Who Killed JFK? Case closed in less than 2 paragraphs

14  2014-11-05 by OWNtheNWO


E Howard Hunt confesses while dying of cancer



As a dean among conspiracy theorists, Lane has long believed that Lee Harvey Oswald was a patsy for an assassination conspiracy. But for a volunteer investigator, without subpoena power, answers can be hard to come by. Once in court, in this lawsuit, all that changed. Lane could get sworn answers to searching questions.

The courtroom door was opened to Lane by the unlikeliest of people: ex-CIA operative (and convicted Watergte burglar) E. Howard Hunt, who sued a newspaper publisher for defamation after the paper published an article asserting Hunt might have been implicated in the assassination.

Chicago Tribune, 19 motherfucking 91


The implication that the CIA killed Kennedy is terrifying.

King Kill 33

Hunt's wife and kids dismissed his bullshit "confession". The 2 sons that coerced it from him were both unemployed ex drug addict losers who attempted to sell Dad's startling "confession" to the highest bidder.

"Hunt's widow and her two children, 27-year-old Austin and 23-year-old Hollis, dismiss the brothers' story, saying it is the result of coaching an old man whose lucidity waxed and waned in his final months.

Kevan bitterly accuses her brothers of "elder abuse," saying they pressured their father for dramatic scenarios for their own financial gain. Hunt's longtime lawyer, Bill Snyder, says: "Howard was just speculating. He had no hard evidence."

"The brothers, who both possess Hunt's piercing pale-blue eyes, concede they would like to profit from their father's story but insist he meant them to."


Damage control


Hunt's loser kids likely made the story up to make a quick buck and convinced a sick old man to go along with it.

Maybe Howard was thumbing his nose at the government that locked him in a prison cell for the Watergate fiasco. Who knows.

Too bad he didn't have a shred of evidence to back up his fantastic story, or that his kids waited until he was safely in the ground before coming out with it (wouldn't want dear old dad to have to answer any pesky questions, would we?)

Yeah, but now on top of the CIA we have how many intelligence agencies? NSA, DIA, INR, DEA, DHS... I'm sure that's not all of them.

I bet they're not corrupt, either.

I call it the layercake of corruption.

You forgot the NRO - that's the one that had that "Nothing is outside our reach" mission patch with the octopus wrapping up and swallowing the entire planet. They've pretty much slid under the radar for the last 50 or so years.

The National Reconnaissance Office: something sinister sounding about that, no?

Just looked them up. Their HQ is minutes from where I've been living my whole life but I've never heard of them. Crazy.

A lot of the truly powerful people/groups/organizations/etc. are the ones that nobody hears about (for obvious reasons).

The Tavistock institute, out of the UK, has been molding public opinion in the US on a massive scale since the 1940's. How many people even know it exists? And these are just two examples.

Oh how it would be ashame if people found out and stopped trying to fight the fake organizations created to hide these real ones.

From what I understand, the NRO is responsible for designing, building, and maintaining spy satellites used for SIGINT and imaging.

Apparently they also encourage polygraph interviewers to coerce incriminating information out of potential employees, such as child abuse.

Source: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2014/04/22/225173_ig-feds-didnt-pass-polygraph-evidence.html?rh=1

Hunt may have been one of those who pulled the trigger, but it would've been better if he said who his bosses were.

True, but for God sakes it's a video taped confession, how much more do people need.

Wait, so if I videotaped myself confessing to....Oh, I dunno...let's say the shooting of that Ferguson lady on the front page of this sub, that would be enough for you to believe me?

It would be enough for police to start investigating you. What if you had been implicated in the shooting by a journalist, sued them for libel, and lost, then confessed to the shooting 20 years later.

You're right. But they would need more than that taped confession. They would need to prove I wasn't covering for someone else or that I wasn't coerced.

All I was trying to say was that you need more than a taped confession.

A video tape of him shooting it. anyone can make a video saying they were the shooter.

Except this isn't just anyone you stupid faggot, it's fucking E. Howard Hunt.

Annnnnnnnnnnnnd there goes your argument.

I'm hearing you man, but I suspect that even if you proved it beyond a doubt, it still wouldn't be enough for the brainwashed masses.

That's kind of the point isn't it? It's so horrible their minds won't allow them to see.

I overheard a city maintenance worker lecturing a bloke walking his dog that the bag with dog shit in it was too transparent. You could see the dog shit in the bag, and that is offensive. The dog walker & I were stunned. This is what people find "offensive". That was it for me. I realized that its not the people's fault, they've been conditioned on how & what to be offended about. The problem is that people have become too reliant on media as their only source on information. They've forgotten about their gut and their brain.

Wow that's a huge jump in thought there. And bro it is indecent, nobody wants to see you swinging dog shit around.

Ha I know. It's fucking obscene isn't it.

Is there anybody who doesn't believe that JFK wasn't killed by the CIA? The sheeple know but don't care.

I think people do care, they just feel hopeless about the situation.

That's kind of the point isn't it? It's so horrible their minds won't allow them to see.

Is there anybody who doesn't believe that JFK wasn't killed by the CIA? The sheeple know but don't care.

Except this isn't just anyone you stupid faggot, it's fucking E. Howard Hunt.