I will bet my life, within 30 days Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper will introduce Australian style "Anti-Terrorism" legislation.

1194  2014-10-22 by [deleted]

Hell, I won't be surprised if he brings it up by the end of the day.

Edit: Here is Prime Minister Harper's speech.

But let there be no misunderstanding, we will not be intimidated. Canada will never be intimidated. In fact, this will lead us to strengthen our resolve and redouble our efforts, and those of our national security agencies, to take all necessary steps to identify and counter threats and keep Canada safe here at home, just as it will lead us to strengthen our resolve and redouble our efforts to work with our allies around the world and fight against the terrorist organizations who brutalize those in other countries with the hope of bringing their savagery to our shores -- they will have no safe haven.

Edit 2 (Oct 23): Well, there you have it folks. 30 days? Nope, 24 fucking hours. To my fellow Canadians, please make your voices heard and fight back against this tyranny, lest we become one more militarized nation ruled by fear.

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-29743711 (Thanks /u/The_eye_in_the_sky and /u/localjargon)

http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/10/23/us-canada-attacks-shooting-idUSKCN0IB1PY20141023 (Thanks /u/digger_ex_pat)

http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2014/10/23/canada-ottawa-gunman-attack-police/17764239/ (Thanks /u/ithinkitsatrap)


Rights and freedom just get in the way of security.

who needs freedom when you can have security, amirite?

Fuck it, we need neither.

Once again I feel compelled to share the song that perfectly sums up my feelings on the situation

"Brain dead patriots
Standing in salute
Paperwork raining again and again
So that billionaires can claim there's an enemy to shoot."

Trust a Scot to tell it how it is.

Well what's the point I living life if it doesn't last as long as possible at any cost?

yes, may as well be born into a nice cosy warm safe slime tank virtual womb to live out your days making energy profits for the man

national security


take rights away

same playbook

I read your 'amirite' as am-eh-rit-ee

Which was pretty much what our Prime Minister said the day before our version of the psyop which Canada is currently being subjected to. See the timeline in this post I just put together:


How is the fact that they raised the terror alert level last month at all evidence of a false-flag? They got intel an attack might happen, and wow, holy shit, it happened!

It is all part of the psyop. Get the masses on edge by raising the terror alert threat, then hit them with the hoax. By forewarning them you lead the masses to put even more trust in their government to 'protect' them. Works every time.

See: ISIS 'beheadings,' then a ridiculous Ebola distraction, then the start of a new six-week cycle in the States...

Nobody noticed or cared about their warning. I would know.. I'm Canadian and yeah it wasn't really covered by any news. You have no evidence. People would have to be psychotic to just believe you.

So they convinced a guy to die for their supposed psyops?

Because I know people who saw the events unfold, and the guy died in front of their eyes.

Because we know government intel isn't that good. It's captain hindsight, with underpants over his head.

You say it jokingly but I has an argument with bartender at work today (I'm a cook). She said after today its easier to just move to Australia. No reddit karma lie she said this.

I argued by asking "Is it worth having your freedom taken away for security" and the cooks and her disagreed with me. I was ostracised the rest of the night.

Morons be everywhere.

What was her reasoning for moving to Australia

Their anti terror laws keep ppl safe

...and you're the one getting laughed at?

That seems to be the consensus on this subreddit when it comes to Ebola, what with everyone calling for a travel ban.

The entire western world needs these draconian laws to protect the bankers that own and control nearly everything. They are the Goa'uld of the human race, directing our minds and muscles to serve themselves. We need to expose and remove these parasites from the brain stem of our collective organism. Money creation is one of the most powerful positions to be in as it directs human time and effort.

Love the metaphor even if it was a geeky stargate one

Where's Xenu when you need him?

No doubt. With the car attack and now this.. Last night, across all Canadian news media it was all about the cops, CSIS, RCMP saying they "couldn't do anything to someone for just adopting a radical perspective".

Well guess what.. Someone might want to change that now. Ideas and speech considered radical or threatening by the State will be deemed criminal so we can stop this threat before it matures.

Just like Cameron said in his UN speech not long ago. We will see this across all UKUSA countries:


I'm surprised it hasn't been introduced and forced through already.

It took a few weeks for the PATRIOT Act here in the US.

The Patriot Act was sitting on G Dub's desk waiting for a reason to be signed.

Totally. Not denying that, but they at least waited 3 weeks before introducing it. And then it passed in the House in 1 day. And then it passed in the Senate the next day. And GWB signed it the next day.

Glad we all got to debate it.

Why would you debate SECURITY? You some kinda TERRORIST?

Depends on what they define as a terrorist these days.

