The mods at /r/science, who are probably paid by SSRI manufacturers, don't want you to know that exercise alleviates depression

47  2014-09-26 by [deleted]

I submitted this study:

I noticed it was removed right after I submitted it, without the help of /r/science, since they don't notify you in any way that your post was removed. So I sent them a kind message "was this removed." 2 hours later, they say yes and I explain that I will delete the submission and resubmit so that it isn't buried.

Their response?


Keep it up. We don't like playing games with the idea of "Well, if it's buried, let me repost it by "deleting-resubmitting" so that it's seen again." Too easy to abuse so we don't allow it. Thus, we follow the policy of you only get one bite at the apple. Sorry the automod got you, but, little we can do about that. It gets everyone.

In other words, he's either too lazy to click "approve" again, or has a list of disallowed topics for Reddit approval.

Screenshot of convo:


The most suspicious fact here is that you're not allowed to resubmit a submission that's been flagged by automod.

Haha, "Let ze robot work, human"

Looks like a dickhead moderator to me. You can't necessarily jump to "omg he haz agenda!" just because he's a douchebag.

Two mods involved actually and /r/science has a history of harsh censorship on a wide variety of topics.

I don't even sub there now, because every big thread is a comment graveyard. They say, "jokes aren't tolerated as top level comments," yet vote brigades (from where??) will mass downvote "off-topic" discussion in lower level comment chains.

Then, like I said, comment graveyards. How can we possible EVER know that they aren't ALSO deleting opinions they don't like? It's already happened there before and the same mods are still there....

Wow. What a fucking cunt.

Edit:.....that moderator is.

I thought this was common knowledge

It is. Doctors are always recommending people get more exercise for all sorts of ailments.

I've never heard of a doctor not recommending it. The problem is that patient compliance is usually too low

yeah he went from "thank you to alerting us" to "DONT PLAY GAMES WITH US". it would have been better if you just screenshotted it including you just responding with "wow, yikes". no need to "invent conspiracies"

Different moderator.

I thought it was general knowledge that exercise helps with depression... Dopamine I think is the chemical that is released to balance out your brain.

The mods at /r/science, who are probably paid by SSRI manufacturers

That's a pretty bold claim.

Not only does exercise alleviate depression but it appears to modulate the effects of SSRIs.

One of the current postulated mechanisms by which SSRIs are meant to work over the long term is by upregulating neurogenesis (creation of new neurons and glia) in the hippocampus. In animal models where hippocampal neurogenesis has been blocked, SSRIs appear less effective (just how "effective" SSRIs are is seriously coming into question as more metanalyses are performed).

So what factors modulate hippocampal neurogenesis? A LOT.

(Things that increase it: exercise, good nutrition, adequate sleep and other stuff. Things that decrease it: immunologic overactivity, STRESS, poor nutrition, and other stuff).

One of the most important factors for increasing neuronal hippocampus is exercise. A good cardio session is one of the best things you can do for your brain, it increases blood flow throughout your cranial vasculature, so nutrients, waste products and also positive trophic factors can be circulated through better. Exercise really does wonders for your physiology, it improves the function of almost every aspect of how your body maintains homeostasis. It also is one of the best things you can do to reduce stress, and chronic stress shrinkz ya cortex and literally will kill you eventually).

If you're on SSRIs then make sure to exercise!

If you're not on SSRIs then make sure to exercise!

Another good practice is mindfulness. From what research has been done so far on mindfulness meditation and mindfulness practices in general, they appear to have very beneficial effects on the brain and body.

If you don't exercise or you are unfit... now is the time to start. is a good program - begins from a very minimal workout (for couch potatoes) to running 5 KM.

Title is editorialized and very likely untrue.

You submitted your link 8 hours ago on /r/science and its' viewable there.

This post is from 6 hours ago.

What's the deal with that?

Did you post this not realizing your submission is actually up?

That's what he was talking about. When he submitted, the post was removed, so he contacted the mods. 2 hours later the mods released it, but wouldn't let him resubmit because... none of those are a good explanation. It basically like having a race and holding onto someones shirt at the start line for 2 hours and then letting go and saying, get going you only have one chance.

I see, they purposely held his submission back, but for what reason?

I don't think that constitutes any form of proof that they are "probably paid by SSRI manufacturers".

I thought it was pretty common knowledge that exercise decreases depression and alleviates stress?

Are people really so stupid that we need studies to prove that?

Are people really so stupid that we need studies to prove that?

Yes. In today's world, if there isn't a study saying it's true, it isn't true to the majority of people.

Which is why Good and Evil aren't actually real, because there isn't a study that proves them.

