What's stopping the illuminati/government from doing total martial law or fully completing the NWO?

0  2014-10-05 by [deleted]

According to conspiracy theorists the government/illuminati control everything, brain wash all the citizens, love taking our rights away to enslave us etc etc.

So the question speaks for itself. If they have this much power over everything and everyone, what is stopping them from global enslavement? Why pussyfoot around with their NWO plans if they don't have to?


The form of slavery that is in style today is so perverse and effective that it convinces the enslaved that the current system is the apotheosis of governance, and are grateful for the increasingly smaller chunk of the pie that is allocated to us each year. It's both brilliant and horrifying.

Other secret societies.


Did it ever occur to you that some people don't have the same understanding that you do at the current time? Or are you just arrogant and think you know more than the rest of us?

Your taking my facepalm out of context, my fault for not being clear.

It's just these posts seem to come off as troll posts, and I see these a lot.

I'm just tired of seeing them that's all.

Your taking my facepalm out of context, my fault for not being clear.

Fair enough. Reddit has for years been void of exactness in text submissions.

Yes indeed, and a facepalm taken out of context will surely create mayhem.

I was literally thinking about explaining it but I got sidetracked by my cat..

I was literally thinking about explaining it but I got sidetracked by my cat..

Lol. As a cat lover I would accept that as a valid reason. :)

Lol they truly are magical creatures!

Well if asking questions is frowned upon, you're no better than a Nazi. Plus if this question was asked so much you should have had plenty of practice and gave a convincing answer.

Oh now that's a facepalm right there.

A nazi? ...Really..?

Fuck you man, you don't deserve any of my effort.

I questioned your beliefs so you damn me on Reddit. Good job, keep freedom alive and well.

You called me a nazi you fucking prick.

Questioned my beliefs? You've done no such thing.

Making someone an outcast for questioning their beliefs is Nazi mentality. That's how religion works also.

I was not out casting you? I facepalmed due to my own personal annoyance. Nothing personal towards you, dude, don't get your panties all up in a bunch.

You've implied I am a nazi twice now, this obviously isn't going anywhere, intellectually, so arguing with you is a waste of my time.

Hey buddy maybe you should think twice next time you wanna call someone a nazi. People might not be as nice as me.

Buddy, I know what people mean by typing facepalm. It's to belittle my question and start a hive mind of other people doing the same.


Done with the nazi talk, are we? Okay then..

Well it's ironic that you being up freedom and society when here you are assuming the worst in people. While calling an American, a nazi. Like ok.

I can assure you that I was not trying to belittle you in anyway. If you would've given me time to explain myself before calling me a nazi, you might have known that.

But if you truly are asking this question (as after reading your back and forth with /u/nighthawk1961 , I'm not convinced), Then nighthawk gave you the answer you were looking for, as unfortunate as that may be.

My fault for the confusion, yours for my attitude. You zigged when you should've zagged.

You expect me to believe that your cat distracted you from explaining? Somehow you found the submit button without an issue. Is your backspace key not working either? Why even type a personal thought on a public forum? You obviously were trying to create a hive mind.

Oh this is getting good.

Where the fuck did you even come up with an insult as petty and useless as that one?

Care to answer my questions?

The "Elite" (powers that be, Illuminati etc) can not just stand up one day and say "At 8 am tomorrow you are all going to be our slaves." That stunt wold start the riot of the Century and get the "Elite" killed. So, that rules out the direct method. The "Elite" must, therefore, use the sneaky method. Since most of the people today are pretty stupid, then the sneaky method isn't very hard to do.

Now, all that said, the people are stupidly allowing the government to make our lives worse and worse. There are a lot reasons for this and some of them are our fault and some of them are the government's fault. But all in all, our lives are quite comfortable. As long as the food and the gasoline are plentiful then life is good. When they run out then the shit will hit the fan.

Sure, but the government is brain washing us so we won't riot. Or they can simply kill all the non followers. The US military has enough fire power to destroy anyone who questions their will.

The US military has enough fire power to destroy anyone who questions their will.

Yes, provided that the people remain in small groups. If the people were to come together into a very large group (think French Revolution) then the military fire power would be meaningless.

Air Force, bro. One bomb could wipe out a large group of people pretty easily.

Air Force, bro. One bomb could wipe out a large group of people pretty easily.

True. But that is missing the point by a wide margin. You are correct technically, of course, but that action would not achieve the effect you seek. That would get a lot of people killed but that is all.

