United States is more evil than ISIS: Harvard University

67  2014-10-09 by SovereignMan


They should send that memo to the politicians, judges and SC justices that are Harvard alumni.

What's funny is that most of the students that graduate college become the most powerful people in the world and actually end up contributing to how dangerous the United States truly is.

Four college students don't represent Harvard University.

so true,,that article sucks though conservative garbage

There is no such thing as more evil. Evil is fucking evil. No matter who or what it is.


Well you are talking semantics. To a child rape all the time by a clergy is just as evil in that Jewish child killed by Hitler. The child being raped wants to die already and some commit suicide from such. There is no more or less evil. Evil is the same.

Edit: Now then you explain to each set of parents which is the greater evil. Idiot.

The title is like an Onion article.