat counterintuitive to me since there needs to be a fair degree of "Open-mindedness"so to speak for people to even consider most of the things that are discussed on this subreddit, at least in my experience.

Bla, bla,bla. Same tired ass false logic.


Note to shills: When someone is veering from "claim" to "entertaining" in their comments, the appropriate response is "haha"... or post something else etertaining... or just ignore it.

Pulling out a standard "You're dumb" response is like putting a giant blinking neon sign that says "I'm here to do a job and I just checked another box on my time-sheet."

Wait, why am I telling you how to do your job better??



Please stop with the shill accusations. You're just feeding them.

Why can't I find any outside information on Project Hammer? The only sources I can find are other conspiracy sites, none of which link to anything about this program's existence.

Obviously when the Pentagon was hit, there would be at least one department that would sustain a big blow, whichever one(s) contained the main impact zone. However, without a solid, well-sourced connection between this department and being a significant potential Bush enemy within the Pentagon, there's nothing to this argument.

Why am I only getting downvotes and no responses? Seriously, isn't the main point of this thread about the ONI being a target for Bush because of Project Hammer? Am I the only one interested in whether or not the entire basis of this is something factual?

Damn, and all of this is fact?

You didn't see all his sources??? Must be blind...

i can't tell if this is sarcasm.. most of those sources appear to sorely lack reputability

Complete sarcasm. Even the "BBC" source seems questionable...

What is even questionable. The BBC being fixed, yeah right.

Yes, it's a scam of BBC. You can't get to that article from BBC's main site. Trust me, I tried multiple times bud

9/11 13th Anniversary : Nationwide Communications Outages & Emergency Drills Planned For September 11, 2014



It wouldn't be complicated if we weren't being lied to.


It's a matter of perspective.

Reality itself will always be simple and true.

"Just" is a concept of a young consciousness. Wait a few hundred thousand years and see if it sticks.

It doesn't take that much time, but sure.

Going specifically with all the LIHOP evidence is the best door opener for any new person.

ever forget that the victims families asked questions and demanded answers, but all they got were lies and cold shoulders.


Never forget that Christy Todd Whitman head of the EPA knowingly lied about the safety of the air at ground zero and premeditatedly murdered the first responders.


Never forget all the 9/11 whistle blowers who died mysteriously.


Never forget PDD W199i where the Bush Administration threatened prosecution of any FBI agent by the DoJ for investigating the Bin Laden family or the active cells.


Never forget the FBI admitted they had "No Hard Evidence" Connecting Bin Laden to 9/11.


Never forget that alleged hijackers were still alive


Never forget all the National security whistle blowers trying to wake all the sleep walking sheep in total denial of reality that there were in fact whistle blowers on 9/11, a lot of them.


Never forget that 7 out of 10 of the 9/11 commissioners don't even buy the story of their own commission


Never forget who created Al Qaeda


Never forget all these professionals, victims and insiders who question the official fairytale of 9/11 many of which are also whistle blowers. Including: 220+ Senior Military, Intelligence Service, Law Enforcement, and Government Officials 2000+ Engineers and Architects 250+ Pilots and Aviation Professionals 400+ Professors Question 9/11 300+ 9/11 Survivors and Family Members 200+ Artists, Entertainers, and Media Professionals 400+ Medical Professionals


Never forget that NORAD stood down


Thank you for keeping this info alive.

You're spot on. They KNEW the towers were packed with dangerous asbestos. To the point of being condemned. Then magically as the building is completely turned to asbestos Laden dust - concrete, steel, human bodies, office furniture - all pulverized to the smallest of particle, is now safe to breathe in. How many first responder heroes have died because of this lie. How many civilians have died? And we won't cover the medical costs of their official gross negligence. It's bullshit and shows it was all part of the plot. Blame it on cave dwelling Muslims

My favorite smoking gun was George being at Booker Elementary. That's pretty much the biggest PR stunt of all time.

If you can choose the alibi that's going to be connected to the biggest crime in history, you might as well be doing something Humanitarian.