You're right, it would create a big mess. But think of how protests and riots are. The only people on that street are rioters. Even heavy ground troops(Army National Guard) for example could fire at will and kill 90% of them. It'll be like shooting fish in a barrel.

But how many civvies have guns? Your argument is totally one sided.

Small arms and semiautomatic assault rifles aren't going to do much compared to what the Military has. That fact alone makes the whole "they're taking our guns away to make us defenseless" argument moot. The Military has weapons and equipment that would destroy anything civilians have access to.

The Air Force needs pilots that drop bombs on their own people. Big step.

The Military oath says "to protect the country from threats both foreign and domestic" The rioters could be classified as domestic terrorists. Isn't that the reason people had a shit fit over the Patriot Act? That was established ~13 years ago. So what's stopping them from using it?

Nothing, but somebody has to pull the trigger.

They already have.

I don't know where you live but I don't see any tanks in my town. I can still freely live as I please(money and time willing).

It's not about tanks or camps or any of that kind of stuff. They control religion. Central banks politics. Media...Our schools. They gained complete control slowly.

That's my question. If they control the entire global population(even just the US population) why would they have to waste time and money on doing it slowly? Since they control everything there would be no need to.

Because the people can still rise up. They do things like...create a boogeyman that everyone is afraid of..so people willingly give up rights. They do it slowly so most people will never catch on to the fact it's all lie. It's all about an illusion. Make people think they are in control. They do it like that because they are a lot smarter then most of the human population

It would be hard for people to rise up with their bank accounts frozen. And it goes back to my comment about how huge the US military is. The population wouldn't stand a chance.

But pull the wool far enough over there head they would never rise up.

Logically it doesn't make any sense to. Why spend the time and resources doing all these "false flag" attacks and spending decades "stripping us of our freedom" when, if what conspiracy theorists say is true, the government already has us by the balls. They can go in for the kill at anytime according to how conspiracy theorists interpreted the Patriot Act.

Fat and lazy doesnt rise up. Starving with "nothing to lose" does, so there is that.

Riots in the streets that end in military massacre are also not optimal. Destroying the drones also kills the queen bee.

What about the mind control brain washing? Wouldn't we be under their spell so we wouldn't riot?

Not really. There are enough people out there with resources they would be willing to give to the cause. You bank accounts frozen? So what you have a bunch of guns and ammo so now you can take what you need to continue the revolution. You don't have guns you say? Well maybe you own a farm and you provide food for those fighting. we're taught from a young age that money is everything when in reality money is nothing. freezing accounts will only piss people off. They would be smart not to do that and allow the public to continue wasting their money on what really matters to them, chachkies and cheetos.

they need us to run the machines, plus if the usa did go to full martial law other countries would stop dealing with us and american culture would go down the toilet. (not that its any good now)

The fed only works on the promise that all of the people will continue to work and pay taxes and their children and so on.

Because they are losing the fight. Make no mistake, the people will rise up and reclaim their sovereignty. The game is over.

The sleeping giant still has a few dull claws left.

There are many ways that were are being manipulated, to be sure, but if we didn't have the 2nd Amendment, I guarantee you that the citizenry would be a lot easier to manipulate and force than is currently the case. As it stands right now, TPTB's m.o. involves using the MSM and public education to slowly dumb the population down enough to have them/us actually willingly give up our ability to defend ourselves. That and false flag after false flag demonizing the second and saying "Gunz are baaaad!" continues putting more pressure against the 2nd and in favor of the growing police state that exists.

The moment the people don't even have personal firearms, then the state can come in and do whatever it wants.

Granted, if we the people were to simply come together as the one, united force that we really are (but have been convinced and indoctrinated to believe we AREN'T), then we would be able to do away with TPTB manipulation soon enough - guns or no guns. Unfortunately, we are generally weak and have become eviscerated idiots for the most part that need Big Brother over us telling us what to do.

This world view is silly if you look at it from another view point. Conspiracy theorists would rather believe a guy trying to sell a book/dvd/radio show, than think about the subject critically. They let some business man shape their reality and he's laughing all the way to the bank.

Anyway sorry for the rant it wasn't directed at you. I just don't understand the logic behind these beliefs.

Conspiracy theorists would rather believe a guy trying to sell a book/dvd/radio show, than think about the subject critically.

Painting any group with such a broad brush illustrates a great degree of ignorance.

They let some business man shape their reality and he's laughing all the way to the bank.

I have come across enough critical thinkers to understand that your perspective is very, very limited.

Anyway sorry for the rant it wasn't directed at you. I just don't understand the logic behind these beliefs.

