Be careful with words.

54  2014-09-17 by NonThinkingPeeOn

Some phrases and words are designed to influence your beliefs and even behaviors. This may seem obvious but the application is very subtle and most of time you do not realize you've been lead. Be mindful that the judgments and decisions you make are controlled by subtle guiding forces of suggestion.

This is very important: Your thoughts may not be your own.

A good example is unemployed. And another related example is when you get "let go" from a job.

Unemployed suggests an abnormal condition. Whereas having a job and being employed is normal and acceptable. A better description for being unemployed would be something like "available", or better yet "free". Imagine that.

Being "let go" from a job, suggest that the employer has released you from bondage, you are now free so to speak. The truth is no one can "let you go". You are always free to do as you choose in life and the only control others have over you is what you allow them to have. But then they can't "let you go" to be free without suggesting shame and humiliation. So then you carry the shame of being labeled "unemployed".

When you meet people the first questions they ask are "what do you do?" This is the criteria by which you are judged.

This is all by design mind you. In order to keep the mass population in line. You are conditioned from a very young age to follow this command.

"what do you want to be when you grow up?" You are asked this because you have to be something. You must be lead to believe that you can not exist without being something.

This is how the weak minded are governed. There cant be free souls wandering the earth, doing as they please, because then everyone is equal. The greatest fear those in power have is losing their power.


Yep, English is a very young language and did not come about organically.

There is a reason it's called "spelling".

Also, curiously, languages were written left to right until about 900CE with the advent of Younger Futhark/Futhorc/Germanic written languages. Hell, prior to that, Elder Futhark was always written right to left., and is surprisingly easy to read if you know what sounds the runes themselves make.

Emerald Tablet Example

More on Emerald Tablet

Elder Futhark

Makes sense, as the progeny of Antiochus Sotor, and Selucious Nicator traveled from the Levant to Sweden.

Elaborating on the question of "what do you want to be when you grow up?" This sounds like a simple question, but it is loaded. When a child is asked this they are being conditioned into a certain mode of thinking.

This question forces the child into a corner, and they have no choice but to make a decision. They put themself into a box, label themself and limit who they think they are and what they think they are capable of. To label yourself as anything, be it a lawyer, or a doctor, or a policemen you have boxed yourself in to a finite existence. When you call yourself an engineer, you can't be a lawyer at the same time. When you're labeled a doctor you can't be policeman at the same time. it doesn't matter what label you give yourself, or how many, you are placing a shackle on your self if you do. But to simply be, then you are without limit or expectation.

Through subtle suggestion in answering a simple question they have been made to limit themselves. This is how we teach our kids! By starting out with limitation. And from there controlling them is easy because all the work has been done by the individual them self.

The true measure of a man's intelligence is not how fast he can learn, but how fast he can learn, unlearn, and learn again.



As in replace outdated, and/or false information.

Forget. Realize. Awaken. Simply to throw away the bullshit they feed us.


We are serfs, raised to be workers...from kindergarten onwards. The "brave new world" isn't fiction, it's here.

When you meet people the first questions they ask are "what do you do?" This is the criteria by which you are judged.

Sad truth.

EDIT: I like this post, good conversation piece.

Fact. It is used to qualify and quantify- who you are and your potential. Usually, an explanation of why you do what to you do follows, which is a perfect example of this.

Love the "what do you do" example. Whenever I ask this, people with socially appealing jobs (doctor, lawyer, etc) quickly speak up. Others will reply "like what I do for work?" To which I reply "not necessarily, I don't think a job should define you. What do you do in general? What do you do for fun? What are your interests?" It always makes the introductions/conversations so much better.

When you meet people the first questions they ask are "what do you do?"

That's all about how you define yourself, which I think is the point that you're getting at.

My answer to that is always father first, husband second, depends on my mood what comes after.

"What is your job?" is an entirely different question and if someone chooses to judge me for that, I have absolutely no qualms about telling them to fuck off to their face.

what do you want to be when you grow up?

Same answer as above, sorta. Since I'm an adult already, my answer is a better man / father / husband than I was yesterday.

"What job do you want to work when you grow up?" is an entirely different question.

This is how the weak minded are governed.

No. Controlled.

Yeah, we're saying the same thing, I think. Words drive perception. Think about how you answer, most especially how you answer those questions to yourself.

Govern=control Ment=mind

The words you use mean more than you know.

Ment = mind

Stop making stuff up to fit your worldview.

I see where s/he could have made that mistake, though. Mens/ment-- is Latin for mind; nevertheless, you're correct in asserting that it's not the same /ment/ that you see in government, retirement, monument, etc.

Yes, perhaps I was a bit harsh. It just irks me though when stuff like this gets posted and then upvoted.

It's like that saying that goes around - you must have heard it.

Politics: Poli meaning meany and tics = blood sucking insect (lolololol)

makes my blood boil.

I feel you. I love etymology and I'm a bit of a pedant, so I just like talking about roots and stems whenever I get the chance, and misinterpreted roots are a didactic opportunity to me.

What does it mean?

Yeah, we're saying the same thing, I think. Perception drives words. Think about how you answer, most especially how you answer those questions to yourself.


So you are justifying this society after he just told you everything that was wrong with it? Your comment is going to relieve tension of the topic to people and make them fall back in the trap. We want to get out, not read your comment and think all this is okay because all I need to worry about is being a good father/husband. Is this the life you really want for your family? Slaves to someone else's debt? You telling someone fuck off is a problem, it's not funny, I don't find that in any way helpful to anyone not even yourself. You would be resolving a problem with another problem.