I sure wish I could find a way to research his daily schedule. I'll bet that he only did something like that once.

I think he was sent there so that he was out of the way when it all went down. That guy is a buffoon, I wouldn't want him anywhere near my false flag operation.

He's not a buffoon, you don't get to be president if you're a buffoon. I think he was more of a front man or spokes man. An electable face of it all.

He is a buffoon, but he was also a controllable frontman like you said, and that is exactly why he was "elected".


Two in a row.

He was not a buffoon. It was a front. A mask.

To give a certain impression to people. And it worked.

If you've ever spoken to him in person, the man is scary smart. I heard a story where he was getting impatient with his cabinets progress, so he calls them together, told them all what each of them was about to tell him (correctly) and then told them to go back and come to him when they'd made progress.

Watch some of the old videos of him speaking in his before he was a president days, he is well spoken, no trace of his foolish accent, no stumbling or stuttering.

The buffoon act was just that, an act.

It takes a smart man to act dumb

Exactly. But I do think there was a certain 'power behind the throne' aspect here with Dick Cheney (who also goes way back with GHWB)

No, he really is an idiot. Intelligence has nothing at all to do with politics. Hell he even lost the election!

He can fly jets. That takes a bit of knowledge and skill.

Worth remembering that Bush had to be held by the hand by dastardly Dick during their appearance before the 9/11 commission.

Yeah, I guess you're right. He wasn't involved in the execution of the plan. However, I believe he was in on everything.

He was the fall guy president. I'm assuming this whole thing was planned long before he ran for office.

We'll probably never know what really happened that day. News like that could bring down the whole system. The powers that be ain't likely to let that happen.

You don't have to look far to find the particular TBTB that put him into office: his father.

He's Skull & Bones - he's not the idiot he wanted us all to think he was.

He's a Bonesman because daddy was a Bonesman. It says nothing about him. He does what Poppy Bush tells him to do.

I don't claim to know definitively the inner workings of Skull & Bones but I do know that they are highly, highly selective. I'm sure his dad being who he was played a big part in his being "tapped" but I always got the impression that there was a lot more going on in those beady little black eyes than the, "Fool me... uhhh... fool me two times..." moron we all saw for four eight years.

I've watched him speak both before and after his presidency and he has seemed pretty eloquent. I think "hillbilly idiot" was just the role he was told to play as the POTUS.

Isn't it taped where he was 'told' about the crashes? convenient

My guess is cause of PR for the event...I mean...it's the fucking president people are excited to see someone important lol

In fact there is a huge smoking gun in his presence at the school as well!

We can see when he is informed about the first plane...

After the second plane hit, the first people to know that the country was under attack would have been the secret service.

His Itinerary for the day was known in advance.

There is no way that the Secret Service would not have taken immediate measures to remove him from the situation unless they were certain that he was in no real danger.

How could they have known he was in no real danger unless they had fore knowledge of the attacks.

Smoking. Gun.

i never thought about this before...

There is no way that the Secret Service would not have taken immediate measures to remove him from the situation unless they were certain that he was in no real danger.


I could just as easily say "there's no way the Secret Service would be dumb enough to not remove the President from the school when trying to give the false impression of an external threat."

Or they weren't sure where to move him. Or they weren't sure if moving him was even safe. Maybe they needed to make plans? Where to go? Who to take? Communications? Liaison with Air Force One? There were Secret Service all over that elementary school - in the hallways, on the roof, guarding all entrances.

It was as safe a place as any to be whilst they spent about 30 minutes figuring out their next move.

When he was scheduled to be there they had ready setup escape plans. They always have an escape plan.

They would have immediately removed him from a published and known location to an undisclosed secondary holding location before getting him in the air and to the relative safety of airforce 1.

You need to consider the question of whether they had valid reason to believe the President's own life was in immediate danger. In a post-9/11 environment it's easy to assume an instant "the country is under attack" response. But these attacks were something of a surprise, and not necessarily indicative of a personal assault. Was the President evacuated from wherever he was when the Unabomber blew something up?