And I don't understand the logic behind such broad, largely-mistaken generalizations.

Every conspiracy theorists that I've met(and I've met quite a few living in a big city) all repeat the same thing Alex Jones says about a topic like a mindless robot. It's like they're literally programmed by Alex Jones on how to respond to questions. But I'm the sheep for not believing in the "truth"? It's sad really, it reminds me of a cult to be honest.

Every conspiracy theorists that I've met(and I've met quite a few living in a big city) all repeat the same thing Alex Jones says about a topic like a mindless robot

Regardless of what you're experiences are, your universalizing an extremely limited experience is simply not intelligent at all.

There are a lot of stupid people regardless of what they call or consider themselves. There are also a lot of intelligent people - a decent number of which hold views that others call "out there".

But I'm the sheep for not believing in the "truth"?

No. You're the sheep for thinking that people who listen to Alex Jones constitute the general whole or are indicative of an entire group.

It's sad really, it reminds me of a cult to be honest.

Those that are uncritical are indeed like those that belong to a cult. Agreed.

Those are not the individuals I refer to, however.

Most of the "truths" on this subreddit stemmed from Alex Jones. He pretty much turned conspiracy theories into pop culture after his 9/11 dvds. People are still parroting around his bullcrap about 9/11. I'm sure he's still making a boat load of money from that.

Anyway time for bed. Have a good night.

Most of the "truths" on this subreddit stemmed from Alex Jones

What? I seriously don't see an "overwhelming amount" of Alex Jones stuff in here.

I haven't seen any Alex Jones posts in a while. Then again, I simply move on past them without even paying attention.

People are still parroting around his bullcrap about 9/11.

I'm sure people are parroting a lot of his dumb stuff. You really shouldn't get too caught up in his stuff though. Seems like you're paying way too much attention to him and are ending up projecting that onto everything else.

I'm sure he's still making a boat load of money from that.


Anyway time for bed. Have a good night.

Good night. Sleep well.

I mean the general mentality of conspiracy theorist. Most of what they believe as the "truth" is repeating what Alex Jones or whoever rambles on about. If someone repeats the same bullcrap 1,000's of times, the listener is more likely to believe it to be true. Especially if other people repeat the same thing. It's basically brain wash.

NWO this, one world government that, neo cons, gun rights, illuminati is after us, Obama is satan/illuminati(or whoever the current president is at the time), OMG! Fema prison camps!, WE'RE ALL DOOMED! World war 3 is right around the corner! etc etc. is the mentally of conspiracy theorists whether you follow Alex Jones or not.

So what I'm saying is, the core beliefs of conspiracy theorists is basically Alex Jones', David Ike's or whoever's psychological marketing bullcrap. People want to feel special for knowing the "truth" and they exploit that.

If these people are so smart to figure everything out, why are they simple radio show hosts or authors and not something more prestigious? Also if what they are saying is indeed the truth the government would have killed them off long ago to shut them up.

I mean the general mentality of conspiracy theorist.

Again, there you go with not only generalizing, but marginalizing as well. You really shouldn't even use the word "conspiracy theorist" at all anyway. It's a psyop word that has been adopted and manipulated by the MSM in order to (again) marginalize and demonize those individuals who are unwilling to just unquestioningly take in the narrative that TPTB have the people follow. It is a cointelpro tool, and the more that you or anyone continue using it, the more you play into the hands of those that are doing nothing but manipulating you.

Most of what they believe as the "truth" is repeating what Alex Jones or whoever rambles on about.

You said that already a while back. Why do you keep parroting it since it's actually not the actual truth? Certainly there are some that do unquestioningly believe in "everything" that AJ says (some of which is true, a lot of which purposefully isn't), but your thinking that it applies to all members of a certain group does not involve much critical thinking at all.

If someone repeats the same bullcrap 1,000's of times, the listener is more likely to believe it to be true. Especially if other people repeat the same thing. It's basically brain wash.

Correct. It is a brain washing technique of sorts. Unfortunately, you are not doing yourself any favors by not realizing that it applies only to some people, and not "all" of the individuals in whatever group you continue to attempt to marginalize.

...etc etc. is the mentally of conspiracy theorists whether you follow Alex Jones or not.

Again, you continue to generalize in literally every sentence you post. You passed the "not a critical thinker" mark quite a few posts ago. I keep trying to help to STOP doing that...but it seems you're kind of stuck in your mentality. That's not good. At all.

So what I'm saying is, the core beliefs of conspiracy theorists is basically Alex Jones', David Ike's or whoever's psychological marketing bullcrap. People want to feel special for knowing the "truth" and they exploit that.

