Dear Republicans of /conspiracy, while you celebrate your victory in the 2014 elections I ask that you read this and burn it into your minds.

21  2014-11-05 by Flytape

The Republicans now control 2/3 of the government. 2 of the 3 branches.

They have the power as of now, to do all of the things they have promised to do.

None of those promises will be kept. Just like Obama abandoned his party politics when he won the presidency and started ruling for the elite ruling class and obstructing REAL justice when it threatened to expose the actual government of super secret and unaccountable intelligence agencies, the republicans will now do the same to you.

Even if the Rs win all three branches of government, nothing will change.


Hard to imagine there are any Republicans on /r/conspiracy. Or even Libertarians, at this point. Our government is broken beyond the reach of political parties. Elections are theater for public consumption.

I consider myself 'libertarian', if one can consider themselves as such.

I was a liberal until I figured out the whole thing is a lie. I dunno what I am anymore.

Be human and stand for what's right, not what is presented in party philosophies. At least, that's my theory on the whole game.

I kind of like Joe Rogan's "Team People".


Libertarian anarchist here.

They won't take my guns alive.

You have living guns? Or do they have an animus? Maybe you're the hero we deserve.

You are 100% correct.

It would be hard to believe anyone on here would want to identify with any political party at all.

The first step to getting a large amount of the population to realize this is to drop the labels. Which is hilariously easier said than done. We are conquered because we're divided. It's always us-vs-them. The sooner we drop the party lines and divisions, we can start to identify common goals and threats. And the common threat for ALL of us, regardless of affiliation, is that our choices and voices in the world don't matter at all, because dangerous powerful people decide things, and not on our behalf. As /u/Flytape said, no matter our election choices, things remain the same.

Right on. Very encouraging to see more and more people understanding this.

On the flip side, I owe my country and the world an apology for only figuring this out a year ago. Sorry, guys -- my bad!

Do you actually think there's a difference between the two parties?

No I don't. This message isn't for me, its from me, to those people who still think there is a difference between the two parties.

It isn't red versus blue any more, its purple versus people.

It isn't red versus blue any more, its purple versus people.

I like!

It isn't red versus blue any more, its purple versus people.

Very well stated.

. The people who know, know.

They have the power as of now, to do all of the things they have promised to do.

There is this thing called a "veto" that the President can do which can only be overridden by a 2/3 majority in Congress. The Republicans do not have a 2/3 majority in either House.

None of those promises will be kept.

They will introduce bills to reppeal the ACA at least monthly.

They might finally successfully tag Obama with the "impeached" tag. All that takes is a simple majority of the House of Representatives, which the Republicans now have. To convict (and thus remove from office) the President on the charges for which he is impeached requires a 2/3 majority of the Senate, which the Republicans do not possess.

...nothing will change

Now we'll get to hear about how the Republicans passed all these wonderful, awesome laws through Congress but the President obstructed them with vetoes. That will be the spin. The reality will be that the laws the R's pass would be tragically detrimental to the normal American.

I guess I'm hoping Obama would veto that shit.

Ah yes, hope and change.

Hoping that Obama will do any of the things he promised to do... literally the most transparent administration in history!

If nothing else, it will show us the true nature and extent of the corruption.

If Obama ratifies bills that come from Congress that are completely against what the Democratic Party paints its values as, that would tend to mean it's more pervasive and blatant and less fearful of discovery than if he does veto bills completely against Democratic Party principles.

Then keep an eye on military expenditure and intelligence expenditure.

They might finally successfully tag Obama with the "impeached" tag.

Forgive my ignorance but what will they try to impeach him for? Does he have to commit a crime to be impeached?

They just have to get him to say something under oath that they can twist to be construed as "not entirely true", as they did with Bill Clinton.

But I'm not entirely sure he even has to commit any crime aside from being of the opposite political party from over half the House and 2/3 of the Senate. From

  • The House Committee on the Judiciary, by majority vote, will determine whether grounds for impeachment exist.

  • The House debates the resolution and may at the conclusion consider the resolution as a whole or vote on each article of impeachment individually. A simple majority of those present and voting is required for each article or the resolution as a whole to pass.

  • Once in the Senate... The U.S. Constitution requires a two-thirds majority for conviction.

Nixon tried to get his Impeachment ruled upon by the federal judiciary, bu the Supreme Court put the Kibash on it.

Seems like charges can be "trumped up" as long as you know you have the votes to get what you want.

Edit: This is an interesting blog I found after I wrote the above:

Interesting, thanks.

hey can twist to be construed as "not entirely true", as they did with Bill Clinton.

Really? Really?! Are you fucking kidding us? He lied RIGHT TO YOUR FACE!