I'm sure they do have an escape plan in the presence of a proximate, known and immediate danger - say, a guy with a gun shooting in a motorcade crowd. Whether or not planes flying into buildings thousands of miles away from the president qualifies as an immediate danger is up for debate.

Certainly implying sinister foreknowledge on behalf of the Secret Service has its own logical pitfalls for the average conspiracist. If the president's bodyguards were in on it who wasn't told of this plan, the greatest and most secret false flag in human history? Surely to make it appear authentic the Secret Service wouldn't be told, right?

Seriously, from the view of the shadowy conspirators supposedly behind 9/11, what is the value of telling the Secret Service about the plan in advance? I'll answer for you: none.

Therefore like most conspiracist tropes, this fails at the first level of cursory scrutiny.

There is no way that the Secret Service would not have taken immediate measures to remove him from the situation unless they were certain that he was in no real danger.


ah, a coincidence theorist

I like the epithet. But there's nothing coincidental about incompetence.

I think that's been called the dog that didn't bark.

Yes, the Secret Service should have taken action. As far as I know it's their job to protect the President no matter what. Even the President doesn't have the authority to order them not to act.

Holy fuck.

PR stunt, but also symbolic from their point of view -- telling a fiction to naive children.

go watch the video form him sitting in class when he's told america's being attacked... funny how they read a story about a little goat (symbolism much), repeating words such as STEEL, PLANE, DUST.... fucking creepy.



Almost like some form of bizarre incantation.

Kinda weird...

I also think that George gave orders to his staff that they weren't to interrupt the event. I bet he even used the words or very similar words to the effect, I don't care what it is. I don't want to be interrupted. Whatever it is can wait till this is over.

In my mind it explains that look on his face. He didn't want to have been told about the attack. Once he was, HIS PLAN had been changed. He was mulling over the consequences of this. That's the confused look on his face.

He just sat there. His body language didn't even give the slightest hint that he really wanted to spring to action as it should have. He was just told that The Nation was under attack. The commander in chief should be at minimum seeking more information to properly assess the situation. Instead he spent critical minutes just SITTING THERE.

That should have gotten him impeached. We had video proof that he was unfit for office.

the other commenter in this thread (at the time I posted this) is shadowbanned

that means the truth was being told and for goodness sakes, we cannot let the truth get out.

If you are reading this, please do not feel discouraged by the commentors who say your comment is stupid or that you are stupid for questioning your government. Trust me when I say that there are people out there whose job it is, is to derail and discredit threads/conversations like the one we are having here today! Stay strong fellow conspirators, we are close to the truth, and soon the world will know.

It is good to have people like you around. : )

Where do I get my paycheck for not believing this bullshit? I could use some money just for not being crazy :'(

lol Conspirators

noun 1. a person who takes part in a conspiracy; plotter.

I used to be a skeptic of government conspiracies and thought people were just crazy, but even since it happened I've seen article after article, post after post, video after video of sources with why 9/11 was a set up. Its baffling to see people still don't believe this after all the evidence that's been revealed to the public. Now with the NSA leak, Ferguson incident, and net neutrality constantly being threatened, makes me honestly believe are country has been moving towards a police state, if it already isn't in the early stages. Add that with economically issues, it just becomes so obvious. Yet most of us are too distracted by television, movies, sports, video games, etc. to even give it a second thought or aren't concerned enough. The government knows this too and uses it, making the people who want to fight it pretty much futile too. It's a really bad situation.

Oh yeah. Taking the time to work for change and just biting the bullet now would shake economies and our understanding of civilization/governance. It'll take 24 more years for people to finally see it, when it's too late.

MISSED OPPORTUNITIES - Link to full Investigation

In your report, you note that the NSA picked up intelligence on three of the 9/11 hijackers in 1999. Can you broadly describe this?

