My mother is becoming obsessed with conspiracy theories. She believes everything that people post on her facebook wall without checking for reliable sources. I wish she wasn't so scared and stressed all the time. How do I approach this situation so that she doesn't feel discredited or attacked?

20  2014-11-01 by [deleted]

If you can point me to articles with sound data for the following issues, it would help me see her point of view better.

Chem trails? Is the government dumping mass quantities of chemicals in the air?

Microwave Weapon that controls people's mind?

How do you find out if an article is full of shit?

EDIT: Thank you for taking the time to respond. I am going to see her next weekend and I'd like to introduce her to this subreddit. She can learn much from people who have had similar feelings and years of experience in search for the truth.


As far as I can tell, microwave weapons that can disturb peoples sleep patterns, and possibly project noises and sounds into peoples heads are a real thing that exist. The concept of using focused microwave energy to rapidly heat tissue in such a controlled fashion that sound can be modulated in that signal is totally plausible. Remember that some fillings in peoples teeth have acted like crystal radio sets and that was by pure fluke. Given a concerted effort I have no doubt that a technology like this is possible. It is inconceivable to me that in the height of the hysteria about global nuclear destruction during the cold war such technologies were not pursued.

I am telling you this because the most dangerous lies are the ones that contain an element of truth. Mind rays are only scary because they are plausible. It might be worth pointing some of the bullshit but in the other direction. You are not really going to loose twenty pounds I a week from this magical diet. You are not really going to become a millionaire working from home by investing in this system.

If she can recognise that those claims are rubbish and also recognise that some people do loose ten pounds in a week and some people do become millionaires then maybe she can recognise that mind rays can exist without having to fear that they might personally be a problem for her.

You mother is scared and stressed all the time. If, in your opinion your mother is having trouble functioning in society, perhaps what she needs most is simple empathy and support rather than a lecture about her silly ideas.

Many things are out of our control from the weather to the stock market to how other people think about us and what decisions other people make that might effect us. Even without conspiracies many things are out of our control. Adding to that the awareness of conspiracies hardly changes the level of control an ordinary person has in the world.

Another thing that is out of our control is if our loved ones are unwell or confused by the world.

The way to approach this situation with out your mother feeling discredited or attacked is to simply not discredit or attack your mother.

Your goal is to stop her feeling scared. Not to dissuade her of her beliefs.

Tell her you love her and give her a hug. In the end you may be just as powerless to help your mother as she herself believes she is powerless in the face of mind beams and chemtrails. By recognising your powerlessness alongside the powerlessness of your mother, you will possibly reach an empathetic connection with her that you could find no other way. Afterwards, as you regain your strength and return to normality leaving your anxieties behind their is just a chance you may bring her with you too. If she doesn't feel attacked by you she may recognise your strength as a resource she can rely on.

Good luck.

That's a very nice bit of advice. I wish I had more than one upvote.

dc shooter was

its all mkultra

  • "Chemtrails." It's a term normally used to describe a world-wide conspiracy to dump chemicals into the atmosphere for various purposes. I don't personally believe it is world-wide, but I entertain the possibility based on this: Here are documented cases of "chemtrails" on a local level. (and some additional relevant info)

The Ministry of Defence turned large parts of the country into a giant laboratory to conduct a series of secret germ warfare tests on the public. Many of these tests involved releasing potentially dangerous chemicals and micro-organisms over vast swaths of the population without the public being told between 1940 and 1979.

The Army's secret Cold War experiments on St. Louisans

BBC: Between 1953 and 1964 top secret trials were carried out using a chemical concoction of zinc cadmium sulphide to simulate how a cloud would disperse biological agents. The unsuspecting population was sprayed covertly with the poisonous compound at least 76 times.

PBS: Serratia marcescens bacteria. Open-air testing continued through the 1960s, with the Special Operations Division operatives simulating even more audacious assaults. In 1965 they spread bacteria throughout Washington’s National Airport; a year later, agents dropped light bulbs filled with organisms onto the tracks in New York’s subway system.

