I noticed an interesting coincidence among the various users here with new accounts who do not believe in conspiracies, yet spend large amounts of time only in this subreddit

145  2014-11-15 by [deleted]

I just finished having a friendly conversation with /u/NWOwon and realized he was a new user. I've seen dozens of these over the past 6 months or so and it seems that most of the "non-conspiracy theorists" who participate here often, especially in threads which gain very little attention, happen to have very new accounts.

So I checked a few other of these new accounts and compared. The following accounts I will mention are all "non-conspiracy theorists" who have very new accounts and, in my opinion, sound very similar from a perusal of their history (and all of them seem to only post to this subreddit).

/u/NWOwon created his account 25 days ago.

/u/modsrcorrupt stopped posting 26 days ago, as if the person simply gave up on the account, despite spending much time here daily.

We all know you must have an account at least 3 days old to participate here, so a theoretical person who behaves like this must have a backup plan...posting on another account until the replacement has sufficient age. Perhaps that was /u/nolibs4, who stopped posting 10 days ago, and /u/NWOwon started posting 9 days ago.

Now, a way that I could be more convincing is to show that all of these 3 users (and presumably many more) type in the same way. For instance, nolibs4 and NWOwon both use the subreddit "Im14andthisisdeep" as an ad hominem attack in this sub. Further, they both use r/ instead of /r/. See here and here. (modsrcorrupt also uses r/ as well)

Modrcorrupt and nolibs4 both claim to be physicists. See here and here. Although NWOwon doesn't yet claim to be a physicist, he is very active in physics threads here.

All 3 of these users capitalize the "S" in the word "Stawman." See here, here, and here.

All 3 users capitalize the "T" in "Truthers." See here, here, and here.

All 3 users use quotations incorrectly when next to a comma. "", instead of ","

Obviously, any one of these coincidences doesn't mean much, but together, I believe, it really narrows down the odds of this being a coincidence.

There's a few more similarities in writing I found but I think this is exhaustive enough. You get the idea. I just wanted to show everyone here that this massive influx of non-conspiracy theorists who only post in this subreddit might only be one guy. Either that or we have a bunch of people who just created their accounts, all have degrees in physics, and apparently abandon their new accounts after a while. I'll leave it up to the reader to speculate on why a person would spend so much time and effort into creating the illusion that there are many non-conspiracy theorists here. I'll add more of those accounts that suspiciously stopped posting if I can find them.



NWOwon is also a snarky jab at me, the neocon zionists at conspiratard hate me because I've helped to expose them so much.


Oh look, they used this shill account to make this statement about holocaust promotion, then linked to my comment implying I said this. God these people are such disingenuous filth.

This thread has been linked to from elsewhere on reddit.

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Oh look, /r/conspiratard cares "so little" about this that only an hour after /u/OWNtheNWO posted his comment here about how they create usernames resembling his in a pathetic attempt to trick people into thinking he is saying things he is not saying, they have already created a thread on /r/conspiratard admitting their guilt by trying to play it off.

Hey, idiots, this tactic of "Oh yeah, you caught us." doesn't work because yes, we did catch you, we know exactly what you're doing and pretending like this only shows how worried you are that other people will see it.

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Oh look, they used this shill account to make this statement about holocaust promotion, then linked to my comment implying I said this. God these people are such disingenuous filth.

Thought they were Neolibs?

Same difference.

Ha you think conpiratard user are "neocon zionists".

I don't think, I know the people who started it are the original Digg 'bury brigades', who were openly PNAC shills. Ask /u/theghostofdusty

We have KNOWN they are for quite some time. Holocaust promoter fools.

This would be their COINTELPRO trolling, if they can't demonize us paint us as racist or anti-semites.

So all those /r/whiterights guys are actually /r/conspiratard mods in disguise?

Nobody is alleging any such things.

Why would you make such a specific statement in this regard?

Certainly you don't have an agenda you're trying to push, no?

Why do you feel the need to bring up /r/whiterights ?

You mentioned racism.

Everyone knows the holocaust was faked.

Think about it.

Why in the world would someone spend their time trying to apologize for government corruption unless they were paid to do so.

Some people are just skeptics who like to argue or debate a bit.

Some people feel personally offended by certain conspiracy theories (I know of a 9/11 relative who is that way about 9/11 Truth stuff).

Who knows? Why does anyone do anything on the internet?

Some people are just skeptics who like to argue or debate a bit.

That's pretty much what I do. I don't agree with much of anything I find on /r/conspiracy (if anything), but I do browse it fairly regularly -- it's entertaining to me (especially when I find a post related to my field) and I occasionally enjoy debating things or just discussing stuff with people.

Hey thats awesome, as long as you keep the discussions civil and on point! We may not agree with you but the more intelligent and eloquent here will see you as an opportunity to hone and sharpen their arguments by discussing them with you. So those who are skeptical of the skeptics strengthen us as a whole.

First off, welcome!

The concept that we are not open or welcoming of viewpoints counter to our own is largely overblown by people that unilaterally dislike the concept of conspiracy research.

