Why does nobody realize that the mainstream media has become the official mouthpiece of ISIS? Why is it normal to loudly repeat every idle threat they make? What does that actually accomplish? Who benefits?

306  2014-10-16 by [deleted]

These are the questions that I see nobody asking in r/worldnews threads full of 1000's of angry and hate-filled comments about ISIS.

I am not saying that they don't deserve to be hated. But why are we jumping at the opportunity to spread their message for them at every possible turn?

Knowing what actual history has taught me of the US government/CIA and their tactics, if ISIS were actually a threat, then the opposite should have happened:

  • media silence or distractions to intentionally keep news of ISIS out of the mainstream

  • CIA led infiltration of ISIS done completely covertly

  • Assassinations/bombings of ISIS headquaters = no more ISIS

  • nobody finds out for 10 years that our government even did anything

But instead, look at what is happening.


Has ten years been so long that people forget the government and the MSM refused to show bin Laden's videos because they said that, "giving him airtime legitimizes him and al Qaeda"?

the real old OBL videos conflicted dramatically with the routinely discovered fake ones they foisted upon us.

tall and thin, suddenly became short and fat, left handed, right handed, no jewelry, loads of bling, hold on a minute thats not OBL.

That has nothing to do with the point I'm making. Bin Laden's original videos between 2001 and 2004 were never shown on TV except for a brief still or just a mention. The stated reason was to not legitimize him, his threats, or Al Qaeda. People that were alive (and adults) back then seem to forget this.

As for the videos after 2004, well...

dude wrong subreddit, OBL is not real on this subreddit, majority here think 9/11 was an inside job, OBL was not a real threat, not sure what point you are trying to make

You're need some reading comprehension classes bro. Whether or not OBL even exists is irrelevant to what he's saying.

OBL is not real on this subreddit

That is a lie, stop being a liar in here.

Osama Bin Laden is quite obviously a real person.

What's being questioned is if he himself is actually in certain videos where they claim it to be Osama Bin Laden, or if they were using a double of him for scripted propaganda videos.

Since there is ample evidence of people looking almost identical to other people, I don't see how this theory is even remotely close to being far fetched, it's extremely possible.

Pretty sure nobody here really thinks he was behind it though.

Of course not, there's no substantive evidence to support that nonsense.

Involved? His family was at least. Mastermind of the attacks? No.

People don't realize how easy it is to keep big secrets because they truly do not understand how big secrets are kept big secrets.

Horrible, excruciating mind-numbing torture and death. Not saw type stuff, but still awful.

Personally I think it was Saudi Arabian-funded agents but I don't personally know how involved OBL was, or whether he was at all.

People don't realize how easy it is to keep big secrets because they truly do not understand how big secrets are kept big secrets.

Well by keeping them as small as possible. the bigger the secret, the more likely to fail.

what i meant is that he is more of a fictional villain than who he was in reality, a wealthy billionaire well connected in Saudi Arabia and the rest of the arab world.

He is a member of a billionaire Saudi Arabian family with ties to terrorism and business ties to the Bush family, which implicates them both in the global shadow order trying to rule the planet through violence and false governance.

Just say that next time.

thanks bro i got lazy

It was the 'Saturday Night Fever' white suit that convinced me.

Who benefits?

The bankers of course. The cushy executives in supply chain of the defense industry, various gas and oil interests and their connected politicians and corporations.

Who did you think benefited? The people??

Bwahahahaaaa. Never.

The bankers?


Diamond mines, Iron mines, Oil. There's lots of resources in West Africa..

This is what you call: Creating fear in the population. Or fear mongering.

People are more likely to be manipulated and to accept new restrictions out of fear.

Do you know anyone who is actually afraid of ISIS? I haven't met a single person who fears the middle east.

agreed, but people do parrot the Fox hatefest on the middle east, and the subtle comments and racial slurs against arabs in general.