US government drops mosquitoes over Georgia and Florida to test efficacy of infecting populations with mosquito-borne illness

Operations Big Buzz, May Day, Big Itch, and Dropkick

Wired: Navy Research Paper: ‘Disrupt Economies’ with Man-Made ‘Floods,’ ‘Droughts’

Mystery Radar Blob Reveals Odd Man-Made Phenomenon

Obama Takes Bold Step to Geoengineer Climate Change

Bonus: Oakville Blobs, Unsolved Mysteries

And here is a declassified ARMY document entitled Bioeffects of selected non-lethal weapons. This document describes things like beaming microwaves into your head to create a sound that nobody else can hear, and other information on microwave weaponry.

Also, if you'll allow me to get off track a bit and get into other related technologies, we could talk about the Sonic Assault weapon, available to the Military and Police. On the website that sells this product, it states:

Deployed near a podium, you might just have a case of an increasingly un-focused speaker with diminished sharpness and concentration. Or, loitering youths near a store entrance might be encouraged to move along without need of a confrontation.

Also, have you heard of "voice to skull" technology? Check this out:

Stellar post.

if only moose would take an apprentice

Just the usual bait-and-switch. "Here's some patents and stuff about government dirty tricks. Now look up at the chemtrails. Yeah, I know there's nothing about chemtrails in the stuff I just gave you. But LOOK UP, SHEEPLE!"


Every one of your links is probably valid (I haven't looked at them all, but the titles are fairly descriptive). What none of them does is prove that the long white trails in the sky are 'chemtrails'. Geoengineering is a real threat to our survival. There are evil Dr Strangelove type characters out there who would love to mess up the planet for their own twisted reasons. They have to be stopped. But shaking your fist at the contrails in the sky isn't going to achieve anything. The damage is being done elsewhere - in the stratosphere - which is way above where ordinary airliners fly. If you want to shut me up, stop trying to make out that 'chemtrails' are the problem. Those are not chemtrails. They are contrails. They are not part of any geoengineering project, and all the time you are "Looking up" at them you are missing the real danger going on five miles higher out of sight.


I absolutely agree. My only message is that one cannot just "Look Up" and see geoengineering taking place. Those white lines are not caused by geoengineering. They are simply the result of burning hydrocarbon fuel in a cold wet atmosphere. They are not entirely harmless because they (probably) contribute to global warming, but they are not toxic chemicals or mind control agents or whatever.

How do I approach this situation so that she doesn't feel discredited or attacked?

"Mom. There's a lot of shit that's real.

...Not everything's real though. Some shit is just fake.

Matter of fact, that's actually the way the power in charge wants it. They purposely want to make a lot of shit fake so that way people like you who have their ear to the ground often have a hard time discerning what is real from what is malarky.

There's a grip of reality in what's going on in this world conspiratorially speaking...but there's a lot of malarky also.

I'd say just have an ongoing investigative mentality where everything's kind of like a work in progress. You know there's a lot that's fucked up - true - but what exactly's fucked up sometimes is a bit more "this" way, and sometimes is a bit more "that" way. The shit changes a lot.

I'd say just at least try to work toward the BIG picture of things - i.e. there definitely is a power on this planet that seems to be working well above anything normal humans have any influence over and that greatly manipulates what's going on on this planet, and it might not have the absolute best interest of the Earth human race in mind - and know that the specifics of how exactly that big picture manifests itself is kind of an ongoing thing that changes and that some very powerful forces are NOT interested in being fully discovered, so there's a lot of confusion around the subject and the specifics.

Be discerning, and be critically-minded about everything you come across. Have both a super wide open mind, but a super critically-thinking perspective as well.

And also, mom? I love you, so don't think I think you're crazy. Cuz you're not. This world is crazy. You just have to get the right handle on what type of crazy exactly it is and don't let yourself get swept away in everything here...or at least try not to."

That's what I'd say anyway...or at least something like that.

"And also, mom? I love you, so don't think I think you're crazy. Cuz you're not. This world is crazy."

Probably the most important part.

Validation and emotional support are very very good things.

Yeah they are.

Agreed. OP should recommend that rather than simply believing every single claim she hears, that her mother needs to treat ALL information with the same level of discretion.

Be skeptical of the MSM. Be skeptical of our government. Be skeptical of what we are taught about human history. Be skeptical of claims you read online, such as and even things posted in /r/conspiracy

Garbage information is cheap and easy, and looks the same as legitimate information at face value. You need to use your brain a little bit rather than just absorbing everything you read or hear about.