It is concerning that radical Islam, homegrown terrorist, and 'conspiracy theorist' are lumped together here however:


Depends on what they define as a terrorist these days.

That's the beauty of the "War on Terror": A "terrorist" is whatever they want it to be at any given moment.

That's the beauty of the "War on Terror": A "terrorist" is whatever they want it to be at any given moment.

Depends on what you define as beauty...

Beauty is elegance displayed in the simplest form possible.

Versailles is elegant but not beautiful; The Louvre is neither elegant nor beautiful, though it house elegant and beautiful things; The Eiffel Tower is both beautiful and elegant.

It's all grouped together as "radicalism".

Exactly. Not all radicalism is equal, IMO. And it troubles me that they are being lumped together. And it should concern us all.

It's true that not all radicalism is equal, but all types of radicalism share the quality of being radical. I don't think radical feminists and radical islamists are really very alike at all but categories keep things tidy so of course they'll get thrown under the same broad umbrella.

but categories keep things tidy

If myself and those like me get categorized with Islamic fundamentalists for the sake of tidiness, things will become untidy in quite a hurry. This is a bullshit statement.

They appear to have waited for eyes to start drifting from ground zero before introducing it.

they had months to plan it

maybe they even planned it for years?

don't forget the military grade anthrax.

The Harper government has a history of writing laws that violate the constitution in some way in Canada mainly due to rushing laws through.

As well, if they were to introduce one, it may be harder as it wouldn't be able to infringe on someone's right to privacy through the Privacy Act.

In an unpopular move, Canada's Parliament had recently done its bit for Empire when it voted to participate in Washington's 'Operation Inherent resolve' against ISIS in Syria/Iraq. Draconian legislation is currently on the cards, including a bill that will retrospectively permit Canadian intelligence agencies to circumvent laws that prevent them from spying on Canadians - get this - by "allowing foreign agencies, including those of the United States, to do it for them."


source in article

It's going to be a redo of the same bill they've been trying to ram through for years, except this time instead of an idiot calling us all child pornographers, he can point to the dead "terrorist" instead.

He doesn't need anything to pass it, just justification so people will go along with it enough.

If you look closely at the existing documents in Canada we have no rights or protections from the state. The USA has protections that are still being used to protect innocent citizens but Canada's charter is weak as fuck and although you are probably right about them introducing new legislation...we Canadians don't have any protections in place right now as it is! I would think it would be a smart option for Harper to say that they are going to do nothing in way of reactive legislation as a way of ingratiating himself to the freedom loving Canadians...simply because it is not needed to implement the NWO in Canada.

I agree, you're right in principle, but there's no way Harper isn't going to exploit the situation for political gain with an election coming next year. I was reading the comments on the front page post and people are foaming at the mouth. If you really look at the situation, the US didn't need to pass the Patriot Act or NDAA either. Those pieces of legislation are unconstitutional to the core, but the idea is to strip our right while making it appear legal and to be 'for our protection.' For now, it's easier to make us want their 'protection' than it is to force it on us.

Good point. It's not good enough to simply control us, they need us to want them to control us. And a brand new anti-terror bill is just what is called for in this situation.

For now, it's easier to make us want their 'protection' than it is to force it on us.

That's the strategy, and it works.

b'cuz ppl R dumb

It's been shown that people who are afraid are likelier to vote right wing, so yes this will (and makes me sick to my stomach) help him next election.

How is the charter weak as fuck?

I mean, s.7 alone:

Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person and the right not to be deprived thereof except in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice.

Is pretty strong

except in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice.

That is what softens it to virtual meaninglessness.

Except it's really doesn't.

"When the government has limited an individual's right, there is an onus upon the Crown to show, on the balance of probabilities, firstly, that the limitation was prescribed by law namely, that the law is attuned to the values of accessibility and intelligibility; and secondly, that it is justified in a free and democratic society, which means that it must have a justifiable purpose and must be proportional."

Any law which violates the charter must be minimally impairing:

"Minimal impairment[edit] This step had been considered the most important of the steps and is the test that is failed the most.[5] Typically, outright bans will be difficult to prove as minimally impairing.[6] However, the means does not necessarily have to be the absolute least intrusive; this is indeed one of the steps of the test that has been modified. In Oakes, the step was phrased to require the limit as being "as little as possible." In R. v. Edwards Books and Art (1986), this was changed to "as little as is reasonably possible,"[7] thus allowing for more realistic expectations for governments.