About sex! Holy shit, like that really matters. Only rubes get really pissed about that while ignoring all the other government abuses. It was a fucking sideshow.

Because HE LIED. It doesn't matter what he lied about.

It doesn't matter what he lied about.

It sort of does...he lied about things that were nobody's business.

Unless you can identify side effects of his indiscretions from before it was brought to public light...

Know what? He should have said none of it was anyone's business and left it at that. He didn't; he LIED. To a grand jury no less. AND TO YOUR FACE!

He should have said none of it was anyone's business and left it at that.

In fantasy land...when is the last time a politician just said "Its none of your business" about a scandal and it went away?

About sticking his dick in his mistress, which has NOTHING to do with his job, so why do we care? Almost every President has cheated.

Because HE LIED. It doesn't matter what he lied about.

OK Skippy. Have fun when you enter the real world.


Members of Congress lie to Congress all the time. And to their constituents. Everyone lies. Even under oath.

Still doesn't make it right. And Clinton lied RIGHT TO YOUR FACE yet you still forgive him.

Again, I give zero fucks who he's sticking his dick into. Why do you?

How many people have LIED RIGHT TO YOUR FACE that you've yet to excise from your life?

You really look right past the point. That person has the ability to put you in jail and send your country to war. Shouldn't he at least try to be honest to your face?

I understand he is the progressive hero and the first black president, but that doesn't excuse him from what he did including perjury.

The President doesn't really have the ability to put ME in jail. It's far more likely, by a factor of millions, that my local police do that than the President does it.

The President also doesn't have the sole capability of sending the USA to war. War requires Congress.

Again, I give zero fucks who he's sexing. Why do you?

Did he lie about anything of import? How about checking out how the Republicans are lying on behalf of their big money donors? Are you all up in arms about that? THAT can actually impact peoples' lives a hell of a lot more than Slick Willy getting a BJ.

I'm not up in arms about anything and I don't care who he does. I do care when he lies to the citizens and a jury. But if you don't, that's your prerogative... Sad that so many blindly look past that and worship at the Clinton altar anyway....

Hmm. Sounded like you were completely freaked out that he lied about getting his dick sucked. Did I read that wrong?

Or did you change your story because I pointed out that the Republican Party lies are far more damaging than Clinton's?

I don't worship anyone, least of all any Clinton. I just don't care that he lied about getting his dick sucked.

I only care that he lied. About what doesn't really matter. Put them ALL in jail. Bush Rumsfeld, Cheney, Obama. All of them. Liars and puppets.

None of this will ever stop until people decide to stop pulling the D and R levers. Then something might get done. Might be an all out war, but something will happen.

If more people start pulling the L lever, for example, then big money will start bribing the L's.

The problem isn't the levers. It's that we let money into the game at all. Lobbying and financial donations to specific politicians and parties needs to end.

Well I mean look at Hilary can you blame him

Great blog.

It may be found out soon that Barry is NOT indeed a natural-born citizen...this could impeach him.

Hastings was said to have investigated this...the "no grades" thing, nobody knew him, he just "appeared," his real dads testimony, etc.

I could care less but, if true, we should insure against it in the future. What if he had been a dual citizen of Israel? The entire US would be glass by now.

"couldn't care less"

I ALWAYS mess that up.

Thank you.

That there is some serious Southern Republican fantasizing.

I'm not sure I can tie your dual citizen of Israel to the USA being glass. One of the reasons - possibly the main reason - the USA is not glass is that before it became glass, it would also make glass out of whomever launched the attack. Mutually Assured Destruction. Nobody sane will launch.

(Side note: This is why it's so rightfully frightening for terrorists to get their hands on nukes. They're insane. They don't care.)

Anyone subscribing to a particular political party is merely a tourist in /r/conspiracy.

"The Republicans now control 2 of the 3 branches..."

This statement is incorrect. The 3 branches are Legislative, Executive, and Judicial. The Executive is Democrat President Obama and his cabinet of Secretaries (State, Defense, Education etc.) The Judicial is the non-partisan (neither Democrat nor Republican) Supreme Court. The Republicans now control both chambers of Congress (the House and Senate). Better stated as "Republicans are now a majority in ONE of the three branches of government."

The Judicial is the non-partisan


Yeah I know right?

Non partisan my ice hole.

Thanks for the clarification but he who controls the Senate controls the courts.

With the rulings coming out of The Supreme court the statement 2of3 might be closer to reality.

Honestly, the way I see it, the republicans get two years to screw up the US even more and by then another democrat as president seems like a good choice. They're burying themselves with this timing.

The problem with Neoconservatives is they don't think for themselves. They won't realize the promises haven't been kept. Circumstances and all. They fully accept revisionist history, and the leaders they follow lie as a matter of course. It's impossible to generate an accurate world view when they surround themselves with the echo chamber talking points.