'nuke them until they are a glass parking lot etc'. this is the common blurted out phrase by people who do not understand the complexities (or simplicities) of politics and history.

its confusing and appears dangerous, nuke it. (a fifth sixth seventh grade emotional response !?)

a friend of mine who is an avid Fox watcher, made some very anti arab comments to his (5YO) grandson, this is passed on conditioning. as carefully planned and executed by the psychologists at Fox.

hes not stupid, far from it, but his world view is Fox shaped, as that is his TV channel of choice, all-in-one news and entertainment. (but a very very big fan of 'Breaking Bad' which is rebellious against the system TV)

thats the real goal of the fear mongering from the MSM.

When I was 9, I was in a car with my best friend and his dad. This was a few months after the towers fell. My friend and I were making fun of turbans, and his dad said "They aren't called 'towelheads', they are turbans and you need to respect their religious beliefs. Not all of them are terrorists." To this day, I have held that to heart.

I learned the term from kids at school. Many kids were parroting what their parents were saying. even my uncle (who was raising me) insulted them. I did too, until that moment. After, I felt uncomfortable around people who used insults. I felt like they didn't have a reason to insult all arabs/indians.

If it wasn't for my friend's dad, I might be just like everyone else who hates muslims today.

The point of my reply is to say that I agree with you.

I am glad that there are dads in the world like your friend's dad.

Me too. The man has taught me a lot. A lot of stuff that I wouldn't have been exposed to in the area I was living at the time.

excuse me, but the fear-mongering is not limited to Fox. All stations are doing it.

you dont have to be actually afraid of ISIS to be okay with the u.s military suddenly bombing their vehicles in syria and then ohhh lets just hit the SAA here real quick- oh, people, remember! assad and chemical weapons!

its just- they need the masses to have a common enemy they can reflexively invoke to justify NDAA and everything else/losing civil liberties for security

Seems like they have to stage new 9/11.

Some people are really scare, many are not.

There is a lot of people that are anxious about it and even if they don't expect to get stuck in some random explosion somewhere, they have it in the back of their head and since the mainstream media never stop talking about it, it builds up.

This is how you condition people to something. You keep repeating it until they aknowledge it, or in this case, fear it a way or another.

Something will happen, they will think ISIS first, even if they are not scare of it... but they hear so much about it, it become the first thing they think about.

Soon enough, the governments come with new laws and regulations because of some threat that could happen because of ISIS and most people will just let it go because they think that's fine.. "the threat is real", they hear so much about it.

There is a psychology factor here that most people don't even realize.

Of course it does not affect everyone the same way, but just look.. when they start promoting some Ebola vaccines. Even if most people around you doesn't want to get it and are not scared about this... just wait and see the waiting lines there will be for getting the vaccine.

Remember H1N1? Biggest joke ever. Same story. They build it up so much until the majority feel the need to be vaccinated. Most people that got sick are the one that have been vaccinated. That's it, they create needs for "protection" out of fear of some threat.

There is a LOT of people out there listening to the mainstream media almost like it is their god that bring them all the answers. Those are the majority, the masses.

Sorry for my english.

Shows that journalists are being paid off by the CIA

Short reply. If ISIS is not actually the creation of Western and/or Israeli intelligence services, they might as well be. The MSM has used them as a very effective tool to generate outrage amongst the general public.

Outrage equals emotional non-rational thinking. This is what TPTB want and need in order to create public consent for continued military intervention in the Middle East. This is particularly so for action against the Assad regime in Syria.

It was just a year ago that the US had a big hard on for going after Assad. But the public and even the Congress said "no way". ISIS conveniently popped up out of nowhere during the time since then. Now the public is OK with bombing Syria. It's like people can't put two and two together or remember one fucking thing if it happened more than a couple of weeks ago.

