A conspiracy against /conspiracy, an unethical exploitation of a mentally I'll redditor in an attempt to associate this sub with a psychotic rampage.

71  2014-09-29 by Flytape

There is a sub on reddit called /r/digitalcartel where several redditors congregate to "chat and debate" according to them.

The reality is that this sub was created by /u/thedigitalking who is an alt of a conspiratard user.

The story begins a little over a year ago when I noticed a user here posting YouTube videos they had made featuring them self sitting on a porch swing talking about their delusions (schizophrenic delusions). This person thinks they are God and also the king of the CIA (whatever that means). It was mostly harmless but a little disturbing to see this person suffering from a real mental illness and broadcasting it over YouTube. The deeper they explored their own delusions the more it became clear that this person had the potential to cause harm to others. They believed that natural disasters like hurricane sandy and national tragedies like the sandy hook shooting were done by the CIA specifically to punish them. Regardless of your opinion of who did sandy hook or if lanza had any accomplices, I think we can all agree that they didn't so it to punish a kid named Eric who suffers from schizophrenia and thinks that he is god.

Here is where things went out of bounds in my opinion. Some trolls that plague us here and are constantly on the lookout for anything they can use to "make us evil" noticed this kid and latched onto him. They started feeding his delusions and calling themselves "his disciples". They created a special subreddit for him where he is the central figure, you can read about his delusions yourself in their sticky post.

The kid claims the navy yard shooter was being mind controlled in the same way that he himself is being mind controlled. He talks about building a lead hut to escape from the voices.

The ring leader there is a user /u/thedigitalking, who has tried everything to get /conspiracy to make him or /u/ewolv a mod here, or to get us to feature his story with a sticky.

When denied they have made threats and "put us on a kill list"

/u/thedigitalking talks to ewolv over skype and there is no telling what evil seeds he has planted in his mind there. But its clear that 'king' supports and reinforces this poor sick kid's delusions.

'King' has become this kids handler and he does everything and anything except steer this kid back towards reality.

If you look at the list of mods over there in their special subreddit you'll even find people there who are mods of prominent sub reddits like /r/askscience.

I believe that they intend to push this kid toward some kind of violent outburst IRL and then blame it all on /conspiracy.

Because of this, I have been keeping detailed logs of all the threats made to us in mod mail and the users inflating his ego in /r/digitalcartel.

It all sounds like silly madness to us here but I remind you that the navy yard shooter tried to get help before his killing spree and people turned him away because they didn't see it as a serious matter.



These are just a few examples of the threats we've received from 'king'. Keep in mind that 'king' is perfectly sane and is preying upon ewolv who is suffering from a serious mental disorder.

I'm going public with this now because you can see for yourself how deep into the delusions ewolv has sunk.

Edit there appears to be sort of internal examination of this over at /r/digitalcartel, perhaps my bringing this to light will help them stop the exploitation of Eric


Edit 2


Mod of /digitalcartel (/u/cornroll) explains how

at first we were a cult community designed to create a following for the self proclaimed messiah.

Hopefully they were "unaware" of his schizophrenia when they created a cult following for him.. otherwise that is just fucked up.


haha this is some of the best ironicism on the internet!

let's just recap a second;

I believe that they intend to push this kid toward some kind of violent outburst IRL and then blame it all on /conspiracy.

Flytape thinks that there is a shady group of people trying to discredit the subreddit he moderates, he thinks they're using CIA brainwashing methods which another used FerroFluid describes as being like 'MKUltra' and that their method will be to cause a violent rampage akin to Sandy Hook...

If digitalcartel is dangerously pandering to paranoid delusions then uh, you guys are just BEGGING for the majority of reddit to use this excuse to shut down conspiracy too...

don't say no one didn't warned you...

The difference being that ewolv is admittedly schizophrenic and not on any meds.

I've never seen another user here objectively mentally I'll, and I've also never seen anyone else on here suddenly surrounded by a group of people telling them that they are God!

If you can't see a clear difference between the two situations then something is wrong with you.

haha sure, that's totally how everyone else will see it too.... lol, as if!

This sub is full of paranoid, delusional and probably schizophrenic people all feeding off each others delusions - if you can't admit you're crazy then you have to at least admit a lot of the people here are totally nuts.

As for a group of people telling him he's god? that's a figment of your over active imagination, case in point to my previous statement...


Mhmm. I think you have a few things mixed up here. I was added there fairly early on in that sub. I was member 23 or something back when it was a private sub. This was back when you needed to be nominated to join. I still dont know who nominated me.

Im pretty sure that /r/TheDigitalCartel is not there to make fun of /r/conspiracy. I do think the /u/thedigitalking is not sane like you suggest but crazy as well. For some reason he decided to mod a few people who did not share his ideals and have a trollish side. After the admins removed him as the top mod there he cant get rid of them now.

I think he wants to mod here because he feels your users will believe him over regular users, sticky his message to gain more followers. I dont think he is trying to troll you.

/u/ewolv is legit crazy and he seems to be getting worse. I remember one time he thought the CIA was putting sharpies up his butt and thought the CIA was making his penis twitch using their mind powers or something.

/u/ewolv is legit crazy and he seems to be getting worse.

Yes he is getting worse. I wonder if it has anything to do with his perception of having a bunch of disciples? Regardless of why he is getting worse, when he breaks and hurts himself or someone else, if it makes national news I will be releasing my documents to the media.