Is this problem exclusive to neocons in your opinion?

From my PoV that is the problem with party politics across the board. Even libertarians suffer from this problem.

To be honest neocon is just a convenient label. I came up with "Neo cons are. Neo Conservatives aren't."

But after getting high enough to come around to Obama's "Hope And Change" rhetoric; I now realize the system is utterly broken. People like Nader and Ron Paul are still kicking around good ideas.

I think most of them at this point are sociopaths, because none of them actually seem to serve "the people". It is a 1% vs. 99% thing where if you are born with money and a proclivity for lying/lack of empathy, you can do great big huge things.

If you have empathy, and are kind of broke, well you're just a sub-class of human.

Yeah speaking of 99%ers...

Every time some movement pops up like 99%ers or the tea party, the establishment goons quickly dispatch their lieutenants to infiltrate and annex these popular movements to make sure they can redirect traffic back into the established power base.

Its so god damned frustrating to watch happen over and over again.

Unfortunately the broke ass sociopaths infiltrate them too.

I rented to a couple who were activists. I thought that made us similar. It turned out the girl was a good soul, but dumb as a box of hair, and the guy was a sociopath who liked to have people follow him.

The Occupy movement was a cess pool of people taking advantage of the situation from both ends of the sociopolitical spectrum.

I am trying to divest myself of this system as much as possible and work on positive ideas.


Nah, fuck it.

We are well past the fuck it point.

This is common knowledge. I don't need it "burned into my brain" because all it takes is common sense. I do, however, as a slightly above poverty level working class citizen working for a private business, refuse to vote for people who believe that businesses do not create jobs. That's just asinine. Businesses like the one I work for boom under Republican government. The last 6 years for us have been stifling and miserable. Hopefully our business can boom again now that we at least have a congress with enough sense to realize that small business is every bit as important as big business and corporations.

Businesses like the one I work for boom under Republican government.

That's kinda funny. I work for a 20 year old, 50-person small business that absolutely tanked, almost died, under the previous administration and now is growing like gangbusters. that we at least have a congress with enough sense to realize that small business is every bit as important as big business and corporations...

I think you're confused about who is stuffing Republican pockets.

I'm not confused at all. I work for a company with only 10 employees . I speak for our own personal experience, the last positive year we had was 2008. Since then we've broken even twice and lost money 3 times. Of course republican pockets are stuffed by big business. So are democratic pockets. No difference there. I do personally believe, however, that private sector jobs thrive more in a republican government.

Bottom line is, they all fucking suck. But my family eats more when the republicans are in charge.

So your company was tanking strictly because there was a Democrat in the White House? Nothing to do with the great recession that hit everybody in America in 2008?

Good one.

Yep, totally what I was implying. Thanks for clarifying that for everyone.

Except I said the last positive year we had was 08. As in, since democrats took over, the best we could do is break even. I thought I was clear about that.

Yeah, 2008 as in the year the great recession started. THAT is a major contributor to your company "tanking" since 2008.


That's kinda funny. I work for a 20 year old, 50-person small business that absolutely tanked, almost died, under the previous administration and now is growing like gangbusters.

Some kind of gov contractor by any chance?

Not even close to any government business, nope.

Cool, you work in a prison? Or making ammunition?

Not exactly.

The republicants had their time, and made do with it with Bush. They fucked it up.

The democrites had their time, and made do with it with Obama. They fucked it up.

When you start calling out party lines and arguing why we should/shouldn't vote for a color or party, you've lost all respect in my book.

There are no parties; there is one party. It is the corporate/oligarchy/elite/bankers/etc.... It's whatever you want to call it because its never existed before in political history. It's new, it's improved, and it's making a third world police state out of America.

Its called Hydra. You can learn all about it by watching the agents of shield or if you prefer the real world version of it you can look for the 4th Reich or the red house report. Intelligence report No. Ew-pa 128.

Operation paperclip, Hitler living to old age in Argentina, Prescott Bush. Etc etc etc.

All the information is out there but people are too busy playing make believe politics and fighting over abortions and gay marriage. Once someone opens their eyes to the 4th Reich or the NWO... whatever you want to call it. You start to see how WWII never really ended. The poor citizens of Nazi Germany who gained nothing from that political party paid for the sins of the 3rd Reich. The actual Nazis went underground, with the help of embedded allies within the American intelligence communities. Operation paperclip, the red house report etc etc.

They don't call themselves Nazis anymore, but they walk among us.

Honestly the fact that Prescott Bush isn't all over this sub surprises me sometimes.

