Do you ever just feel like this isn't real?

7  2014-10-29 by [deleted]

It seems like the more I research, the deeper I go, that something has happened or change in the realms of reality. I see it from what I've known, to what some people are saying to a total flip of reality. Shit that would be laughed at about years ago, is now coming to fruition and I shamefully saying it, main stream. It's like something happen within the last, idk, year that totally flipped people's shit and/or reality. It doesn't make sense, I'm scratching my head.

I'll say some, because a lot of people are still oblivious. But, from people I know, who would never think about certain things, are actually thinking about them. I try to educate, never push, always do you're own research. But man, these people are coming out of the wood work, slow, but surely.

We aren't talking about fringe people, we are talking about average Joe's/ Jane's saying wtf. Has the veil been lifted? Is this do or die for the elite? I'm peaceful and loving, just want to live my life, alone with my dog. I'm sick of people, I love my family, try to help those in need. But, helping everyone else is exhausting. I just cant figure this shit out.

Everything in the MSM is so clearly bullshit, some are seeing it, others are yelling at the TV. I've tuned out from that shit long ago, but it wasn't too long ago. I don't know what my real question is here, but there is a popular belief of a shift in reality. Is it possible? Could there have been a shift? I'm on mobile, working my dead end job, I'll try to find the theory. But I'd love to hear some thoughts. I know it may be loaded, or unorganized, but shit... This whole thing we call reality seems to be.


I agree there is a shift going on. IMHO based on what I read. We are entering into an a golden age. History is circular and we are reaching and end of an age. I think this time we are being woken up by information that is being transferred to all humans from the past though our pineal gland. I watched a video on someone from the 80'is who found out this was happening from information he discovered archaeological studies but I cant find it now.

The funny thing is 5 years ago I knew none of this and was not even interested in it. No all of a sudden im seriously interested in mysticism, metaphysics and Gnosticism.

Dat Demiurge

And sophia

My brain hurts these days from information/disinformation overload. This evening (USA) I realized I was watching a fake documentary on Animal planet while CNN is temporarily missing from my satellite service (dishnetwork), so I come to reddit and within a few minutes hear about another school shooting that didn't make the news where I live, a NASA missile launch exploding and a strange convoy of trucks and a closed down highway (trucks were leaving the same state the missile blew up in btw) and the official explanation of the truck convoy was that it was a fund raiser for the Special Olympics. Oh, and Neo from the Matrix' passport expired on 9/11/2001. WTF indeed. Times like this I just want to hug my Mom, pet my dog and do something outdoors.

I just want to hug my Mom, pet my dog and do something outdoors.

These are good things. Do them. Do them often and do them more than you used to. It's important to unplug and opt out as much as you see fit, while still keeping a pulse on local/national/global events to stay aware of the bullshit the rest of the people in this country are consuming (food, media, whatever).

I'm slightly different than OP - where the deeper I go the more empowered I feel and the less I feel I need acceptance from my so-called friends and coworkers. It's just their feelings, man, and I don't really care. I see this world going to shit and I'm at least going to enjoy the time I have and try and leave it in a better place than I left it.


Nothing is real here. It's all an illusion designed to evolve your consciousness. When you realize that none of this matters except your own internal growth, the world becomes a lot more fun.


This reality is a projection and we power it. So yes it will start feeling very fake because the assholes that controlled in the past controlled the story the very structure and ideas of this reality. People are waking up to this fact and the other mindless zombies that watch TV or buy into politics, religion, governments, and yes even science are going to either die, awaken, or just fade away from the awakened ones.

See, I feel the same way. What can we do? Because as much as it strains me, I want to help people grow into their being. See that they are more than what "they" have damned us to be.

Read Bashar Blueprint for change which was written back in 1990. All you need to do is be the change you wish to see in this world. Don't try to wake people up, let them gravitate towards you while only giving them breadcrumbs. You can't evangelize awakening, a lot of people even claim they are awake and then ask me who I would vote for, ZZZZzzzz still asleep.

Go inwards, stay always in the present, be aware fully all the time and understand that you are eternal so you shouldn't have any real worries.

I have been where you are all you can do is continue to work on yourself and be always joyous when someone really does need you.