I wouldn't want my name on it. Or blood on my hands.

It's hard to tell if it's his disciples are hurting or helping him. If I was psychotic I much rather have people who tell me in not crazy and offer words of encouragement than people who call me crazy. I'm no doctor thought so maybe they are hurting him more.

All we can really do is speculate at this point.

We aren't disciples, that's just a word. I did the css for the sub and I thought it was funny and it fits the theme of the sub.

I'll just cut and paste my explanation of what is happening there because I don't want this false idea of thedigitalcartel being spread around,

What is going on is you have one guy that is schizophrenic who thinks he is Christ returned, and another guy that believes in revelations in the bible and the second coming of Christ. Put them together, and they feed off each other. Everyone else that is there is normal and we do not support Eric's belief that he is Christ nor do we encouraging violence in any way. So actually the people there are good decent people. It is the digitalking that is threatening people and we haven't the slightest clue why.

Is that what you'll tell the cops? Don't worry they'll NEVER find out the truth because all your information and activity is private hahaha. Guess maybe you conspiratards shouldve paid more attention to reality. How ironic.

Tell the cops about what? What do you imagine is going on in this sub, honestly?

I don't know. Could be juvenile bullying of a mentally ill person or could be criminal cyber bullying, criminal mischief, conspiracy to commit murder. Leave it to the authorities to figure out.

Have you bothered to look at the sub for greater than 30 seconds or are you just making knee-jerk accusations? Literally none of what you just described goes on in any of the discussion there.

There is nothing to hide...we aren't sending encrypted messages back and forth or anything. Obviously this information is public and has been public. The only disciple if anyone is DigitalKing but decide yourself and read the actual subreddit instead of posting nonsense.

No offense, but you're delusional. You obviously just believe whatever you want or something?

Yes I am delusional. Hoping to get my own sub full of conspiratard "disciples". Am I doing it right? Is this another bipolar_bear "experiment"?

He doesn't have any disciples...well maybe one :p

you don't need to be a doctor to know that not being honest, in the face of suspicion generally feeds paranoia rather than relieves it.

you are assuming these people are being dishonest. I disagree with your assumption.

I'm not assuming that. I'm assuming they were being cunts.

You got problems, son.

Maybe I should join your sub? You know.. the one where you pretend to be disciples of an adolescent schizophrenic.

Media? The authorities will be all over his internet activity. These clowns won't be able to make any excuses.


/u/thedigitalking[3] [3][+44]

You've NET upvoted the threatening, "Revelations was right" dude 44 times? In 11 months!?


uh huh...? Is it not ok to upvote people? So now I'm a criminal for upvoting someone? lol

I don't recall accusing you of a crime.

Nope... but the post and parts of the thread are implying it...

Are you saying you aren't implying anything?

Hurry delete your activity.. they'll never find out!

a minute on that sub and it's clear that you guys are all trolling a schizophrenic kid by feeding into his delusions. And it's also clear the /u/thedigitalking is a troll and he's managing the whole thing. This is really disgusting.

Only one minute and you read the whole sub? Wow Dr Genius Noob over here. So obvious what life is about, isn't it?

It's not that deep, dude. You're a small group of trolls and snooneters who have devoted time to trolling a schizophrenic kid and telling him where to put his sharpies. Some of you are obsessed with satirizing the occult, some of you are ruthlessly trying to further his delusion, some of you are probably just kids who play too many video games and have poor judgement and somehow don't realize that your sub is a terrible and malicious idea.

Lol fuck off. Don't try and tell me what I am. What an idiot...

you're a troll who probably only uses this account because you got banned from your last one. Jesus dude, look at you- your karma to comment ration is under .5. you clearly have very little of value to contribute. The first sub you even joined was one devoted to harassing a mentally ill guy. Think about that and hope that he doesn't do anything that necessitates an investigation of you and your fellow trolls.

Oh I'm sorry that only popular comments matter to you. I don't care about karma, fool. No I've never been banned and I have a few accounts so people like you can't be nosey or stalk me. You are correct that this account joined that subreddit first. I am not a troll, but apparently you are. Get a life, grow a brain...stop blaming others out of rage.

So fast to judge. Maybe spend more than a min there. There a few who actually believe him and some are just there to sympathize. I really don't see any trolling there for the most part, but maybe something changed. I haven't visited there since they got over 100 subs.

Guess what chief.. when this guy acts out the CIA may end up getting involved. Especially if there were a bunch of juvenile morons actually prompting and promoting any dangerous ideas that end up as actual crimes.

Why are you assuming he will "act out"?

He is from California. FBI deals with domestic thing. CIA wouldn't waste their time with it.

Not if he goes on a psychotic rampage.


Why would the CIA get involved in something like that. The CIA isn't even a law enforcement agency first of all, and they're not even allowed to operate on US soil.

Because they love trolling.

I completely disagree with this post. I'm a mod at /r/digitalcartel because some of the posts and discussions there are thought-provoking and interesting. Eric doesn't seem dangerous to me at all and never has.

What are you basing your claim that digital king is an alt for a conspiratard user on?

This seems to me like you're just demonizing something that you don't understand and have never even attempted to understand.

I've gotta say that I'm getting a pretty strange vibe from this post - why is any of this your responsibility?