Its like...the most direct connection to our modern day elite's agendas that we'll ever be given. Its right there and nobody cares.


They fucked it up.

The rich got richer under both, no?

What did they fuck up again?

Are you rich? Then that answers your question.

Well, yes, it's not so good for the rest of us.

The system, however, functioned as intended under both administrations.

Every new Republican and I mean every, campaigned on obamacare repeal. There will be no real effort to repeal. None.

There will be no real effort to repeal.

This is also my anticipation.

Hopefully they will at least nibble around the edges a little for the sake of appearances.

My Senator is Cornyn. He has missed every meaningful vote against but participated in a few votes for show that had no chance of winning. He is a POS for sure.

If the individual mandate could be scrapped, that would be nice.

I am not very optimistic that even that much will be accomplished.

They just switched masks. I'm not fooled.

I had to go back the the sub and look, but I don't really see a lot of celebrating.

Am I missing something?

Republicans are celebrating in general. I didn't mean they were celebrating here.

The majority of Americans probably cant name 2 of the 3 branches. Im sure they know whats going on in the latest "reality" shows though. The people are uninformed and seem to like it that way. And as has already been said, a people divided is a people conquered. The political machine does everything it can to divide us. Let us unite, be strong and take the greatest country ever known to even greater heights. It will take alot of work and time but i believe it will happen soon. The people can only be pushed so far, and the corner is at our backs.


The republicans will do what they always do, screw the poor and middle class.

I'll take liberal talking points for 400 Alex.

The same thing Obama has been doing. Starting wars to keep the military industrial complex booming.

There is literally NO difference between the two parties.

Once you realize that they are lying to you to get votes and watch what they actually do. You'll see more clearly how fucked we are.

Hail Hydra!


They weren't talking about liberals they were talking about republicans

You forgot to change accounts.

I wasn't talking about liberals I was talking about republicans FTFY

And yes that's why I said liberal talking points.

The republicans will do what they always do, screw the poor and middle class.

This is literally a liberal talking point.


Kay nice chatting with you.

While you're emotionally invested in the Democrats losing this midterm election, I'm going to be over here in reality where both the democrats and the republicans are working towards a less transparent, more fascist future.

Enjoy the politics show.

You referred to yourself as "they" (twice!)

You dun goofed.

I dont get the american system. Just an example.

We have prisoner A.

Most people want prisoner A to be free.

Democrats want prisoner A to be free.

Republicans dont want prisoner A to be free.

Democrats promise people that they will set prisoner A free.

People vote democrats, since most of them want prisoner A free.

Democrats win (obviously).

Democrats try to set prisoner A free.

They dont manage to do so, unfortunatly.

People get angry, start voting republican which will never release prisoner A...

Is it just me, or is most of the american population beyond stupid?

(sorry for any grammtical errors, english aint my mother language.)


Also remember that mass propaganda has been legalized here in the States upon the passage of the NDAA last year.

Not like they haven't been doing it the whole time...thing is that now it's legal and encouraged for media outlets to lie to you by the Federal government of the USA.

I want to know who the American "Goebbels" is. IS there one? The Zionists?

What I'm worried about is that these Rethuglicans WILL keep their promises...every Republican congressperson, almost to a head, takes bribe money from AIPAC (campaign contributions).

Scumbag ZioNazi Sheldon Adelson may have spent his 200 million wisely that he gave to Mitt RMoney to GUARANTEE a war with Iran if he were elected...

There is literally no difference between the two parties. I don't know how else to say it.

They work for themselves, they don't work for regular people or American citizens.

I'm not confused at all. I work for a company with only 10 employees . I speak for our own personal experience, the last positive year we had was 2008. Since then we've broken even twice and lost money 3 times. Of course republican pockets are stuffed by big business. So are democratic pockets. No difference there. I do personally believe, however, that private sector jobs thrive more in a republican government.

Bottom line is, they all fucking suck. But my family eats more when the republicans are in charge.

The republicans will do what they always do, screw the poor and middle class.

I'll take liberal talking points for 400 Alex.

The same thing Obama has been doing. Starting wars to keep the military industrial complex booming.

There is literally NO difference between the two parties.

Once you realize that they are lying to you to get votes and watch what they actually do. You'll see more clearly how fucked we are.

Hail Hydra!

That's kinda funny. I work for a 20 year old, 50-person small business that absolutely tanked, almost died, under the previous administration and now is growing like gangbusters.

Some kind of gov contractor by any chance?

He should have said none of it was anyone's business and left it at that.

In fantasy land...when is the last time a politician just said "Its none of your business" about a scandal and it went away?

My Senator is Cornyn. He has missed every meaningful vote against but participated in a few votes for show that had no chance of winning. He is a POS for sure.

Not exactly.