Is there a government plot to weaken citizens through their diet?

41  2014-11-08 by [deleted]

Government 'advice' says you should eat about 50g of protein per day. This is nowhere near enough - you should be eating 0.8g per lb bodyweight MINIMUM, and 1g per lb bodyweight if you are even slightly active. 50g per day will make you feel lousy. You'll never get strong, if your kids follow the advice they'll end up manlets and your mind will never be clear.

It tells us to avoid fats. Admittedly, it does mention a difference between unsaturated, saturated and trans fats, but it makes out that saturated fats are as bad as trans fats when really they're not. In fact, fat is critical to your health.

Another aspect of all of this is that protein and fat both induce satiety, whereas carbs (especially sugars) do not. It's easy to eat 1000 calories of candy in one sitting (especially if your leptin response is fucked up from too much candy previously), but good luck trying to eat 1000 calories of cheese at once. Government health advice says to make carbs your main energy source.

Why? Because you'll eat more, and to do that you need to buy more, which keeps the economy ticking over. Add to this that sugar is literally toxic to the brain, so it's harder for you to think about stuff, and it promotes gut bacteria that release signals that cause sugar cravings and you can see how a vicious cycle begins and why people can't just break out of it. The gut bacteria that want healthy things die off.

If you really wanna be healthy, don't listen to official health advice. Ditch the fat free marshmallows for walnuts and cheese, swap your sugar cereal for oatz and eggz and eat meat. If you can't get enough protein from meat/eggs/cheese, consider adding protein shakes to your diet. Oh, and DITCH THE GODDAMN FRUIT JUICE AND SODA. Drink water, and lots of it.


What's worse is when you question it people just brush it off as being based on old data and that their stuff hasn't been updated to reflect more recent studies. Bullshit.

Cut the sugar. Cut the salt. Proteins, fats and fiber plus lots of water.

And Vitamin D.

Cut the salt.

Actually, include salt. But not a shit-tonne of it.

Isn't there usually more than enough in most stuff naturally? I know if you're out doing a lot of heavy sweating you need to up the intake somewhat to make sure you don't fuck up your brain, but as long as you've got food going in most people should be good.

If you're eating how a human should(fresh ingredients, making it yourself, not from a box) then you do need to add a little salt.

I'm not sure. My bet is that some added salt is good, but that's just a guess. I've never really looked into it too much. Mercola says to use natural salt as it adds in other minerals that your body needs.

Excellent advice.

Lets talk about food that is very bad for you costing less. Case in point: Hungry Man tv dinners. They have a ton of food, cost just a couple of bucks and some change, and have enough sodium to prepare your body for mummification. Whats up with that? Its like they want men to die.

Here's another one, sort of diet related:

A friend of mine was the chief engineer for a large water authority. He did water tower projects, water purification, stuff like that. He came up with a great reverse osthmosis purification process that worked better and cheaper than the old method -- the old system used alum (aluminum sulfate) as an additive, the new system used no additives.

Just as he was going to implement the new purification system, a group of consultants from Washington DC came in and switched everything back to the alum system, no reason given. And my friend was fired, no reason given.

As you may know, aluminum is strongly associated with Alzheimer's Syndrome, which cost Americans $200 Billion in 2012.

Hey -- it's just business.

The UN has declared war on nutrition.

See: Agenda 21 and Codex Alimentarius

A well fed, critically thinking population is not in their interest.



What are you talking about bro? USDA just approved the genetically modified potato that will produce less harmful particles when deep fried as a frenchfry. Don't you see how much money, time and resources have they invested into altering this DNA to provide you with even healthier fries?! They are also working on altering a minor DNA part in human fetuses, so in a few years we will be able to eat our own shit and still be fully energized for a 10 hour workday!

I strongly suspect part of the point of the corn subsidy is to give people diabetes from all the HFCS. Not necessarily to weaken the populace, per se, but more a business move to bolster the lucrative diabetes treatment market. Would be interesting to trace big pharmas lobbying effort in this area.

This is a good point. They want to parasite your money too, not just your health.

You really think people will protest if they can't get their insulin? They'll shut up when they're told to. Because their bodies are broken from eating shit food forever.

Commenting for future thought. It'd be worth investigating the HFCS lobby and diabetes treatment lobby and looking for connections.