Before he got shadow banned you could see his history in conspiratard pretty clearly.

and there you go. Found your flat out lie. You can check a shadowbannes users post history and I see no posts in conspiritard. Making shit up to support your already delusional claims is exactly what I would expect from this subreddit. Ive been pretty into this since I got invited. You are the most delusional of the three of them to make up this whole "group of bullys" theory. Do you know how often people argue with shit DK says in modmail? Almost everytime.

I'm not lying.

You aren't really helping your case by calling me a liar.

How exactly do you check a shadow banned user's post history?

Reddit function, google dorks, internet archive

And are you familiar with his various usernames?

The confirmed ones that have been modded yes.

His having posted in conspiratard in no way proves that he's some subverter attempting to make /r/conspiracy look bad. /r/conspiracy is almost never even mentioned in the digital cartel sub so if his goal was to undermine it then he's been doing a pretty shitty job.

I can only speak for myself but I think you're off base here.

He has been begging us to make him and ewolv mods here at conspiracy for a year or so.

He has been begging us to feature this insanity with a sticky post for a year or so.

And you guys haven't, thus getting him no exposure. He hasn't even bothered to make an alt and attempt to subvert /r/conspiracy that way. Again, if that were his goal, he's been doing a pretty shitty job.

There are a lot of strange subs on reddit, why single this one out? Who made you the arbiter of morality and ethics?

I'm not attacking you, I'm just wondering what the ultimate purpose of this post is. It seems like you have a personal vendetta against digital king or something.

I don't have a vendetta.

This shit has gone too far for too long. This is literal exploitation of a mentally I'll human being.

But my point is that that's only your opinion and is one not shared by myself and, I assume, by most of the other people who visit /r/digitalcartel.

I don't consider myself a "disciple", I'm just someone who is interested in exploring ideas outside of the mainstream. I believe many others on that sub feel the same.

And I've never gotten the impression that Eric is a violent person - maybe you should ask him what he thinks of all this.

exploring ideas outside of the mainstream.

ideas and projects bordering on the illegal and unethical !?

What is illegal and unethical about the sub? You're now the second or third person I've seen make that claim and yet I still haven't gotten an answer.

It sounds more like he's trying to fill the sub in on something that he thinks is a conspiracy against himself and this sub.

I can't help but feel that this kid is being victimized by a large group of people on reddit for either their own entertainment, or for some other motive.

Whatever it is, It's messed up and needs to have attention drawn to it.

Those are all misconceptions my friend. You should try visiting the sub instead of judging it based on this post.


Explain the threats then. Explain how it is not harmful for DK to give Eric the impression that he can mind control people into committing suicide.

What about the post where DK contacted Rothschild via twitter because "he knows about the mind control"

This is all very clearly feeding someone's psychosis.


He created that sub correct?


Where at first we were a cult subreddit designed to gain a following for the self proclaimed Messiah,

Jesus fucking Christ.

This is what I'm talking about.

You misinterpreted the guy. He's saying the digitalcartel was created by theDigitalKing to create a cult following for the self proclaimed messiah BUT as they started inviting people, we realized what was going on and transformed it into something positive, where now it is a nursery for those with mental wounds and has been used to create a lot of good.

FFS people will just believe whatever they fucking want. Listen to what I'm telling you. No one is getting their lulz by taking advantage of a mentally ill person.

Read the rest of that sentence instead of just the first half that supports your argument.

I've read the whole sentence.

The first half is pretty damning, the 2nd half is debatable

That's not what he meant...not a good way to put it really...the fucking place has nothing to do with a cult. I would even argue it isn't designed to gain a following for EWolv either. Maybe that is digitalkings intention but I thought we were there to share thoughts and find commonalities and that is where it seems to be going.

Where at first we were a cult subreddit designed to gain a following for the self proclaimed Messiah, the place has now evolved into a nursery for those with mental wounds and has been used to create a lot of good.

wtf! thats just crazy.

how can u not be exploiting this fellow, if the sole purpose of the places creation was to feed the delusion? do u not see the contradiction within ur own 'defense'... i think u may actually be onto something flytape if this is his/their reasoning.

The "CSS" still says "disciples", describing subscribers, and it was formatted that way because it was apparently "funny".

I can't in good faith say that I see that place going anywhere positive, or helping Erik.

its 'Project MKUltra' in action, or at least a hobby version of it.

Yes they do. They are here protesting and lying in hopes of admonishing their OBVIOUS guilt. So sad.

I suppose the subreddit has formed a sort of a "cult following", but the group is not a "cult" in the sense of the word.

So.. originally you joined to ridicule and bully a schizophrenic but you continue to participate only to "help" him? Is that what you'll tell Dr. Phil? How old are you? 15? 13?

Lots of people from all over reddit were PMed and invited to that subreddit by the DigitalKing character, myself included. I guess only the ones who couldn't tell it was an obvious troll at work followed the pied-piper.


Smily faces aren't helping. I can't even be bothered to read any posts outside of this thread. If you aren't a juvenile bully then great. If you are I'm sure the authorities will check your post history when and if anything happens.


Maybe you are being trolled.


In this thread chief.

For what its worth I edited my OP to reflect that you guys have an internal exploration of DKs actions going on now.

Since DK created that sub around Eric and Eric's story is central to it I assumed you all understood that you were dealing with a schizophrenic. The sticky post there would also support that it was understood.


You are a narcissist. That's not a judgment. Just an honest observation given your activity in this thread. Your guilt isn't someone else's fault. It's a natural healthy response. Try being honest with it.