It was just a year ago that the US had a big hard on for going after Assad. But the public and even the Congress said "no way". ISIS conveniently popped up out of nowhere during the time since then. Now the public is OK with bombing Syria. It's like people can't put two and two together or remember one fucking thing if it happened more than a couple of weeks ago.


Is ISIS real? Are they really a bunch of bad men that are doing horrible things to people?


Are they who we are told they are?


Remember when Israel murdered thousands of innocent civilians only a few months ago? Quite convenient that this ISIS and Ebola scare came around to take our attention off of Israel...

Eh, its always something that takes our attention off of something. If we are scared of X Y or Z, and those are different every month or so, we remain confused, unenlightened, and afraid.

Don't watch the news but do "read" it. Just like you "read" the signs on a liars face. Like anything else the news is a cultural artifact and needs to be viewed as such, from its blonde bangs to its stripey ties, from the fast edits to where it places the weather. READ IT, dissect it, be amused by its ramblings then switch it the fuck OFF and think for yourself !

Follow the money.

This should be the subtitle to r/conspiracy. Never forget where the trail always leads.


Ok. Where does it lead?

Ok. Where does it lead?

Back to the source, of course.

And you can take that to the bank.

That's not following the money.

Does no one remember the threads a while back claiming that propaganda and lies in news is now legal? Now its a big bullshit platform mostly.

It's all about propagating fear. It has always been the tool they use to keep us in line. This is why I cant stress enough the importance of turning off the television. This eliminates the chance of being sucked into some of the drama they invent.

but watch as much different news clips on a subject as can, read as many articles as can, see the cross programming from the different 'news' channels.

it pays to be aware of what the 'news' is up to.

watch/read but don't be a passive 'news' consumer.

I definitely pay attention to what the "news" is up to. Disheartening, dividing and planting seeds of fear into the viewers. The internet is great for this.

But investing time in anything on television beyond movies or games is history for me personally. It feels good too not thinking about any of the garbage they spew out. Now when I look in from the outside the fear propaganda is so obvious it's painful to watch.

Take for example the Ebola deal. They keep repeating it over and over again when there isn't anything the general population can do about it. So why worry the people over something we have no control over? They want us afraid and confused.

Never mind whats happening behind the curtain.

ISIS is a CIA operation, similar to Osama Bin Laden.

Stop watching tv then stop caring about what people say that still watch tv. Problem solved.

^ this ... tv = propaganda / brainwash they call them programs / programming for a reason.


I wouldn't say that anything has been solved in this case. Just withdrawal from those not 'unplugged' yet furthering the divide.

Isis isn't real. It is our East Asia. 2+2=5. We have always been at war with ISIS, or Al Qaeida, or The Nazis, or whomever has offended our most wealthy. It is being brodcast on the feeding tube just to keep the level of fear up and elevated. We don't think rationally when we are afraid. We don't work together when we are afraid. We don't resist as much when we are afraid. Having suffered a terrorist attack at a point where the media was reaching all the way around the world, and connecting people in seconds, may not have been completely coincidental. A super power with an entire population wrapped up in fear. We are exactly what North Korea is trying to be.

ISIS: It's Still Israel, Stupid.

This ISIS threat is so incredibly manufactured and cheesy I could see it as part of a Call of Duty storyline. The fact that people cannot see through this shows how easily swayed people are, and the gov is definitely counting on it. We became so weary of war after Afghanistan and Iraq that we want no part of it, so they are pushing as hard as ever to justify keeping trillions of dollars and thousands of troops in the mid east to probably help topple Syria as well. It's bullshit

Military industrial complex, the one that's been propping up the floundering American economy for decades.

In large part by propping up the dollar's value as the world's energy trading currency.

To incite fear in the masses because only the MSM has that ability now. If ISIS's PR team was spreading these "warnings" alone the videos wouldn't be seen by anyone. The media is making mountains out of molehills to promote perpetual war of imperialism.

Ask the questions:

  1. Who owns the Main Stream Media?
  2. What do they benefit by controlling the Message?
  3. What are their goals overall?

