My mom just texted me saying her hospital will be quarantined for 21 days due to someone with Ebola symptoms entering her hospitals ER. This is in Culver City, California.

196  2014-10-08 by [deleted]

Really worried, not sure what to expect or think about this situation. All this mess is really getting so close to home. Seemed like the best place to post this due to assholes and shills on the rest of Reddit.


Has anyone found any news articles confirming this.

She just told me this a few hours ago, and the statement is hardly confirmed itself. The patient came in for symptoms of Ebola, I haven't gotten any other information from my mom since, but when I do I'll certainly let you guys know

Yea keep us updated bro. Hope everything goes well for your mom.

Good looking, lucy.

Posted an update in this thread just in case you got no notification my friend

Word, ill check it out. Thanks for the heads up!

Ebola is transmitted through fluid contact, so unless this hospital says "quarantine" when it means "not quarantine at all," your mom will be OK in terms of ebola, just FWIW. Someone would have to sneeze or cough into her face/food/water/etc, which is not likely since the hospital staff is trained in hygiene.

I can see ebola being used more for panic and control than for actual infection. One case of ebola under constant quarantine lands in the US and every news outlet starts 24-hour fearmongering. The result is that now your mom has to spend 3 weeks in a hospital somewhere because the powers that be say so. That's the real problem imo.

I agree. It's not so much my mom I'm worried about but this who Ebola issue in general. There was a report of some guy with some Ebola like virus in Riverside, CA recently, all in all it's getting way too close to home

I hear that. It's important to remember that the only reason it spreads so far in Africa is that people there don't know enough about disease to prevent it. Here on the other hand, we cover our mouths when we cough, wash our hands often, etc. So as long as everyone maintains good hygiene, we'll be okay.

Certainly don't let your guard down, but don't let the media terrify you either.

Found Centinela hospital ebola memo pic named on r/ebola

Better than nothing .....

That's in Inglewood - about 8 miles from the aforementioned Culver City.


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Just wondering why they don't take all these incoming Ebola patients to a common location? That would simplify logistics and minimize the number of locations for any potential outbreak.

Because that line of logic assumes the government wants the outbreak contained.

So you're saying the best way to stop an outbreak is by transporting critical patients with a highly infectious disease around the country, instead of treating them at the nearest isolation ward?

He's saying that they do not want to stop the outbreak.

And they don't.

I understand what he's saying...... My point was that transporting infectious people around the country is how you keep the outbreak going.... Not immediately moving them into the nearest isolation ward at top medical centers.....

They don't take them to a common location because it's really hard to transport them.

We are already allowing potentially infected people from Ebola hot-spots to enter the country and wander about at will.

You can't get much more negligent than that.

Twould have been best not to invite Ebola to the US in the first place.

How was Ebola invited into the US? It can take up to a month before somebody ever even shows a symptom. How do you keep a seemingly healthy person from getting on a plane and flying into the US? Ban all flights in and out regardless of what your reason for travel may be?

You require an isolation period of anyone entering the US from infected regions until said person can be cleared.

This may seem rude and inconvenient. Sorry.

The alternative is what we are facing now: The likelihood of Ebola breaking out in multiple locations across the US - with, as you said, multiple weeks of infected persons wandering around and traveling before the become symptomatic - unaware that they may have Ebola, and likely infecting more people before they are properly diagnosed.

It's a recipe for disaster - but thanks to the asinine policies of the State Dept, the CDC and the Executive Branch, it's likely too late.

But it is NOT too late to prevent yet MORE potentially infected carriers from entering the US - headed to Chicago, or New York or Miami or YOUR hometown.

It's going to be an interesting winter.

Where are they isolated? Because if I was in West Africa and that was the policy and I wanted to come home I'd just buy a ticket to somewhere in Europe. Then I'd fly out of Europe back to America.

Where are they isolated?

Here in the US, should they choose to come here.

Because if I was in West Africa and that was the policy and I wanted to come home I'd just buy a ticket to somewhere in Europe. Then I'd fly out of Europe back to America.