Right on. Maybe I'm wrong. It would be tragic if this person suffers as a result of bullying and mischief. If you aren't involved then nothing to say. If you can help this guy or have all ready that's great.

Looks like digitalking and ewolv usernames are both banned or deleted now? Their user pages don't seem to work.

Yes they have both been shadow banned but that doesn't matter in /r/digitalcartel since they are both mods.

They also both have a multitude of alts.

Interesting. Looking in digitalcartel is a little scary. If there really are over 200 people subbed there just to mess around with ewolv that's pretty fucked up.

Its dangerously unethical.

It's illegal.

What is? Dude, you can't just be making outrageous claims like this while simultaneously admitting you have nothing to base them on.

Based on the OP. Why do you care?

I care because you're talking out of your ass and because you took the time to respond to one of my comments and tell me that I should be afraid because of my "juvenile and disgusting" behavior, which you still are yet to elaborate on.

Encouraging someone who is mentally ill into something, whether intentionally or unintentionally can get you a call from the FBI or law enforcement. If people are encouraging this gentleman in one way, and he later turns out to commit a crime, his internet activity will be searched. That means, where he went, who he talked to online, and everything that comes with it. We live in a post 9/11 world, and they will investigate all sites and people he was in contact with.

If you are found out to have messaged him, or commented that he should pursue something or have encouraged him or egged him on, you could be charged as an accomplice or an accessory. With the world we live in, and the hype up media bullshit, especially in regards to sandy hook. You could land your ass in jail and made an example of (which you should be!), all for seemingly innocent internet bullshittery.

With that being said, if the sub is truly trolling this mentally ill man. And you lot are doing it for shits and giggles. You deserved to be locked up, because frankly, that's psychopathic, disturbing, and very sadistic.

The sub is not about trolling the poor guy. Dear God, this is like Fox News. Did anyone bother reading into the subreddit at all? I think recent posts were kind of crappy and I haven't been all that active but I fail to see the trolling unless one were to accuse DigitalKing as a manipulator...he "believes" everything EWolv says...sometimes Ive even wondered if he was an alt of EWolv's. The thing is, nobody else ever believes the story and most will say so straight up. As far as I'm aware EWolv does not see any of the subscribers as his disciples or followers or believers even.

With that being said, if the sub is truly trolling this mentally ill man. And you lot are doing it for shits and giggles. You deserved to be locked up, because frankly, that's psychopathic, disturbing, and very sadistic.

That's not what the sub is about at all, man. You're talking out of your ass quite frankly. No one is encouraging Eric to commit any crimes - that's a pretty heavy allegation you're making based on nothing. Take these empty threats elsewhere.

I'm not threatening or making allegations. I'm saying, if it's found out to be the case. Basically, tread lightly.

99% of the people subbed are not there to mess around with ewolv. Maybe DigitalKing is, but I know most people are definitely not.

Nice write up; the whole situation is disgusting with regards to how they are exploiting the mentally ill user. Glad you have been able to weed out their bullshit, flytape.

You need to understand that this is broadly being attributed to everyone in that sub like we are all in on it just to see how far we can push Eric. That isn't even slightly the case. The Digital Cartel is a place where ANYONE can say ANYTHING without fear of feeling judged or persecuted. At times the mix of people there has evoked some really interesting discussions and has yielded insights you can't find anywhere else on reddit. We are not violent, we are not trolls, we are not evil, we are not exploiting anyone, and we are not disciples of Eric.

What is going on is you have one guy that is schizophrenic who thinks he is Christ returned, and another guy that believes in revelations in the bible and the second coming of Christ. Put them together, and they feed off each other. Everyone else that is there is normal and we do not support Eric's belief that he is Christ nor do we encouraging violence in any way.

So actually the people there are good, decent, people. It is the digitalking that is threatening people and we haven't the slightest clue why.

You need to understand that this is broadly being attributed to everyone in that sub like we are all in on it just to see how far we can push Eric. That isn't even slightly the case. The Digital Cartel is a place where ANYONE can say ANYTHING without fear of feeling judged or persecuted.

I find an interesting parallel how /r/conspiracy commentors are grouped in with the crazies of this subreddit while this subreddit is supposed to be an open thinking ground.

Sounds legit /s.

Whether you like it or not, that is the truth.

Right on.

You need to stop generalizing everyone that visits or posts in /r/DigitalCartel as one collective "them". That's like saying the hivemind represents every single reddit user, which is untrue and ridiculous. It is possible that DigitalKing is exploiting EWOLV (and some others have wondered this), but that is one person out of the whole group.

The reality is that this sub was created by /u/thedigitalking [+44][2] who is an alt of a conspiratard user.

If you can prove that the DigitalKing is from conspiratard then you should let me know asap... because if so, then the implications are quite damning. If ANYONE is exploiting Eric or pushing him to do anything destructive, the mods wouldn't stand for it. No one other than the digitalking knew of these threats or has any reason to threaten anyone. Personally, I actually think the digitalking is brainwashed by the bible to the point that he is also delusional and this is why he and Eric have latched on to each other.

I don't think the digitalking is exploiting him, it seems to me he really believes all of this stuff and revelations in the bible and the second coming and all of that. But like I said if you can prove he is an alt account of a conspiratard and he is just manipulating Eric let me know and me and the rest of the mods will make sure we put an end to it.