The inquiry focuses on balance of alternatives. In Ford v. Quebec (1988), it was found that Quebec laws requiring the exclusive use of French on signs limited free speech. While the law had a sufficient objective of protecting the French language, it was nevertheless unconstitutional because the legislature could have accepted a more benign alternative such as signs including smaller English words in addition to larger French words. (The Court decided in Ford that the same test would apply to article 9.1 of the Quebec Charter. Thus it is the reason why Quebec Charter jurisprudence can be of interest under section 1 of the Canadian Charter.)"

Read your first reference there. There's a lot of room there for an unscrupulous person to argue.

The argument has always been that a government would not willfully overstep its bounds and would be reigned in by the supreme court if it did. What we're facing with the Harper government is a government that is straining at its bounds and seeking any way to break them. See FIPA and how they initiated it as a trade agreement which avoids parliamentary scrutiny and is virtually immune to court oversight.

Thank you very much. CCRF FTW!

It is worded in a way that allow the authorities to act within the charter while still completely violating the rights of Canadian citizens...you even quoted it yourself...except in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice...well the words fundamental justice are the "weasel words"...words that can be redefined outside of that document to mean whatever the authorities want them to mean....what I am guessing you are speaking from is the fact that the supreme court of Canada HAS done us justice in the past and seemingly continues to do so today...the supreme court has made mostly the right choices in regards to freedoms and continues to ensure our privacy and freedom...but for how long...Harper tried to get his patsy Marc Nadon (http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/marc-nadon-s-failed-journey-to-the-supreme-court-1.2636403) into the supreme court, and thank god for that failure, otherwise that branch of our government would be well on it's way to enforcing the NWO agenda.

Have patience and take 10 minutes to watch this video...it is seemingly unrelated but it is totally applicable to the weakness of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms (http://youtu.be/X7_0HlCwb8A)..the law of trespass has been suspended and the charter does not protect us because of it.

If you look closely at the existing documents in Canada we have no rights or protections from the state.

Most Canadians don't know the charter and often quote the American Constitution instead.

"Fuck you you asshole I'll kill you!"

"um...that's illegal"


"No...not quite."

youre completely right we never have, ppl in america take it for granted. albeit its written down and largely ignored but, "t Canada's charter is weak as fuck " sadly it is for us

Just saw/heard the speech, and just as expected - Harper in one breath says that we dont know everything and we will find out more in the coming days, but links the two events together (a soldier was struck by car in Quebec two days ago and today's event) and ISIL is involved. In addition, he has said that we will need to pass legislation and provide more resources to departments such as CSIS and RCMP.

Right out of the neocon playbook.

When it's the economy, it's tax cuts for the rich and deregulation because Big Government is bad. When someone gets killed, it's more police powers and more invasions, because Big Government is the only thing between you and Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, Al-Zarqawi, Al-Zawahiri, and Al-Baghdadi.

There are gonna be a lot of changes. Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Toronto, Ottawa. They'll all see heightened security. New legislation will pass.

I never thought I'd say this, especially with winter knocking in the door, but Winnipeg is starting to look like a decent option.

winnipeg resident checking in.

it is not better.

even if there was a shooting like today once a week winnipeg would still not be a better option.

winnipeg is the asshole of canada

Some incredible music comes out of Winnipeg. That alone earns some credibility.

I'd say oil sands/Ft. Mac deserves the title of asshole of Canada the most.

Actually I'm inclined to agree that Fort Mac is the asshole of Canada. That would make Winnipeg the gooch of canada

used to live there i actuallly liked it

There is something to be said for a cheap cost of living.

Don't hold your breath. Our municipal election is today and we have 7 candidates running.

Starting from right to left we have Gord Steeves who fumbled out of the gate during his campaign and pushed a lot of his supporters to Brian Bowman. Bowman is claimed to be a neo-con but loves high taxation, calling for a 4% municipal sales tax. Him and Judy Wasylycia-leis are considered neck in neck. Judy is nothing new, another corrupt politician being backed by big business and our previous corrupt mayor, Sam Katz.

The two other importants are Mitch Fillion, the owner of an escort service, and Robert-Falcon Ouellette. Mitch ran because he loves Winnipeg and doesn't want to see another lawyer (Bowman) or corrupted politician (Judy) get in. He did have a very interesting opening statement in last weeks debate which /r/conspiracy would find curious.

Robert-Falcon however is amazing and likely our only hope. If he doesn't get in this election he will find his way in that position at some point. He is aboriginal and was raised on a reserve. Persevering through social obstacles and prejudice he served for 18 years in the military. While completing two master degrees in education and music and a doctorate in anthropology. Winnipeg is a city is shambles with many economic and social issues but it has amazing potential. While i feel that anyone can tackle economic issues it really takes someone with ambition, first hand experience, and compassion to solve our social issues.