Do you have a fake passport? Because these are generally stamped by the governments of the countries you visited.

Here is an example.

The passports get stamped but in a lot of countries there is a very lax screening process. America would have to take over their screening to keep people from just sliding thru and onto a plane. That will cost a lot of money.


U.S. to screen air passengers from West Africa for Ebola

They are at least PRETENDING to do something. Their "screening" is basically worthless, as all they are doing it checking temperatures and asking questions - but the fact that they are doing this belies your suggestion than nothing could be done.

Nothing can be done. You can have a normal temp and still be infected with Ebola.

Nothing can be done.

Quarantine can be done. If we can lock up and house 300,000 people for years for non-violent drug offenses, we can humanely and comfortably quarantine a few hundred or a few thousand travelers for 21 days each.

You can have a normal temp and still be infected with Ebola.

And that is why quarantine is necessary.

So every single person that enters America from a foreign country needs to be quarantined for 21 days since somebody could fly from west Africa to another country before coming here. That seems very impractical and unlikely.

That isn't being deliberately obtuse. These are the reasons the head of the CDC, WHO and White House decided it'd be practically impossible to effectively stop Ebola with an air travel ban.

Who said anything about an air travel ban?

Or your quarantine period. Do you think all of these ideas weren't brought up and shot down due to how impossible it'd be to pay for and execute effectively. Everything is easy in theory. Once you have to work out the logistics it becomes difficult and unnecessary. But it's easy to sit on a computer and say "they should just do 'X'" like all it'll take is the snap of a finger. Read the WHO and CDC reports as to why this stuff isn't being done. If you can figure out a work-around I'm sure they'll pay you for your idea.

How was Ebola invited into the US?

Via lax screening protocols. As well as the fact that they flew several ebola victims into different parts of the country.

It can take up to a month before somebody ever even shows a symptom

Actually, ebola has a maximum incubation period of 21 days.

How do you keep a seemingly healthy person from getting on a plane and flying into the US? Ban all flights in and out regardless of what your reason for travel may be?

Something like that, yes. Ban all incoming flights of noncitizens originsting from west africa (at least the afflicted countries). Period. This can be done while still allowing aid flights to those country. No need to stop offering aid. Air drops are a good possible method as well.

For the american citizens thst wish to return to the U.S., put them straight into quarentine, and use designated flights for transportation (or, probably more effective, ship them by boats, which would take a decent amount of time to reduce their quarentine at home.)

Ok so then the potentially infected person leaves west Africa and flies to England (or anywhere) and then flies to America? Also can we send aid in there and then have our people helping come back? Certainly the best way to stop the spread of disease is to treat the disease where it is so it is contained and we need to bring them Western medicine/doctors to help with the treatment. Are they allowed to come back?

Ok so then the potentially infected person leaves west Africa and flies to England (or anywhere) and then flies to America?

Thats why i said travellors who originate from the afflicted countries. It would take an international effort for each country to be forthright with transparency in regards to the flight information of passengers (basically all that would be needed is country of origin and country of destination).

For the rest of your comment, sure our aid workers can come back. But again, either by ship or designated flights, and with proper quarentine for the individuals regardless of their risk factors. If this creates too much of an issue, ethically, financially, or otherwise, then i would propose aid care packages to be airdropped. This would essentially cut off all contact of our aid delivery to the afflicted areas but still insure the aid arrives. This has been done in the past during wars, and often it is successful.

So you think every country on the planet is going to be able to get together and have the sort of security effort necessary to keep people from West Africa from getting into America? We would have to pay for the screening process because a lot of countries can't afford that sort of airport screening detail. It is impossible.

So you think every country on the planet is going to be able to get together and have the sort of security effort necessary to keep people from West Africa from getting into America?

