Rampant censorship: "My Last Words to George W. Bush and Dick Cheney" has been removed from every subreddit. And nobody voted for it here on /r/conspiracy. Nice!

43  2014-11-16 by [deleted]


I hope that before your time on earth ends, as mine is now ending, you will find the strength of character to stand before the American public and the world, and in particular the Iraqi people, and beg for forgiveness.


I saw this link on the front page in the news subreddit. I thought it was a very pertinent piece, when you consider the ISIS ordeal. However, I guess any sort of link that deviates even a little from the official narrative is removed. There is some serious censorship going on in Reddit, which is extremely disappointing considering the amount of people going on here to get news and inform themselves. Clearly, the reddit narrative is conducive with the MSM and/or pro-government narrative, very disappointing indeed.

Didn't the Bush/Cheney regime make it a crime under "the patriot act" to speak out against their war? Perhaps Reddit, like the mainstream media, doesn't want to be complicit in the crime of free speech.

They didn't make it illegal per se, but W. made it clear you were either with his cabal or you were with the terrorists, which doesn't leave a lot of room for discussion... or the Bill of Rights.

And it has only gotten worse under Obama.

Yes, 50 years ago the warmongers' mantra was, "America: Love it or leave it," before 58,000 Americans had come home from Vietnam in body bags, and the government said, "Whoops... I guess we goofed." Bush had his own war cry, and it looks like we're in for the really, really long haul with this one.

The overwhelming evidence that "Dubya" was a buffoon masks the subtle genius in his realization that the novel "1984" could serve as an operations manual rather than a cautionary tale. You yourself observe that Obama has sold America on the Bush policies in a way that their author never could have, but in his defense I would point out that before his reelection he plainly said on television that "You can't change Washington from the inside." Clearly, there are greater forces than him at play in the Capitol, and I don't think that he is a very willing participant in what is unfolding on his watch.

Be all that as it may, the deleterious effects of "the patriot act" on First Amendment protections have been examined by many more capable than I, and at much greater length. David L. Hudson writing for The First Amendment Center, for example, notes that "In a blog for the American Constitution Society, [Georgetown law professor David] Cole writes that the decision [Holder v. Humanitarian Law Project] means that 'we now inhabit a world in which it is a crime to advocate for peace if the government disapproves of the group to whom you are speaking.'"[1] This is far from an isolated opinion.

I don't think that there is any question that the First Amendment is seriously under siege, from the conservative effort to conflate money and speech, opening the floodgates for a "government by auction," to the covert subversion of social media that stifles political discourse, to the overt targeting of lawful, peaceful activists on the streets. At the rate this is progressing, the First Amendment won't even last as a cherished memory for very long, since his "Ministry of Truth" would be more easily implemented in the digital age than even Orwell ever imagined.

[1.] "Debate on Patriot Act and First Amendment continues" - David L. Hudson Jr. for FirstAmendmentCenter.org

Maybe because nobody in fucking Afghanistan had ANYTHING to do with 9/11. It's very sad that this guy was injured so badly. What's worse is that he went to his grave spouting cognitive dissonance bullshit.

Also, give me a break on the Iran rhetoric.

article was #1 in r/news, but we wouldn’t want U.S. soldiers to question their “fighting for democracy” brainwashed mentality.


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Happens everywhere. There are very few venues where there is no mindshare at stake.

It has not been removed from every subreddit


Yup. Convinced me to start posting more about it.

Post removed.

You posted this one hour after you made your original post and that one was only 5 hours ago. Its a little soon to be bitching about nobody voting for it (which they have).

Your CounterPunch post is left untouched.


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You mad bro about the removal? Are you mad people aren't reading/viewing your submission?

So now the story is about the removal of your submission and not on the article you submitted.

You silenced your own post on here by creating this one. Those points sure make people do silly things.


So about the questions I asked...


Only time can tell mister 12 day old account.

A wasted life and a wasted death ..

Tomas Young's "seminal work" lambasted the 911 President GW Bush and & VP Dick Cheney, but made no mention that Jews were pulling their strings .. nor that the same Jews are puling Obama's strings.

This is the stuff Tomas Young avoided..

The 911 attacks that were the impetus for the same hostilities against the innocent were by Jews, not Osama bin Laden and nineteen crazy Arabs, Mossad agents filming the drama amid “evident Jewbilation.”

60,000 or so Jews absent from their workstations at the WTC on the day says they did it, hence the wars against the Moslem world in alleged retaliation are illegal and unjust, abortion is genocide.

Martin Luther & Coretta King were in a snipers nest Dallas Texas, 22 November 1963, at the assassination of President Kennedy, whose beautiful wife had invited them into her home at the White House just weeks before. The Assassination of John F Kennedy.