The Main Stream Media are owned by Corporations, for example Fox News, which is owned by News Corp, which in turn owns Television, Internet, magazines and inserts, Newspapers and information services, books and many other printed assets.

They sell more of everything by controlling the message

Their goals are to sell more of everything they own

Who benefits?

The media. They have a vested interest in the "be afraid" mantra. It keeps people watching and the ratings high.

Who benefits?

Take a look at this Israeli ad London transport recently rejected. The answer is obvious.

Too true man.

nobody finds out for 10 years that our government even did anything

...which does absolutely nothing to get "our guys" elected in 2-1/2 weeks.

Deciding that one group or issue should be censored is a slippery slope. If "everyone agrees" that ISIS should be censored, should we also censor any statement by the Syrian rebels ? By the Uighurs or others resisting China ?

No, we shouldn't censor any news or statements. Let the public hear everything, and decide for themselves.

Why they do this? to make people afraid, fear and generate hatred towards the 2 groups ISIS and ISIL (btw they are different group) What to they gain? supports for the regime change, to bomb 2 country already destroyed by wars. Why they want regime change? because assad is opposing the NWO agenda by not allowing "the central bank" to lay foot on the syria land andn ot allowing the said pipelines to cross syria to go to usa from saudi arabia because syria gain nothing from doing so. Why they want regime change 2.0? because syria is an ally of russia, iran, china and the new banking cartel that chinaand russia are creating.

Basicly it all pooint towards profit for a few high profile individuals who are in the business of preping wars, winning war, debts management seperation and after war reconstruction.

are people finally waking up to the fact that the real and sole terrorism on this planet, is fabricated news that of mainstream media?

I've been thinking about this since day one. How many times have they shown that image of a knelt down guy next to the all black faggot with the knife. Why we are even so carful to make sure calling them by whatever name they are calling themselves. We should refer to them as Muslim Extremists or whatever but why is Obama so insistent on calling them ISIL

I will tell you why Obama uses ISIL. The L is for the Levant, a biblical chunk of the land grab that includes Syria.

That is why.

Our leaders are liars and theives.

Your full of bs. nobody believe its israli bla bla bla... so funny this tard sub

Actually in my country (Spain) the media dont talk shit about isis. All what it speaks is about political corruption -.-

Knowing what actual history has taught me

This is usually the key phrase that lets you know someone is about to say something absurd and/or hilarious.

media silence or distractions to intentionally keep news of ISIS out of the mainstream

So in other words, you're advocating censorship and propaganda.

If the media were being silent about ISIS, guaranteed you'd be posting complaining about that instead.

CIA led infiltration of ISIS done completely covertly

You say that like you have any knowledge that it is or isn't happening right now.

Assassinations/bombings of ISIS headquaters = no more ISIS

Yeah, just like when we killed all the head guys of Al Qaeda and it stopped existing. Right?

If you think all of history is whats written in the history books, you should probably read some testimonials of ex CIA members.

You want people to watch your 24/7 news show? Bring it! Scare them, let them have emotions, let them hate and love and fear others.

It's no conspiracy, it's bad journalism!

If you don't want that, don't get them their clicks or tv time.

If you engage your peers in a sane manner and try to open their minds about the media and how to be informed, then you are doing the best you can, without a loss of time.

If you really want to change things, dedicate your life to a cause and be modest.

Why worry about things you can't change?

Back to your cheetos and diet Pepsi, luv.

I'm going to sit on your face you wormy cocksmoker.

I don't eat cheddar cheese. And definitely not diet Pepsi. Now, Pepsi Throwback with real sugar? Guilty.

By the way, I bet you could never guess what I do for a living.

ISIS does not exist.

Just like someone planned an entire war before realizing that "Operation Iraqi Liberation" before realizing that those words, when used as a nifty US Mil acronym, spell out OIL.