Several times in 1999, the NSA analyzed communications that involved individuals who, after 9/11, we came to find out were hijackers. They analyzed communications involving an individual named "Khaled," who turned out to be Khalid al-Mihdhar; Nawaf, who turned out to be Nawaf al-Hazmi; and finally, I think in late 1999, they had the name Salem, who was Salem al-Hazmi. The NSA knew that those individuals were connected with a suspected terrorist facility in the Middle East—one tied to Al Qaeda efforts against U.S. interests.

So that's pretty significant information. Unfortunately, at least in the beginning, the significance was not recognized. It was not immediately passed on to other members of the intelligence community. And it makes one wonder: Had we been able to realize how significant that was, put it together, and get it to the agencies that could have made use of it in time, would there have been a different end to the 9/11 story?

Jeremy Rys (alienscientist) does some very good work. He actually does a lot of primary research himself and he's a physicist which is a nice added touch.

Just a heads up though, he's not your typical conspiracy guy. He will dismiss commonly accepted theories if he feels they are no good and he's a bright guy and tends to pull no punches. Don't be turned off if you happen to disagree with a few of the things he's saying. I bet you'll agree with lots of it.

Great video.

The American military-industrial-government complex is in full bloom on this one.

for this video to truly be effective, /r/conspiracy needs to get sources for all the claims in this video.

They are all available in the video description.


That's why Michael Rupert wouldn't even talk about controlled demolition or anything like that. He had it pretty well nailed without even going into that stuff. His insider trading research and the stuff he uncovered about the training exercises going on that day are pretty strong on their own.

Crossing the Rubicon.

Lol you think that's a reputable source? Wow.

Happy 13th Anniversary! :D D:

this is one of my favorite videos and does a very good job to explain how many holes are in the fictional story of 9/11

Here's a recording of ABC's Good Morning America on 09/11/2001...w/ co-hosts Charlie Gibson and Diane Sawyer. At 23mins into the recording (8:54am), Diane begins interviewing ABC correspondent Donald Dahler, who is "reporting live via telephone from his apartment just blocks away a few moments after the first plane hit the towers".

SAWYER: "Don, where are you and what do you know?"

DAHLER: I'm about 4-5 blocks just north of the WTC...and about 10-15 minutes ago there was loud sound...I can only describe it as it sounded like a missile, not an airplane...and it was definitely not the sound of a prop airplane, or anything like that.

SAWYER: And, am I right, are you a pilot?

DAHLER: Well...I grew up on military bases and I know the sounds of jets, and I've been in war zones and heard these different kinds of sounds...it was perhaps a jet, but it could have been a missile as well.

GIBSON: Could you give me...was it a whining sound, Don, or what?

DAHLER: Yes, it was a...it was high-pitched, but it a whooooshing sound, not like a prop plane.

edit: disclaimer

That's because the plane was flying very fast to produce maximum damage.

So clearly when he said 'airplane', he was thinking of a propeller aircraft. Not exactly damning proof of a conspiracy, eh?

What he 'clearly' said in the interview was that "it sounded like a missile, not an airplane". (note* the ellipses are used to show some [irrelevant] gaps in the recording) Also, I'm not offering Dahler's testimony as any 'proof' of a red-flag operation. I simply think it odd that it's literally the very first report from the scene broadcast on national tv. That's a mighty impressionable first impression, in my esteem. Furthermore, he starts walking it back almost immediately, pleading that he doesn't want to cause undue alarm, lol.

Jesus Christ you guys are idiots.

What are you?

Clearly I'm a sheeple shill paid by Obama's NWO gubmint apparatchik to spread misinformation about the real state of the world today. If you ask me I'm legally required to tell you that.

Well you said it, not me :)

Jeremy Scahill laying it down!

I'm really confused by this post. I thought this sub was about research and finding truth?

So why is "sham" and "lie" in the post? It seems designed to limit discussion and force a specific view. There is plenty of discussion to be had. Why are you purposely limiting said discussion?

Let's be honest here, there's only one accepted way of thought in this sub.

yeah: mock and disbelieve obvious bullshit (and moron shills)

WTF. keeps showing the UNSC ONI symbol from HALO


Or United Nations Security Council. Some mainstream media tried talking about the Security Council, had the Halo UNSC emblem up.

