In 1956, (declassified in 1981) The US Army released mosquitoes on American cites to test their effectiveness in spreading yellow fever. In the 70's, Cuba claimed the CIA infected 300,000 people with dengue fever, a mosquito-borne illness.

166  2014-10-17 by [deleted]


You can show this to people and they will say "oh government isn't still doing this type stuff". I always ask why would they stop if there is know one to stop em

It blows my mind that people acknowledge things like this used to happen but refuse to believe that they still do..then i remember how stupid most people are.


Stockholm syndrome

That was those people way back when, we have evolved beyond that now. Go back to your TV and your iPhone, Citizen.

its the same with the catholic church, you show evidences of how they support all the latam dictatories and people just respond that they dont do that anymore, shit not, cause there are not more latam dictators.

Latin dictators?

The American government has a long history of bio terror. We killed off a whole continent of indians with small pox, infected poor blacks with syphilis from the early 1920s all the way to the 1970s, and then there's this. There are probably many more examples, and I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they're also responsible for the aids epidemic, and the contemporary ebola crisis on our hands at the moment.

use Project MKUltra as an example. this was an extremely unethical/illegal/immoral biochemical program.

now can you image the biomedical warfare people not doing similar, when they see their rivals (for govt budgets) the biochemists having so much fun and spending so much govt money !?

we know some of the details due to the 20,000 MKUltra documents lost by the CIA in the wrong archive building, then discovered and FOIAed.

I wish there was some way I could post a link of this on stupid facebook that my silly friends would find credible enough to read.

40 years ago some insects with lyme disease got out of Plum Island and infected thousands in Lyme, Connecticut...

I just know with the history of biological warfare and experiments that it is hard to rule out terrorism using these methods.

Seems like it is irresponsible to rule out Disaster Capitalism type Shock Doctrine political tactics anymore especially after reading the book by Naomi Klein and studying historical events like Operation Gladio and the Strategy of Tension.

Tuskegee include the Rosewood incident?

It's worth noting that operation Northwoods never actually happened.


was a blueprint or overview plan, it never was an operational single event. not designed as such, more of a study type thing.

How many crimes against humanity have been carried out by Americans? From torture, illegal drone murder, medical experiments on innocent people, indefinite detention, or dropping a couple nuclear bombs on Japan to usher in WWIII to name a few..

Holy shit.

This mosquito-borne disease, dengue fever is currently infecting many people in Southeast Asia. Check out this useful map.

Don't forget about the bomb the municipal & federal authorities dropped on Philadelphia, back in the 70's.

It boggles my mind how the 99% just continue to take it. We have the numbers but we cannot get our shit together.

because the system has apologists and professional 'opponents' their role is to pop up and feign anger and demand answers, they diffuse and appease the outrage public who then thinks they have 'heroes', time passes and not a lot happens.

maybe 'Both Sides with Jesse Jackson' is a good example.

some critics of Jackson compare him to Uncle Ruckus from the boondocks, always ready to see the problem from the other side. maybe too harsh of a criticism, esp viewed from outside the black community.

understand your 'enemy' and their way of thinking, but never become a Stockholm syndrome victim.

Stockholm syndrome, or capture-bonding, is a psychological phenomenon in which hostages express empathy and sympathy and have positive feelings toward their captors, sometimes to the point of defending and identifying with them. These feelings are generally considered irrational in light of the danger or risk endured by the victims, who essentially mistake a lack of abuse from their captors for an act of kindness.

modern western TV either evolved into or was deliberately designed to promote this way of thinking.

too much drug abuse by MSM peoples in the sixties and seventies maybe, they fried their critical thinking brain cells. plus a child like way of thinking and hoping the World is not as nasty as it really is.

In 2014...

There has been some particularly long lasting pathogens going through Ukraine this year. A few of my friends are speaking about biological warfare. In particular there is this one effect that causes the bowels to go bad for at least a few weeks at a time. Its a real low grade illness and I think that it is perfect for the people here since they are very unlikely to speak about their shitting problems. It is perfect because it slows the people down for a very long period of time without causing deaths.

salmonella and similar, not pleasant and puts a serious damper on activities.

soap and hot water, simple things that we take for granted, but consequences when they are not available.

target no1 in modern combat is civilian infrastructures, no clean water, no electricity, the modern militarys know the effects of a impoverished suffering civilian population. the effects it has on crippling support for soldiers and forces.

targeting infrastructure is a slower method than deliberately using bio-weapons, but when the combat is a long drawn out affair , it deniable and does not bring down UN and world criticism.

use Project MKUltra as an example. this was an extremely unethical/illegal/immoral biochemical program.

now can you image the biomedical warfare people not doing similar, when they see their rivals (for govt budgets) the biochemists having so much fun and spending so much govt money !?

we know some of the details due to the 20,000 MKUltra documents lost by the CIA in the wrong archive building, then discovered and FOIAed.