Not even a murmur on the front page about Obama sending troops to Africa?!

38  2014-10-17 by [deleted]

Imagine that. I've seen a bunch of people of Twitter respond aggressively to this but reddit, you can't even find a link with any decent amount of karma. Figures.


I wonder if they're getting vaccinated..

I think I read a little about it, how he isn't sending troops right into Sierra Leone, but rather do their work outside the city at some base.

Either way, I don't see a soldier shooting Ebola so I don't understand why this is happening. Maybe if you actually helped those people, instead of inducing their horrible deaths from Ebola, we wouldn't have this problem.

I mentioned it before, but here's my take:

This is a ruse to get military personnel that are loyal to the people (rather than the banksters) out of the country, and quarantine them in a FEMA camp upon return so they won't be able to defend us against Homeland Security when shit hits the fan.

I wonder if this is a specially selected list? Are they specifically identifying military personnel that know about the banker cabal for this mission?

Interesting take. Let's see how it plays out. I hope the troops just don't go and quit.

There are an abundance of ways that the president could deal with problem soldiers that are significantly less complex and circuitous than inventing a pandemic virus and using it as an excuse to quarantine them. The president could just order them to go on an suicide mission in any of several combat zones, have them scattered to dozens of individual units, have their helicopter blown up (ala seal team six), fire and discredit their leaders, etc and so forth, ad nauseam.

This is a clever idea, very creative. But as always, why? Why use an overly complicated plan that has very negative repercussions if found out? Keep thinking, I guess

They would send entire companies, not specific members of the military. 100_percent_diesel is right, you sound 'crazy as shit.'

You sound crazy as shit fyi. Like seriously. The fact that the logistics of that alone don't outweigh your paranoia is mind blowing. I almost think you are here to make this subreddit look nuts.

You're the problem here buddy. Finger-pointing and name calling aren't valid ways to argue.

Take your shit back to r/conspiratard.

Like, I'm so not from there and have never been there.

You sound fat.

Damn you got him

Sorry that comment came off harsh but shit like this gives this subreddit a real mental health issue vibe we should try to avoid.

I'm sorry too. You don't really sound fat.

But for real, being called crazy doesn't bother me much anymore. two years ago, I might have called you crazy for denying the official 9/11 narrative. And now I think it's obviously false. That's a lesson to never get too attached to one's ideas. And don't rely on the herd for answers.

Boko Haram did not work out. The goal is to get military control of key access points to African resources.

No one gave a fuck about Boko Haram or the fake "Michelle's Girls" twitter bullshit.

Ebola provided the scare for boots on ground.

And now today, lo and behold, the used up and no longer needed Boko Haram story can fade away into the sunset with a Disneyland ending.

Definitely a likely reason.

Well this was news weeks ago...

Huh? He just ordered the NG and AR to West Africa last night (10/16)

All the relevant links appear to have been from obscure or small subs. There was a politico link on worldnews that got nothing.


that is why you should browse this sub under the 'new' tab.

ppl will assume they're being sent to help, question is: to help doing what?

Damn you got him

Sorry that comment came off harsh but shit like this gives this subreddit a real mental health issue vibe we should try to avoid.