Yep. Be skeptical, but - again (very important here) - also be very open-minded as well. Too many people turn into "Nuh uh. No way this stuff is true or real!" types and reject everything, and that's often just as bad as those that believe everything they see/read/hear.

Try not to be on either side or extreme of the spectrum. That's why I actually don't really like using the word "skeptical". It has taken on at this point too much of a connotation that ultimately indicates simple-minded, uncritical naysaying more than it does intelligence.

"Be intelligent and critically-minded." is what I tend to say/feel.

Ultimately, we're in agreement though. :)

its not the world that is, its the few rich psychopaths that are crazy.... and evil

Do you know what is real bullshit? Believing that after thousands of years of the cycle of creeping greed losing to revolution, the rich HAVEN'T finally gotten together and said, "You know if we all work together, we can have everything AND keep these pesky fuckers in line."

She needs a hobby or sport or something to occupy her time. Knitting, walking, hiking, volunteering, whatever.

The hard part is not being able to prove a negative. So things like chemtrails (ie the ones people claim are poisoned by the government) have never once been proven to be deadly. But not all of them, ever, have been tested, so there's always wiggle room for the hard-core believers.

Just ask her questions. "Why do you believe that?" "Oh? Was this opinion or fact?" Most of the time, she'll only be able to trace her newfound paranoia to one anonymous guy saying it and that should wake her up.

we have videos and photos, videos of planes turning on and off the sprays, photos of the insides of various airplanes with binary chemical systems onboard, US patents that show the typical binary chemical system.

the why and the what is the big question, not the the existence of 'chemtrails' and their equipment and usage.

now use logic to work out WTF is going on, too broad and indiscriminate for population control or meddling, everybody including the elite is going to be inhaling whatever.

pesticide or herbicide spraying to limit or control pests, that is a likely possibility.

a barrier for UV light from the sun, maybe, but unless its global, almost pointless.

it must cost a fortune to do chemtrails, there has to be a profit to be made, or a reason to do to avoid a major loss.

would a govt deliberately poison its own population and lose workers and tax revenue, also cripple its own economy !?

What are these 'binary chemical systems'? I have never heard that term used before. Did you just make it up?

It means it uses two chemicals! Scary!

Well anything done at 30,000 feet isn't a pesticide or herbicide (those are done at low altitudes and are well-documented). Contrails block solar radiation anyway, so there's no reason to change those (although there are many proposals but they all get shot down).

I'm just tired of people posting contrails and claiming them to be something besides jet engine exhaust and water vapor.

First step tell her to get off Facebook. Being scared and stressed is a normal reaction when you first wake up. I recommend researching and questioning everything, you may not like the answers you get but knowing the truth is empowering and after a while you wont be so scared because these things are happening whether you believe it or not. Sounds like she wants out of the Matrix otherwise she would ignore the posts. As for Chemtrails watch "What in the world are they spraying" free on YouTube and look up gang stalking for info on Microwave weapons info. There is no way to know if an article is 100% accurate unless you write it yourself but if you read enough on one subject you can usually connect the dots. Good Luck

Your mother is going through the very first pangs of recognition that she's been lied to and that her world view does not match the world. She's trying to find new patterns so that she can have a more accurate world view according to the information she can get to. Everyone in this sub has gone through this at some point.

The best two things I can think of are identical to what /u/no1113 said:

1.) Calmly and logically talk things through with her. She's trying to figure things out. Bounce ideas off of her and think these concepts through to their logical conclusions and see if they make sense. Maybe it'll be right and maybe it won't. In either case you better why it's either right or wrong and that's where real learning happens.

This style of thought helped me become more sane.

2.) On a psychological level she's vulnerable right now. She has realized that things are not as she's been told. This is a painful place to be. Treat her well. Realizing that you've been duped your whole life is very painful. She really does need a hug.

3.) Try to think less in terms of true / false.

Instead try to think more in terms of maybe.

This will help you to keep your mind open enough that you can modify your world view as needed.

never use metabunk either pro or con for anything, they are worthless mental midgets.

