Do you think Alex Jones is worth listening to?

10  2014-10-22 by [deleted]

He's a guest on the radio show Coast to Coast AM tonight and i was thinking of listening. Do you think he's worth listening to or is it better to avoid him

Edit: Ive decided i'll continue not listening to him. Thanks for the replies


Alex Jones is a fear monger. The little bit of truth in his broadcast is over shadowed by his lies.

AKA Disinformation artist.

A lot of people don't like to even consider this but I've seen a lot of evidence he could be working for Ted Turner, you could basically call Infowars CNN-C (C for conspiracy). I consider them closer to MSM than legitimate independent reporting, and on numerous occasions Alex has made videos that attempt to portray Infowars as a much smaller operation than it really is.

I can't agree that his broadcasts only have "little bit of truth". I think that he raises very important questions and brings attention to controversial events and policies, but his analysis can be very biased.

Yes, but those truths are discounted and relegated amidst is lies. That is how they work. He is an agent of misinformation.

Well, there's evidence that people who are telling the actual truth end up dead.

Enough said. We'll done.

Nope. Some of the stuff he says is true, but that's only because his purpose is to create an American Spring.

I feel compelled to post this every time someone posts a thread discussing Alex Jones.

Seriously, WTF is he doing in that video?

Note the way he clocks the protesters and then goes on with his diatribe. It's pretty bizarre.

Yeah, he's there to make us look crazy. And by "us" I mean people who see throughout the mainstream political and corporate BS.

Even when he tells the truth (things you probably already knew), he makes it look crazy.

And that gun rally idiocy really did expose him.

classic case of poisoning the well

He's better than mainstream corporate media, but he's a fear monger hype man and there are better radio hosts out there like Michael Rivero and James Corbett.

James Corbett FTW!

Corbett lives in Japan, correct? He rarely talks about Fukushima, which I find puzzling, as there are numerous websites dedicated to the (supposed?) ongoing catastrophe at that nuclear site. Not sure what to believe.

Yeah, he is Canadian and lives in Japan. I, too, have wondered where he coverage of Fukushima is.


He did this interview last year on the subject.

Another one from earlier this year I learned the Corbett works on/owns(?)

Fukushima's Biggest secret from 2012. You've piqued my interest Mr. Corbett.

I guess it is all just a youtube search away.

I kind of like Rivero. Corbett, not so much.

Anyone you recommend?

His older stuff (pre-Ron Paul endorsement, or even further back) is really good. But then he got big and realized that fear sells, as long as it has hints of truth.

His animated (literally) rant from Waking Life was OK when it came out.

Did you not listen to his Y2K broadcast? That was pre-Ron Paul and it was the most fear-mongering horse shit I ever heard. It was on par with Orson Welles doing War of the Worlds except Alex Jones was actually pretending to broadcast real events.

Yeah he claimed there was martial law being imposed and street warfare going on during his live broadcast.

At one point he also said that the Russians had their nuclear missiles aimed and ready to be fired at us and Nuclear power plants all across America were shutting down. (In reality the only nuclear power plants that were "shutting down" were the ones that were intentionally shutdown for maintenance and the entire plants weren't shut down, just parts of them were... he just completely, knowingly reported bullshit).

No but maybe I'll have a listen for funsies. I merely mentioned Ron Paul because he was obviously shilling for the broken 2-party system (which is part of the problem, obviously).

It's worth a listen. Alex Jones was bullshit from the start. He does cover some legitimate news stories but then he uses the news that is factual to make crazy speculations that support all of his claims and help him sell water filters and survival kits etc.

So at worst, he is just a career opportunist? I get the impression it is worse than that.

It could be. Either way - take what he says with a metric fuck-ton of salt. I used to listen to try and find the truth somewhere, but that was an exhaustive exercise and proved to be note of a waste of time than fun.


He's worth IGNORING with all your being.

Agent Jones is COINTELPRO. He is a Zionist, works with many powerful Zionists (George Friedman of Stratfor being one), has a flagship station owned by an ARDENT Zionist (Jeffrey R. Smulyan, owner of Emmis 'Hebrew for Truth' Communications), and is an Israeli dual-citizen. If someone here is in Federal Law Enforcement feel free to look up Jones (unless his file is sealed) and you'll see what I mean. In fact, his "infiltration" of the Grove was as fake as HELL...he got in on Smulyan's invite, then pretended that he was THE MAN!

I can't remember who it was (some Reagan staffer) but there is a YouTube vid of this guy laying into Jones, saying "you took an oath when we let you in here and now you are breaking it. You, sir, are a dishonorable man." as Agent J keeps trying to talk over the poor guy. I'm sure that someone can find it.