Besides the election Winnipeg is still a great place. An amazing art scene that is unparalleled, terrific cultural diversity, and from what i hear from out-of-towners we have a very beautiful population with one of the highest hot people ratios.

No knock raids from "trusted sources" that an extremist with a long gun lives at 66 Such and Such Dr. Send the SWAT team, we might have a hunter. Handgun and a magazine fed rifle? We have 2 CF-18s on standby to serve and protect with extreme prejudice.

Mark my words there will be a change in the news- emphasis off the shooters status as muslim converts and any links overseas with the need to keep guns from the hands of domestic terrorists. In other words, EVERYONE.


I agree, Regina is a smaller Winnipeg... meaning, Regina gets more exposed to sh*t on a daily basis due to more incidents, with a smaller population....and its just as cold as Winnipeg

Saskatoon, too.

Regina is nothing more than a collection of mud huts.

As an American who is interested in living in Canada for some time, what city would you personally recommend? I hear good things about Montreal and Halifax.

Montreal and Halifax

Both great cities, but if you want a city with a good nightlife / lot's of things to do I'd go with Montreal

You can easily live 100% in English in mtl, tho it's preferable you learn a few french words to get around

Yup, Montreal looks like a really nice city. I live in Maine, so I'm not all that far away from Montreal.

Toronto but it is expensive.

Toronto sucks and they don't even know it.

Halifax and Montreal are drastically different and are both lovely in their own way. Figure out what you are looking for then see if these cities offer that.

No one loves Halifax for the weather. Trust me, I've lived there 28 of the last 30 years.

Winnipeg is always a great option.


Edmonton? Edmonton? "Wake Up Little Suzy" is still the number 1 hit song in Edmonton...

There was actually a vote supposed to take place today to increase the powers of the intelligence agencies http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/new-anti-terror-tracking-measures-will-address-black-hole-csis-1.2800404

That's just uncanny, this "Terrorist attack", came at the most perfect time, they couldn't have planned it better.

Yeah. Let's plan the attack the same day we wanna get that terror bill passed. That's getting it done! For this to be a conspiracy wouldn't it work better if it happened the day after? Further why does everything have to be a conspiracy around here? Can't some guy shoot someone without a bunch of people crying inside job with no evidence?

I was implying that it was unfortunate the terrorists planned the only two terror attacks in the past 30 years on Canadian soil in the 2 days prior to new "Anti-Terror" legislation being passed. Also if the idea of these incidents being perpetrated by a group of individuals with ulterior motives is ridiculous to you, why are you on the conspiracy subreddit? Perhaps r/news will present more opinions like your own.

I guess it's time to arm the rebels, and drop some airstrikes, which then will radicalize said rebels to which we will respond with more said airstrikes.

And they've gotten worse in the last month :/

As an Australian, yes it's almost a certainty. Funny how the safest countries in the world with some of the best functioning democracies are the ones that apparently require the harshest anti-terrorism laws.

Kind of makes you think that its not aimed at terrorism, but rather an attack on free speech.

Canada has always been very anti-free speech. Before it was human rights tribunals, now it's going to be anti-terror legislation. We are turning into a fascist petrostate.

As parent says, Canada has never really had the free speech guaranties found in the US. We have many hate speech laws which limit our freedom of speech. Quebec also has many strong language laws in place which limit the ability to communicate in a chosen language. In practice Canada has as much freedom of speech as our neighbour but we lack the legal guaranties against censorship (I hope a smart Canadian lawyer will come in here and tell me how wrong I am).

What about the death panels?

They say they will not be intimidated, and then they turn around and talk about how much more beefed up they're gonna get, in response to the threat. It seems as if he's intimidated.

Another one of the Five Eyes.

Just bet a few doge or something. You never know when tactics will change.

There was an anti-terrorism bill that was supposed to be tabled TODAY, before the shooting.

That's the ticket!!

They are already throwing out buzz words.

"change" " the day Canada changed"


So, regardless of whether it is a false flag or they are just taking advantage of a tragic situation, prepare for some "change", Canada.

I couldn't agree more, fuck sakes. We held out for a long time, who needs rights and freedoms though.

Your government needs the right to shoot you and the freedom to get away with it.

Well the media is already on board the sensationalizing train. I suspect we will be bombing Syria soon enough, and well on our way to merging with the US for the NWO. I wonder if this is the event that finally gets Canadians to support? I sure hope not, I sure don't.

As far as I know the only details about a shooter have been black hair a gray jacket and dead. Not sure how that line points at Syria just yet.

Well there was no line pointing to Iraq either, but some how half of America believes Iraq had something to do with 9/11

This just in: Shooter looked Arabic.