Both "United Nations Space Command" And "UNSC-ONI" are from Halo.

I think it's kinda silly that they wouldn't check that one :P Thanks for the confirmation.

I remember finding this video last year (probably through here) and watched it a dozen times in a week or two. Great post.

right. don't look at larry silverstein. wink wink ;)

Certainly one of the finer elements is the definite absence of planes, as dictated by physics. This needs to be at the forefront of 911 analysis.

planehuggers have blocked tv fakery evidence for 10 years, enough is enough..

Yep, it's time. Planehuggers--never heard that one :)

I'm not American, so who knows how you feel right now, but my British penny's worth ; this guy is a cunt.


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9/11 was Chaos Sorcery, to understand it you have to understand kaballah and the mystery religions.


I know you are just taking the piss, but I'll probably watch this out of morbid curiosity.

Plus, you know: "Chaos Sorcery"


Note pervert face! lol

Right? That's the main reason I became interested in studying religions- because I was raised on TV and video games and movies that told me most religions had access to magic powers.

The problem is most peoples' definition of magic is limited to parlor illusions and card tricks. They don't see the practical or actual applications and ways it's been used all throughout history by those seeking to control the consciousness of the masses.

Great a YouTube video as a source! Now I'm must be convinced.

I had to bleach my eyes after watching.

well, that's the stupidest fucking video I've ever seen

Reminder: the crime took place at the Twin Towers, not building 7, therefore building 7 is a red herring..

There is no evidence of any government conspiracy regarding 9/11. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6F70E9C7EF49734B

other than standing down the airforce, for example: fucking useless American airforce

So have the sheeple woken up yet or do we have to try again next year?

Stop calling them sheeple and they might wake up. Remember you are asking people to question everything, a hard task.

Stop calling them sheeple and they might wake up. Remember you are asking people to question everything, a hard task.

Hahaha! Even more proof it's impossible to parody a truther without being mistaken for one.

This thread has been linked to from elsewhere on reddit.

If you follow any of the above links, respect the rules of reddit and don't vote or comment. Questions? Abuse? Message me here.

When I was a kid (4th grade) and that stuff happened. I didn't understand. As a teen I ignored people who said 'the attack was fake' because human lives were lost and using archaic logic of mine, people dead, there was an attack (by mysterious people I couldn't understand). Now as an adult I finally understand the false flag attacked that happened. Nevertheless human lives (not just American) were lost. It doesn't matter to me what difference in culture; everyone fights and wages wars over things, ideals, wealth, resources, etc. just trying to survive.

Not sure why this is being downvoted, but you are absolutely right. Their doesn't seem to be much of a difference between those who are openly evil and those who are discreetly evil.


the 'pod' is the drone that flew into the tower, covered up on tv by the CGI plane.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rWXbjIusiaM

So how does this theory deal with the tens of thousands of eye witnesses that watched the plane crash into the building in real life? Are they all in on it or what? Im genuinely not trying to be an instigator, i just dont know what to make of that..

'tens of thousands of eye witnesses..' if you research you will find there is only a handful of eye witness reports, most of them say that they saw no plane..

I find it hard to believe that there is only a handful of people that saw the second plane hit the tower, considering the amount of people that were standing on the street watching the drama unfold. I know 2 people that were on the street that morning due to a bucks party the night before, and both of them have saw the plane hit..


The problem I have with that website, is it is obviously pushing an agenda, it quotes 20 people who may or may not have seen a plane of some sort, but there is a further list in the sources of around 70 people that did see a commercial airliner before impact.

So how would multiple videos show a plane hitting the towers if it was really missiles? There are people in this thread that claim no planes ever hit any target on that day.

I saw that shit the day it happened.


it's not an artifact, it is the drone, otherwise known as 'the ball'. The SFX is simple 2d plane on purpose to prevent analysis...'total penetration' was needed to explain the tower collapses..