Its not hard. Create a database on a protected network to which each country has access. Whenever an outbound flight from one of the afflicted countries takes off, it is logged (the origin of the flight as well as its destination). Those travellors aborad that plane would be entered into the database and have to be "checked in" upon arrival. Its really not that hard. Obamacare is a much harder and more complex idea than this would be, and they shoved that down our throats. This should be the easy part.

As for your concerns about tue screenings and the financials thereof, liberia currently has a screening process. Liberia. You are telling me that states that are MUCH wealthier than liberia cant do the same? Granted, liberian screening is not very effective. And it is in these main countries affected by the current outbreak that the screening process should be the most efficient. If the wealthier countries pitched in to increase the efficacy of screening at the point of concern, which is currently just a hand full of nations, then this shouldnt be unsurmountable.

This, plus thermometer check points arent thst expensive, and can totally be afforded by the wealthier nations, no doubt. This wouldnt even be in discussion if those flights out of the country were banned altogether in the first place, no matter its destination.

It is important to remember that even with the best screening available, some infected folks would still inevitably pass through. But, the important variable here is the protocol that should he already set in place and followed to the "T". This concern is one of the problems that happened with the dallas guy. Protocols that are already established werent followed, and this is a big deal.

This idea is not only affordable, but i believe it would offer the experts the time that they currently do not have to track down infected folks before they spread it to others.

But, whether or not that opportunity has passed is a different discussion. It may already be too late.

Create a database.... it's already too late for that. This sort of thing takes years to accomplish. And then you have to also consider funding. You need to get other countries on board and willing to put forth the same effort. Some countries can't afford it so you also need to be willing to fund the entire project. Then you need to get people trained to run things. You also may need to fund other countries with no money as far as paying these people goes... it is a giant issue that is pretty much impossible to control.

impossible to control

Its only impossible because of politics and profiteering. Its not hard to relay information to other countries. Especially when you consider that only a handful of countries need to be watched. We wouldnt have to worry about other countries flights if there were no commercial flights leaving the afflicted countries in the first place.

It would cost a ton of money to set up the sort of security you want. I assume you hate the TSA for being intrusive but now you want the government to set up an even more invasive security detail at airports that has the authority to know your medical issues? That sounds like a negative to me.

Hmm, nice strawman there. But ill bite ;-) i like the devils advocate thing..

But anyways, the tsa abuses their responsibility. Just as do cops. But not all cops are bad. Neither are some tsa agents. Im not the kind of person to try and label folks in such a monochromatic manner, no matter their occupation.

However, as a unit, the tsa abuses the powers granted to them, similar to how law enforcement officers abuse their powers in this country.

And it begs explanation, that this the extra screening would be limited, very limited, in terms of personally identifiable information.

  • Whether or not your current flight, or any previous flights, were originated from west africa,

  • Whether or not your temperature is above 100℉

If yes to both, no flight. Quarentine. Thats all the info they need.

However, as ive said plenty of times before, if outbound flights were banned altogether, which is not a hard thing to do, then the screening of arriving flights wouldnt be as big of a deal in other countries. However, due to the ability for folks to drive out of those countries to a neighboring country, and then fly, these checkpoints would still work well enough to stem the outbreak enough for healthcare workers to catch up.

Banning outbound flights would be pretty much impossible because there are healthy people in that area. People seem to think West Africa is this small area with a high volume of Ebola. It's a very large area and their population is largely not infected. There are people who go there for business purposes or philanthropic purposes or even vacation. You want to ban all outgoing flights from an entire region and think that's easy?

Are you arguing that it is better to not quarentine a few million at the expense of the rest of the world?

Maybe your are right in that i am downplaying the ease of which this could be done. My bad for that. But, its not impossible, and im sure there are ethical issues involved as well. Do keep in mind that what i am relaying to you is my personal opinions, which arent backed up. (I feel the need to offer that disclaimer...)

But at any rate, its GOT to be a better idea to try this rather than sit on our hands like were doing and, through our inaction, allowing things to get worse. (By our, i mean the western governments, particularily america).

Are they allowed to come back?

Once they are screened properly, including isolation, if necessary.