*looked brown

Well, we just recently rejected joining bombing in Syria, something the US government wanted us in on. What better way to get the Canadians interested in bombing the "terrorists" then to have a terrorist style shooting at our capital? There are plenty of people in Ottawa, yet the only people dead are Canadian soldiers?

edit I have also been told that Global news is reporting NORAD has been alerted because of this incident.

Well typically when shooting starts soldiers and cops are the only one sticking around.

Will the speech be a word-for-word copy of someone elses?

Harper would never do that!

what you did there i see it.

He had probably already written it up and was just waiting for the right excuse.

Yay, let's redouble our efforts. Let's forget that the reason these guys attacked Canadians is because of our efforts and lets lend to greater chaos in the beautiful cycle of violence.

this seems like a psychological operation against soldiers and that it's intended to prompt soldier worship.

unarmed soldier victim killed in ceremonial dress at the grave of the unknown soldier. Bad guy is killed by hero soldier. It's ritualistic, almost.

And a huge circlejerk around the militaristic propaganda which specifically focuses on not naming the perpetrator- but rather honoring the heroes.

Even though you know in the next few days, they will put together a bio of the shooter which either depicts him as mentally ill (which he of course is) or, more likely, as a lonewolf loser islamic convert (probably a youtube rapper) who "wanted to join ISIS".

"this seems like a psychological operation against soldiers and that it's intended to prompt soldier worship."

If this was the case, why didnt they pick a better date, like November 11 for example?

you mean that you think it's a coincidence that they chose Wombat Day?

It was also Kukur Puja)

How the fuck is this a terrorist attack?

Not taking a side here, but it was strange to see the photo of PM Harper sitting there being debriefed with a glass of wine..

So early in the morning, too.

I guess its never too early to celebrate?

This world gives me an occasion to drink frequently. And rarely in celebration.

Cheers to that!

do you have a link to that pic?

looks more like cognac or brandy or something by that glass. Is that a snifter?

I wonder if this "lone nut" was a "conspiracy theorist" like that Ciancia guy...

Oh that's right they have this "ISIS" thing now.



Yup, pretty much rubbing it in our faces at this point...

I will bet that the legislation was drafted 6 months ago. Just waitin in his desk drawer for the 'right time.'

There's a universal controversy surrounding the issue of the authority, and if there's a devil, he wants it all through any means whether by hook or by crook or by fear.

Where fear and insecurity are used to leverage power and authority - there's a devil in the details.

And long guns soon as i heard long gun i started thinking here we go again. Bet this guy under surveilance already was not and could never be a legal licensed owner plus hes a convicted drug criminal. This gun was illegal but our legal law abiding owners will onve again be put back under scrutiny. If anything if anything it should be a case for proper concealed handgun laws for the people who are qualified and trained after all this act was stopped by a gun.

Honestly I'm surprised the Harper government didn't do anything after the shooting in Moncton... 3 RCMP dead and a fair size city on lockdown for a whole day and no peeps from the government about new laws... I guess they were "waiting" for this shooting.

It's going to be about rifles, which are pretty much the only firearm that's useful in the hands of a civilian against militarized police / the actual military. They don't give a shit about the handguns that are actually used to murder people.

Nobody i know ever talks about using them for anything but hunting and target. Im pretty sure they will have a very hard time getting the public to believe more laws for guns when this gun was illegal to begin with a new law wouldve done nothing.

The suspicious thing is that CBC was only playing soundbites from people who are "terrified" about the shootings, even though everyone I work with (and I work with a very broad spectrum of Canadian society) thinks that it's tragic, but they just don't want to see more terror legislation.

Its propaganga and nobody i know buys it at all even the non gun owners agree no new laws would stop this.

so what does a 32-year-old french canadian who probably has never left his country got to do with a war in the middle east?

There's something to be said when I'm more afraid of my own government than I am the terrorists. I hate to wonder what the western world will be like in 10 years time should this trend of sacrificing freedom for security continues.

If at first you don't succeed...


I accept your bet. you have till 2015. If harper does not prove to be evil. you know what you have to do..

But harper is evil, so you will most likely make it to 2016.. but then Ebola will get ya!

false flag? Good chance.


There's no way this guy is just some asshole. He's definitely been motivated or deceived by some shadowy agency into being THEIR asshole for sinister purpose.

People are never just assholes.

I'm so sick of how Canada has become America's little brother. This country is already a multicultural cesspool. We need this? Stop following the West into battle. Be your own country. Be something better.

We have an evangelist prime minister.. Crusades are up his alley.

