The guy who posted on 4chan about eyewitnessing/pictures of police cars near the Canada's parliament just 15 minutes before the shooting

49  2014-10-23 by [deleted]

I can't seem to find the thread anymore, anywhere. Can someone give me a link to it?

Edit: Meant 8chan

EDIT: Found pictures, but not the thread:

EDIT: Found it:


A seemingly staged terror event were some important previous details are kept from the public and the main distraction uses innocent victims to strengthen a foretold agenda? Well now that's new! :/

"drill that went live" seems to be the MO for these agenda-pushing terrorist events.

There is literally a list of 60+ of these over the last 5-10 years.

Boston bombing, sandy hook, what else?

There's more information in this thread which links to this list.

It actually goes back to the 1990's as I look at it again so my earlier comment of 5-10 years was a bit inaccurate. But still.

I heard it was on 8chan....


no worries I can't dig it up eith4er seems to have been scrubbed.

Does 8 chan even have an archive yet?

Wasn't Malala Yousafzi supposed to speak yesterday as well? May or may not be relevant at all, just an added sidenote.

All in all, it was a very interesting day for us.

There are always police and heavy security around Parliament. Especially with Malala visiting and the PM in house yesterday. Trust me, this wasnt staged. Canadians don't trade security for civil liberties and our media always makes sure to remember the victims, not the killers. False flags do not work on us because we support real freedom.

Canadian media got the right idea

Car bomb in Nepean? Where exactly would that have happened? Didn't hear anything about a power outage.

Boston bombing, sandy hook, what else?