Any sign of trouble and he is ready to flee to Israel TODAY. Granted, he'll miss the MANSION outside of Austin that he bought with the paychecks from the suckers that order shit off of his honeypot websites but that's nothing.

When (not IF, WHEN) the American public figures out what Agent Jones has been doing I can see him swinging from a lamppost if El Al isn't flying that day. Agent Jones flying "lamppost airways" would be the BEST thing to happen to the "conspiracy movement." The ONLY reason that he exists (besides the mentioned self-serving ones) is to make people who even mention conspiracies look like utter fucking fools--like the Agent looked when he was on Piers Morgan. That's it. His only reason for being allowed to live is to spread disinformation and to discredit people that are "onto" something horrible and true. I mean, he is supported by the fucking ADL. Now, I have certainly met some shysters in my time...but Abe Foxman, OMFG, this guy is a shyster galore. If he were younger he'd be in the "Kosher Nostra" along with Lansky. Here, check that out....

Zionism is NEVER mentioned! I remember this rant in which Jones stated: “Hollywood Is Owned By The Arabs’ - The Arabs Own Everything!” That stunning statement simply shattered the credibility meter. It’s simply a matter of connecting the dots. Even veteran Jerusalem Post reporter, David Shamah, (a vehement Zionist Jew), admits, or to be more accurate, exposed Alex Jones for “being on the Jews’ payroll.” Yes, that is a direct quote from the article. Mr. Shamah states: “Jones believes that the world is run by the Rockefellers, the Trilateral Commission, and the Bilderberg Group. But I never heard him utter the word ‘Jew’ in connection with any of these conspiracies. According to Jones’ Wikipedia biography page: ‘The Alex Jones Show radio program is broadcast live from Emmis Communications KLBJ Radio in Austin, Texas.’

“The CEO of Emmis? Jeff Smulyan, winner of the Jewish National Fund’s Tree of Life Award. Interestingly, I have never seen Smulyan’s name on the lists of Jews who run the media on the Anti-Semitic sites. Could it be they don’t want to make their ‘rebbe,’ Jones, look bad? After all, his salary is being paid by ‘Jew media!’”

Also...Google "David Chase Taylor Alex Jones" and you'll figure out all you need to know.

For now, he is actually less reliable and MORE fear-mongering than Fox News. Just turn him off. It's garbage.

PS--Please check out <> if you want to learn about what a phony this windbag is.

I was an Alex Jones fan until he started pushing the "Arabs own Hollywood" propaganda. That particular lie revealed everything I needed to know about this faker. When all real life signs point to Zionism as the source of many major problems and Alex Jones won't even say the word once during any of his shows, you should be able to connect the dots without much trouble. Thank you for writing this detailed synopsis of the fraud.

Edit: Alex Jones is a master of sociopathic manipulative behaviors. Look up "common tactics of sociopaths" and you'll get all of Jones' strategies laid out in front of you.

While you dangerously skirt anti-semitism and use some uncomfortable derogatory racial/religious terms, like "Kosher-Nostra", I do mostly agree with your analysis.

I just want to remind everyone that not all people of Jewish descent, or even practicing Jews, are Zionists. For every Sheldon Adelson there is a Noam Chomsky.

Zionism, as it has become, IS fascism by all definitions.

I just want to remind everyone that not all people of Jewish descent, or even practicing Jews, are Zionists.

Correct. There are far, far more Christian Zionists than Jewish Zionists in the USofA.

I agree with your analysis of his post completely. It is so important to make the point that Zionism= UBER racist Fascism.

There's a lot of legit information that is drowned out by the over-the-top commercialism and pandering to fanaticism.

But if you can cut through the bullshit, it's tolerable.

My assumption about Alex Jones for a while has been that he's this commercialized archetype representing the majority of the public awareness of "conspiracy throrists".

Adds yet another way for people to dismiss others by saying that they are an "Alex Jones" type, by associating the idea of conspiracies with a dude that is never not yelling and angry and over-the-top.

His commercialization and crazy sponsors are the least of his faults. It's the outright lies and conflations that muddy the waters of what little truth he tells. His whole purpose is to hide truth amidst his bullshit.

You said it better than I could.

Just enough "truth" to keep people listening and supporting, and no more than that.

He kinda tipped me onto some stuff about 9/11 years ago, so I don't feel that he is all bad. But, I feel that his paydirt ratio is low recently. Maybe just because I know more now.

imo like the other conspiracy pundits, you have to 'cherry pick' his responses

He's worth listening to if it opens up your mind to new possibilities. What's important is that you use your God-given mind to filter the BS to the best of your ability. None of us know the true answers, and Alex Jones is full of fucking shit to be sure, but with that being said it's better than listening to whatever local radio show you have in your town for getting news about global going ons.

He's good for waking people up - but they're still in a haze until they smell the coffee that is his bullshit.