It finally happened! I've been linked by /r/conspiratard! I never thought this day would come! I'm getting a little misty over here... I'd like to thank Newton's Third Law, unburned passports, black backpacks, Evelyn de Rothschild, David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Robbie Parker, Larry "Pull It" Silverstein, Victoria Nuland, Thomas Eric Duncan and the 16' hole in the Pentagon!

hands you a gilded tinfoil hat

I hope that doesn't ruin its effectiveness!

Not at all! Actually, the gold will come in handy after the collapse, so thanks!

Fucking Brilliant.

oh man that Robbie Parker guy gives me the creepiest fucking vibe.

you are hilarious btw.

Haha thanks. I've learned that if I don't have a sense of humour about this shit I can go to a dark place pretty quickly.

Amen-Ra to that :D

Amen-Ra to that :D

I see what u did there... and add

Isis . Ra . Elohim

Honorable mention: thanks to liquid molten steel flowing out windows and NatGeo for demonstrating that thermite can't cut steel while leaving the flange open on top.

Are you still alive bro??? It's been 30 days

Welcome to the club. They're great people. Neckbeards are the best rivals I always say...

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Well /u/TwoInPinkOneInStink, lovely name btw, I will be by around 7-8pm to pick up your soul/life.

You have thirty days. Make us proud.

False flags are a helluva drug.

Anon was pissed that the thread was posted here... he/she is afraid of being doxxed.

Ah. What did they expect?

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When I saw the reaction by the media, and police/military it was the first thought in my mind.

Welp, guess we're 'officially' in on the war on terror now.

Plausible theory. Shit like this is what makes me think martial law's on its way. And a centralized totalitarian/oligarch government. All predicted by yours truly, George Orwell.

The people will believe what the media tells them to believe.

hell, I'm so terrified, I wouldn't mind if they cancelled the elections altogether.

Let's see if the US empire has 2016 elections.

they don't have to elect their COG government, only the one that's the hollywood facade. it's a permanent state of emergency - they do what they want. fascists.

It's almost like our governments are agents of the terrorists in the way that they play so perfectly into their objectives.

Spot on

Just waiting for the report in the next few days linking this guy to ISIS, it's like clockwork.

so a false flag ? man weve been telling the US how they keep getting those ...now canada too ? and you thought ebola was bad

But this is a window into what countries the puppet masters control.

Fucking hell, every US media outlet and even our PM calling the suspect a terrorist after 1 day... we are so fucked.

I think they will also look at the immigration situation as well. Going to see a lot of innocent Muslims being deported.

Probably a more invasive version than the one they originally shot down (no pun intended)

OP will not deliver

I won't have to.


We can always hope....

first picture of the suspect confirmed by police sources to cbc news: http://i.imgur.com/OcGJxuI.png

Return of the long gun registry?

stay golden Canada

Harper is giving all.of us a golden shower..a freedom shower.

...with a double side-order of "common-sense gun safety".

Does Canada have forces fighting ISIS currently? Can't seem to find a simple answer.

Yesterday our CF-18s were deployed to Kuwait, along with 600 non-combatant support troops

Seems like they jumped the gun a little bit with the false flag.

saw someone in a thread about this say just wait until they announce drills recently, it was in a deleted thread. now, they just announced they did drills for a scenario in Quebec that then extended to "another city" recently.... the same as all those other interesting events that occurred in the last decade or so...

edit: the name of the person who announced this was adrienne arsenault

We will always be free in our minds! Governments will never take that away.

Think of the phrase "free your mind" from the Matrix and then reconsider.

ofcourse! if you are buying one single word of this shit from these people you need your head checked. this shit just happens right? this guy was on their list of 90 they were spooking everyone about yesterday and today hes shooting up the parliament ofcourse! you couldnt make this shit up.

True. It's so obviously staged it hurts your head.

Yup. It was obvious from the beginning. I slept in this morning or I would have told you it was gonna happen. Everyone played their part perfectly. Even the dead guys.

And the stupid Australian public will let the fuck wits here introduce more Nazi laws as well

How convenient. An excuse for more surveillance/police state.

When Harper was giving his speech, all I could think about was Bush after 9/11. It feels extremely similar and gives me a bad feeling

They updated the script but are definitely using the same writers.

Right out of Hitler's playbook.

30 days assumes it wasn't already written.

