My town was once blanketed with spraying chemtrails 4+ days every week for over a year. These last few weeks have had little to none. What the fuck us up?

7  2014-09-26 by iamagod____

Being perceptive has its costs. As does having a high IQ and knowledge of history and its unfortunate propensity to repeat. Money and credit are worthless. I digress, have your chemtrails rapidly and inexplicably disappeared?


I'm with you and reported this same cessation here.

There's been nothing close to a correct projected forecast and I'm stymied how they can keep a straight face trying to spin this shit.

It's so readily apparent to all who simply open their eyes and look up.

On my morning commute, I'm listening to am radio and wait in anticipation for the weather report. I know the dude must be looking at porn cause he's not saying what I'm seeing!

Actually I am noticing that. WAY less. But I'll keep a better eye on it today and post back later. I can't tell if that's actually the case or your perspective is skewing my observation. I'll let you know!

Good deal. I'm honestly perplexed as the cause of why they stopped, decreased this massively. I first thought it was weaponized weather mod or health weapons. It seems far deeper and multifaceted. Thank you for keeping your eyes open. Upvoted.

I'm at a loss. The sprsyers quit? Redeployed? Mission accomplished? Spraying is unnecessary becase no matter what crimes they do, no one stands up? They've already bankrupt is. Zionists own out media, politicians, banks, police, corporations, etc.

Your weather since their stopping? Precipitation, wind, etc

The exact same temp and humidity as when they were spraying.

Same pattern observed here in TN, also... I have questioned it myself.

I noticed this where I live; then I noticed they had switched most of it to the night.

The haze is also gone. I've been watching the night sky here, and this fortunately is not the case here. Thank you for sharing your local truths.

i'm in Tx, I still see them 3-4 days a week....but have noticed an increase in night spraying and pre dawn spraying.

Very interesting. I will set up my night vision camera to record every night. I also use flight tracking software that definitely helps.

Yeah my city in central Canada hasn't sprayed the past 2 days, as far as I Can tell. Went from flat clouds and 24 hour trails to nothing. Now the skies are light blue/ white. I see planes fly by with short trails that disappear, then around an hour later a huge trail pops up out of nowhere

It's insanity, is it not. The way live should be.

We may very well be witnessing the end of spraying campaign...if we're lucky. For all the non-believers, simply look. Nationwide and continent wide weather matters are definitely NOT to blame.

Haha definitely not the end of it. Probably just a change in cycles. We're having waay above normal temps for this time of year, and rain in the forecast for the next few days. My guess is that they conjured up this humid storm, Something to do with winter. My guess is after the storm it'll be a full out assault on our ionosphere

Sadly, I suspect you're most correct. Oddly enough I fear they are planning an October surprise to end all.

What are they spraying in your town?

AL and barium oxide primarily thanks to test results of the fallen particulates.

Where can I see the test results?

Perform your own when they are spraying chemicals. In the interim, I'll scan my results. The best evidence is what you seek for yourself. Validate or invalidate my results with your own. A simple sterilized dish and roughgly $100 will net up u your own. Certain particulates are normal, while others are massively problematic in these quantities.

Oh I know. I'm pretty well-versed in atmospheric and water chemistry. I await your results and detail of methods.

Air is getting dryer from cooler temperatures, condensation wont build as easily

Right. That's why I saw full spraying all dry winter last year. This is not.a valid excuse. You lie. Why?

I know its not a popular opinion on this site but Im not a chemtrail skeptic. Grew up on too many bases and would see them all of the time. After researching them they seem to be a normal phenomena.

Im not trying to lie to you or change your mind, and Im not going to engage in a circlejerk. But if you look. At the information. It seems to me. That it is condensation trails.

And dont call a person a liar for having a different opinion.

They are ABSOLUTELY not normal. The volume alone proves this. I compare to when I was growing up when contrails disappeared in less than 5 minutes. Now they linger all day, spreading out into an obscuring poisonous stratua layer. Completely abnormal to prior behavior.

Also, setting out tins on clear days, then having a local lab at the university test it has proven definitively the contents being sprayed. They are NOT normal jet engine emissions. I hope for your and your family sake, you wake up to this readily apparent and personally testable truth. I don't believe lies I can verify myself. Nor should you.

Up vote for your independent thought. Be it incorrect.

as an uneducated average guy...I go by my senses.....I see planes criss crossing the sky...I see it turn to hazy cloud coverage.... if it was infrequent...I could dismiss it...but it's constant....hardly a week has gone by in the past year I haven't recorded or taken a pic of planes doing this.....what originally got my attention was the fact I watch them do it over what has to be DFW airport airspace.. once I noticed, I started to see it almost daily....there's nothing that looks normal about it to me

You're absolutely spot on with your views. The spraying is deliberate, but for some reason, at least here locally, has stopped. Inexplicably. This says much.

This is a very long informative document fully annotated.

I know its not a popular opinion on this site but Im not a chemtrail skeptic. Grew up on too many bases and would see them all of the time. After researching them they seem to be a normal phenomena.

Im not trying to lie to you or change your mind, and Im not going to engage in a circlejerk. But if you look. At the information. It seems to me. That it is condensation trails.

And dont call a person a liar for having a different opinion.

They are ABSOLUTELY not normal. The volume alone proves this. I compare to when I was growing up when contrails disappeared in less than 5 minutes. Now they linger all day, spreading out into an obscuring poisonous stratua layer. Completely abnormal to prior behavior.

Also, setting out tins on clear days, then having a local lab at the university test it has proven definitively the contents being sprayed. They are NOT normal jet engine emissions. I hope for your and your family sake, you wake up to this readily apparent and personally testable truth. I don't believe lies I can verify myself. Nor should you.

Up vote for your independent thought. Be it incorrect.

This is a very long informative document fully annotated.

Your weather since their stopping? Precipitation, wind, etc

Oh I know. I'm pretty well-versed in atmospheric and water chemistry. I await your results and detail of methods.