Second, what you do in this sub is a far cry from the controlled opposition that this sub has to deal with. There's frequent bouts of people creating problems, posting horrendous articles, and generally being ugly with the express purpose of having a reference point to come back to and say "see, this sub is a disgusting place".

What you do is genuine participation, and valid. What they do is character assassination, and not welcome.

I dont see how believing a conspiracy can be offensive though, especially the 9/11 one. Just because you dont believe the people died the way the media says they did doesnt mean you dont believe there was actual victims.

Well some people do suggest there were no victims (see reply from JimmyJaimes to the same comment you just replied to).

But beyond that it's also basically excusing the people you believe to be responsible for your relative's death, and recontextualizing their death also.

I can't say for sure, I didn't know anyone who died that day, but it doesn't seem unreasonable that people could find the whole thing pretty offensive if they were directly affected.

That's correct. But there are those who will use it as an opening to attack the concept of conspiracy research as a whole.


Do you feel that personal attacks, appeal to emotion, straw-man, and appeal to authority comments are intended to debate? To me they seem one way, meant to influence while not considering to other viewpoint. That doesn't fit my definition of debate.

BS. There wern't any 9/11 victims, just like Sandy Hook.

Poe's Law makes it really hard to know what to make of this...

How and why would you compare 9/11 to Sandy Hook like that? Why are you grouping the two events?

Someone could argue the point that they were both false flags, and quote the barely relevant Operation Northwoods, which states that no one is actually to be killed.

I wouldn't argue this point personally, but I could imagine someone doing so.

It seems like you replied in order to only state that Operation Northwoods is 'barely relevant' when it is very much, extremely so.

Not really considering that -

  1. Northwoods was allowed to become public knowledge
  2. It called for no actual casualties, unlike 9/11 which had thousands
  3. The people proposing Northwoods were roundly disciplined
  4. Northwoods was ridiculously stupid way to achieve their goals anyway.

"How could people possibly think my opinions were wrong - unless they were paid to do so?".

A bit grandiose of you, don't you think?


So government corruption is an "opinion" to you then?



I noticed an interesting coincidence among the various users here with new accounts who do not believe in conspiracies, yet spend large amounts of time only in this subreddit

Actually I do believe in government corruption. It's one of the few provable conspiracies touted here.

If you think I'm a shill, who do you think pays me? Who do I work for?

The British government? The Queen? The BBC?

I ignore shills like you.

Have a nice day.

This post is bad, and you should feel bad.

How can you "not believe in" conspiracies? Does that mean they think groups of people do not commit crime in secret? Or that nobody in positions of power use their power to secretly commit crimes in coordination with others? Some (a lot) of theories posted and discussed here are pretty outandish, not supported, or just plain retarded, but that doesn't mean corruption and organized crime just dont exist in government or corporate groups. I am so tired of this "ilerminati" mindset where the only way a conspiracy can exist is if aliens did it with mind control.

Edit: by 'you' I dont mean OP or thr readers here. Just the groups OP may be talking about.

Edit2: isnt puncuation supposed to be on the outside of quotation marks for American English and inside for British English? So using "commas incorrectly", like that, wouldnt be incorrect? Not really sure, fuck grammar but maybe onenofnyou experts can help me out. Or maybe ill just go post comments in the defaut subs and see which style gets more haitmail.

How can you "not believe in" conspiracies?

That's the guy behind the 'Conspiratard' bigot brigade.

How can you "not believe in" conspiracies?

In the same way people use the Bible to justify their own prejudices.

I mean, what do we post here that is so controversial? It seems to me that /r/conspiratard is based on far less fact than this sub. And far more biased. I think there might be shills that want to keep people from having these discussions.

Haha I noticed that too. Conspiritard is way far out. They put a negation sign on everything. This sub says. "Maybe x..." and they say "NOT MAYBE X!"

What are you talking about? That sub exists only to have a good laugh. This is continually fueled by the dramatic reactions from /r/conspiracy users.

Admit is a bit of a 'weasel word', considering that he basically announced it.

And it's entirely understandable really. Clicking on the wrong link in this subreddit can result in your account being shadowbanned for the entire site.

but note the downvote brigade.

thats a shill right there

for sure we know many governments employ shills to think we're not being targeted would be naive especially given our exponential growth. I think calling out the obvious ones is a good thing keep them on their toes.

Its not technically wrong to use a comma outside of quotations. That's actually the original way the Brits used it before American English changed it. It's still very common over there.


Users in question are probably Brits.

Also, I'm a physicist.

"", instead of ","

Sorry, but "," is just wrong. I know the US uses it that way, but it doesn't really make sense - the quotation ends with the closure of the quotation mark, then the rest of the sense resumes after an interrupt signified by a comma. Putting it in the quotation itself just doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

I'm American and agree with you. It's damned stupid to have it inside, but it's a losing battle.

I use quotes like that, too. As a programmer, it just makes more sense to me from a syntax stance.