Something like that done with something like this seems like an over reaction. This aint our 911, this is just a shitty thing where people got shot and stuff. It sucks, its fucking horrible. But i dont want to be able to get arrested for having thoughts and opinions

It's funny the MSM brings this up as:

But let there be no misunderstanding, we will not be intimidated. Canada will never be intimidated. In fact, this will lead us to strengthen our resolve and redouble our efforts, and those of our national security agencies, to take all necessary steps to identify and counter threats and keep Canada safe here at home, just as it will lead us to strengthen our resolve and redouble our efforts to work with our allies around the world and fight against the terrorist organizations who brutalize those in other countries with the hope of bringing their savagery to our shores -- they will have no safe haven.

well, with 29 days left to spare http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-29743711

One day, not thirty. Good call


I'm still alive and well. If memory serves me correctly, Harper was proposing new legislation less than 24 hours later.

I read this as "I will bet my wife"

Why is it USA released the name of the shooter before Canada? Obama says that Canada and U.S. need to be more "in-sync" when it comes to anti-terrorism.

I don't see the shooter's name having been released anywhere.

*edit - Nevermind, I do see it now... damn refresh. :(

It has been by Barack Obama.

Ottawa parliament shooter identified as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau


French(canadian) AND Muslim name, double-whamy. Well done illuminatis.

I'm your huckleberry.

Stephen Harper may not have a personality, and thus may not be a real person, whereby no amount of kitten-holding pics wearing cardigan sweaters can restore his authentic personhood.

I've been out of the loop a bit what was the Australian event that they used as an excuse for their anti-terror legislation?

I wouldn't bet that much early on, but watching for propositions (there will be dialogue no doubt) in the next month anyway.

Canada -- They actually have rights left to go after? Them and Australia be pushin' the limits, I think this demonstrates how in-the-pocket they are to the US.

I'm worried about this...

I find it weird when people say they bet their life on something happening. Does this mean if 30 days pass and it doesn't happen you will end your life? I hope not, but also if what you are saying doesn't happen, I think your word should never hold any weight and nobody should ever care what you have to say ever again. I mean I know it's a common phrase but it's used so irresponsibly.

I think some people come here just to see if they can compete with the most unreasonable people in the world.

Last week we had people predicting with near 100% certainty that there would have been thousands of ebola deaths by now.



Yeah I shouldn't even be in this subreddit. I was joking with my friend about what possible conspiracies people have already come up with about the Ottawa shooting and decided to check this place out. Pretty much got what I was looking for.

there have been but most of them were in Africa over 4000 deaths so far

Right but not in the last week

Wake up sheeple!! There have already been over 93,461 confirmed ebola deaths!!

Guy who shoots the offender just so happens to be a Marksmen, who's ex boarder patrol for drugs.

WTF do the "boarders" have to do with this? Have they fallen behind in their rent again? Having noisy parties?

Not too sure why you're using quotation marks, it wasn't a metaphor, I'm talking about physical boarders. It was more that it was to do with drug enforcement.

You mean borders. Boarders is something completely different.

Ok you got me there!

I deleted a tweet suggesting that the establishment would equate conspiracy theorists with ISIS. 3 Days later, David cameron did it. We got their number. Let's be proud and speak out.

I call it Tony Abbot's pendulum.

I almost posted about this in the new thread.

But Canada has been behaving differently.

The top post in that thread and sweeping the news stories is about the bad ass sargeant at arms who gunned down the shooter. And the picture of the soldier who was shot standing at his post.

Their news held back on speculation.

They did also list his offenses including minor drug charges as though they were a clear indicator.

They also pointed out that the Canadian government was already keeping an eye on him.

They also called him a terrorist.

Its close, but I think Canada is going to be smarter about this than we were. I'll take your bet.

RemindMe! 30 days "hahaha"

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Bot on bot violence

Let's get the hitler bot in on this.

Don't bet your life. $5 will suffice

He's gonna win though.

With social media these days the government realized they can kill one person and get the same results as a plane crash full of people

You better deliver if it doesnt happen!

Carpe diem.

Wow. What excellent timing. You guys might not have realized how important this anti-terror legislation is: http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/new-anti-terror-tracking-measures-will-address-black-hole-csis-1.2800404

Are you going to kill yourself if he doesn't?

It is amazing what they're doing with robots these days.

You shouldn't make that bet. You would die. Timeframe is too short.

Yeah. I am afraid that this is going to happen. Governments only do nothing or over react. I am sure that having a pearl harbor moment was seen as an absolute blessing to Harper and his government, to push a more restrictive agenda and erode freedoms.

But that said, this isn't exactly new for Canada. The original Trudeau in the FLQ crisis suspended everyone's rights across the country for a while. The only truly amazing thing about that is that he actually gave them back afterwards.

Canada doesn't offer freedom - we offer peace, order and good government. So I guess Harper is kinda focused on one out of the three.

And if I were one of the conspiracy minded - I couldn't help but wonder at the timing of this.

