How many Conspiracy Folks smoke weed? Just curious if THC makes people more open to conspiracy topics.

4  2014-10-23 by [deleted]


The cannabis plant itself is part of a big conspiracy.

I think once someone smokes weed and doesn't die, hallucinate, or murder and/or rape someone, they start to question things.

Psychoactive substances such as LSD, psilocybin, and even THC can have powerful effects on shattering the perceptions and ideas hammered into people throughout the years of their life, all in one sitting.

Weed, and all psychoactive and psychedelics interrupt ordinary thought processes and allow the user to make new connections and come to new conclusions about strongly held beliefs.

They also allow the user to become more aware of their subconscious, which may include subconscious assumptions about reality.

It definitely makes people more open to considering conspiracy theories.

It's not that the THC itself has made me more open to conspiracies. But the fact that once I tried it and researched it I began to realize that I had been lied to about it's effects on the human body and why it was illegal. That opened the door to wanting to know what else I had been lied to about.

Exactly, the pure bullshit behind prohibition definitely wasn't the first time I was completely enraged by my government's actions, but it was the first time I was directly affected and this made me infinitely more interested in every other way I had been lied to, deluded, or kept in the dark my whole life

Hell, if it weren't for pot, I wouldn't be dead set on studying biochemistry.

I've thought about this a lot, and i think THC can make the truth very plain, it can also induce paranoia, so there's a fine line. The truth that can turn people off of weed is sometimes the anxiety it induces when you begin to ruminate on how much you don't like yourself. Most people react with "I don't like weed, it gives me anxiety," and then they continue to use and abuse alcohol which hides you from your problems, or even cocaine which inflates the ego.

But when you really listen to yourself when you start that negative self rumination, and you forgive yourself for getting like that in the first place, you can start to dig around and find some truth there. I could honestly identify where my issues came from, and then from there I could understand it all in a societal context.

For ex. I grew up in a high achieving school district, and I didn't have the support at home my other classmates did, and as a result I struggled. I developed low self esteem not because I wasn't smart, but because year after year, these "role models" would come into my life, praise me, then ultimately be disappointed in me, some even going so far as to insult me and instill fear of the future, because I couldn't complete 3-4 hours of homework a night. Smoking weed helped me see the absolute ridiculousness of all the hoops I could never bring myself to jump through to fit in.

I don't smoke much anymore, but I did go through a period this summer where I had a vial of tincture, and I would take really high doses and do stuff, like go on a hike or go to the movies. I mean like doses that felt akin to being on acid. I saw propaganda in every movie. Propaganda and social conditioning. I could see that this was the secular myth being sold to the world. The lone hero that rises up in the name of good to preserve the state. That's the plot of EVERY superhero movie. There's so much gushing over these movies, and no one ever talks about the political implications of Marvel, they're pretty terrifying. Most Marvel movies feature a suprisingly benevolent totalitarianism or world gov't. I'm not an NWO type thinker, but there's certainly a mythology that includes that in the future, the intentionality of it can be up for debate.

It was a rabbit hole for me. I realized "oh this isn't bad. What else is the government flat out wrong about?" Boom conspiracy theorist.

Never smoked or ingested it once. I have, however, been extremely drawn to logical pursuits and critical thinking from a very early age.

Jesus Christ I bet you're a hit at parties.

I don't party. Not exactly sure what you mean, but whatever. I didn't know marijuana was a prerequisite for having fun. If so, I'm a prude. The stuff smells like stale shit.

It's like I'm out of bullets, all the fish are dead, and this barrel won't be holding water anymore.

I love you guys..


nice try FBI

Oh yeah. Psychedelics too.

THC CAN make some users more paranoid and SOME conspiracy theorists are fueled by their paranoia, so if expect some overlap.

For what it's worth, I don't smoke and maintain a healthy skepticism on everything I learn and curiosity on things I haven't learned yet.

I became interested in conspiracy because of 9/11. I had some interest before but didn't really get that into it until I started looking into 9/11. That being said. Until very recently I smoked weed everyday. I didn't start with weed and end up in conspiracy though. It went the other way round.

I loves me some weed long time.

It's more simple that people are giving it credit:

a. You take a drug, it elicits a response that's favourable, you do it again.

b. You have a theory about how a certain event went down that's contradictory to the accepted norm. You find evidence that conforms with your theory you feel vindicated, you do it again.

It's behavioural reinforcement combined activities inherent risk takers may dabble in, one doesn't necessarily mean the other though. There'll be a distribution of people who do a, without b, b with out a and both.

Well, it IS called the gateway drug. ;-)

I used to smoke it all the time. I cant really handle it anymore, it makes me feel very anxious after about two or three puffs.

I don't think it contributed to my interest in conspiracy theories. Apart from perhaps the conspiracies that surround the legality of marijuana.

Yessir. And as others have said, it does tend to open you up to other perspectives.

i don't need weed, being aware of the mind games is trippy enough

Smoking weed blocks the effects of MK ULTRA & NAOMI.

i think people being open isnt based on thc. although i hear that it helps. it is the persons choice to smoke, it is their choice to be open. you dont say the thc is open, it is the person who is open.

It's like I'm out of bullets, all the fish are dead, and this barrel won't be holding water anymore.