Don't know what the USDA diet suggestions are, but the Canadian food guide recommendations, recommend the same ratio of carbs/protein/fat that my mom uses in the fall to get her horses fat for winter. In my own experience as an athlete, you want 50% protein, 30% fat, 20% carbs. The only thing you need carbs for are stock calories and to run your brain (it'll run on protein, but it's not pleasant)

Just to make them fat, useless, and sterile. Frankly, I'm glad. Let the gluttons and fools eat themselves to death. There's no survival pressure in the west anymore, anyone can reproduce. And the fat stupid poor people breed a lot more then smart people do.

Eventually we'll be over run with rascals with tea party bumper stickers.

I was totally with you right up to the last line. Now I see you've been eating a government diet that causes your mind to go feeble and attach to things that aren't your enemy rather than the real enemy. Carry on, unknowing foot soldier in the war!

You carry on cheering for the Koch bros as your trailer rusts on top of old bricks.

Perfect response, foot soldier! You were well trained. They're either with us or against us, right? All who are not for Hillary are for Koch! All who are not for Koch are for Hillary! Sound off, soldier!

Hillary is a neoliberal dlc pos. You know who funded the dlc? The Koch bros! Now go eat shit.

Gluten Free fad pushed people to Corn and Sugar.. look at the calories in Gluten Free snacks. Celiacs disease is REAL but a rarity, Big Corn loves to push people to their products. Some will be mad i called it a fad.. but thats what it is.. No way all these people have a gluten allergy its the placebo effect driven by marketing/propaganda. Just like why do these people gain more weight when they go gluten free.. Because they consume more corn and sugar.

This latest trend is a culling for those that cannot figure it out. Those that think they are smart enough to figure it out will be finished off by Vaccines because their cognitive dissonance says government and vaccines are good and its better for the Heard if they are vaccinated against the latest boogeyman .. and the ones smart enough not to eat or be poison by these latest trends will be the ones they will fight.

The Rest are too Slow, Dumb, Fat, Sick, and Dependant on the system to fight.

Now Look at the medicine they push. Just ask your Drug Dealer if this Drug is right for you... Welcome to SSRI hell if you complain about anything. Don't worry they have Benzos to take the edge off.. and completely chemically neuter your will to thrive.

Look at when the obesity epidemic took hold in the USA.. Look when HFCS become the sweetener of choice.

You want something fat you feed it corn.. Corn Fed is a real thing not just a funny saying...


They take advantage of the fact that people forget that our body is a chemical factory and what we ingest gets changed into other things. Ingesting fat does not lead to more body fat, however ingesting grains does. Ingesting sugar makes you expend energy (ask kids) and does not make you fat. And milk should not be ingested after a certain age, once our bones our fully grown more calcium eventually makes our bones more brittle and less "flexible", hence osteoporosis and broken hips later on.


I find it cheaper to buy fresh product and make my own meals. I save a lot more than buying premade foods.

Yes there is a vast conspiracy dealing with our diet. Not only is all of our RDI of vitamins and minerals all fucked off and low but they protein thing is supppppppper low. Pretty decent article if you read the entire thing. It shows that we need more protein just to maintain muscle which is a HIGHLY overlooked part of our body as far as our health is concerned. There is a lot of stuff messed up about our diet but its too much to put into a comment at 11pm. :) Maybe I post more tomorrow.

whats funny about the RDI is if you look at the recommendations for taking care of primates its much closer to the mark. Why? Because animals are expensive!

Yeah, that satiety point you make is key, especially considering what the flavor industry has done.

Fast Food Nation explains some of this.

i strongly recommend eating coconut products. coconuts contain medium-chain triglycerides, which are converted in the liver to ketone bodies.

brain cells have two types of "fuel"—sugar, and ketone bodies. sugar causes neurotoxicity, however. evidence shows that sugar causes insulin resistance in the brain, creating a form of "brain diabetes" which is very likely a major cause of alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative diseases.

by replacing sugar with ketone bodies, my grandfather has almost completely controlled his diabetes. he is somehow in great shape despite being almost 90 years old... and he has an extremely sharp memory and mind. he was a physicist, and now at 90 years old he is still teaching people quantum electrodynamics. don't listen to the bullshit claim that we "don't know what causes alzheimer's." look up alzheimer's insulin resistance and read more, i won't flood you guys with a wall of text.