Same here. ISIS=Israeli Secret Intelligence Services. Then someone realized that the translation from Hebrew would spell out the name of the people behind "ISIS!"

ISIS is bullshit. CIA. Mossad. War is money. Money is power.

And we are dealing with the biggest money junkies in the World here.

Likely "ISIS" is nothing but the CIA working with the Jewish SITE Group writing the scripts and running PR (and making those hilariously fake "beheading" videos).

Hahahahaha. Holy shit this subreddit is so funny. I can't believe the amount of delusional fuckheads around here. Definitely entertaining to drop by every once in a while.

I think you haven't looked them up enough to just claim they don't exist.


Whoever these people are in the video (they claim to be the Islamic State) they're mercilessly gunning down a lot of people. Say what you want, but saying "they don't exist" is ridiculously dismissive.

There's a lot of people getting gunned down in the mid east, Africa, Eastern Europe, Central America, South America, etc but they don't get this much attention, not by a LONG shot. Can you explain why? I cannot without it being explicitly obvious these guys were manufactured, funded and supported by intelligence units of either the US, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Qatar etc. No way they got the funding, video quality and promotional press without our assistance.

No way they got the funding, video quality and promotional press without our assistance.

Why?? They can be funded by so many other organizations/governments (and definitely are).

The IS is extremely media conscious, and they're playing on it to get as many new recruits as possible. They WANT to be known worldwide, it's their mission: to convert the entire world to their interpretation of islam. They have everything to win by getting themselves known.

but they don't get this much attention, not by a LONG shot. Can you explain why? I cannot without it being explicitly obvious these guys were manufactured, funded and supported by intelligence units of either the US, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Qatar etc.

What's the link between getting some media attention on yourself and being "manufactured"?? By your logic, all these other parts of the world you cited are not "manufactured" shootings SIMPLY because it's not widely covered by media. Considering the amount of weaponry and assests the IS possess, is it such a long shot to suppose they have very basic (judging from the video I linked) filming/editing gear..?

I can admit there's a lot of chances of a government being involved with them, but the US is the least likely one. They'd have nothing to gain from it since they want to destroy that very group. It's not really how international politics work...

Here's how I see it. There is definitely a massive sectarian conflagration going on over there in Iraq and Syria. There is definitely a Sunni militant group called ISIS/ISIL/IS. They are probably supported by the US and it's allies. But the idea of ISIL, the decapitations, the propaganda, the memes, that's probably 90% fiction produced by foreign or domestic intelligence services.

The official ISIL story line shouted at you by the MSM and the blog-spheres and the comment sections is very neat. There are dozens of these memes that are crafted in a way to simultaneously be totally unquestionable while also being extremely nonsensical.

I'm sure you know them. Take for instances, ISIL has advanced weapons that Iraqi security forces abandoned in their cowardly retreat. To believe that you have to believe that the Iraqi security forces are not only stupid but completely irrational. Here's another ISIL is making millions everyday selling oil, to who? ISIL is already planning to sneak over the porous Mexican border except the don't need to because There are hundreds of ISIL fighters holding western passports so they can just take US AIR unless Western ISIL fighters are tearing up their passports for youtube videos because ISIL is recruiting fighters on social media.

Very neat, I wish I could find a way to make money from memes.

I still think it's unlikely that the US is behind any sort of funding for the ISIS, considering:

  1. The ISIS's stated goal is to destroy western, infidel society, and establish a worldwide caliphate under Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi. What would be the point of funding them.

  2. The US have undertaken military action against the IS, meaning they would be spending money to destroy something they are even now spending money on, for nothing.

  3. The fact that funding the IS brings absolutely no tactical/military/economical advantage to the US whatsoever.

For example, a state that could plausibly support the IS (but that we won't ASSUME are because evidence is lacking) would be Turkey, as the IS is in the midst of war with kurdish populations. This is something Turkey definitely doesn't have a problem with.

