We're mad at Mexicans instead of our government who created the problem?

33  2014-10-27 by [deleted]

Why are there so many upset with illegal immegration from mexico when this very this stems from US policy? The border between us and mexico has always had the abillity to be crossed and any increase in that security does nothing to nullify the root of the problem. the root of this problem is because of th enature of the us policy regarding the drug policy, and this is where many people reach in their thought, but they forget how uninformed as a citizenry we are so that we can be taken advantage of. the us has not only implemented a drug policy that encourages illegal immegration by making mexico into a organized crime controlled state but they have executed another policy as well: that of corn. Mexico used to make tons of money and based their livlihood off the corn crop but because of skewed us agricultural policy we overproduce in huge amounts and even now pay farmers to stop growing corn. what was a place to let off this offhand excess? the mexican market. once our corn market let out onto them they had access to corn cheaper than ever before. what do you think that did to their local economy? now do you get why we have any mexicans immigrating into our country? it has nothing to do with the level of security at the border. the whole idea that we should hate on immigrants as if it was their fault that they had the will to survive is excessively flawed. we're being played here into thinking we know the problem, while the real one continues to corrupt.


The plan, it works, every time.

What you're talking about stems from NAFTA, especially corn subsidies.

ty, it had just hit my head and i couldnt remember the facts behind it, it was like shit all of our policy is really fucking mexico plus we make money over it by the selling of weapons and the incarceration system..

It's social engineering, and a lot of it seems to be directed at Mexico, Central America & South America. It's a sad aspect of our trade policies, especially how the US exploits Asia. The WTO is horribl trade deal which has actual gotten to the point that we will raise chickens in the US, send them to be processed in China, then ship them back so they can be label as a product that originated in the US.


Yep, and talk of TPP and TTIP, arguably worse than NAFTA, have died down after a push earlier in the year which did seem to have some effect in congress fast tracking it. I suspect they're only waiting for a more opportune time when everyone's looking the other way, maybe at the end of the lame duck.

It's true and really sad to watch our Goverment push (over and over again) an agenda that everyone is against... It's almost like we live in an oligarchy.

Almost....ya don't say?

Its also worth noting that a very large amount of the illegal immigrants are from South America, not necessarily Mexico.

This needs to be stressed because it becomes more of a North vs South America issue than w/e else. Plus add on all of the secret stuff we do behind the curtain to disrupt some of those countries' government and push out the citizens.

secret stuff we do behind the curtain to disrupt some of those countries' government and push out the citizens.

Was just reading up on the 100 tons of coca leaves the US government lets one company in particular import from Peru, while at the same time spending millions on the eradication of coca production... in Peru.

we really know how to squeeze the money out of something..

Dont get mad just stop hiring us.

Honestly illegal immigration is slavery 2.0, the regular US citizen and the illegal worker are both the losers in this, because with regulation they may not get a job in the US but they will eventually get a job since other people will have more money.

but so much money can be made by companies whenever they keep illegal workers and pay them under minimum wage only to call ICE when they are problematic


Something like 80% are.

I also imagine all of you as overweight 20 somethings in fedoras unless explicitly told otherwise.

Voter Id laws in Texas will stop illegals from voting And the aclu just shat a brick. How will democrats ever win the south of the illegals can't vote? A lot of people have died in the war on drugs because corruption. Mexicans don't have Mexican pride anymore. If they do it's cartel pride.

have you seen the numbers on how much voter fraud actually occurs? from what ive seen its practically 0, which is why these groups take issue against it. minorities tend to have a harder time in (excuse the pun) having the time to obtain photo ids through such processes and so it cuts them out of the equation