What the hell happened to reddit.

27  2014-10-17 by [deleted]

A few months ago we could put things on r/worldnews and not get censored. Now reddit is just like every other website that doesn't want problems or to offend someone. Thats what reddit is, opinions, facts, and speaking your mind. We need to get back to our roots.


It's election season and reddit is a PR platform.

Yes. Run by the progressive left. The karma system also creates an echo chamber/circle jerk... By design?

Not at first, but it's being taken for a different design. Kind of like re-routing a river.

I wish there were a way to distinguish the dumb-dumb votes from the votes of informed people.

progressive left? yeah no. fascist plutocracy

Sure! Same thing.

No, it's the progressive left.

Reddit as a whole has wet dreams about Elizabeth Warren

shes a capitalist pawn

controlled op

Most of reddit is a pro gmo, pro vaccine, pro drone war, pro gitmo, pro torture, pro war of terror, anti gun, pro mandatory for-profit health insurance, pro big pharma, pro bank bail out, pro federal reserve circle jerk.

Nothing progressive or left in any of that.

That's what's confused me in recent years. I moved from a small town to a slightly bigger one where there were "leftists" about 11 years ago. They were cool, open people. Now, a lot of the people that consider themselves leftists (not the same people btw) are little more than government-obsessed statists. I don't hate government but I'd prefer to be left alone to do what I want provided I'm not harming anyone. These people though... They want to regulate everything it seems.

A few months ago

Way longer than a few months ago. I've seen censorship over there (and whining about it over here) for at least 4 years.

It's been corporatized completely. It is little more than an MSM mouthpiece nowadays.

As any community grows in popularity, its quality inevitably degrades from what once made it great. This is nothing new.

You people are the reason I can't have nice things.

Speak for yourself. This is like my third alt. Been here almost from the beginning. I remember the Digg invasion. To me, you are the nubbin.

It's almost totally compromised.

Total whitewash.

There's always reddit's alternative www.whoaverse.com

Hopefully it will become popular with a more mature crowd so the /r/funny and /r/adviceanimals wont be dictating the voted content

How's the growth been there lately? How's the conspiracy sub there

Lots of content is being posted but it doesn't have the userbase reddit does so there much less discussion

I remember things getting censored on /r/worldnews much further back than just a couple months ago.

Over the past 3 years almost 4, it's very obvious to see this site has changed completely. The way News stories are double and triple posted but certain stories never make the front page. Example, there are over 3 Ebola stories on the worldnews front page right now.

I think since Israel's war on Gaza this past summer the censorship has increased greatly. The PR battle on r/worldnews was evident to anyone who spent time there, that's also when they introduced filters, the first filter was "Israel/Palestine". Israel-related news stories also get downvoted into oblivion like never before as well, I can't submit anything about Israel without it immediately showing zero upvotes and just 25% or 50% upvoting it.

Its easy.. Just look back at Digg... the People who started the company are no longer Running the company.. and here we are.. their vision was replaced by Ad Dollars.

it's the new thing: the cabal squeeze

Attack of the shills. Or outright takeover of the big subs.

Its too late for that.

Is this a question?

No. There were no question marks. :)

I noticed, yes.

But your opinion on the subject would be appreciated! :)

A grassroots approach, while adequate, will likely cycle back around eventually. Nothing 'happened' to us per se, just evolution. Whether it's a positive reflection on us as a whole, well, personally I don't see it getting too cerebral, what with grammar already taking shots.

That's what's confused me in recent years. I moved from a small town to a slightly bigger one where there were "leftists" about 11 years ago. They were cool, open people. Now, a lot of the people that consider themselves leftists (not the same people btw) are little more than government-obsessed statists. I don't hate government but I'd prefer to be left alone to do what I want provided I'm not harming anyone. These people though... They want to regulate everything it seems.