I understand the US has a very strong worldwide presence, but it's still not appropriate to assume they are behind the Islamic State for those reasons. There is not much advantage for the US to fund such a group.

I suppose you could blame Yemen, Pakistan, [Turkey[very likely] for having involvement, but the fact is ISIS has huge access to Abrams tanks, humvees and plethora of other US equipment we supplied to Iraq. Who else could train them on how to use most of this equipment other than good ole CIA? I'm not saying we deliberately created ISIS necessarily to attack us... though many will. However I definitely believe we trained these most of these guys, and armed them[Benghazi rings a bell here] through Libya in order to take down Syria.

Based Bashar Assad has been holding them off, so they formed a larger ideology after the group took out the leadership of FSA and other more moderate groups, and moved on weak corruptible Iraq, and somehow ran into a 500$ million bank account as well as an army that melted before them[our tax dollars at work in both ways]. Somehow ISIS also had time to create a logo and a brand name and put it on all their vehicles and property, not to mention the well funded media. I cannot possibly see how the US is the least likely one when every single aspect of ISIS origin involves originally trying toppling our 'enemy' Assad, as well as the equipment they are using. The fact they have a direct line to our media is also bizarre as fuck for obvious reasons.

"They'd have nothing to gain from it since they want to destroy that very group. It's not really how international politics work..." I guess you've never heard of this group called Al Qaeda... because that's EXACTLY how international politics works and has been for decades. Remember when Osama was our ally?

Any idiot can use military equipment, it's remarkable easy to use and that is the point. Half the the time the instructions are printed on the tool itself. Hell to start a tank you no joke just press a button, and then it's like driving a very very very thirsty car, and to shoot, all you do it turn the safety off load a round and pew pew pew to your hearts content.

ISIS gets money from oil, selling women collecting taxes imposed on areas they conquered.

Create a logo? A black flag with writing on it? That musta been super hard todo.

Any idiot can load a tank, man infrared and night sensors, use wire guided missiles, and fire artillery miles of way in coordinated assaults

Nope sorry pal you have no idea what you're talking about.

ISIS magically had access to oil, slave trades, and taxes before they were formed. They also have access to printing presses and armored vehicle maintenance and repair stations, and somehow had the infrastructure to support 10,000's of men, vehicles and tanks without any support whatsoever

Yeah, how about you fuck off with the trolling

Any idiot can do that, maybe not all the optics, but news flash they don't need to use them to fire the main gun, also they have access to anti air missiles, point and shoot with instructions printed on them. Milatary equipment is made to e used by the uneducated. If you think using this equipment requires rocket science I have bad news for you.

I like how you're calling our entire army idiots, and the equivalent of monkeys with guns. To fire the main gun and actually destroy stuff they certainly fucking do know how to use the optics else it's pointless. Artillery is complicated as shit and I know for a fact you would not be able to man anything involved in a modern combat battalion. Why do you think our armed forced train for months on this equipment? It's not all point and shoot no matter what Call of dooty has you believing. You are ignorant as hell

To fire our most advanced anti tank rocket all that is required is to halos a button and pull a trigger. No I'm not calling them idiots, but our equipment is designed to be easy to use, do you know why? Because in battle ease of use is valued, you spend more time on target id then forgiving out how to fire. On the M1a1 export the ones te Iraqis got, all you need to to start and fire the take Is about 4 button presses. I know what I'm talking about, if you think this hardware is complicated to use you are an idiot. It's designed to be as simple as possible.

To fight takes balls of steel, but it's not hard to use the equipment. It's very idiot proof. It's designed that way.

You don't want it to be so simple the enemy can pick it up and instantly use it on your however. There are safes and checks to use the weapons, and using computer assisted gear isn't just something you "pick up on". Tanks are difficult to drive, let alone fire on the move using millions of dollars of targeting and vision equipment. Again, I'd like to see you walk onto a military base and be able to use all of their equipment without any assistance. Ridiculous

The export if the m1a1 is not like the version we use. All milatary equipment is designed to be easy to use.