I used to listen to Alex every day. I've more or less stopped listening to him. Every now and then I'll download an hour of his show and try to listen, but I usually end up deleting it halfway through.

Alex just doesn't have much to say to me anymore. I'm put off by the way he dismisses anyone who disagrees with anything he says, and I don't like the way he avoids criticizing Jews. It's weird the way he will talk about everything and everybody associated with the New World Order, but he won't mention Jews. It's like some kind of mental defect he suffers from.

That being said, those new to conspiracies can learn a lot by listening to Alex. Just don't get caught up in his hype. Don't send him any of your money. Don't buy his products.

"We need to stop these Nazi death cults, folks. Buy more Tangy Tangerine."

He is not and neither is Coast to Coast AM. I listened to Art Bell back in the day with all the Hale Bop craziness. And while it was crazy, it was harmless crazy. Now it is just a bunch of racist fear mongering.

Jones is a Strafor agent of misinformation, hiding truths amidst if batshittery. You should know that by now.

Racist. EXACTLY. Ever notice how all the elite he whines about just so happen to be WHITE? He obviously hates white people and barely even attempts to hide it. He is a racist scumbag.

He's good for entertainment sometimes, but if you believe what he says you will drive yourself crazy. It's all fear-mongering. Also, he can be really overly Christian sometimes. It sticks like a barb in my ear.

Jones is a paid govt. shill. He spoons out the few kernels of truth his handlers feed him and makes lots of hay out of it. He has said he has family members who are CIA. His shtick, as others have pointed out, is to act as nutty as possible to make himself and anyone who ascribes to alternative theories seem less than credible. He has been on several mainstream stations and is nominally the media go to conspiracy theorist nut of choice. Those slick movies and web sites aren't supported by donations or the stuff being hocked on them. All of this being said, even a broken clock is right twice a day.

No. His production quality alone is suspect, not to mention his outrageous claims.

he's half and half... if you want a good laugh and learn something new in the process .. he's has the heart just not the speaking skills..

I think his heart is in the money and not the people unfortunately.

No, absolutely not, not unless you want to feel horrible and either angry, afraid, downhearted, or depressed and anxious(or confrontational) all the time.

That guy is doing the opposite of what he pretends his job is. He's there to overload, paralyze, and keep people from solutions in their own lives.

Don't listen to all this bullshit in the thread. Listen for yourself and make your own decision. Who else is covering the Bilderberg group? Who else is covering the CDC whistleblower, etc. Of course there are other small outlets but the sheer amount of content he puts out is impressive.

Listen for yourself. Decide for yourself. Fuck everyone else.

He is in on every hoax they play on us. He spins the story in a way to make you believe that it actually happened when we know it didn't even take place like Sandy Hook. He ran with the second gunman theory with the guy running through the woods to make you think there was a shooting in the first place. Events like these expose the gate keepers.

Alex Jones is really Bill Hicks.

They are nothing at all alike, cannot tell if sarcastic or not.

Totally sarcastic, sorry. I should've syntaxed it XD

Universally hated in this sub. My reason is that Bill Hicks was much funnier.

Compared to listening to what? I love Alex Jones. I listen to him almost every day. I even paid for his video feed when he released Obama Deception. Loved it. Pure gold. Entertaining and completely satisfying.

I believe his production directly competes with the likes of CNN, FOX, MSNBC, RT.. All of which i would be watching anyway if AJ wasn't available.

But here on r/conspiracy we are supposed to be cool and pretend we only watch Alex Jones because he is a disinfo agent. He is a big liar who is part of an even BIGGER conspiracy to hurt those in the inner circle of truth. So WATCH OUT! He is DANGEROUS.

Do your own research and you will discover he makes money! And he has connections to people involved with conspiracy theories. He is also a lizard man who secretly defends the elders of Zion who push for mass extermination.. even though he pretends to be against it. He also has an ego! Can you imagine? A man in his position flaunting his ego and pretending to care?

All of the products he sells he doesn't use. They are all poisonous. He actually thrives on McDonald's and flu shots behind closed doors with Dick Cheney.

if you are new to conspiracy.. be careful not to become one of Alex Jone's victims. He will turn you into a lizard loving racist. He also makes money from his business efforts.. what else needs to be said?

Yeah, he's there to make us look crazy. And by "us" I mean people who see throughout the mainstream political and corporate BS.

Even when he tells the truth (things you probably already knew), he makes it look crazy.

And that gun rally idiocy really did expose him.

At one point he also said that the Russians had their nuclear missiles aimed and ready to be fired at us and Nuclear power plants all across America were shutting down. (In reality the only nuclear power plants that were "shutting down" were the ones that were intentionally shutdown for maintenance and the entire plants weren't shut down, just parts of them were... he just completely, knowingly reported bullshit).