What is your favourite conspiracy book? My list inside.

33  2014-11-22 by Fuckyousantorum

1.Behold a Pale Horse 2. Legacy of Ashes 3. Enemies: a history of the FBI 4. New World Order by HG Wells 5. The Empire of the City 6. Tragedy and Hope 7. The Gods of Eden 8. Emerging viruses: AIDS and Ebola 9. Who Built the Moon (I know but why not keep an one mind) 10. NSSM 200


Why do you personally like Behold a Pale Horse? I bought it and read it a few years ago and wouldn't recommend it.

The one I would recommend is Dark Alliance by Gary Webb, about Crack and the US Government.

Bill Cooper said that one should read BAH with an updated understanding that anywhere he references "aliens" that concept/word should be replaced with "communists". I think that says a lot about that book and Cooper's ability to unify conspiracy theories. He was amongst the first. Also, he called out Alex Jones way early. He called Jones a shill for fear mongering the Y2K thing. It's a seminal work.

What bothered me most about the book was the documents seemed fake and almost like they were written by the books author.

Yeah, I hear you. But he connected the dots for us before 911. It's an old book and he was up early. He may have fudged some stuff, idk. He and Icke are similar in my mind. They have good content but you have to filter the crud. It can be a total turn off for some.

Cooper is a good resource. His 9/11 predictions alone put him in a position where he should be taken seriously, but he shouldn't be immune to criticism. Some of Cooper's ideas are not perfect and have not been consistent.

Excerpts from William Lyne's 'Pentagon Aliens':

"According to one nutty writer [William Cooper], the purpose is either to fabricate a phony alien threat, so as to unite the world under a one-world fascist/socialist TC/CFR/Bilderberger/Illuminati dictatorship, or to render the world's people into subservience to actual aliens with whom they have cut a deal, and he thinks it is all the fault of the Masons.

Unfortunately, neither of these conclusions is correct, though the first one contains a germ of truth, in the fabrication of a phony alien threat, but in view of the two purposes I stated above, this wacky theory is perceived as just as misinformational as the crap emitted by the CIA's or O.N.I.'s covert agents in UFOlogy. The phony 'alien' threat was derived from a public speech by Ronald Reagan regarding the effects of an hypothetical alien threat, which in a paranoid's mind, is the kind of hype to be used to appeal to a bewildered constituency, so they can be unwittingly used to spread the dumb idea that the alien propaganda is intended to scare us into the arms of the NWO, or is a leak from the inside regarding a deal the government has with the aliens.

Such wacky propaganda is induced by a shell game: "Will those who have lost track of the real issue please raise their hands." The real issue is saucer technology. The controllers get their control over us with our money. The TC/CFR bunch have exclusive control over the saucer, since it is the most perfect instrument for 'world surveillance', and because its availability to the public would eventually destroy the economic power they now wield over us, through their control over energy, transportation and communications resources which we pay them for every day, so we "can't have it".

The plan will work only if they can maintain this exclusivity, which can only be maintained through continued ultra-secrecy and the help of dupes, and anyone else stupid enough to believe the CIA UFOlogists, in spreading the misinformation of alien origins of saucer technology. Since saucer construction is rather easy to duplicate, once the simple principles are known, even the scantiest secrets related to it are protected. That is the reason there has been no open saucer usage in any of our wars since 1945, even though this would have guaranteed clean and complete victories and prevented further loss of American lives. These facts show the ultimate treason through which these people have abused us, the 'paying' and purported 'owning' parties, while the CRF/TC enjoy exclusive use of 'our' saucers as 'their' special tools.

The second idea, that our government may have cut a deal with "aliens", was just plumb dumb. It was so dumb, that William Cooper, one of those who adopted this story, changed his tune the moment he bought a copy of my first edition, with the idea that he could abandon his old stuff and take credit for my claim of "exclusively human origin", so long as he never cited my book or told anyone that I had 'converted' him to the idea, but people noticed anyway, drat it! But Cooper still doesn't get it."

Lyne also contends that Cooper is a Christian with muddy thinking. He criticizes Cooper's fixation on the elite's worship of Lucifer. Lyne claims that the main purpose of the fairytale Luciferian concept is to convince Christians that knowledge is evil, perpetuating willful ignorance.

I highly recommend Lyne's Pentagon Aliens. It is a very interesting read that is ultra-logical, insightful, and will readjust the perspective of even the most seasoned conspiracy researcher.

I like it for the in depth sources.

How about a book that provides the solution?