You're a broken record. Try a different tune.

For example, do I strike you as one of the type that falls into your narrow categorization? I certainly don't think so.

If these people are so smart to figure everything out, why are they simple radio show hosts or authors and not something more prestigious?

Wow. Your perspectives on prestige and what is "simple" are very narrow.

Matt, does "8_7" refer to the year you were born? If so, then...actually no. That can't be it, because that would mean you're 27, and you do not sound like a 27 year old. I don't mean this in too disparaging a manner, but the mind set that you have continued demonstrating thus far is one that wades in a very small puddle thinking that what happens there applies to the entire ocean. You are only looking at a small subset of a group and are for some reason applying it to everything around you. Such could not be further from the actual truth.

Also if what they are saying is indeed the truth the government would have killed them off long ago to shut them up.

Not necessarily. Things are a bit more complicated than that.

Ah so now you're throwing insults because you have nothing to prove me wrong. It's ok. It's just the brain wash talking, I'll be the better man and forgive you because I feel sorry for you.

Here try this. Name a few people that you follow to gain your "truth" who's opinions are different from my second paragraph and aren't trying to gain a profit from it. Prove that what I'm saying is generalizations and not factual.

Ah so now you're throwing insults because you have nothing to prove me wrong.

Not throwing any insults. I'm simply stating what is the case. They're not insults, and I don't have to try to prove you wrong. I am actually proving you wrong by simply stating what I did. It's not a "try" thing.

It's just the brain wash talking, I'll be the better man and forgive you because I feel sorry for you.

If that's what helps you continue your hubris, then okay, I guess.

Name a few people that you follow to gain your "truth" who's opinions are different from my second paragraph and aren't trying to gain a profit from it

First and foremost? Myself.

Secondly, your thinking that someone trying to make a dollar shows that they aren't searching for the truth is a very, very fallacious and shallow thought. If that's the case, then YOU are certainly not looking for the truth either. That makes you no better than anyone you criticize. This planet has been entirely taken over and infected by the system of fiat currency, and if you also aren't "trying to gain a profit", then please...for ALL of us here on Reddit...please explain to us how you are then able to live and eat and do whatever it is you're doing if you're not "trying to gain a profit" in your life. Unless you're still living with your mom or your parents, of course...in which case, then they are "only trying to make a profit".

You can't explain it? Can't explain it, yet you persist in trying to castigate others who at least try to bring the reality to light?

You throw rocks at others not realizing that you live in the most fragile glass house around.

That's not good.

Prove that what I'm saying is generalizations and not factual.

I already did. You just didn't pay any attention to it. You're selectively picking and choosing what works for your fragile perspective and conveniently ignoring everything that doesn't.

I could come up with many examples, but all I have to do is mention Jame Corbett of The Corbett Report and your entire argument falls entirely on the ground in a puff of airy, baseless nothingness.

You really haven't made many factual rebuttals. The majority of your responses are saying that I made generalizations with out any proof to back it up.

Just because you may think a certain way doesn't mean the vast majority of others do. You said it perfectly with the small puddle and the whole ocean metaphor in your other post.

Sure, it's fine to make money. But using brain wash, thought control, reality manipulation etc on innocent people to make a buck is wrong. It's ironic in a sense, all the bullshit they rant about what the government is doing, they are doing it themselves.

I don't watch much TV so I don't know who the guy is.

So anyway...just for the sake of curiosity, what do you believe?

You really haven't made many factual rebuttals

And you haven't made any factual criticisms, so it looks like we're even.

The majority of your responses are saying that I made generalizations with out any proof that says otherwise.

And that alone is correct.

Just because you may think a certain way doesn't mean the vast majority of others do.

That's not the point and that doesn't matter, however, because your statements haven't been partial. They've been universal - i.e. you have continued stating in unqualified terms that "every" person of a certain group is "this or that". All that's needed is one counter example to show that what you're saying is simply not true and entirely undermine and do away with that entire type of argument.

And I've already provided more than one counterexample.

You said it perfectly with the small puddle and the whole ocean metaphor in your other post.

Yes - and that example was an argument against what you've been trying to say. You don't...actually see that?

But using brain wash, thought control, reality manipulation etc on innocent people to make a buck is wrong.

Of course it is.

It's ironic in a sense, all the bullshit they rant about what the government is doing, they are doing it themselves.

What you're not understanding is that no system of manipulation works without having at least some truth to it. Regardless of whether the people in question ARE ultimately charlatans or not, the fact of the matter is that there is a lot that they say that is indeed valid.

