If You Believed the Mainstream Media...

156  2014-10-06 by [deleted]

If, throughout history, you always trusted the version of events pushed by the mainstream media, you would have believed:

Iraq had nukes.

The Nayirah Testimony was totally legit.

Hitler was no threat to German freedoms.

The NSA would never spy on us.

The IRS would never target conservatives.

Asbestos was completely safe.

Jessica Lynch fought back against her captors in a bold escape.

A plan like Operation Northwoods would never be considered.

The Gulf of Tonkin was an unprovoked attack from the Vietnamese.

Nixon had nothing to do with the Watergate scandal.

MKUltra is just a crackpot theory.

Operation Mockingbird was just crazy talk and no one would ever manipulate the media.

The CIA would never smuggle drugs.

America would never recruit former Nazi scientists.

So, please, anything from the mainstream media should be taken with as much skepticism as anything on here.


And there's probably much more than those you addressed.

The FBI and Homeland Security would never attack populist movements like OWS.

The CIA would never sell cocaine to Americans.

if you think that BBC is propaganda ... or corporate media... or MSM... then you think The Guardian , and the washington post are too.


where did you learn about snowden

in the guardian, and wapo, and in interviews on nbc

real whistle-blowers are ignored by the corporate media. not given the facetime that he got.

snowdens limited hangout


they used snowden to normalize surveillance, to get people used to the idea that their 4th ammdnnetnententmddm rights dont matter .

Now that social media and dissent is mainstream, ignorance is in short supply. Fear is their new weapon.

And feed us limited hang outs daily now to make us complacent. All hail the new flesh.

they are done daily actually , youre right

We need a plug in like that one developed for chrome that allows you to hover the mouse over the name of any congress person in an article and it shows you the donations they received.

We need a version that lists all the false claims every paper/journalist has made.

and that is just a short list. Solid stories in making your point but the list would be large enough worthy of documenting encyclopedia style.

Nixon had nothing to do with the Watergate scandal.

Nixon stepped out of line and acted like, as POTUS, he was in charge. They reminded him that he is just their puppet, to be installed and removed at their discretion.

Or he committed a series of crimes, breaking laws decided on by a democratic society, and tried to cover them up, and was subject to the law just like any American would be. But we can go with what you said, that makes more sense. This sub is all against secret maneuverings and abuses of power except when we can use them to justify the idea o a secret group that uses the President as a puppet


Also plastic baby bottles.

*BPA exposure isn't going to cause a global population crash in 2-3 generations.

And if you believed what you read on the Internet...

Gary Webb was wrong

I think this is a great list to serve as a reminder of MSM skepticism, but it would also be helpful to provide a contrasting list of all the times MSM actually broadcasted truthfully.

Without a contrasting list to help draw a conclusion, this to me just reads as echo-chamber material.

Ebola will never get in the US

Nixon had nothing to do with the Watergate scandal.

That one was correct. Nixon indeed have nothing to do with Watergate. But he had foreknowledge of the JFK assassination, so he had to keep his mouth shut and resign.

Also add these:


says nothing about the assasination of Osama,

just that a pakistani report about day-to-day life in his compound likely wasnt true

Yes, except the IRS thing was theatre, something I would've thought was fairly obvious?

I find that The Daily Show news is more trust worthy then the mainstream media.

Comedy Central being owned by Viacom/Time Warner... They can only say so much.

I still have more faith in John Stewart than anyone on FAUX-News.

Right... but it's spurious. It's the same as "well.... Obama sure is better than Romney" ignoring they both suck.

Now that social media and dissent is mainstream, ignorance is in short supply. Fear is their new weapon.

And feed us limited hang outs daily now to make us complacent. All hail the new flesh.