You are probably right. In this case though the link is simply to a collection of stock photos of ballast tanks being used during flight testing to study loading and weight distribution characteristics. It makes no claims except that these are not 'secret chemtrail tanks' and are used on every plane being flight tested.

theres different tanks used on different planes, the photos with identical tanks are likely ballast tanks, the photos that shows plumbed in pairs of tanks with paired labels (different colours) , obviously a binary chemical system.

theres a lot of people out here that are not desk jockeys shuffling papers all day for a living, some of us actually work in industry and factories, we know what chemical systems look like and what plumbing is.

Yeah, right. And I was an aircraft engineer in the Fleet Air Arm and worked on the Naval Air Trial Installations Unit, fitting experimental systems to a variety of aircraft. I know what the inside of an aircraft looks like.

You have to admit that sometimes, some people, are just paranoid. It does happen. There are some good investigators that question authority, and uncover a world where our authority figures actually are up to stuff they would rather us not know about. But there are some disturbed people too, who would make it up even if those in power were clean as fresh snow.

Adds a nice little wrinkle to the whole conspiracy business. We have got to deal with that, and be honest about it.

Then we would have a few good articles to point this poor guy to to get help for his mom. Right now there are some good articles about critical thinking, but how many admit that some folks have gone off the rocker? That they really ARE wearing tin foil hats, and seeing stuff?

How do you find out if an article is full of shit?

It's actually pretty simple. When reading a MSM article, ask yourself, who benefits from this? Will this make the rich richer? If the answer is yes, then it is likely accurate.

She's got to separate her life and stresses from topics of thought. That's all. Its illogical to stress anyway.

Your life and those around you are what matter. Most people focus on that in life. For good reason, because depression comes from investigating the world around you, and coming to find not everything is hunky dory. Every small event adds up. But when you focus on just one sensationalist headline or thing and let it affect you, its just that reflection, nothing else, and what's the point of investing worry in something insignificant. Things are fucked on the fundamental level. Worry about the bankers, and get mad.

Tell her to listen to the no agenda podcast.

why not question your own beliefs about conspiracy theories you prescribe to.. like sept. 2001, and the boston marathon boming.

Make her a tinfoil hat

Engage her in meaningful debate pertaining to the things she's reading on facebook. Try to find facts disproving the articles. It's a good exercise for all of us to do this. It's easy to find information to support your worldview and stick with it... what we should be doing is finding alternate facts that contradict our current beliefs to see which "facts" add up to a more substantial explanation.

Microwave weapons controlling minds is NOT a conspiracy theory, it is truth. There are patents of microwave to mind technology, there are many testimonies of people being specifically targeted for this.

Just watch this.

This man has sworn under oath to what he is saying and can back it up with documents. If you discredit his sworn statement, you may as well discredit all murders and crimes that have been solved with sworn testimonies.

Want to know how I found this out? I experienced it myself. I didn't jsut come across it randomly on the internet, I heard the mind-altering frequencies when looking at these microwave towers. I recognized what it was doing to my consciousness and I looked up to see if anyone else had figured it out. They had. And they were doing something about it.

There is nothing you can do to discredit this man in my eyes, the science is there. The experience is there. Measure the frequencies yourself, you will see that the Extremely Low Frequencies interfere with the frequencies our brains produce and work on.

In terms of chemtrails, well you don't have to look far to see that vast quantities of nano particulate metals and inorganic fibres are being released into the air. Whether its from planes, or from whatever, it does not matter. We are being poisoned. This is a fact, and the government is doing nothing about it and continually denying it.

For get about the debate whether it is chemtrails or contrails. Could they be spraying chemicals interlaced into the contrails? YES. Have they done it before? YES. They did it for years over St. Louis. If they've done it before, why wouldn't they be doing it now?

Is Geoengineering a real thing? YES. Are they doing it? Why not. In the words of David Keith, the economic repercussions of actually implementing such a program would be incredibly miniscule. And you HONESTLY don't think they would do that to us? "But arent they doing it to themselves?" You don't think they have a method of detoxing themselves from this shit? Don't be naive.

OP is a troll


i agree

i've never considered myself a conspiracy theorist. i'm a critical thinker. the tiniest little bit of critical thinking tells me this is shill/spam/nonsense. why are you guys feeding the trolls ?

It could be a troll but also it might not be. In any case it is a legitimate concern that we might all face. Some conspiracy material is clearly bullshit designed to scare vulnerable people with an element of truth thrown in as a hook. Learning how to wade through the bullshit is an obvious real need for people interested in conspiracies.