The job of the critical thinker is to be able to sift the wheat from the chaff. The uncritical thinker throws out the baby with the bath water entirely. They miss the forest for the trees, so to speak, and do themselves more harm than good by not intelligently sifting through the information.

I don't watch much TV so I don't know who the guy is.

I haven't watched or even owned a television in over fifteen years. Your assumptions and fallacious thinking continue to show themselves to be entirely self-defeating.

You really have to further educate yourself. Things are not very much like how you seem to think they are.

So anyway...just for the sake of curiosity, what do you believe?

I work diligently at believing absolutely NOTHING. I would say I believe almost nothing at all, as a matter of fact. I work with knowledge - not mere belief. If I don't have a decent amount of evidence or information pointing in a particular direction, then I simply withhold any "belief" instead of trying to make some willy nilly judgement based on what I "believe" alone.

Belief is what people tend to have when they don't have any actual evidence on behalf of a thing. If I don't have evidence, I tend to say nothing, or I try to simply state what a situation seems to be like to me - understanding that I may be entirely wrong one way or the other.

All that being said, your question is extremely broad. Narrow it a bit first.

What my posts were for was to shed light on a different view point. If you were at least somewhat open minded you would see that what I'm saying probably isn't too far off.

But listen, if you want proof of my "generalizations", keep them in mind when you're reading the comments on this subreddit or watching conspiracy theory videos on youtube or where ever you get information from. It'll be easier to see if you actively look for it.

Another interesting thing to try is this. Stop reading about conspiracy theories(or whatever you want to call them) for a few months. Totally cast it out of your life completely for those months. After you do that come back and read about them again. You may see how your perception of the "truth" has changed.

Hm....let's go with what the overall plan the government has for us. What is their end game?

What my posts were for was to shed light on a different view point

And that's fair enough. However, and again, that different point of view was one which took the actions of a certain subset of a group and uncritically applied those actions to the whole of the group.

If you were at least somewhat open minded you would see that what I'm saying probably isn't too far off.

Sorry, man. That (again) is not going to fly. This is not actually a question or issue one way or the other about "open mindedness" at this point. You are using terms that simply do not apply even a little bit. The point here is that you are saying that "EVERY" member of a group is "such and such". You continue to fail to understand that that is simply untrue. Even if most members of the group were like that (and they're not) you would still be entirely wrong in your conclusion that "every" member of the group is like that. Again, you made a universal, unqualified statement. What you said applies to only some of the members of said group - which ultimately (and yet again, I say) completely invalidates your point. It's unfortunate that your mind is unable to grasp the logical truth behind what is being shown here. This is why I assume you are quite young. Saying that you are young and don't know isn't a put down either. It's just a truth. There's nothing wrong with that. We're all ignorant at certain levels. Ignorance isn't a bad thing in and of itself.

It's hubris that's bad, and that's what you continue showing without, it seems, even knowing or understanding that that's what you're even doing. Hubris is when one is under the delusion that the false paradigm they are under is the ONLY truth that there is; is the ONLY way things are or can possibly be.

You make statements that leave no room for the possibility of your being wrong, and that is an egregious error in thinking.

But listen, if you want proof of my "generalizations", keep them in mind when you're reading the comments on this subreddit or watching conspiracy theory videos on youtube or where ever you get information from

And it is on these very outlets that the points you make get continuously proven incorrect. All I need to see is ONE example of a valid thought - of a valid statement, an intelligent person with a good or decent point of view - and your entire argument comes absolutely crumbling down because it shows that not "everyone" in the group which you try to vilify is deserving of the broad, unthinking generalizations that you make.

Although I myself am greatly ignorant of many things under the sun, all I have to do to know that what you say is summarily false is look at myself and my own thought processes - to say nothing of those others on here that know even more than I do.

Stop reading about conspiracy theories(or whatever you want to call them) for a few months. Totally cast it out of your life completely for those months.

Too late. I don't have to do it "for a few months or whatever" because I did it for years.

After you do that come back and read about them again. You may see how your perception of the "truth" has changed.

You have to understand that, to a great extent, perception can be greatly guided by proper logic and assessment - by proper thinking. That IS what perception is, after all. Perception is the proper formulation of thought based upon sensation. If you DON'T have proper logic and assessment, then it doesn't matter if you are neck deep in a subject, or if you go away for a long period of time and then come back or not. If you don't know how to properly think about things and the world around you, then you will be fooled regardless of what kind of method you use to "get away from it all" or whatever.

let's go with what the overall plan the government has for us. What is their end game?

