Question to /r/conspiracy; Do you think America will have a civil war in the next 50-75 years? If so, who will be fighting who?

9  2014-11-10 by [deleted]

My personal answer is yes, well at least a >50% probability.

It will not be republicans vs democrats but similar to that of the American revolution, Loyalists vs Patriots.

I say this because i see many people (online, as well as, the real world) people siding with our governments actions completely and pro "corporate capitalism". These people also love to denounce "conspiracy theories and throw that word at anything that contradicts the US governments stance on any issue. These people are always interested in the "main-stream"

Then I see many people that are completely against the current US government, some people accuse the gov't for anything associated with destruction or mass injury/death. These people hate media and mainstream as well. These people are part of our modern "counter-culture".

These two groups seem to have been banging heads with all major news events. They aren't focused on a political party but more of a political value. "Pro-government authority or Anti-gov't authority.

So thats my theory/opinion. I cant say when, where or how a civil war will take place. But all i can say is i'll be with the other patriots. =}


No, people who express independent thought will simply disappear. The control apparatus is already in place. Further consolidation of the media will insure that these disappearances are not reported and people who realize what is going on will be treated as crazy or end up gone themselves. The time to fight was long ago but we did not head the call. The odds are now overwhelming, an unregulated militia stands no chance against a modern militarized government.

Someone needs to tell the Mujahadeen about that whole "Modern military, ergo you have no chance to survive, make your time" thing.

But how many soldiers do you think feel the same way but are silent because of fear.. I know a couple of young vets who absolutely hate the current gov't and slander it via facebook frequently

A vet who called into Mark Pasio's radio show a while back estimated 20% of the military know what's up. FWIW.

link to this specific call in?

I wish, sorry. It was somewhere towards the end of his Cosmic Abandonment Theory epic.

Fucking hell it sounds like you believe it

The interesting thing is Reddit is actually used to identify potential dissidents. That's why /r/conspiracy exists! The More You Know....

IMO it depends on what happens in the next 5-10 years. If the U.S., Canada, & Mexico merge into one big union with the Amero currency, then yeah I see a civil war as inevitable. If, instead, we can excise this banker cancer, I think we'll be okay. Better than okay.

Civil war is a bit tricky to define. If anything happens in the US, I imagine it would be more like what occurred in Egypt post arab spring. International powers back a quasi-military takeover of the government then "democratically" a new government takes power and the dissenters/instigators are prosecuted to foment them as criminals and show the justice/power of the new leadership.

Nope, the independent spirits us eroding as more and more people rely on big government to tell them how to live.

Dont shoot til you see the whites of their eyes.

50 years Op? More like in less than 30 years. Civil war will break out when there is no more work and no wages to pay due to the coming robotic age creating robots for the elite to do the work of men. This will not be only a USA problem but a world problem.

I believe that their will be a financial collapse in the next few years. Most likely by 2016 presidential election. During and afterwards the USA may look a bit like little house on the prairie. A great amount of people may be lost both here and worldwide. Those that survive will have both the understanding that big government does not work and survival skills.

The "good ones" will set up a new government that looks very similar to the constitution of the USA with a few tweaks.

Approximately 200 years later after a cancer has grown up through that government it will be overthrown.

everyone vs everyone, plenty of communities to fool into a fight

Of course not OP !! Everyone is too busy fighting each other in the rat-race.

Civil war is inevitable because the United States are being ripped apart by non-white immigration, both legal and illegal. Soon all the south will be Mexican and Spanish speaking, and English won't be spoken there. It will be like a foreign country, and eventually it will break off from the English-speaking part of the United States.

Also, white Christians are being marginalized and are withdrawing into their own communities to protect themselves and their children. Eventually whites may concentrate in a single area of the United States and separate from the rest of it. This won't happen in a few years, but in fifty or sixty years it is possible.

Yes I think it's pretty clear they intend to create a race war. Kill off even more whites, who are the biggest threat to them.

I can't even imagine what the country will look like 200 - 300 years from now.

I very much doubt there will be a United States of American in two hundred years.

Well they have been fomenting hatred against whites for a long time, are buying up the food (and water) supply, and are planning to sink the dollar and the economy, so my guess is they intend to initiate a race war by causing an economic depression, cutting off the food supply, and charging high fees for water. Blacks will start killing "evil whitey" for food and water, and the race war will have begun. This should be fairly easy considering they control the Jewish Federal Reserve, Jewish Monsanto, the IMF etc. and they have already created the necessary racial tensions.

And who knows, maybe they're going to do it sooner rather than later, considering they're using HAARP to cause food shortages:

Of all the allegations against the fed and monsanto, you're most offended by their Jewishness? I had to Google it because despite it being seemingly the worst thing about them to you(I'm not really sure why), I had never even heard of that theory until now.

No, I didn't say anything like that.

I don't think there will be clearly defined "sides" it will quickly devolve into total chaos. Army against army. There will be so much disinformation and confusion that you won't know who is fighting who. Ultimately, the simmering (and false) "melting pot" construct will explode and the combatants will coalesce along ethnic lines. Except that a certain ethnic group won't be fighting, they'll be sitting in NY, LA and south Florida getting everyone else to fight each other and slinking around under cover of darkness killing people in their beds.

A vet who called into Mark Pasio's radio show a while back estimated 20% of the military know what's up. FWIW.