In the natural state of the universe good men will do good things and wicked men will do wicked things. But to make a good man do wicked things? You'll need religion... or a conspiratard it seems.

Unfortunately back when DK was using conspiratard I didn't really think that this whole thing was a big deal. I thought that Eric was a fake schizophrenic posting silly shit here for conspiratard to laugh at.

Once it became apparent to me that Eric was indeed a real schizophrenic with real delusions and DK was attempting to be his handler I started logging everything. Its unfortunate that DKs participation in conspiratard isn't a part of that log. We have so many trolls from there that he just blended into the crowd.

If I were you I would purge Eric's sub of DK and urge Eric to get back on his meds and quit using drugs. Nicotine is documented to inhibit the antipsychotics used to treat schizophrenia and marijuana/alcohol to have undesirable effects.

Not proof, but the founder of conspiratard was a mod there in the beginning.


I think that's just because of the way they were inviting people, (one person you love or one person you hate).

Finally, some sane thoughts :p...I am unsure of DigitalKing's intentions as well. I sort of go teeter between thinking he is a naive believer or a manipulator. I think he is just naive, but I am ultimately unsure.

oOoOoOo - i was nominated to join back when it was private and it reeked of r/conspiratard - i got the hell away from it when they started asking super personal questions about your "darkest secrets" - thank you for this detailed explanation !

thats how the 'MKUltra' people recruit and target people.

Weird I don't remember that post...that is creepy if true.

is there a way to sort your activity in a subreddit? cuz ill try to find it


That's what I'm saying too.

It's not because of the subreddit, it's because of his illness. I think he was only diagnosed a few years ago or so.

I think it's because he stopped taking his meds, that's too bad and I agree.

how quickly he appears to have succcumbed to madness.

"Where at first we were a cult subreddit designed to gain a following for the self proclaimed Messiah, the place has now evolved into a nursery for those with mental wounds"

a nursery designed to 'MkUktra' a clockwork something, and core members hoping to be paid by results after the event.

Oh good God. Leave it to /r/conspiracy I suppose. He has schizophrenia, and wasn't diagnosed as a kid...I believe it was within the last few years that he was diagnosed. Obviously his disease would get worse and have its ups and downs.

I've seen that subreddit around a bit. I first noticed it when I started getting mod mail demanding that I kneel before the King of Israel or other such nonsense. It would come about once a month and always from a different username, sometimes a shadowbanned one.

The whole thing is very sad, honestly. Eric seems to be a rather intelligent man, a mathematician, who at one point was diagnosed with schizophrenia. It seems the meds stopped working for him and his delusions ordered him to stop taking them altogether. He now thinks that he's some sort of messianic incarnation based on an oddly colored carp he once found. He's been posting on multiple accounts, many of which were banned. /r/digitalcartel used to be a ground where he would post his ramblings and delusions, but recently has become a sort of conspiracy discussion center. I'm not sure if the members are trolls, schizophrenics or just alt accounts of Eric.

I'm not sure if the members are trolls, schizophrenics or just alt accounts of Eric.

So it has to be one of the three then, in your opinion? Not possible that it could just be someone who finds the discussion there interesting at times?

The first thing on the subreddit sidebar is a link to a Google doc containing what I can only describe as paranoid delusional rantings of a person suffering from schizophrenia. How can there possibly be any rational discussion there?

Its almost as if Ewolv and DK have the permissions to change the sidebar

So your point is that your judgmental, biased negative reaction to one link on the sidebar automatically means that everything else on the sub is irrational by default? How does that logic work?

+1 Ambiguously_Ironic. You can't judge a whole group of human beings and their thoughts and behaviors by a subreddit sidebar link :p

Haha... what? That link is relevant to this discussion how?

Care to explain??

He never said the discussion was rational LOL. That's sort of the point. To say whatever you want to say. A lot of it is ridiculous, but maybe some find meaning within the words...maybe not...it's art in that sense.

FYI, there is an okay amount of rational discussion there. Source: I've read it.

To watch someone devolve into their delusions and find it entertaining to go along with that individual, all while remaining anonymous and safe from any repercussions is someone who I would deem a dangerous asshole who has no regard for others.

Thanks for your opinion but it's only that. If you haven't visited the sub I would suggest that you do so before passing judgment.

Are you getting frightened that your juvenile and disgusting behavior might have some repercussions in real life? In reality the authorities WILL issue an order to have reddit reveal your identity. You better hope what you are doing isn't illegal. I don't know you or anything about this. . But sounds like you're involved. You should be afraid.

Really? Here you are, telling people they should be afraid. TELLING OTHERS THAT THEY HAVE JUVENILE AND DISGUSTING BEHAVIOR. Why? You have no idea why. You are just generalizing people into one group. Get a grip!

FYI 99% of the visitors on /r/DigitalCartel are not like you have described. They don't find any sort of pleasure poking at EWOLV, and nor do they poke. Most visitors try to help, if anything, amongst the wacky "discussions".

You really fucking think that visiting a subreddit and chatting is illegal? Do you really think that every fucking person there is only there to push this random dude, EWOLV, into committing some sort of violent action? Give me a break. It's so easy to come on here and think you're fighting the good fight, but it's not true, man. How about you investigate what's going on before passing judgement on a group of people like they are one homogeneous entity?

Did you join it knowing it was devoted to a mentally ill kid? Maybe you should let someone who suffers from paranoid delusions know that the sub they are in is actually devoted to them.. originally. Just an idea.