You know how deep sea divers must spend time in decompression chambers to prevent the bends? Yeah, it sucks, but it beats the HELL out of the alternative.

Same way with this type of viral outbreak - except that the divers only endanger themselves.

EDIT: Link added & stuff

I'm aware of the decompression stuff... this is why there hasn't been a flight ban though. The people who shot that idea down did it for a lot of reasons. It is nearly impossible to accomplish because every single country on the planet would have to agree to not allow people from West Africa to fly to their country. Once a person leaves West Africa and gets to a new country he can simply hop a plane from there to America.

Once a person leaves West Africa and gets to a new country he can simply hop a plane from there to America.

No they can't. Do you think Homeland Security has no way of tracking their travel history?

But because proper precautions were NOT taken, the point will soon be moot, Ebola is already confirmed in Spain and the US, and soon all other countries will be experiencing the joys.

Ready, set, GO!

How would Homeland Security have their history at some random country's airport? We won't know what is going on until they already land in America. I think you overestimate our ability to track individuals around the world at airport terminals.

How would Homeland Security have their history at some random country's airport?

Passports name countries of issue and are stamped by authorities when the traveler enters/leaves a given country. We notify airlines that travelers that have visited countries x, y, z, etc will be subject to quarantine on arrival in the US. The traveler, knowing the conditions, can decide whether or not to board.

We won't know what is going on until they already land in America.

And when they do land, they can either hop back on the next flight out, or undergo such quarantine procedures necessary to protect the health of those in this country.

It's not as difficult as all of your hand-wringing makes it out to be, and failure to do so is negligent to the point of treason.

So all of the other people on the plane with the person infected with ebola have to leave too right? Because they are now potentially infected.


As another dude said here, the reason is that they would have to transport said individual to that location thereby potentially getting more victims.

Once someone goes to a hospital with Ebola symptoms moving them creates more risk and exposure. The hospital and all the people MAY be infected. Lock it down.

Like a fema camp, perhaps? Maybe this is what they were preparing for.

That just... Makes sense.

I feel ya. I always thought it was weird thst they keep shipping victims all over our country and not in one place. Eliminate the variables.... Thsts how you stop outbreaks.

So, we're forced to consider a couple of possibilities.

One, the most sensible course of action is not the one being taken. Unnecessary risk is being incurred for whatever reason.

Two, there is a reason why Ebola patients are being spread around at different locations. Since this is r/conspiracy, I'm going to throw out the most obvious possibility.

A deliberately induced outbreak within the borders of the USA itself. The objective is to create panic, chaos and a partial breakdown of law and order. This would lead to the imposition of long-term martial law. Basically, the total government takeover that many have been predicting.

Couple the latter oart of your comment and the impending elections in a few weeks, timing is suspect as well.

One thing, i think, that most people agree on is exactly what you said:

the most sensible course of action is not the one being taken. Unnecessary risk is being incurred for whatever reason.

"For whatever reason." Thats the important part, i think. They, at the very least, must explain their actions to reduce the distrust that the people have learned to harbor. And, as you positted, establishing the prerequisites for martial law does tend to lend them some advantages in the long term. Im hesitant to go down that road, but ill freely speculate on it. It surely is a possibility, and without specific explanations from the authorities, we can only assume the most plausible assumptions.

So, what if they establish local or region wide quarentines/martial (medical) law? Or even nation wide? In the midst of an outbreak, what do you think they couod achieve?

or.. maybe the people are all heading different places and notice they got ebola after arrival???

The original two that were sent here intentionally were placed in Tennessee and Atlanta. Why not send them both to Atlanta? Also, even if they did place everyone together if things get serious they won't have enough beds. There's something like 16 beds in the US.

Edit: It's actually 23 but my point stands.

I would assume with our resources it would not be hard to set up more beds if we needed.

Bombing ISIS is way more important.

There are only 15 BSL4 labs in the entire United States

How do you know who these patients are until they turn up somewhere and get diagnosed?