I agree, why include punctuation that is not actually part of the quotation inside the quote symbols?

Good work looking into this.

I was wondering what was up with that nolibs4 guy when he posted in /r/NolibsWatch as he sort of came outta nowhere and acted somewhat differently than those his name is associated with, aside from being argumentative and incessant.

Although on second thought, undermining this sub is one of that groups favorite activities...

Excellent analysis. I think you're right.

I'd wager that this user is a regular of the 'tard haters club.

Nice detective work. There are people who will spend much of their free time arguing. Seems like a waste, and I'm not sure what the reward for doing it is. That's why they are called out as shills - it's hard to understand why someone would do this without some kind of incentive. Maybe it's a self-defense mechanism to keep the cognitive dissonance from becoming overwhelming. Mocking "truthers" simply makes them feel better. Anyway, it is interesting, keep up the good work if you are so inclined.

I think they get paid for it.

These are what you call, Zionist shills. Conspiritards. Totally transparent.

One can gauge the truthfulness of their comments based on their response to you. So ridiculously easy to spot and verbally disarm.

Good post. My only solution is to just assume that anyone on here that isn't me is either a sock, alt, or not.

What was that old reddit joke? Only two users on reddit with their army of bots..?

appropriate username, by the way.

Perhaps it's because this subreddit keeps banning people who dispute the more outlandish claims?

You didn't mention /u/lucycohen and /u/liverpoolwin are almost certainly the same person. Something which I've pointed out on a number of occasions, yet no one seems to want to address it.

Either that or we have a bunch of people who just created their accounts, all have degrees in physics, and apparently abandon their new accounts after a while.

Funny you mention this, because I've noticed a few "physicist" trolls in other subs lately as well.

I don't know about these, but I created this account specifically for commenting in /r/conspiracy (and some related subs) - I occasionally use it for other things, but mostly that's why it exists. I have at least one other account I use in other subs. I don't think that's especially uncommon.

I'm sure some people have multiple accounts they use here (and I'm quite sure the same is true of some pro-conspiracy accounts seen here).

I don't know what the reasons might be, but some people just like to argue - I guess multiple account might make it easier.

But it's also possible they are different people who started coming here around the same time, having been referred from the same place or something? Maybe there was some physicsy thing here that got cross-posted to a physics sub (or different site) and a few people became aware of this sub about the same time?

There are, of course, quite a few non-conspiracy theorists here that have been for quite a long time.


I'm not saying you're wrong, just that it's impossible to determine motive.

This is a common falsehood. You simply have to look at what people actually do, as opposed to what they say, to determine their true intentions.

Yeah, I still don't think that's the case. It requires you assume intent with no information that speaks to intent.

Even if we assume every observation in OP's post is correct (which it quite possibly is) we don't know why a single use appears to be be moving through a few different accounts. It doesn't seem that he or she is using multiple accounts at once within a thread for example, so there could be other reasons for moving between them.

Perhaps they were banned from here at some point?

I personally like the idea of assuming good faith, or assuming positive intent. It's a nicer way to cope with the world around me, I think.

Same here. My reason is the sad habit some in this reddit have of "stalking" users and using their previous post history to attack them e.g. "She posted in /r/conspiratard! She's a shill!"

Makes a separate user account for here almost essential, I'd say.

Hah, I use this account for Conspiratard too. At least most of the time.

But do you have a cool flair in conspiratard?

Nope, and most of my submissions there get deleted too. Damn powers that be!

Sitting at -67 in conspiratard. It would be lower if I could post more than every 10 minutes.

Hmm... Didn't know it was possible to see your overall score in a subreddit. I shall have to investigate.

EDIT: Huh, I have 1,065 comment karma in conspiratard and 1,793 here.

I only have one account and my username is an anagram of my real name.

I don't care who knows I don't believe fucking lies.

Yes. All skeptics on this subreddit are one guy who is a paid shill of the NWO. Can confirm, am paid shill.


I see, so a theory you believe in is a conspiracy? And a conspiracy you don't believe is only a theory?

Or is the this the anarchist part of the web where only conspiracies you do not believe in are the only good ones because they are your political theories.

You know, because the anarchist movement can lean to the left or the right.

So after you were here for 4 months you noticed new people? Lol.

Yay for internet drama

i watch this reddit because I want to meet an extraterrestrial. hmu otherworldlies


Sorry but correlation does not equal causation

At some point we accept that it does, that's science.

The same science that put a man on the Moon, eh?

The Lost Science of the 60s.

The poor health and safety requirements of the 1960s. The culture has changed too much to try and do it the same way.

People now wouldn't accept the corners cut and risks that the original Moon landings had. To do it safely is considerably harder.

Only on friday when the word days over and its fuckitall time

Someone could argue the point that they were both false flags, and quote the barely relevant Operation Northwoods, which states that no one is actually to be killed.

I wouldn't argue this point personally, but I could imagine someone doing so.

I'm American and agree with you. It's damned stupid to have it inside, but it's a losing battle.