I joined it once because it was a random invite awhile ago and it sounded interesting. I've always argued against EWOLV's "reasoning" (and often DigitalKing) and that he needs to seek mental attention. I don't see the reddit as being devoted to him, although DigitalKing may wish that to be the case.

I don't know you or anything about this. . But sounds like you're involved. You should be afraid.

Admitting you know nothing about any of it and yet you're sitting here making vague threats? You can fuck right off with that bullshit. You don't know what you're talking about.

Want to back that up and point out some of the "juvenile" and "disgusting" behavior you're referring to?

Edit: Also, "involved" - you make it sound like we're running drugs or something. It's a subreddit. We discuss things. You are really, really off base here.

You sound scared. So.. it's a sub devoted to trolling a schizophrenic kid. Yeah.. sounds harmless.

That's not what it is at all, nor am I scared. I was really hoping that you had more to back your position up with than that.

Oh climb down.

It looks like he's just feeling defensive because he has probably enjoyed participating in some discussions in there before and feels under attack because of that. Don't make enemies with people because of your assumptions.

Flytape hasn't represented the situation in the best light, as 99% of the users there do not go along with EWOLV, and often tell him he is wrong. Not to generalize the whole subreddit :p That would be insane if that were really what /r/DigitalCartel was about, but it is not (at least in this point in time).

Were those modmails in /r/Judaism?

That all fits in with his delusions of grandeur.

Edit, sorry /r/Israel I mistakenly thought you modded something else.

Ya, /r/Israel modmail. He probably sent to /r/Judaism too.

EWOLV's situation is pretty sad, I agree. The worst part about it is the fact that EWOLV will never believe what anybody says unless his schizobrain agrees with it...so basically nothing anybody can say ever helps him out and he is constantly stuck in his own poor thoughts. I wonder what his IRL friends and family think.

Most of the members on r/DigitalCartel are just curious people who enjoy sharing art, poems, discussing conspiracies, and reading everyone elses' crazy ramblings. Most users have an understanding that thoughts are thoughts and actions are actions...a fine line. It is a place to say whatever the fuck you want to say. 99% of the people are not there "for EWOLV" although they provide support and are learning things along the way, I suppose.

Where at first we were a cult subreddit designed to gain a following for the self proclaimed Messiah, the place has now evolved into a nursery for those with mental wounds and has been used to create a lot of good.

so the sub was made to feed the delusion, but dont worry guys theyre good now... wat? is like the church saying sure we touch choir boys, but think of all the souls we save. im atheist so all that matters is the pesky little thing called truth. piddling lil kids and making subs for schizos.

im not feigning compassion for ewolv or whoever, but this is very interesting how certain individuals can push the mentally ill over the edge.


You misinterpreted cornroll, intentionally, and ignored my clarification, just to protect your fiction. What Cornroll was saying is that the digitalcartel was created by theDigitalKing to create a cult following for the self proclaimed messiah BUT as they started inviting people, the community started to realize what was going on and that there were delusional and mentally ill people involved and transformed it into something positive, where now it is a nursery for those with mental wounds and has been used to create a lot of good.

I'm actually disgusted by the implications of this post and the constant reiteration of lies despite my attempts to bring real clarity to the situation. You people choose whatever dark reality you want to be true and then stick to it even if there is no evidence to support it and THAT is fucked up. I know DigitalKing has crossed the line, Im not defending him and his actions or his threats, but to make up a story just because one guy is delusional and paranoid, and claim there is a whole community of people trying to create the next adam lanza is absurd. Especially when most people here already believe all of these events were false flags, to turn all of the sudden and side with the idea that people are crazy and going to start shooting people, is mind blowing. You fold so easily on the root idea that is peddled in order to push controlling legislation on the people. People are inherently good, not inherently evil. So STOP shoveling the bullshit and start placing blame where it is due. Squarely on the DigitalKing, not because he is evil but because he is under the spell of the bible like billions of others in this world, which was put in place by the establishment 2000 years ago under the control of Constantine, because people started getting wise.

You are the people that need to be UNIFYING not blindly falling for this garbage being sold.

Whoever said that DigitalCartel was a "cult subreddit" is fucking retarded. If DigitalKing said that, well then that is what he wishes it were but it's untrue. It was never a "cult subreddit" LOL. We all have different beliefs and don't follow a cult leader or specific dogma...in fact that is the point. Most of us disagree with DigitalKing on many issues, but I feel like we do all try to find similarities beyond them.

Please understand that only one person may be attempting to manipulate EWOLV (and doubtfully), but definitely not the whole subreddit. Yes, DigitalKing started the sub, but he isn't any sort of leader, members do not see themselves as disciples, and it is most definitely not a cult.

Edit: Cornroll you are not retarded but maybe you could have worded it differently haha... its technically true just horrible sounding taken out of context, whatever it doesn't matter :p

These are just a few examples of the threats we've received from 'king'.

They don't really sound like threats to me just rantings. And honestly bub I don't buy into anything you say. I have no doubt these are not "good" people but I don't see this big conspiracy you speak of.

and people over in /r/undelete think reddit isn't serious...

I don't know all the details but based on that screenshot, I would probably have reached out to one of the reddit admins and got their opinion on it.

Hopefully they will see this thread about it.