Sick person goes to hospital, gets diagnosed as being symptomatic. Most sensible thing to do then is isolate them where they are to contain risk, and take precautions with all those who've been exposed until you know for sure what's happened.

Moving them is pointless.

Also given that the majority of people suspected to have the disease so far have turned out not to, out seems further unnecessary.

If your scenario happens, that means you'd have people inside the US getting sick with Ebola, therefore outbreak has become a reality. Right now (we hope) the only people needing treatment for Ebola are those who have been infected with it outside the country..... and brought to the US for care.

edit: I'm just thinking that the original question still stands. Why not take them to a master location. One place with the greatest concentration of resources/expertise. Wouldn't doing it this way also give the patient the best chance at survival?

Right now (we hope) the only people needing treatment for Ebola are those who have been infected with it outside the country..... and brought to the US for care.

Well there are those who've been identified as infected overseas and specifically transported here for treatment - while they're not all taken to one location, their destinations are chosen as places where expert help and high quality facilities are readily available.

There as been others (only one?) who've come to the US with the infection, but not yet showing symptoms. They would be the highest risk, it's pretty easy to control infection when you're aware that a person is infected - as the case with those brought to the US for treatment - but those who begin to show symptoms within the community are a bigger danger. Until they're identified they risk infecting others, so once they are identified they need to be isolated and other potentially exposed people identified and monitored.

"all of these" ebola patients? isn't there only 1 confirmed case so far? and he died?

or are you talking about people with "possible ebola symptoms"

Seemed like the best place to post this due to assholes and shills on the rest of Reddit.

What makes you think this sub doesn't have assholes and shills? It's not like this place is password protected or anything.

no it isn't, but there seems to more open minded and individual thinkers here than most of the subreddits on Reddit


Shills, bots, and nazis.

Shills, bots, and nazis.



Are you like, a jew?

Neo-nazis, i would say. ;-)

/r/conspiracy is where many top minds collaborate, and routinely outsmart the most well funded, well equipped and diabolical organizations on earth. How do we do it? Top thinkers, experts on every field, unparalleled investigative skills and fearlessness. I would trust a top comment here over pretty much any news source, especially a mainstream source, any day.


Im honored, even if you are kidding :)

Okay guys just talked to my mom, what she tells me is that the lady came in with symptoms, but for Brotman, my mom's hospital to send blood samples to the CDC they would have had to quarantine the hospital for the 21 days, so instead they simply put her on isolation to avoid doing so. They weren't sure on the reputability of the patient who's daughter (who she wouldn't name) is apparently in a hospital in Ohio suffering from Ebola after a missionary trip in Africa. I'm confused. There's an article on the thread claiming that a patient who came in to that ER tested negative for ebola this morning...

I think it was a different hospital

Not the same hospital.

That wasn't readily apparent when I was reading the thread earlier. You showed up later when more information was available, I was here earlier when the thread was sparsely populated. But there's a bigger issue at hand here:

You're quite a bitch. Dial your bitch down. Life is too short.

My bad, sorry dude.

But look who's the fucking little bitch now?

Look who's man enough to say sorry too.

Life's to short, live up to your fucking standards bitch.

You edited your comment to make me look bad. Well played. Sorry bro.

I removed the unnecessary part and excused myself. I legitimately missed that your comment was many hours old.

Not the same place. The one we are talking about is an older lady.

holy shit, the plague is spreading

everyone prepare some emergency supplies

Not the same hospital.

This is one outlet that at least ran a story about the case in Los Angeles, however.

Holy cow.

I live in Culver City.

I wonder if it's Brotman.


It's not Brotman.

There are no hospitals on Centinela in Culver City.

I'll have to look further into this.

It is Brotman, my friend

/u/no1113 just posted an article from CBS LA saying that a suspected ebola case tested negative - could this be related to the person your mom texted you about?

Different locations

Ah right. So I've heard the name of one hospital floating around the thread - Centinela, which looks like it's by the LA international airport (like, a mile away). Does your mom work at that one? Or what's the other hospital that's in question?