[Citation needed]

Iraq – Iraqi Army: 140 M1A1Ms (downgraded, without depleted uranium layers in armor). Iraq was leasing 22 U.S. Army M1A1s for training in 2008.[75][91][92][93] The first 11 tanks were delivered to the Iraqi Army in August 2010.[94] All were delivered by August 2011.[95] In October 2012, it was reported that six more tanks were being delivered.[96]

Islamic State: An estimated fewer than 30 M1A1Ms seized from Iraqi Army forces during the June 2014 Northern Iraq offensive.[97][98]

I bet when they were training on the tanks they had manuals


OH look you can


Edit why order when google books will do?


ISIS magically had access to oil? When did I say that so why are you quoting me, the oil is capitured, the females are captured. Printing presses? Like a fucking printer from best buy? Omgeee they can print things so can the 3rd grade history class. ISIS is made of people, people have skills, a mechanic a person who was part of the Iraqi army, they can't support 10000s of people? Ok well how were they living before hand, here's a hint, the Same way they do now, they take from the people.

Yes but they are selling the oil and using wells and infrastructure to do that. You think some backyards tribe in the middle of the desert just somehow runs into the expertise of running a criminal empire without a little assistance? Do you know how absurd this sounds? It's not nearly as simple as you are making it out to be, I'd like to see you take a bunch of random desert goat herders and create a massive multimillion dollar criminal empire from it without any foreign assistance. You are intentionally misrepresenting the ENORMOUS amount of logistics involved in running such an enterprise.

I guess you've never heard of this group called Al Qaeda... because that's EXACTLY how international politics works and has been for decades. Remember when Osama was our ally?

Your analogy would make sense if the US had supported al Qaeda while their goals of annihilating western society were known. However, we know that the US actually never supported the organization known as al Qaeda, formed in 1988. They only learned of its existence around the 90s anyways. bin Laden also only became visibly hostile after the Saudi Kingdom allowed (even demanded) US troops to be stationed on their soil for the war in Kuwait, against Saddam Hussein.

Taliban, Al Qaeda, same difference when it came to the organization we funded to defeat the Russians in the 80s. We absolutely DID know Osama existed, and have been helping Saudis destabilize the region for years. Hostile, as well as trained and armed by the CIA. Stop pretending we haven't had our hands in the middle east for decades, because we certainly started as soon as a little thing called oil became relevant.

The Taliban were only formed in 1994, and al Qaeda was formed in 1988. The russians left Afghanistan in 1989.

Al Qaeda was originally a very, very small group held together and financed by bin Laden (the founder) as well as the saudi arabian GID. The CIA never funded al Qaeda.

As for the Taliban, they were composed of members who went to madrassas which had been funded by the CIA and the ISI in the 80s in their struggle against the Soviet Union, yes. This is not the same as saying that the CIA funded the Taliban as an entity though... not at all.

Edit: the CIA also never directly trained the afghan mujahideen under strict orders from the Pakistani ISI. They supplied money and weapons to the ISI, who then distributed it how they wanted. The ISI were also the ones who were actually training the mujahideen in the madrassas. They forbade the CIA to get their hands into it directly.

Holy fuck you must have a whole closet filled with tin foiled hats!

Obama is not real!!




Made (in)


It was Hoobama all along!

So all the people who've been beheaded then, what's really happened to them? How about the thousands of Jihadis from across the globe who've gone to fight, are they all being paid by Mossad?

Just like someone planned an entire war before realizing that "Operation Iraqi Liberation" before realizing that those words, when used as a nifty US Mil acronym, spell out OIL.

That was a joke on the Tonight Show, not reality.

More "hilarious" videos from the non-existent ISIS:

Operation Iraqi Liberation is not a myth

Here's video of Press Secretary Fleisher using that term

And here's a transcript of that exact video from an official government website -- just hit ctrl+f and type in "operation iraqi liberation" and it pops up.