Natural Law: Or The Science of Justice by Lysander Spooner

I love me some Spooner.

"The Rothschilds, and that class of money-lenders of whom they are the representatives and agents -- men who never think of lending a shilling to their next-door neighbors, for purposes of honest industry, unless upon the most ample security, and at the highest rate of interest -- stand ready, at all times, to lend money in unlimited amounts to those robbers and murderers, who call themselves governments, to be expended in shooting down those who do not submit quietly to being robbed and enslaved."

-Lysander Spooner, 1870

Who Built the Moon

Funnily enough, I have just finished reading For The Moon Is Hollow And Aliens Rule The Sky. I didn't realise there was so much weird shit going on with the moon (almost circular orbit, moonquakes despite no tectonic plates or continental drifts, water vapour, NASA cover-ups, etc.).

Cheers just downloaded it

The author does ramble on about aliens and their potential xenophobia about three quarters through the book but there are some quite interesting points in there. I will get around to Who Built The Moon at some point.

If you're into that sort of thing, I've just started reading The Ra Material, which is pretty good. Here's a link to the web version. There's also Kindle version knocking around on TPB.

Ehrmagerd Ilerminaty!!

Ah it's le ebin trolle again. How come you're not on /b/? You get found out for being a witless newfag?

Can't tell you, it's a NASA coverup.


Bad troll is bad.

Not really a conspiracy book, and quite awful if I'm honest, but Command Decision by Tom Clancy was written just before he died, then edited after his death but before it was published. It was released in 2013, right before Ukraine really started heating up, and the events in the book eerily mirror what happened there (with some US patriotic circle-jerk differences).

Like the episode of The Lone Gunmen that had a plot incredibly similar to 9/11 just before it happened, this book the Ukraine version of that. It's really weird.

But again, I must warn you, it's not a thrilling read.

Anything by Jim Marrs. He can make the most out-there conspiracy theories seem plausible with all his source references.

National Security and Double Government by Michael J. Glennon.

Free Lunch: How the Wealthiest Americans Enrich Themselves at Government Expense (and StickYou with the Bill) by David Cay Johnson.

Perfectly Legal: The Covert Campaign to Rig Our Tax System to Benefit the Super Rich--and Cheat Everybody Else by David Cay Johnson.

Treasure Islands: Uncovering the Damage of Offshore Banking and Tax Havens by Nicholas Shaxton.

The Protocols Of The Learned Elders of Zion

p.s. for the inevitable skeptard/debunktard/shill/repeaters http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/examiner.htm

LOL, my favourite conspiracy book is also called Secret Agenda, but it is about Watergate.


One of my favorites is "Rule By Secrecy"

The Unseen Hand (An Introduction to the Conspiratorial View of History) by A.Ralph Epperson - slow reading but much info

The Culture of Make Believe by Derrick Jensen not really a conspiracy book, but good

Bloodlines of the Illuminati by Fritz Springmeier

Behold a Pale Horse

(I know but why not keep an one mind)

So who did build the moon?

If you can keep an open mind, David Icke's stuff is really good and identifying an enemy. His choice of villain is troubling for some but it fits as an analog for any power hungry organization. Some humans are so different than us that they may as well be space lizards.

I'm mostly a follow the money guy so: The Big White Lie: The Deep Cover Operation That Exposed the CIA Sabotage of the Drug War - Michael Levine

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man - John Perkins

The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve - G. Edward Griffin

On the UFO stuff I really liked.

Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion: Tesla, UFOs, and Classified Aerospace Technology - Paul A. LaViolette Ph.D.

And this movie on the "Alien Reproduction Vehicle" http://digitalsos.com/?p=103

On the spiritual side I can't recommend the RA material, it's really all over the place. Here it comes down to does it resonate with you?

The Key: A True Encounter - Whitley Strieber.

Messages from Michael - Chelsea Quinn Yarbro - Almost finished, but good review of souls.

I like it for the in depth sources.

Bill Cooper said that one should read BAH with an updated understanding that anywhere he references "aliens" that concept/word should be replaced with "communists". I think that says a lot about that book and Cooper's ability to unify conspiracy theories. He was amongst the first. Also, he called out Alex Jones way early. He called Jones a shill for fear mongering the Y2K thing. It's a seminal work.

Yeah, I hear you. But he connected the dots for us before 911. It's an old book and he was up early. He may have fudged some stuff, idk. He and Icke are similar in my mind. They have good content but you have to filter the crud. It can be a total turn off for some.