Figured it was a matter of time before it hit the West coast. Only a few days though. That was quick.

So how much of that 21 day stay will be covered by my insurance?

If you like your Ebola, you can keep your Ebola.

Coffee... in... sinuses...

Oh we're sorry, your policy doesn't seem to cover foreign-based infections.

I can see it now. Mandatory epidemic insurance. They wouldn't want global safety getting in the way of profits.

Everyone will need it at least once in their life! /s

Get ebola, go to nearest hospital. That hospital rightfully so freaks the fuck out and the CDC puts the whole joint on lock down. You're stuck there for a month because the feds will literally let no one leave or enter the building. 30 days later:

"Oh we're sorry, looks like you went to a doctor that isn't in our network..."

Is her hospital Keck by any chance?

Found Centinela hospital named on r/ebola

Edited city name after sleep deprivation posting...

Whoever posted that is gonna lose their job more than likely. They know what hospital it is and exactly what station that snapchat was taken from via the number at the bottom. I'm sure they have to log in to that database using individual log in credentials. Hospitals take breaches of privacy/security VERY seriously these days.

Big fucking deal. For something like this? I applaud their having taken a snapshot and spread it on the internet.

Centralia is actually an interesting place to visit. Don't forget to tour the Yuengling Brewery if you're in the area!!


Learn to read.

Wow, rude. Is there any need for that?

Yes, because it totally wasn't the correct name. If you want to be treated like a child, go back to school where they praise you for trying and not actually being correct.

Well aren't you lovely.

You look so smart!!!!!!!

Winner attitude right here folks.

Get the fuck out.

no, brotman medical center

actually, that may not be 100% right being she works at multiple hospitals, i'll update this when i can get ahold of her

ty! :)

could be quarantined


Last I checked, they don't quarantine for nothing. Let us know if anyone confirms!

They didn't end up quarantined but that doesn't mean the patient in the hospital currently does not have Ebola

True. They're probably exhibiting similar symptoms (as you said in your title).

I'm always the first guy that says "pics or it didn't happen" or "source or it didn't happen," so I'ma read the thread before coming to any conclusions.

I will say this though: The plane that the Dallas dude was on went from Liberia, to Brussels, to Dallas, then on to LA. So it's within reason that the hospital in Culver city is on lockdown due to a patient that caught ebola off the Dallas dude.

This patient who came in last night says she got it from her daughter who was a missionary in Africa, not sure which country exactly. I can post a screenshot of the text my mom sent me last night but I'm not sure what other evidence I could possibly provide

For what it's worth, NYC is sending in fake patients that exhibit Ebola symptoms to test their response times/protocols. Maybe it's something like that?

Maybe man, honestly I don't know much about all of this, where did you learn of this thing about fake patients?


Centinela hospital in ingle wood?

used to live in Englewood - thanks for post

I'm just trying to put the info I have out there so we can all have collective knowledge of what's going on with this Ebola shit just in case some shit really blows over man


Brotman Medical Center

Just note that it's a scare tactic. They said someone with Ebola Symptoms. Not that they HAVE ebola but they might potentially have it.

It's a fear mongering society. We capitalize on fear more so than anything else.

With that said, chances are very minimal that anything is wrong here. I read that you said California and that explains it. You guys over there think everything gives you cancer so it's no surprise Ebola scare.

They fear monger on one hand and they yet people from affected countries travel freely. It's bizarre.

Well that's good news.

I felt the same way - at least temporarily so. Nothing saying it won't indeed fan out and spread throughout the country/planet.

Georgia Guidestones, anyone?

Don't be worried. Its a single event in CA and the US is huge. There are places to move too.

First it's a single event in the US, then a single event in a state, then what? Don't worry because your county, town, or household only has a single event? It spread to California and the question is where did it come from and how many other people were exposed? I really hope a person who goes to work sick unless they literally can't function doesn't get it. I've seen how sick some people go to work because they are so dependent on every last penny. The thought is chilling.

