Our Number 1 Post.

20  2014-10-13 by [deleted]

So the number one post in this sub has 1600+ upvotes and not a single user in the comment thread likes the post, some even expressing their discontent for the subreddit itself.

Can someone explain to me how a post gets that many upvotes while simultaneously having such an opposition to it?


Sketchy submitter from a non-regular, too. We get these all the time - I live in the new queue and somehow never see them. I'd love to know how/why they come to exist.

system bought and sold! manipulated from the top down! the primary interest for me is to have discussions in subthreads which are mainly just shadow-moderated by corporations and not spooks. This sub has eyes from many agencies on it daily. You can get them to reply to you and moderate your posts immediately by using certain trigger words. If you play the game hard enough, you actually get personal responses from actual technicians!

until it's not a fun game any more and you're just disgusted by how empty and hollow the entire thing is.

Don't come here for truth. Come here to figure out, through the meta, what they are interested in and what they are not. It's the best you can hope for.

Beautifully said.

You have only been on Reddit for 15 days and come up with that! You have got to be double tapping a second account, way to enlightened to just come up with a "from no where" comment.

Yeah I usually burn accounts when I get the wrong leads. Or sometimes because I get ugly and spout off to NPC sheeple. Or when I get shadowbanned, which happens pretty frequently.

Lawlz, NPCs. True. True.

lies! how do we know YOU'RE not a technician trying to deceive US?

You can't possibly know. In absolute fact, I am a technician. But I'm not working on any project for any government higher than city level. The FBI cybercrimes unit of Philly bought me lunch this month. I wish I could help them more than I can, I do.

The best advice I can offer you is money talks, bullshit walks. You're not the target, you might be a product, but you're not the target.

If someone can prove that you're a danger to the status quo, or you give them good reason to believe that - there might be profit in pursuing you. Otherwise you're just going schitzo. You're not that interesting, not even the RIAA is in the field anymore.

why cringe

the only project i'm working on, were selling it to city municipalities, it uses vehicle surveillance [mainly the operation of the vehicle] to try and get rid of millions of dollars a year in fraudulent lawsuits which are gutting many municipalities resources.

Nothing 'evil'.

or are you cringing because you think anyone cares about people who post on here, and they are all being watched intently from smoky rooms.

No, it's cringe because you are making up such a huge fantasy on /r/conspiracy to act as if you are important.

I saw the post in question come in on the new queue this morning. It had like 9-10 upvotes when I saw it.

ALSO, most of the commenters aren't regulars here, but they comment as if they are. The same goes for a lot of the +400 upvote conspiracy posts you see sometimes. I don't recognize any of the names in the top bunch, do you?

Free accounts = botsourced meta

I always like how sketchy accounts, if you dig into their history, have really interesting, specific, niche interests and that's all they ever post about until they bounce into a thread like that or magically turn into passionate $your_unrelated_big_money_industry_here cybersoldiers. It'd be funny if it weren't so horrible.

Those are easy marks.

Shops with a precedent have very detailed accounts that will go back months. It's not difficult to do. I don't work in INFOSEC anymore and I do it as a hobby to keep aware of big things without doing anything illegal. The amount of information they actually give you without "hacking" anything is extreme.

I won't say exactly how, but you use tools like this:

Find bots you like: http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/IRC/Bots

Develop some simple macro API's to "work the page clicks" and be sure and do some reading to eliminate pattern detections by the server. [eg, randomize time between clicks, tunnel through many different IP's and keep them geographically consistent between your fake entities]

You can use projects such as these if you can create virtual environments easily; http://kmeleon.sourceforge.net/

Never run these scripts on your home computer or any computer that you could be positively linked to if you like to trollbait.

I usually have one account that I use for my personal interests; and I use it to have live human eyes on threads. That data I use to train the bots and have them collect the data for me.

At some point if you get good you can sell this data or join a team. Just don't do anything illegal or amoral. Every once in awhile a company or group is interested in exploring the subject of media/cloud manipulation and they need people who understand how it works. Very fruitful but it could take you down a path you don't want to go.

That's why I am putting more of my energy into video games and solar power than the industry. Too many lies, and I'm too impatient to actually get anyone to see they are being herded.

Twitter's another place full of this kind of manipulation. It's a lot more obvious there than here , though. Have seen many, many startups engage in the practice to "organically" (ha!) "go viral" (not stealthily, either!).

Yes, it's also been reposted a few times.

I've noticed that the voting patterns are sketchy, and some good stuff I've seen on /r/new has been getting dropped off by voting. I think we are outnumbered.

It's a low quality image post and easily upvotable.

I left the first comment on it this morning as I noticed it had over 200 upvotes and zero comments.


I'm not so sure. There's a long history of low quality image posts being upvoted to the front page here. I usually see it once every couple of weeks at least.

I don't think you can attribute this to outside the community.


I hang out here all the time and I think this subreddit can be terrible.

Mostly because the mods let outsiders (non-subscribers) vote and comment. It's not a huge barrier, but there have been many times when I could have voted/commented on a thread in a subreddit I wasn't subbed to, but didn't because I was too lazy to sub/click off subreddit style. I would guess that others feel the same- even more so for bots.

Ah so you want an echo chamber where any opinion that disagrees with the hive mind can be ignored? I thought this was the "free thinkers" sub? This sub needs to be open.

There's nothing stopping people from subscribing.

If they want to participate, they should have to be part of the community.

A lot will be.

Also I think people aren't taking into consideration the fact some people only upvote/downvoters and never comment.

i usually downvote meme's but past a certain point i will upvote it just on the off chance it breaks out onto /r/all or something and brings us traffic here.

fuckin meme's milking the "like" crowd.

There is a conspiracy against /r/conspiracy involving people who want to discredit valid theories. You can't trust this place... you can't trust me. Reality is bittersweet.

please, what was the number one post????