How has this subreddit changed in the past 9 months? Here is a side-by-side comparison of essentially identical posts, one upvoted to the top of /r/conspiracy, one downvoted and suppressed.

6  2014-10-20 by [deleted]

9 months ago

Today (0 points)


This just looks like you're whinging. Your new post has been up for three hours on a Monday morning.

What time of day did you post the first time? What day? What was the scoring after three hours?


This sub is obviously now being gamed since it's become more popular. It's reddit, after all.

I tend to agree.

Just so you know posts are hit or miss all the time all over reddit. You can see this very easily if you head over to an active news sub. and sit in the new section for a while. You will see one or two posts make it to that subs front page while dozens of other posts about the same thing get down voted to hell.

I always downvote someone who posts something that has already been posted. They were too lazy to check.

Isn't this answering your own post?

I actually don't think downvoting previously posted stuff is the best idea. There is actually very little, if any original content posted here. The closest thing would be some "self.conspiracy" posts that come up here and there. Technically almost everything here is a repost one form or another.

I do think there is more brigading and vote manipulating going on now than there was before which is why the "new" queue is so important to keep an eye on.

I do notice the main (hot) queue has been better lately on keeping too much ebola from getting on there as far as I can tell.


Ah, I see what you're saying.

How long is it going to be till you delete this post?


I've not only got you RES tagged as a 'serial' deleter, but I also recall from memory you frequently deleting comments and submissions here and here.

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I frequently go through and delete a bunch of stuff that the average redditor could use for character assassination/doxxing

Of the two links I provided, what content could've be used for character assassination or doxxing? - I don't recall any sensitive information disclosed there.

It's really easy to go through my history and discredit whatever I may have said by finding a post that most people would consider crazy.

Perhaps that's a reasonable criticism of the quality of content you post as opposed to an unreasonable attack on your character?

Can I ask what this has to do with anything, and why you have taken such an interest in what I delete?

Because I notice when someone deletes their question or submission mere hours after I respond to it, and that irritates me.


The reason I deleted those was because it was obvious you would use the comments for character assassination, as you're doing right now

Except they didn't contain any information useful for character assassination.

If you're accusing me of character assassination by claiming you delete your own posts... Then you've merely contributed towards that fact by deleting your posts.

I realized I shouldn't have admitted to flagging a link in /r/conspiratard

The word you used was reporting, not flagging. The comment may be deleted but my memory is not senile. Also it was several links you claimed to have reported, not A link - Plural.

It makes me look like some kind of crazy asshole, when in reality, I was testing the claim (I think it was you who said this) that flagging a link makes it disappear.

Reporting, not flagging. But yes, that is correct. I opposed your testing because reporting should be made for legitimate reasons, not for mere tests.

However is it a character assassination if it's true?

But in general, if I post to worldnews, politics, etc, and my comment gains traction, all it takes is one dickhead to check my history and say "check this guy's history, he's a conspiratard," and suddenly my comments are buried. Unfortunately, that is common.

I get accused of being a conspiratard / shill somewhat frequently, should I delete lots of my own comments?


If you save the links to use later to make me look bad

It's called memory. Not saving.

Rockran the shit-stirrer.

You could be credible if you posted something in the sub that was something other than snarky trolling. You manage to be halfway decent in other subs you post in, but you come to this sub to just be kind of a douchey dick and nothing more.

The question is: Why does it matter? This is Reddit, not Godlike Productions


Sure, but you are obviously concerned with the way this subreddit has changed. I think you're missing the point of Reddit. Reddit is about change. GLP is not. If you want things to stay the same, create an account at GLP and you'll be much happier


Again, I say, who cares? This is /r/Conspiracy, not /r/honestreports

Interesting that it was 80% upvoted the first time and 52% upvoted the second time.

Too much anti-Obama and Jew bashing nonsense. It gets buried.

Could just be timing/luck issues but I have noticed that chemtrails are on of the theories that doesn't get that much play around here but every time it's mentioned you can be certain there will be a whole bunch of posters chiming in about how stupid it is.

Seems to hit a nerve with the conspiratard crew.