I read the URL Wrong...so had to retype, but that is just retarded of him to make a veiled "threat" like that. If you feel your life is threatened I would report it, that is up to you. My personal opinion is that he is just being a keyboard ninja typing from the safety of his computer, using extreme language, so to speak. However I am not the one who was sent the message so you need to make the decision.

What is going on is you have one guy that is schizophrenic who thinks he is Christ returned, and another guy that believes in revelations in the bible and the second coming of Christ. Put them together, and they feed off each other. Everyone else that is there is normal and we do not support Eric's belief that he is Christ nor do we encouraging violence in any way.

So actually the people there are good. It is the digitalking that is threatening people and we haven't the slightest clue why.

is he some troll or something? Or is he off his rocker as they say?

Religion can make people do some strange things. He's not a troll though.

I think he is a troll and he's playing you too.

If so then he is the most elaborate troll ever...

Yeah how annoying I feel like we are on Jerry Springer.

You know what else can? Mental illness like Schizophrenia. You are an idiot. You should seriously be afraid of any involvement you may have had in this. Based on your responses here you are feeling the guilt.

Umm no... no I'm not feeling the guilt. I'm feeling fucking pissed off that someone is saying that I am helping to push someone over the edge to the point that they start shooting people for "the lulz". That is a pretty serious accusation.

We aren't sure. Naive? Crazy? Troll? Manipulator? CIA Handler?

There good? So are they over there compassionately acknowledging his illness and prompting him to reach out for help? I'm going ro go and check for myself.

Ok...? What'd you find out?

Not much.

That sub makes no sense. I wonder how people can read stuff like that and actually feel enlightened in anyway

Yeah, no one is there to feel "enlightened"... It's more of a testing grounds for humility and compassion than anything else.

actually it's a lot clever than you might think, a thirty second glance at any significantly complex subject will be enough to confuse anyone but once one starts to understand the language and structure of the information it becomes cohesive and begins to make sense.

Society often tends to write off anyone that's outside the mainstream, especially if they can label their condition as a mental illness however the list of geniuses that suffer what'd be considered a serious condition is quite considerable to the mighty greats of philosophy like Nietzsche to the luminaries of the ancient scriptures such as Ezekiel, with great insight often comes great mental stress; in mathematics we see similar things with amazing minds like Nash and Turing -- Turing's insight into the pattens of nature came about exactly because he was seeing the world through a different lens than most people, this mathematical insight into organic systems led to his revolutionary breakthroughs in computational mathematics and without a doubt changed the world as significantly as any scientist or mathematician ever has.

It'd take hours to get into it to any suitable degree but concepts and structures as described by ewol in regard to the sociological and psychological underpinnings of the modern theology [zeitgeist] explained and unveiled many things which i've been trying to understand for over a decade - I've read hundreds of books on theology including of course most the known holy books, once one begins to understand the structure of allegorical theology it becomes somewhat trivial to group ideas and constructs into established groups, generally it's easy to spot the idealised structure and the patching dogma - that which makes up the construct of the universe from their perspective and all the bits they needed to add or bend to make it work with our reality...

the proto-orthodox Christian church in the first century for example has a very gnostic vision of the universe similar to many contemporaneous schools, many of the ideas largely made popular and discovered by the Pythagorean mystery school [and there's another genius with issues] - one can trace the growth of this by noticing how the central core philosophy get's patched in much the same way an evolutionary tree grows; ideas once central to the conceptualization of the Christ figure for example such as the trinity get pushed aside in later incantations of the Christian faith, this being a seemingly final step in it's development from the orginal mathematical ideal and it's use as a bridge between the messianic traditions of the spiritualists and the gnostic teachings of the scholarly traditions [as in, Egypt, Canaan, Greece, etc]

to cut a long story short what i'm trying to say is if you understand the mechanics of theology and someone comes along with something that's not just kinda novel but actually goes right back to the very core issue and makes a change without it needing a million patches to get it to harmonise - that's actually really interesting. Kinda like editing the linux kernal while it's running and not causing any crashes with anything...

Jesus is quoted as saying 'when you were one you became two, now you are two what will you do?' i don't know but i'm guessing this doesn't speak volumes to you? yet with an understanding of the gnostic perspective and a few bits of framework understood [such as 'as above, so below' and 'i am the alpha and the omega'] there's actually a lot in these statements.

am i saying he's literally an incarnation of a divine christ? maybe, that depends very much on your interpretation and perspective on the christ, the divine, what it means to exist and to be an incarnation - i think there are likely many people who could and should be called christs; of course this doesn't mean i think he's the mythical person that's said to have walked on water and been martyred - i very much doubt the historicity of Jesus and i don't think that Erik or anyone else is a personification of the eternal christ as sometimes described [either a literal divinity or personified absolute].

Very interesting. You've expressed something I've been having a hard time getting out.

Fuckers are off their meds again. I tried having a coherent conversation with ewolv and DK's host of puppet accounts in the past, and it led me to nothing but confusion and pity. The human mind is truly a fragile thing.

Correct me if I am wrong but /u/supercede is mod there. Wasn't he a mod here?

Yeah he was

Why the fuck is /u/supercede a mod there?

I don't know.

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I am totes' unyielding will.

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If this was posted about conspiratard it would be labeled as a witch-hunt.

I would wager a lot of the subs there have nothing do to with conforming to the designed intent. Not that anyone needs to be defending their interactions on reddit.

