On this "International Day Of Peace," may I remind you that our own Nobel Peace Prize winner is one of the main people causing conflict. He signs the executive orders.

47  2014-09-20 by [deleted]

Nixon wished he had the power that our "president" has today.

Nixon was impeached because of his 346 executive orders.

Barack Obama has signed more than the 923 you keep hearing about.

He signed another two days ago.


This is not a "conspiracy." This is treason.


Execute (ive) ORDERS

Antibiotic resistant bacteria huh? What prompted this one?


Ebola *virus has nothing to do with antibiotic resistant *bacteria, which is a very real problem.

Have you scrolled through the list of executive orders? Read any of them? Or are you just regurgitating Glenn Beck

Yes the current media hyped ailments are all viruses right now, afaik

I'm not regurgitating anyone. If you look at the previous death tolls that Ebola has caused, it is nowhere near as high as this recent infection. It is foolish to think it is in any way similar. Those viruses could be controlled. This one cannot.

EDIT: And any intelligent person knows you can't give an antibiotic to a person with a viral infection.

Just wait 'til it makes zombies.

Tired of hearing about the the Nobel Prize,,,THEY were stupid to offer it to him. And if they thought giving it to him was somehow going to stay his hand then that makes THEM double stupid. And stop trying to make it sound as if Barrack Obama is the only President that ever signed an executive order.

He is actually the president with the most signed executive orders. That is why it is significant.

Where does our ever on vacation, do nothing congress, play into this?


What, what? Congress refuses to get anything done and the GOP/Teaparty apparently doesn't mind the country going down the tubes by their inaction in their quest to make him a one term President even though like everything else they do now it has failed miserably. So to dumb this down for you: Does that have anything to do with it???

Sec. 6. Strengthening National Surveillance Efforts for Resistant Bacteria. (a) The Task Force shall ensure that the Action Plan includes procedures for creating and integrating surveillance systems and laboratory networks to provide timely, high-quality data across healthcare and agricultural settings, including detailed genomic and other information, adequate to track resistant bacteria across diverse settings. The network-integrated surveillance systems and laboratory networks shall include common information requirements, repositories for bacteria isolates and other samples, a curated genomic database, rules for access to samples and scientific data, standards for electronic health record-based reporting, data transparency, budget coordination, and international coordination.

These motherfuckers are addicted to surveillance.