How did it "hit a nerve"? Where's your proof?

That's a tired-ass excuse that gets drug out every time voting doesn't go how people think it should.


But weren't each of those situations when there was a cross-post from /r/conspiratard?

I just got a message from one of the admins who informed me that they, once again, banned a bunch of people from /r/conspiratard[1] for vote manipulation

Quick question. Why the hell would the admins of reddit PM you and tell you that?

Are you aware of the fact that the admins are aware of the fact... That this sub also participates in vote brigading?

Like children throwing stones and complaining they got hit.


We don't have 7-10 crossposts on the front page every day

Crossposting =/= vote brigading. If it does then the current #5 post is a vote brigade - But given the context, it kinda does in fact sound like one...

I don't vote brigade, so why would you insinuate that I'm being hypocritical?

It's called generalising - A very handy thing to do when referring to a group of people, like a subreddit.

In fact, I see one crosspost on our front page to a submission that was removed, meaning a brigade isn't even possible

Sure it is. By merely linking to a subreddit and speaking ill of it, you could be interpreted as inviting brigades to the sub as a whole.

When people brigade, do you really think they stick to a linked thread and don't explore other submissions?


if we had a bunch of crossposts on the front page and didn't use .np, I would agree with you

I use RES, which is super convenient for all kinds of things but one little thing it does is have a notice pop up for when i'm in a .np link.

If I so desired I could just remove the .np from the url and do whatever.

The .np isn't some kind of saving grace. It's more of a mild inconvenience to the average troll.

The trolls in that sub are reminded several times a day to use .np and still decide not to. Why? It's because they want to vote brigade.

I'd attribute that more to laziness/forgetfulness than anything else.

Read about .np here and you'll learn that it doesn't actually do anything other than indicate to people they shouldn't vote.

Even if by the grace of god a user gets banned for their blatant brigading, it takes 30 seconds to create a new account.

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How did it "hit a nerve"? Where's your proof?

Did you not read my post? This is what I've noticed from my time spent on these boards. I'm not writing a thesis here, I don't need to provide proof. Why do you think I would have a bunch of proof of this gathered and ready to present to you anyways? I wasn't even commenting on the voting on this topic, just the issue of chemtrails and their response here in general.

Chemtrails is often used alongside "joos" and other stupid sarcastic memes conspiratards like to trot around.

EDIT: And this is extra funny considering I just refreshed this page and all of the usual suspects are here being negative as usual.


I find it very strange that we have like 6-7 dedicated users here who post daily and don't even believe in conspiracy theories. It's quite fascinating.

it s not really strange. Go to any conspiracy based site and you will find tons of people on those sites that do not believe in the stuff but instead enjoy reading about it.

If you've got an accusation to make, make it.

I'm not a kool-aid drinker, and I'm more than willing to call out low-quality bullshit when I see it posted.

This place continually reinforces a circlejerk mentality.


No, I'm not getting paid to spend time with people who think the Simpsons predicted a 2014 Ebola outbreak in 1997.

I live in the Western U.S. and log into reddit when I get up, go to work, and then I'm on at night as well.

What I get out of this sub however, is my own concern.

You know what's worse? Those accounts that only take off eight hours or less from posting and commenting. I've been mulling over the idea of creating a database of the most frequent posters along with frequency of posts/comments and possibly the subject matter they seem to favor. There are definite patterns.

Of course, this information wouldn't be used for anything other than personal knowledge and not to make attacks against said individuals.


I know about eight or so months (maybe a year?) ago, I caught someone posting and commenting almost every hour for 36 hours. Damn, I wish I could remember his username.

Yep, they stick out like a sore thumb too.

I almost never pay attention to usernames but when they literally only ever post negative opinions and they post in almost every topic on the sub it becomes impossible to not notice.

It's most certainly gotten worse over the last 6 months. The change has been noticeable.

People don't really follow reddiquette. Your post was very relevant to conspiracy theorists. Yet, if it's a repost or just old information, a lot of people hate those and downvote. That's my reasoning for your situation, at least.


Look at this guy's comment history:

Just switching accounts and shitting all over the sub. Wonder who's paying this loser?

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