The sarcasm in that is that good and evil most definitely are real, but I should not have to explain this if you understand the whole context of my comment.

"MIT study confirms that good and evil actually exist!"

"...b-b-but wait - was it peer reviewed?"

I see, they purposely held his submission back, but for what reason?

That's the question, why? Also, if it was caught up by automod and is a perfectly acceptable post, why not let him repost it, it's nothing new and mods normally let you repost if it got caught up.

I don't think that constitutes any form of proof that they are "probably paid by SSRI manufacturers".

You're correct, it's not evidence, although this is a r/conspiracy and people tend to theories as to why a mod would act in this manner. I don't believe the mod is on the payroll of SSRI manufacture, but I do tend to think there is something going on with the mods as gatekeepers and I have personally seen specific information restricted by using these kind of tactics.

there is something going on with the mods as gatekeepers

Most definitely, need we bring up /u/BiPolarbear0 and the /u/jcm267 crew?

Those fools have been shitting in our cereal for years.

Are people really so stupid that we need studies to prove that?

Studies "prove" nothing. That is not how research works. I agree there is some research that seems to just re-inforce what 'should be' 'common sense', but eh, people will put out whatever it takes to get published, that's just the climate particularly in North America.

Further providing evidence of these systemic, gross-level effects of exercise compounds a body of evidence which is then built on by further research that actually attempts to figure out the mechanisms. Exercise physiology goes way deeper than just 'exercise is gud 4 u' but a news outlet is not going to report on a study and present it accurately if it's like 'changes in respiratory capacity of mitochondria in Type IIa fibres' or 'metabolic consequences of reactive oxygen species production after isometric eccentric contractions'

Also keep in mind ur perception of the research is coming through a filter of a journalist who is likely scientifically illiterate, and their info probably came from the institution's media/PR staff who are also scientifically illiterate. Science "journalism" is fucking dismal in most outlets.

Obesity causes depression. There are a lot of obese people. These people are potential ssri customers.

Many people are not aware of the full benefits to regular exercise. So they take SSRIs instead.

I don't care if the mods conspired to do that or not. It was a disservice to the general reddit community to withhold important information from them.

Obesity causes depression.

No, Obesity is one condition which contributes to depression, let's be semantically correct here. I know obese people who are not depressed.

There are a lot of obese people. These people are potential ssri customers.

There are a lot of depressed people.

Many people are not aware of the full benefits to regular exercise.

Do they live under rocks? I don't understand how any American born citizen older than 12 does not know the benefits of regular exercise, it's taught and enforced since first grade, it's inexcusable to say "well I didn't know" because people are almost screaming it at the top of their lungs to these kids.

So they take SSRIs instead.

No, they do this because they're lazy and want a quick fix which requires no actual work on their part.

It's a lot easier to pop a pill than to get on the ground and fire off 20 push ups.

I don't care if the mods conspired to do that or not. It was a disservice to the general reddit community to withhold important information from them.

It is a disservice and they should feel ashamed if they actually are acting in such a manner on purpose.

Eh, this is splitting hairs. Not exercising, and thus becoming obese, increases the likelihood of depression.

I just want to offer my side of the obesity/depression/SSRI... I was thin and depressed, my depression lead to emotional eating, which then led to me gaining weight. I'm on an SSRI now and I exercise 6 days a week and eat very healthy. I don't take the SSRI as a quick fix.

I've tried natural remedies and it did not fix my depression. I know everyone is different and for me exercise did not cure my depression.

This is explained in my post. It's not that hard to understand. The post was removed and then approved 2 hours later.

Your submission is still up. It's at around 5 karma and has one comment.

Yea, they removed it, waited 2 hours, and approved it.

Ah. Probably got snagged by the bot because of how old the paper is that the story was based on. But I think your story added more information, which is why it was approved.

I'm just going to clear up a misconception here, and then be done with the conversation. No one 'waited two hours' to approve your submission with malicious intent. Sometimes we miss things, and there is a relatively small number of moderators. Your post was also very late, when most of our team is asleep. We are certainly not going to hold ourselves to a '2 minute' turnaround time as you mention in one of your posts.

The submission got missed, I apologize for that. However, it wasn't intentional and it is how the Reddit system works.

I did explain in the mod mail that I would invent a conspiracy theory about mods suppressing this important scientific information since you guys didn't agree with a delete/repost to make my submission fair.

I'm just having fun here. To be honest, when I read that study, I knew that somehow it wouldn't be allowed to be seen on Reddit, which appears to have a massive boner for pharmaceutical corporations, which is why I checked if it had been removed in the first place. Must be just a coincidence.