Wise words, thanks internet friend! I'll check the reading material out, and you def gave me some perspective. Cheers, hope you've found happiness! Cheers.

Also my main man: The Real You - Alan Watts:

There is nothing you need to do except continue to learn about why you are here. Everything that happens is happening and will happen weather we participate or not.


Timewave ZER0


Very good, thanks for posting! I watched the whole thing and man my mind is pretty blown. It's been that way for a while, but this dude is really good and I'm def going to watch more of what he has to say.

You haven't said anything at all about your own beliefs or conclusions. What are you talking about?

Is there a shift in reality? No, reality is right were it always was.

Traditional beliefs is what I'm talking about. I'm a historian, who decided to actually take a look for my self. I returned from the journey a deist (from Roman catholic), there is no god, there is no plan, no devil. I believe in "a" creator, but the bullshit each religion says is just that, bullshit. You want to know my beliefs?

I believe. I know what you believe, and seen much of your comments. Shall we have an intellectual discussion?

Do you think we can just use the word god as a placeholder for permanent truths? Some things are everlasting and incontrovertible, can those things be god?

I do believe in god and devil but only in that they represent the polarity or the duality.

No I don't, I believe there are things unknown. I'm not religious, God is a word to me, not a all knowing being. What I think, and some others believe in in the full circle of an intelligent being. There was a creator, who created him, well who created his creator, and so on and so forth. But it's irrelevant to my question.

You aren't listening or you are falling into some old song and dance. The creator can be a force without being a being. God or creator can be a primitive concept for visible testable processes and truths. We can call it alksfgshn if it removes your defensive predilection to the traditional term.

Friend.. I don't have some pre conceived notion of a creator nor do I adhere to that belief. I think we agree more than disagree, but words and a text forum get in the way :).

I know but it's the words I'm trying to work out.

words are words, why you so stuck upon them. I say ketchup you say catsup. It's so irrelevant. You are micro managing, there is a bigger picture.

Yes it's true that the world as a mass could be waking up. There is a manuscript that talks of this prophecy. I would suggest you read The celestine Prophecy. Good read and it helps to understand the world's situation. It will answer your questions.

Part of the fringe 2012 conspiracy was that it was really the beginning of the age of Aquarius and the lifting of the veil. Greatness awaits

Some people aren't meant for facts, you can only drive them with beliefs. You can pass facts as beliefs though ;)

WE are all living in the consciousness age and it is a hard and grueling struggle to achieve that end. There will be myriad obstacles in your way of achieving that goal and fatigue and disbelief are part of these obstacles, not to mention MSM, corporate and government propaganda, and of course my favourite subject...disinfo!

This is why we need meditation, proper sleep, and most importantly to be acutely aware of what we put into our mouths as food and into our eyes and ears as information, otherwise we are doing nothing but inviting trouble. Strive one!

The fakeness you feel is both real and not real. In comparison to the astral/spiritual realms, which bleed into this reality, this reality pales in significance and Truth. However, this reality here awes us with that same difference, no sweet without the sour. Furthermore, this reality acting as a reflection of the part and greatest whole, which shows how much of the part and whole have become what they are. Look through the thin veneer of the dead end job and bs constructs and create a better reality for yourself, or at least a better reaction to stimuli.

it has become too obvious hasn't it? it's long overdue.

Berenstein Bears.

Dude, don't even get me started on that. That shit is on some different level. Have you checked out ? If not check it out. Some interesting things there if your interested.

Absolutely. I'm as sure of it, as I am about my youth. The illusion has officially been cracked.

I've asked a few people who I know to be honest and trustworthy, with out bias to quickly tell me what they think about the "berenstein" bears. They spell it exactly as I have and pronounce it the same. They remember reading (some read it "to" me) as that. Hell, they even remember going to cedar point where they had their own exhibit, the Berenstein bear's tree house. Shit is freaky.

Exactly. I've yet to meet one in person who claims its STAIN. One single person.

I loved the quote on the site. "...It's not Einstein, it's Einstain."

Exactly. I've yet to meet one in person who claims its STAIN. One single person.

I loved the quote on the site. "...It's not Einstein, it's Einstain."