But if he doesnt in 30 days whos going to kill you? You can't just flail around words and not mean them!! Haha

Makes Norways response all the more impressive.

They are comparing the incident to 9/11, Canada is so fucked.

Canadian gun rights are so bad that I dont see how its not seen as a reason to beef up rights

If you're wrong are you going to willingly lay down your life? No? Then you're not betting your life...

Canada and Australia are fuck buddies.

good thing I live in America!

Well well well no more smug Canadians. Welcome to America.

ill keep the message going about the governeent monopolizing on the fear trying to create more tryranny on twitter here in the us.

When you say you are willing to bet your life, is this a figure of speech? I am willing to take on your wager. My life as well.

RemindMe! 30 days

well supposedly he was speaking at the time, wouldn't be shocked if he was talking about it as it happened

I'm suspicious. The new keeps saying things need to change and something needs to be done. It sounds minor but its so often it worries me.

You bet your life? How do I collect?

Wasn't that supposed to be introduced this morning?

Reminder bot please remind me of this in 30 days.

RemindMe! 30 days

You should never say that type of thing.

As a Canadian citizen, I want the Canadian government to bring in the War Measures Act, collect the 90 individuals that are on the current "observe" list and send them to Guantanamo for a conversation. I know that this is an unpopular view on /r/conspiracy but, this is the second such event in two weeks. Two weeks ago, a couple of Canadian soldiers were run over (one died) by a radicalized individual. I've had enough.

yeah im not buying it.

is this a theory?

People want the government to do something, that's why all play equipment is shit now days, little Johnny falls off a swing and the parents blame the government for providing " unsafe equipment". The same thing happens after national disasters and terrorist attacks, people will blame the government for not doing more to prevent it. If you want to be safe then parameters have to be in place to keep you safe which are usually laws that prevent you from doing stuff that is dangerous to yourself or others.

I just hate your handle, so have a fucking downvote and my disinterest.

Its a shocker, how many people hate my handle.


And why would that be a bad thing? Are you seriously supporting terrorists and islamic state?

You consider doubting the intentions of your government the same thing as supporting terrorist and IS?!?!? Are you high?

How is this a bad thing? Keep crazy muslims out. Seems like a good idea to me.

Amen-Ra to that :D

Its a shocker, how many people hate my handle.

I agree, Regina is a smaller Winnipeg... meaning, Regina gets more exposed to sh*t on a daily basis due to more incidents, with a smaller population....and its just as cold as Winnipeg

Saskatoon, too.



The suspicious thing is that CBC was only playing soundbites from people who are "terrified" about the shootings, even though everyone I work with (and I work with a very broad spectrum of Canadian society) thinks that it's tragic, but they just don't want to see more terror legislation.

Regina is nothing more than a collection of mud huts.

Return of the long gun registry?

When it's the economy, it's tax cuts for the rich and deregulation because Big Government is bad. When someone gets killed, it's more police powers and more invasions, because Big Government is the only thing between you and Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, Al-Zarqawi, Al-Zawahiri, and Al-Baghdadi.

Except it's really doesn't.

"When the government has limited an individual's right, there is an onus upon the Crown to show, on the balance of probabilities, firstly, that the limitation was prescribed by law namely, that the law is attuned to the values of accessibility and intelligibility; and secondly, that it is justified in a free and democratic society, which means that it must have a justifiable purpose and must be proportional."

Any law which violates the charter must be minimally impairing:

"Minimal impairment[edit] This step had been considered the most important of the steps and is the test that is failed the most.[5] Typically, outright bans will be difficult to prove as minimally impairing.[6] However, the means does not necessarily have to be the absolute least intrusive; this is indeed one of the steps of the test that has been modified. In Oakes, the step was phrased to require the limit as being "as little as possible." In R. v. Edwards Books and Art (1986), this was changed to "as little as is reasonably possible,"[7] thus allowing for more realistic expectations for governments.

The inquiry focuses on balance of alternatives. In Ford v. Quebec (1988), it was found that Quebec laws requiring the exclusive use of French on signs limited free speech. While the law had a sufficient objective of protecting the French language, it was nevertheless unconstitutional because the legislature could have accepted a more benign alternative such as signs including smaller English words in addition to larger French words. (The Court decided in Ford that the same test would apply to article 9.1 of the Quebec Charter. Thus it is the reason why Quebec Charter jurisprudence can be of interest under section 1 of the Canadian Charter.)"

The people will believe what the media tells them to believe.

Right but not in the last week

I'm still alive and well. If memory serves me correctly, Harper was proposing new legislation less than 24 hours later.