9/11/14 Thread

48  2014-09-10 by [deleted]

This thread is for all 9/11/14 conspiracies,etc. I compiled just a couple but would like to hear you guy's opinions on it

If the above is true I am legitimately scared

I don't know if anything will happen, but I'll be watching anyways. Feel free to post anything credible and I'll add it to the list


Personally, I think that 9/11 has become the most successful scare tactic ever. Americans are shitting bricks. So are many other citizens from around the world. Mission accomplished!

A friend of mine is keeping her children home from school tomorrow, in outright terror of the 9/11 boogeyman.

Tomorrow is just another day for me. But the fear from everyone is damn near palpable.


Who picks the days for this shit?! Put into that perspective, you have tingled my worried gene. I'm hoping nothing happens, but damn. When does a coincidence become a conspiracy?

If Obama's presentation doesn't work tonight and the people still don't want war, I wouldn't be surprised if something happened tomorrow as a last ditch effort by TPTB.

No, they want war. They've been heard all about the mass graves, the beheadings, and the rapes.

As far as John Q. Public is concerned, ISIS is literally Hitler.

I'm sure some do. I think more don't. But I think most don't care. Ignorance is bliss. I think TPTB would rather settle this with the speech than resort to another 9/11 style terrorist attack. Too many people are seeing too many pieces add up and every day TPTB are trying to control the leaks and if they had to resort to another attack of that scale it would just scream how desperate they are and how willing they are to do anything. I think a lot of people would question how we let it happen again even after all the preventative measures after 9/11. NSA, TSA, all this stuff that was meant to prevent further attacks would be questioned. It would shake a lot of people like the original. It would also come with a lot more speculation due to how coincidental and identical it is. They'd much rather convince with words than that, in my opinion.

Edit: By most don't care I mean as in knowing the facts or they feel like even if they had their own opinion it wouldn't matter in the bigger picture. People very much care, but it's easier to live without worrying about all this.

Bingo, things look far different here in awake land, reality is a bit more filled in on the canvas.

While we're seeing the true colors of ISIS, John Q. Public is still being scarred by the ISIS PR efforts (beheading videos and whatnot), legit or not.

How do you get people to see the truth though?

They're American citizens ( as I am ) and they damn well know of our decades old intelligence agencies funded into the billions, so you would think they wouldn't be fooled into believing that people can actually hide from that intelligence apparatus.

For some reason, however, they have been fooled, some reason being the false flags which TPTB use to condition everybody.

So while it seems like the FBI is stopping "potential terrorists", they're really "foiling" plots that they tricked stupid people into going along with, like the underwear bomber and every other inside job.

They want us to be scared.

I'm not scared.

I'm really, really pissed off right now!!

Obama is interrupting my show to tell me he is going to start another war with the boogie-men of his own creation.


I want to do something about it!!! But what can I do?

EDIT: Ironically "my show" is America's Got Talent

I wish I wasn't scared.

I'm scared even to go to school. Fuuuuuuck.

Teach me your ways.

Ummm.. This just popped up on my Facebook:

Fox Carolina News

Kendra Kent here... A solar flare is heading toward earth [sic] and it could mess with power grids and satellites. We see solar flares occasionally, but this is a big one. Get more details at: http://www.foxcarolina.com/story/26501270/scientists-extreme-solar-storm-heading-to-earth

Also: OP, can you label those links please?

on mine too...

It's an X-1.6. We've taken much bigger flares. Yea our magnetospere is kinda weak right now but it shouldn't be too much to worry about.

My concern is that there is no solar flare, that it's a media fabrication so they can take down the grid.

Well it was nice knowing you all. If you need me I'll be at the pub waiting for things to blow over.

I wish I had a pub...

I live and go to school next to the fucking freedom tower.

power is going down in west michigan... on and off.... Solar flare?

Here's another:

On 9/11/2014, all across our nation, ISPs and PSPs (phone service providers) are implementing ‘planned outages’. The most common excuse is ‘for maintenance’."


That's a solar flare for the electrical grid, planned outages for the phones, and internet slowdown for the internet.

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I'm really, really pissed off right now!!

Obama is interrupting my show to tell me he is going to start another war with the boogie-men of his own creation.


I want to do something about it!!! But what can I do?

EDIT: Ironically "my show" is America's Got Talent

I wish I wasn't scared.

I'm scared even to go to school. Fuuuuuuck.

Teach me your ways.