My comment is getting out.

For my family? Slave to whose debt?

Yes, I want my daughter to be the best person, wife, and mother she can be, when she choose to be those last 2.

How is not giving a fuck about someone else's opinion, and letting them know that, a problem for anyone but that person who thinks I should value their idiotic opinion?

It would be amazing if one day if a child is asked that question, they would respond, "I want to be a human."

That would be progress. But the best and only true response is simply "I am."


If it means anything to you at the age of 4 I said "a dinosaur", it didn't go down well I had to pick a real job.

When I was young and was asked "what do you want to be when you grow up?" I proudly replied... "an Adventurer!"

According to my parents, who love to tell the story, I would proudly reply "a paleontologist." This word coming from a toddler's mouth was sufficiently perplexing enough for most of the adults who asked me.

I guess it's a good thing that I can't settle for anything at 33, and somewhat fear I will die without purpose in life

I catch myself doing this frequently, particularly on Reddit. It's easier to catch myself here, since I can read over my comments and see how I use words and phrase things. It can be fun. Well, maybe for me, since I'm a writer and I enjoy seemingly mundane tasks like that.

I think its better to say "what do you like to do?" when meeting new people for the first time, it usually results in better conversations anyway because its coming from a place of truth instead of bringing up this forced effort of persuading them how much we are worth to society.

But if you're unemployed, it's implied you're not contributing anything to society. It's undesirable for a society to have people take advantage of the comforts and such attained by the society.

Can one contribute to society without being "employed"? Of course they can. your opinion is based on the belief that you don't do something unless you can get something in return. This concept is the foundation that a credit and debt society is built on. It is a wholly corrupt way of life. Nature does not operate on a credit and debt system. Integrity involves giving without expectations.


Prostitutes, illegal under the table work, drug dealers and producers (which typically is an extra paycheck for our low wage industry and a means of acquiring capital for legitimate operations)

All not things you readily gloat about. Except to possible customers.

Instead of saying, "I'm unemployed", I will now yell, "I am a free man!"

You're free to call yourself whatever you like. Doesn't change the definition of things.

Unemployed doesn't mean freeloader. I do just fine without suckling on the diseased teat of Uncle Sam.

Free your mind of the preconceptions that shackle it. You sound awfully bitter about something.

So what do you do?

Don't worry about what I do. It's not criminal or illegal and nobody gets hurt.

Fair enough

And even if it is criminal or illegal from time to time, that's how the economy works. We launder shit, families grow. Without drugs, we wouldn't have an economy to fall back on. The trade employs more people than any single employer in america. And the war on drugs has all been bullshit.

Same goes for illegal farming. Bootlegging. Anything really, except the pollution rackets and high level bribery shit. We could probably do without that.

The point is it doesn't matter what we do. It's not of anyone's concern.

But if you're unemployed, it's implied you're not contributing anything to society.

How so? My parents are retired and I think they contribue to society.

It's undesirable for a society to have people take advantage of the comforts and such attained by the society.

But why are you assuming that if someone is unemployed they are taking advantage of society? Not only do people pay back into society in many ways including through other forms of taxation than income tax, you can live without burdening society if you have enough money to support yourself. You have fallen into the very trap OP is warning about.

Exactly! Don't try and justify the system, it's a failure. People would be more compelled for a job if they didn't feel like they had to. We are taught growing up that what life is in America, is finishing school, get a job, make money. Cuz you know.. that's all we want.. it's our world, some might die for money. WE ARE TIRED OF BEING TOLD WHAT TO DO!! I literally just don't understand why everybody doesn't get that the biggest thing the establishment has to fear is a revolution of the American people. This could all end whenever we see fit. We need to realize everything OP just typed and move past it, come together! Or we will simply be trapped and told what to do, forever. Now is OUR time. JUST like it was icelands time. JUST like it was our time in the 1700's. Those people were slaves to taxation and fought and died for their freedom when GB seemed larger than life. The outcome was their very own independence as a nation. America is larger than life, we are slaves to taxation, we need to be prepared to fight and die for our freedom. Can you imagine America 2020? 2050? This is our last chance, this generation. Our time. Our freedom. Stop pushing eachother away and for once, actually work together to BE larger than life.

EDIT: It goes without saying that many of you will read this, some might favor, some might ridicule. Either way it will be read but we will take no action. We can't do this alone. We can't wait for it to just happen, WE have to be the happening.

They already contributed something and saved up so they can retire. I didn't say you needed to be constantly working. They'd also be considered "unemployed", with the reason being "retired". That's just English.

How is running a fast food restaurant "contributing to society"?

Having a job is NOT contributing to society. It's generating a paycheck to hopefully support yourself and family, but there's no guarantee it's actually a contribution to society.

I can think of a shitload of jobs people can and do hold today that actually detract from the advancement or betterment of society.

How is running a fast food restaurant "contributing to society"?

People gotta eat!

Ah, so you're saying when someone is unemployed that's not the end of it, the reason actually matters? Now we're starting to see where the OP is coming from. These words can be very powerful when used incorrectly.

Exactly! That's all I'm trying to say; words like "unemployed" are used to describe your situation, not define it.

I see what you mean now and that's actually a really great point.

I'm not the best with words


I see where s/he could have made that mistake, though. Mens/ment-- is Latin for mind; nevertheless, you're correct in asserting that it's not the same /ment/ that you see in government, retirement, monument, etc.

What does it mean?