Ok, i see we are on the same page but 'artifact' implies it's a glitch, so not the best description. The broadcast footage of 'the ball' does not point to a missile but rather to more advanced drone technology, that's why it's called 'the ball' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wF74zTLjNg


Did you watch the 3-D analysis? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rWXbjIusiaM


news footage is the only 'evidence' we have, aside from the lack of evidence of the official theory


i agree the laser is suspicious..

9/11 was committed by trained mice, not men. The fact is planes never hit the twin towers, they are still flying to this day and have not landed. The fact that you saw planes hit the twin towers on video was just an optical illusion mixed with a mass hallucination. Hundreds or Thousands of mice who were given vaccines and GMO foods were being controlled by the Illuminati and chewed through the steel supports of the twin towers (using mutant powers from the GMOs), starting fires as they started chewing through electric cables. The twin tower attacks were an attempt to destroy financial firms that tracked debt in order to try to prevent Hostess, the company that made Twinkies and other snacks, from having to pay their debt. Unfortunately there were copies of their loans and notes and they went under. Twinkies are the favorite snack of the Illuminati and helped in the legal defense of Dan White who murdered Harvey Milk, a openly gay political leader in San Francisco. This crime was ultimately used along side the Brady Campaign (another Illuminati plot) to initiate sweeping gun bans including several 'assault weapon' bans. If you want to blame someone don't blame our government, blame the Illuminati that has been attacking our government seizing control where it can.

Finally, someone gets it right. Doddamn mice run the luminerty.

The evidence was pretty clear. Can't believe people didn't figure it out. There was mice DNA and feces in the rubble.

Doddamn rodent shills.

Once he said building 7 I stopped watching.

How come?

Because I'm sick of the pseudo scientist circle jerk. The title of this thread says "forget about building 7".

So you find it unacceptable to talk about anything except building 7 when discussing the attacks?

You got it backwards. When I hear building 7 I lose interest.

OP doesn't want to talk about building 7.

I don't even.

This is truly disgusting... there is not a shred of concrete proof for any of these outrageous claims. Just remember, there were more than 3,000 Americans who died that day at the hands of a cruel jihadist organization, not our own government. This was the work of radical islamists, not of corporate interests from smoke filled rooms. This was a nearly unprecedented attack on US soil, and each and every one of you should have to look each victim's family in the eye and describe this drivel to them. despicable.


A well-written, insightful post is referred to as "low-quality bait." Just another day in the wacky world of /r/conspiracy!

I wouldn't mind you guys as much if you didn't harass people so much about this bullshit.

This is so mind-numbingly stupid I don't know where to begin. You do realize that many members of the victims' families have openly called for a new investigation into 9/11 themselves right?

You people are a bunch of fucking chodes


A conspiracy as wide as being detailed here simply wouldn't hold up because of the sheer number of participants. You cannot keep that many people silent.

There's lots of reasons to think there was a conspiracy behind these events but there's few concrete pieces of evidence to show that such a conspiracy actually existed. Downvote away.

I don't think it matters that much anyway. The truth is that it was no more conspiratorial than allowing the Japanese to bomb Pearl Harbor ... The US knew that shit was coming and let it happen because it served their larger strategic agenda. Same thing with 9/11.

Conspiracy theorists, at least the rational ones, only point out the numerous holes in the official story. You for some reason claim to know the "truth" based soley on a deeply rooted skepticism of conspiracy theorists and their motives. The truth is nobody knows the real truth. You are also assuming you know how a deception on this level would work, and that for it to be possible, X number of people have to be in the loop.. also false.

A conspiracy as wide as being detailed here simply wouldn't hold up because of the sheer number of participants

Every 9/11 truther has heard this argument a million times. And every 9/11 truther has laughed a million times. The claim is pure assumption; it assumes the U.S. government is incompetent, disorganized, and unable to pull off an operation of this magnitude. It also fails to account for the fact that, when we talk about the "government" being involved, we're not talking about the dysfunctional jackasses in Congress. We are talking about organizations like the CIA and Military Industrial Complex. You think the wealthiest, most technologically-advanced government entities this planet had ever seen, which also employ some of the best & brightest minds this planet has to offer, couldn't possibly fool you or the population as a whole? That's adorable.