I cannot say I know what their "end game" is. I cannot even say I know with any great degree of certainty who "they" are. I can say that the government is not who and what is in charge of this country or any country really. The government is not the most powerful entity in the land. There is a multinational corporate enterprise running the planet that has shown itself to be powerful enough to covertly tell the governments what to do, when to do it, how to do it, and convince the majority of the population that it is the government that's in charge of everything instead of the puppet master behind the government.

So what is the overall plan of the government?

Who cares? They're not the ones in charge anyway. The banks, the corporations, and the money changers are above the government.

So what is their overall plan then?

Well, although I will still say that I don't presume or pretend to know for sure, I WILL say that a lot of the puzzle pieces at least seem to heavily point toward a level of power manipulation over the people in such a manner as to keep the citizenry of the entire planet in a perpetual state of subservience while a small subset of elite individuals remain in a perpetual state of dominance over that citizenry.

And what is the point of that? Well, there are various theories - some of which are rather intriguing if not compelling.

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Of course I understand what you are saying. But I don't think you understand what I'm saying. I don't recall ever saying that every single person thinks this way. Sure there are a few exceptions but that really wasn't my point. Maybe you don't relate to my opinion and that's great. But I think my posts paint a pretty accurate picture of the majority and that is what I've been talking about this whole time. If you recall in my first post I had said that my rant wasn't directed at you. You just seemed like you weren't a conspiracy zombie so I responded to you.

Of course I understand what you are saying. But I don't think you understand what I'm saying.

I've only been going by the words you've been typing. That's all I have to go on.

I don't recall ever saying that every single person thinks this way.

Hmm. Okay. Well. Let's look at some of the things you've said thus far.

Initially, you said:

Conspiracy theorists would rather believe a guy trying to sell a book/dvd/radio show, than think about the subject critically. They let some business man shape their reality and he's laughing all the way to the bank.

Okay. Well, there is absolutely NO QUALIFIER in that statement. Your saying "Conspiracy theorists would rather believe a guy trying to sell a book/dvd/radio show, than think about the subject critically." is similar to someone saying "Dogs are yellow." There is no qualifier on the subject, and if there is no qualifier, then it logically means that "all instances of the [subject] are [whatever you describe them as]."

Again, that's just plain and simple logic there.

Then in your next response, you said:

Every conspiracy theorists that I've met(and I've met quite a few living in a big city) all repeat the same thing Alex Jones says about a topic like a mindless robot.

Here, you do qualify the "every" by saying "that I've met" - which does, again, qualify the "every" and temper its universality. However, your also saying "and I've met quite a few living in a big city" very heavily implies that you feel that "every" conspiracy theorist you've ever met is sufficiently indicative of "every one that exists" - enough for you to go ahead and paint them all with the same disparaging brush.

what I'm saying is, the core beliefs of conspiracy theorists is basically Alex Jones', David Ike's or whoever's psychological marketing bullcrap.

Hmmm. There's another unqualified blanket statement in yet another post of yours.

So, that's...let's see...not one, not two, but three different occasions when you made an unqualified universal statement about an entire group. Your saying you "don't recall ever saying that every single person thinks this way" is pretty significantly contradicted by what you actually did in fact say.

Sure there are a few exceptions but that really wasn't my point.

Well, if you make universals like you've made over and over again, then that, in fact, IS the point because it shows that your assessments are simply not correct.

Maybe you don't relate to my opinion

It's not that I don't relate to your opinion. It's that your opinion - consisting mostly of universal unqualified statements - is wrong. You might want to change your opinion, therefore, considering it's been shown to be unfounded.

But I think my posts paint a pretty accurate picture of the majority and that is what I've been talking about this whole time.

So now you've changed from using the universal to saying that the "majority" of the group is like that.

Hmm. Okay. Well, to that, I 1) shrug my shoulders and say "meh". I'm not sure one is going to find "perfect people" or whatever in any group on the planet. If there is information that is worthwhile, then one should pay attention to that information regardless of who else - good or bad - is also attracted to it. With that in mind, 2) I've personally never allowed myself to pay too much attention to all the idiots that exist in almost really any group. Sure. There are a lot. However, if there is something that I am interested in investigating, I simply pay attention to that which is sound and makes sense and is logical and throw away that which is stupid and doesn't make sense and isn't very logical. You're going to find a bit of both in everything it seems. Again, your job isn't to only go toward that which is "100% perfect". You're going to be very disappointed if that is your modus operandi. Instead, and as I've said already, learn to be critical and how to sift the wheat from the chaff. Learn how to be properly discerning and how to assess information critically. Also, 3) if you're so focused on disparaging a certain group and saying they're "this" or "that"...then why is it that you continue frequenting the very same circles that the group itself frequents? I mean after all, you are here in this sub, aren't you?