Now mind you that the ensuing iraq invasion was not called operation iraqi liberation, but Operation Iraqi Freedom; what a farce!

Besides, the notion that the war in Iraq was about oil shouldn't be controversial. Here's a quote from Alan Greenspan about just that: 'I am saddened that it is politically inconvenient to acknowledge what everyone knows: the Iraq war is largely about oil.'

Richard Perle on 11/30/2003 in the Guardian said the war and invasion was illegal, but justified (in their eyes).

'War critics astonished as US hawk admits invasion was illegal'

thats an open invitation for war crimes tribunals methinks. crimes against humanity etc.

Here's video of Press Secretary Fleisher using that term

That was after the name Operation Iraqi Freedom had been used, not before.

It's probably after Leno made the joke, too. Leno made the joke before March 27, but I can't find the exact date.

So Leno makes a joke and the Press Secretary uses it during a press briefing? You gotta be kidding me LOL

Operation Iraqi Liberation was the working title used for GW2, it got used briefly at the beginning until people started calling it out as obvious.

then they changed it to OIF.

The Guardian, Mar 19, 2003: "Anti-war MPs vowed to fight on; they are convinced that disaster awaits Mr Blair during the campaign dubbed Operation Iraqi Freedom by the US yesterday."

So it was called Operation Iraqi Freedom from the day before the invasion actually began.

A letter in the very next day's Guardian says "The US dubs this war 'Operation Iraqi Freedom'. 'Operation Iraqi Liberation' is more realistic—and makes a more appropriate acronym."

So the joke name dates to just one or two days after the real name.

Some other citations from that week:

Toledo Blade, Mar 21, 2003: "Battle dubbed 'Operation Iraqi Freedom'"

Here's a list of New York Times stories with the phrase "Operation Iraqi" in order from the earliest..

A list of jokes circulating on March 27, 2003 includes this: "War continues in Iraq. They're calling it Operation Iraqi Freedom. They were going to call it Operation Iraqi Liberation until they realized that spells 'OIL.' —Jay Leno." I think the earliest that this could have aired was the evening of Mar. 24, so this would have been after the press conference linked above.

It feels so good to hear someone say that.

When I was 9, I was in a car with my best friend and his dad. This was a few months after the towers fell. My friend and I were making fun of turbans, and his dad said "They aren't called 'towelheads', they are turbans and you need to respect their religious beliefs. Not all of them are terrorists." To this day, I have held that to heart.

I learned the term from kids at school. Many kids were parroting what their parents were saying. even my uncle (who was raising me) insulted them. I did too, until that moment. After, I felt uncomfortable around people who used insults. I felt like they didn't have a reason to insult all arabs/indians.

If it wasn't for my friend's dad, I might be just like everyone else who hates muslims today.

The point of my reply is to say that I agree with you.

I am glad that there are dads in the world like your friend's dad.

excuse me, but the fear-mongering is not limited to Fox. All stations are doing it.

Eh, its always something that takes our attention off of something. If we are scared of X Y or Z, and those are different every month or so, we remain confused, unenlightened, and afraid.

^ this ... tv = propaganda / brainwash they call them programs / programming for a reason.

I wouldn't say that anything has been solved in this case. Just withdrawal from those not 'unplugged' yet furthering the divide.

The bankers?


Diamond mines, Iron mines, Oil. There's lots of resources in West Africa..

In large part by propping up the dollar's value as the world's energy trading currency.

Taliban, Al Qaeda, same difference when it came to the organization we funded to defeat the Russians in the 80s. We absolutely DID know Osama existed, and have been helping Saudis destabilize the region for years. Hostile, as well as trained and armed by the CIA. Stop pretending we haven't had our hands in the middle east for decades, because we certainly started as soon as a little thing called oil became relevant.