There's lots of reasons to think there was a conspiracy behind these events but there's few concrete pieces of evidence to show that such a conspiracy actually existed

So? Are you aware that a terrorist by the name of Timothy McVeigh was convicted largely on circumstantial evidence? Very few "concrete pieces of evidence", no witnesses placing McVeigh at the scene, but convicted by a court of law nonetheless. That is why the government brought in Joseph Hartzler to prosecute the case, because he was well-known for building solid cases on circumstantial evidence.

People come in here all the time crying about "physical evidence", like they want one of us to produce a handwritten letter written in blood from Dick Cheney n' Pals, giving a full confession. Funny how there is plenty of legal precedent for the acceptance of circumstantial evidence, but when it comes to 9/11, all the Official Story Fanboys want you to produce "concrete physical evidence" in the form of a smoking gun. Nope, they can't accept the literal mountain of circumstantial evidence that suggests the official story is horseshit. They'll only accept "concrete, air-tight physical evidence"! That's fucking adorable, too.

I don't think it matters that much anyway. The truth is that it was no more conspiratorial than allowing the Japanese to bomb Pearl Harbor ... The US knew that shit was coming and let it happen because it served their larger strategic agenda

So it's OK then? Doesn't "matter that much anyway". Christ, what a piss-poor attitude.

If the United States is OK with:

  • launching illegal wars

  • wasting/losing/stealing/"misplacing" hundreds of billions of dollars

  • lying to its own population

  • killing thousands of its own people

  • killing hundreds of thousands of foreign people who had nothing to do with any of this shit

all because they wish to further their "larger strategic agenda", then fuck the United States and fuck its agenda. That's not a justification; that is an excuse. And it doesn't make the crimes any less criminal.

What an excellent response. T y

The circumstantial evidence for a 9/11 inside job is dwarfed by the circumstantial evidence for an AQ terrorist attack.

The physical evidence for a 9/11 inside job is even more profoundly dwarfed by the physical evidence for an AQ terrorist attack

Conspiracy theorists string together little anomalies and theories to bolster their story and package them in a 2 hour Gish gallop youtube video. If someone went to the trouble of putting together a youtube video outlining the evidence in favor of the official story, it would be ten times as long and 100-times better sourced.

If someone went to the trouble of putting together a youtube video outlining the evidence in favor of the official story, it would be ten times as long and 100-times better sourced.

Then why hasn't anyone done so? Better yet, why hasn't NIST provided us with their data inputs so that we can run their models ourselves and see if they stand up to scrutiny?

If someone went to the trouble of putting together a youtube video outlining the evidence in favor of the official story, it would be ten times as long and 100-times better sourced.

No, you would actually find anomaly after anomaly that go against the official story. Youtube videos are not the main source of information, they are just summaries to use as launching points. Just as mainstream news is not, and should not be, a main source. To really research something, to build a base of unbiased facts, and to actually learn things, you must go through the act of "discovery", personally subjecting yourself to all evidence available and forming your own opinions.

As more detailed starting points than simple "Youtube videos", I recommend:

Have you heard of compartmentalization? The Manhattan Project had over 100,000 people involved.


you cannot keep that many people silent

[Citation needed]

If the old "too many participants" reasoning held any water, we could say the holocaust never happened because it would take too many participants.

You arent a holocaust denier... are you?

He's not saying many participants means it couldn't happen. He's saying that many participants means it couldn't be kept a secret a decade later.

Dead men tell no tales.

You don't have to look far to find the particular TBTB that put him into office: his father.

Hahaa because you're that influencial that the government hired someone specifically to monitor YOU!

I love the egos here!!!

Oh yeah. Taking the time to work for change and just biting the bullet now would shake economies and our understanding of civilization/governance. It'll take 24 more years for people to finally see it, when it's too late.