"Oh but I'm not part of these people!!" is what you want to say? Okay. Perhaps not from your perspective, but I can guarantee you that you're likely lumped in with all the people you disparage in the eyes of others.

Ultimately, if you have that big of a problem with a group you're talking about, then why spend so much time thinking about them? Why not just go on about your way? Seems kind of silly to me actually.

If you recall in my first post I had said that my rant wasn't directed at you.

I get that, and I appreciate that. I also don't want you to think that any of my criticisms here are personal. They're not. You don't know me aside from some words on a screen, and I don't know you aside from some words on a screen. I'm just pointing out that the words you've used are not indicative of a person that has thought about the topic or subject in a very deep or critical manner, and that person is subsequently making a lot of mistakes in thinking and errors in judgement that don't need to be made is all.

You just seemed like you weren't a conspiracy zombie so I responded to you.

Well, sir, I certainly don't feel like a "conspiracy zombie". Do I seem like or appear to be one to you?

I've read the thread you posted and honestly it's a bit far fetched. The teachings of the Occult, Freemasons, Crowley, and Baphomet aren't used for "evil black masses". They are tools for enlightenment, not darkness. Even the numbers he used could be interpreted in a few different ways. He just chose a way that fits his theory. I'm sure if you go and buy today's newspaper and play with the numbers in there you'll find something to relate to 9/11 or the Occult, does that mean the newspaper company practices Thelema or was a part of 9/11?

I do admit that his theory would make a damn good book. He should sell the plot to Dan Brown.

I've read the thread you posted and honestly it's a bit far fetched.

If one doesn't think broadly enough, then I imagine it could come across that way.

The teachings of the Occult, Freemasons, Crowley, and Baphomet aren't used for "evil black masses".

I have no idea whatsoever where the "used for 'evil black masses'" statement came from, but ANY teaching can be used for positive or less than positive purposes. Therefore, based on that alone, you are mistaken in your above comment.

They are tools for enlightenment, not darkness.

Literally EVERY tool is only just that - a tool - and it can be used for enlightenment or darkness.

Give me a hammer. I could build you a large house that you and your family can live and care for each other in, or I can hit you over the head with it and kill you.

Even the numbers he used could be interpreted in a few different ways.

Don't get too stuck on the quantified data. Almost no type of information on this planet and in this age will have "the full truth". One must learn to be discerning and properly grasp what about any type of information is valuable, and what should be discarded. Entirely accepting or entirely rejecting any type of data is usually not the wisest thing to do.

So you literally think this is real but had a problem with my posts? I honestly don't know how people come up with these theories like that guy's. Did he take a bunch of acid and start typing? Or do you have contests to see who can make the most outlandish claims and see how many people will believe it?

So you literally think this is real but had a problem with my posts?

So I really think what is real?

And what specifically about your posts are you referring to?

You really have to be more specific about what you ask.

I honestly don't know how people come up with these theories like that guy's.

I can see why you don't know. You don't seem to be very aware of the world or what's going on in it.

Obviously I meant the thread that you linked to in your other post

I can see why you don't know. You don't seem to be very aware of the world or what's going on in it.

Typical brainwashed cult member logic.

It's sad that people have the tendency to marginalize what they don't understand.

Instead of learning and improving themselves, they more often than not have a pretty typical knee jerk reaction designed to protect and preserve their tiny egos. "Not looking stupid" trumps actually learning, unfortunately. This prevents forward movement and keeps people dumb - stuck in the mud of their normal, unthinking existence.

It's not difficult to see why this species is generally as easy to manipulated as it is.

Have fun trying to find happiness in life with that kind of mindset and beliefs. But hey, you're free to believe in whatever you want(see the evil overlords didn't take every freedom away yet :P).

I'm not quite stupid enough to think that that's what this life is about.

You keep falling deeper and deeper into the hole of stupidity you've dug for yourself with every comment you send.

It would be really funny if it weren't so terribly sad.

You sound like a miserable person. I guess I would be too if I believed in this nonsense. Believing some all powerful evil overlord is constantly watching you, controlling the fabric of your life, lurking in the shadows ready to get you .... What a shitty way to live. Oh well, take care.