i started sprinkling sugar-free coconut flakes on a lot of my meals and using coconut oil in various cooking applications. within a couple weeks i felt an intense mental clarity. i was also taking a supplement called phosphatidylserine, which your brain apparently uses in forming the cell membranes of neurons. anyway, i felt like the main character in Limitless. i have been using coconut products ever since... for about 2 years now. i've had severe chronic nerve pain for 8 years. after "getting on coconut," i quit using heroin, quit smoking cigarettes, got my whole life in shape, became extremely fit, and my nerve pain became much more manageable even despite quitting heroin, a powerful painkiller.

i was already very lean before i started eating coconut, but i have read that it can be incredible for weight loss. here's the catch, though... so like i said your cells can run on glucose or they can run on ketone bodies. this means you can literally go the rest of your life without ever eating carbs again. and this is what you're supposed to do. you basically go on a carb fast, which means no sugar, no starch, no bread, etc. you completely remove carbs from your diet, and eat strictly protein, fats, vinegar and especially coconut. you don't want to just swallow tons of acetic acid (vinegar), you want to consume the MCTs in coconuts and other foods. anyway after about a week you will start to smell like acetone, but keep going. you will lose tons of weight from what i understand. i don't really have the balls to try this, and i don't really have any reason to do so. we can all benefit from a dose of ketone bodies, however small. what i've read, however, is that the major effects will not be seen unless the body has completely stopped metabolizing carbohydrates for a while. it's not that ketone bodies are a vitamin, so consuming them will somehow make you healthy. you're only eating ketones because you need to quit eating carbs, but without carbs or ketones you will actually die. so it's essential to have one or the other. the benefit comes from reducing (or literally eliminating) the body's heightened need for insulin, which is responsible for so many ills in the body.

it's possible the reason we have such a high incidence of diseases that were extremely rare in the past is because of dietary differences. we are exposed to tons of sugar, simple carbs, etc. these days. we assume it's just going to cause obesity and diabetes, but these are the effects of a deeper problem. chemically speaking, the same thing that causes diabetes can happen anywhere in the body. every cell relies on glucose or ketones, and every cell is exposed to insulin when they uptake glucose. so what this means is we are poisoning our entire bodies every time we eat carbs. now of course carbs are a natural part of the diet... humans have been eating them since before they were even humans. but just because something appears in nature doesn't mean it's healthy. prehistoric humans also had an extremely short lifespan. it's entirely possible that carbs are terrible for our health, but we can survive eating them long enough to reproduce.

i'm no nutritionist so i can't really say for sure... but i know that coconuts have helped me and my grandpa, in shocking ways, and i know that a ton of research is being done on the metabolic effects of ketone bodies. i can't really prove how intense the effect was, so i don't expect you to take my word for it. do a little reading and try it for yourself... can't hurt. some indigenous populations ate nothing but coconut for years at a time. i'm not even kidding... coconuts have just about everything you need except protein, but you can survive a few years with minimal protein. anyway try it out and see how it works for you.

i strongly believe that there has been a conspiracy to ruin the health of the populace for quite some time. especially the health of poor people. only the rich can afford to be totally healthy these days... but we can at least try. coconuts are pretty cheap. an acquaintance at the coffee shop told me that there was a conspiracy to stifle research on the origins of diabetes... it doesn't surprise me. if we knew what caused it, we would know how to avoid it. and diabetes is a multi-billion dollar industry. the pharmaceutical industry has every reason to keep diabetes an "unexplainable" epidemic. it's kind of a tag team with the junk food industry, if you think about it. both people profit... first you sell them a cheeseburger and some french fries, then i'll sell them diabetes pills, a blood sugar monitor, and a couple gallons of fucking insulin. shit it's ironic...

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Oh for sure.

Not to mention all the other stuff they put in, remember when subway had that foam filler chemical in their bread?

A healthy population would be able to get out and fight all this shit. That's the last thing they want.

I am vegetarian but use lots of yogurt, cheese and ghee and some eggs and pretty much agree. I don't think protein is deficient if people just eat like a person should. Totally agree on the gut flora--I swear by my water kefirs, sauerkraut and yogurt. After the occasional retarded beer or ben&jerrys night they get me back on track within a day.

There are so many different studies, claims, and diets that I have absolutely no idea what is true and what is false at this point.

Personal Trainer (B.S. Exercise Science to boot) here,

I've been doing a lot of independent research on the subject lately and this is becoming more and and more apparent everyday...

If you have a Walmart that also sells groceries nearby (or any other grocery store really) just wander around and take a look at what people put what food in their carts, It will be come extremely apparent what is going on this country