The thought is chilling.

That's the desired effect. Be wary of anything that's pushed so heavily by the MSM and, no matter what happens, don't feed the fear.

It's less about panic and more about bringing hygiene to the forefront. Before the worst thing you were likely to catch off a cart at the store or door handle at the bank was the flu, now it's this. The answer isn't to stop shopping or living life, it's to be mindful. Use the wipes they have for carts and take care not to touch your face until you wash. It doesn't make sense to hole up but caution should be taken.

Agreed - I just think the whole thing is being blown out of proportion for fear/propaganda purposes. Always best to be as cautious and vigilant as possible in all things.

Fear and panic is not the solution. Monitoring it and taking appropriate actions is what will solve and allow you to protect yourself.

This totally unconfirmed bullshit has more up votes than my article about the governor of Connecticut declaring a state of emergency "just in case"?

Stay sleazy, /r/conspiracy.

I just flipped through your comment history. I'm pretty sure you're not getting up votes because you are a complete and total asshole.

EDIT: I typo'd.. Maybe you you should be a dick about it.

It could also be the fact that he posted a to "blacklistednews"... Which is hardly credible (though, like "beforeitsnews", there are some good stuff there). Also, his lack of participation in the discussion of his post.

That, plus his condescending tones...

Blacklisted News is a news aggregate. There's a link to the original article at the top of the page. I don't have time to subscribe to a myriad of web sites and instead rely on aggregates. Like you said, they do have some good stuff, and if you took five seconds to click that link, you'd see the source is an NBC owned web site. I don't understand why people in this sub need shit spoon fed to them.

Here's the article. --->

I don't understand why people in this sub need shit spoon fed to them.

Thanks but i didnt ask for shit.

I looked it up on my own, using my own sources that i have grown accustomed to, just like i assume you do too.

I wasnt dissing your sources either, just pointing out that others might have not appreciated your source due to credibility issues. I find myself on beforeitsnews alot, and blacklistednews sometimes. There are some shit articles in both, but far more shit in BIN. I personally didnt take issue with your link, as claims such as that are easily verifiable.

Do you notice the condescension in your comment, btw? That turns people off.

And again, i didnt ask you for anything. So that whole "spoonfed" line was unwarranted.

I'm just a regular guy. I have a job, a family, and I own a house. I believe in a lot of wacky shit. I also have a low tolerance for stupidity and refuse to use kid skin gloves when dealing with people. There are people that use courtesy and politeness to mask their insults, I say what I mean and mean what I say. If this makes me an asshole, so be it. At least I'm honest and true to myself.

Oh no your poor internet points!!

I don't give a fuck about my internet points. Go through my history and down vote everything, I'll just burn this account and make another like I did with the one prior to this.



You came out of nowhere. Let me guess, you're a "lurker"?

So why are you crying then?


You mad bro?

With an attitude like that, he's probably not loved by his wife and children or people around him. Miserable man with a miserable life. No surprise, unfortunately.

Neo-nazis, i would say. ;-)

It could also be the fact that he posted a to "blacklistednews"... Which is hardly credible (though, like "beforeitsnews", there are some good stuff there). Also, his lack of participation in the discussion of his post.

That, plus his condescending tones...

I'm just a regular guy. I have a job, a family, and I own a house. I believe in a lot of wacky shit. I also have a low tolerance for stupidity and refuse to use kid skin gloves when dealing with people. There are people that use courtesy and politeness to mask their insults, I say what I mean and mean what I say. If this makes me an asshole, so be it. At least I'm honest and true to myself.

Shills, bots, and nazis.


First it's a single event in the US, then a single event in a state, then what? Don't worry because your county, town, or household only has a single event? It spread to California and the question is where did it come from and how many other people were exposed? I really hope a person who goes to work sick unless they literally can't function doesn't get it. I've seen how sick some people go to work because they are so dependent on every last penny. The thought is chilling.

Good looking, lucy.