It's downright frightening how you've convinced yourself of whatever falsehood you need to in order to shelter your tiny little ego from realizing that it's as stupid as it actually is.

Again, it would be really funny if it weren't so terribly, terribly sad.

If you say so. Have a good night. It was interesting talking to you.

Have a good night.

And I'll admit you got me with James Corbett. I skimmed over your comment and misread it, lol. But it's all good. I'll see what this guy has to say later on.

James Corbett is the absolute shit. He has a lot of amazingly data and is a veeeeery critical thinker. The vast, vast majority of his information is all fact-based and documented.

"I want you to want me. I need you to need me."

Besides, they don't have everything wrapped up nice and neat yet. They need a lock on water and oil still, and the rogue governments. The tensions from both sides in every aspect - religion, race, class, etc - need to get so high that we're killing each other, miserable, and falling apart at the seams. They're in the stages of building up what can only be called WW3, setting the stage, and after which their targets are going to be devastated and can be conquered with consent.

It's a big game of chess now, and they're suggesting every move we make.

So who told you this and why aren't they dead for exposing "the illuminati's super secret plans"?

It's not some big secret. It's right in front of our faces. Hell it's plastered all over the UN all the time. There are just a few pesky pieces of the puzzle left. They present it so seemingly harmlessly: Nations working together for global organization and democracy. A global society. On the surface it sounds like a good idea, but in the details it's disgusting.

Besides, the Illuminati is a small part of a much larger concept that's been around so much longer: The idea that man's reason is supreme. To craft an age of intellectualism. It's solving the puzzle of all man's problems using man's logic.

You see where it's gotten us, and I bet you have at least a vague idea where we're headed.

The illuminati rulership of the planet extends into the supernatural, or superphysical to be accurate. There are laws in everything, natural laws. They have rulership over all worldly institutions but not total control over every human soul nor all the varying levels of consciousness among humans. There are individuals on Earth who are much more advanced in consciousness than the highest illuminati and even higher then supernatural rulers over illuminati. Yet the purpose and meaning of life on Earth is self-initiated growth in consciousness for every human being. Thus freedom is not only natural law but obviously a necessity for the entire process to work. So it's a constant battle of stopping illuminati while letting humans gain free will. Illuminati are basically the disruptive schoolchildren at planetary and spiritual scale.

Right, but I never said every single conspiracy theorist, that's just how you interpreted my post. I've said I was speaking about the ones that I have met. It was even in my second post that you quoted, I also used the words "majority" and "general" in a couple of others. What I don't understand is why ignore the main idea and focus solely on something insignificant like if I actually meant every single conspiracy theorist or not. Why does that even matter? It really has nothing to do with why conspiracy theories are bullshit and the well known conspiracy theorists use propaganda to shape the world view of innocent people for a pay check.

So whatever, buddy. If you'd rather have a discussion about this petty bullshit than the serious issues at hand, I'm done.

Care to answer my questions?

Did it ever occur to you that some people don't have the same understanding that you do at the current time? Or are you just arrogant and think you know more than the rest of us?

Oh now that's a facepalm right there.

A nazi? ...Really..?

Fuck you man, you don't deserve any of my effort.

Where the fuck did you even come up with an insult as petty and useless as that one?

You called me a nazi you fucking prick.

Questioned my beliefs? You've done no such thing.

Logically it doesn't make any sense to. Why spend the time and resources doing all these "false flag" attacks and spending decades "stripping us of our freedom" when, if what conspiracy theorists say is true, the government already has us by the balls. They can go in for the kill at anytime according to how conspiracy theorists interpreted the Patriot Act.

It's not some big secret. It's right in front of our faces. Hell it's plastered all over the UN all the time. There are just a few pesky pieces of the puzzle left. They present it so seemingly harmlessly: Nations working together for global organization and democracy. A global society. On the surface it sounds like a good idea, but in the details it's disgusting.

Besides, the Illuminati is a small part of a much larger concept that's been around so much longer: The idea that man's reason is supreme. To craft an age of intellectualism. It's solving the puzzle of all man's problems using man's logic.

You see where it's gotten us, and I bet you have at least a vague idea where we're headed.

So you literally think this is real but had a problem with my posts?

So I really think what is real?

And what specifically about your posts are you referring to?

You really have to be more specific about what you ask.

I honestly don't know how people come up with these theories like that guy's.

I can see why you don't know. You don't seem to be very aware of the world or what's going on in it.

Obviously I meant the thread that you linked to in your other post

I can see why you don't know. You don't seem to be very aware of the world or what's going on in it.

Typical brainwashed cult member logic.