In fact if one were to have a genuine interest in social integrity like this a more pressing issue would be the corporate interest in creating cult followings to craft delusional states in groups for profit. If you are seriously concerned about "Eric" then you should be contacting him directly with your concerns and handling threats with their issuers and other involved parties.

Edit: Also can you please post the interaction between "mr_dong" and its relations for context of "thedigitalkings" reply?

[drama face]

I have no idea what's going on.

[/drama face]

So a schizophrenic and a fanatical christian browsing /r/conspiracy became friends one day... and together they completed each others delusions. People came to help, talk, and be positive external forces. End of story.

I like that story.

Come visit /r/DigitalCartel

I was invited the day it was created.

I drop in now and again.

Cool, same here :p. Cheers!

lets hope the FBI do too, after your sub's project goes live.

Project goes live wtf??

This makes you sound just as crazy as them flytape.

Yeah I'm crazy for thinking its wrong that these people are toying with a schizophrenic for lulz.

But... that's not happening... sooo wtf?

The DigitalKing believes in revelations in the bible and the second coming of christ and ewolv is schizophrenic and thinks he is Christ returned. The two are feeding off each other. No one other than the digital king supports ewolvs fantasy and for some reason you keep reiterating "these people" like there is some sort of group of people dedicated to fucking with Eric's head and people are upvoting you for your fiction because it's the "white knight" thing to do. Stop. It's not true.

Wow.. do you think posting that same crap 1000s of times will magically relieve your guilt?

As stated, I cut and pasted it to all the people that were intentionally mislead by flytape because I don't want these false accusations spreading.

False accusations,

The threats over mod mail are real, my entire mod team has seen them frequently. The admins can see them. I might be coming to false conclusions, whats going on there looks pretty fucked up, but the accusations are as real as they come.

Or you're being played.

I think you are trolling /r/conspiracy with this shit. If what you say is true, making a post here about it is the wrong thing to do. I suppose you think it's ok for you to tell the world how crazy some anonymous guy is because you care so much about him.

If what you say is true, making a post here about it is the wrong thing to do.

What do you suppose he does then?

Well first of all, he could get his facts straight. There is no group of trolls exploiting Eric, and the DigitalKing isn't a troll, he believes in revelations from the bible and the second coming of christ. It's a common mental illness growing out of the pages of the bible.

DigitalKing isn't a troll, he believes in revelations from the bible and the second coming of christ.

Or... And hear me out, but what if he is a troll, is well-versed enough in biblical text, and uses that knowledge to further convince Erik of his (for lack of a better word) delusions, to further an agenda?

Isn't that just as possible?

Sometimes trolls are obvious, sometimes they are elaborate. The world is that strange.

I stated why.

Huh? I asked what he should do. Your response makes no sense.

Oh, I thought you asked why, not what. How about nothing. Other than that, contact admins and let them handle it. Certainly not shout from the rooftops how some poor schmuck has lost his marbles.

I disagree. If he's right then calling these people out before any harm is done could be helpful and if harm is done then having this info will also be helpful.

I considered linking this thread to /r/worstof/ but that would just give it more exposure.

You must be implicated.

Yeah if he was right, but unfortunately, he's not right. Flytape is completely ignorant of what is happening in the digitalcartel.

digital marketing subreddit !?

digital aka online marketing of products, that seems to be a common occupation for some of the renta-troll crowd.

I'm sorry, wtf are you talking about?

You need to contact the police and a lawyer. This is no longer a joke.

I agree. If through this person's yt account you can figure out approx where he lives the authorities should be contacted.

God, the cruelty of these people just makes me want to weep

From thedigitalking a couple days ago.

Society is fucked and we are going to unfuck it.

What a dumb piece of trash...

If that is how he expresses his feelings, so be it. What's your issue? Why can a rockstar say what he wants but a user on a public subreddit can't? It's a separate issue if he is trolling/manipulating EWolv though.

Sounds like a potential murderer.

Lol wtf go read the lyrics to a metal song

I considered linking this thread to /r/worstof/ but that would just give it more exposure.

Explain the threats then. Explain how it is not harmful for DK to give Eric the impression that he can mind control people into committing suicide.

What about the post where DK contacted Rothschild via twitter because "he knows about the mind control"

This is all very clearly feeding someone's psychosis.

Yeah if he was right, but unfortunately, he's not right. Flytape is completely ignorant of what is happening in the digitalcartel.

Sounds legit /s.

Right on. Maybe I'm wrong. It would be tragic if this person suffers as a result of bullying and mischief. If you aren't involved then nothing to say. If you can help this guy or have all ready that's great.

uh huh...? Is it not ok to upvote people? So now I'm a criminal for upvoting someone? lol

You need to understand that this is broadly being attributed to everyone in that sub like we are all in on it just to see how far we can push Eric. That isn't even slightly the case. The Digital Cartel is a place where ANYONE can say ANYTHING without fear of feeling judged or persecuted.

I find an interesting parallel how /r/conspiracy commentors are grouped in with the crazies of this subreddit while this subreddit is supposed to be an open thinking ground.

Reddit function, google dorks, internet archive

It's not that deep, dude. You're a small group of trolls and snooneters who have devoted time to trolling a schizophrenic kid and telling him where to put his sharpies. Some of you are obsessed with satirizing the occult, some of you are ruthlessly trying to further his delusion, some of you are probably just kids who play too many video games and have poor judgement and somehow don't realize that your sub is a terrible and malicious idea.