CNN's Ferguson coverage is blatantly biased..

33  2014-11-25 by DontTreadOnMe16

Despite having several African American congressmen and activists as guests on the show, Wolf Blitzer continues to steer the focus of the conversation on the violence, looting and fires. Every time a guest makes an incredibly important and valid point about the flaws in our justice/law enforcement systems regarding race, he immediately asks a follow up question regarding "their thoughts on all the violence and looting", ignoring the topic completely. Count how many times Wolf uses the words "violence" "looting" and "fires" in the coverage. It's almost sickening.


CNN has a different focus on their coverage compared to news services outside the USA.

CNN coverage is basically "This is terrible, can't we all just get along?" They show footage of looters looting stores to make it look like the rioters only care about using this as an opportunity to steal some shit. Guest speaker = a black pastor asking for people to calm down.

In comparison, Al Jazeera is showing footage of multiple burning buildings, cops firing tear gas, people shoving and pushing. They had a guest speaker talking about how Ferguson only has 3000 residents, but police lay 900 fines/arrests per year. They make 15% of the city annual budget off of this. A lot of people in Ferguson view the Police Department as a predatory institution that's just out to make money off of the community it's supposed to protect.

All in all, it really looked like the CNN coverage was being spun with a deliberate goal of calming things down.

That's the point. CNN is focusing on the rioters (aka black people) and portraying them as the danger and source of the violence in Ferguson, rather than focus on the real reason for the rioting in the first place.

Oh yeah, heaven forbid they ask "Why?"..

the rioters are the source of danger and violence, you bleeding heart idiot.

Ferguson has a population of over 20,000.

CNN wants violence, looting, and fires more than anybody right now. They are probably handing out $20's in the parking lot for people to throw some rocks.

Yeah probably I'm amazed we haven't seen pics

Blitzer works for AIPAC.

Wolf has been the MSM Zionist's favorite tool forever. I haven't been able to stomach him for years, to me he is unwatchable.

He blocked a interview with a American soldier that said israel can fight its own wars.

Wonder why this^ comment's score is hidden...

FFS scores are hidden for a set amount of time. Think it's an hour here. Welcome to reddit, it's not a conspiracy against somebody being mean to Israel

All the MSM outlets have biased overage of everything. It's blatantly obvious to you in this instance, because you're watching out for it. Apply the same scrutiny to any of their coverage and you'll agree with my first sentence. Not to diminish the WTF of it, just pointing out how controlled and filtered our info is.

Show me, what should I see?

Make my mind up for me - Frozen Ghost

And now we've lost our last resource for unbiased news. RIP reddit, it was fun while it lasted

I think the primary talking point of Ferguson should be US police rules of engagement/escalation of force policy, but no one is getting that specific.

Statistically, our nation has a problem in this area but it has little to do with Mike Brown or race.

Unfortunately, even the protestors are missing their mark on this one.

I've been watching Al Jazeera and they have had pretty balanced coverage of it. The international Al Jazeera, not Al Jazeera America.

Nah, it'll all work out in the end. This will only feed the rage. It will grow and grow and grow. And then

Violence is golden. Limiting violence to the state is rather foolish.

Watching at the bar currently, as rage against the machine plays on the jukebox ironically. Coverage and commentary seem so manufactured. Wilson the shooter dropped so many excuses in the account he is just now telling. In his delicate blue shirt, trying looking like a victim and push the narrative of Brown being a dangerous thug. CNN is having a good couple days tho I'm sure, talking touchy-feely about tragedies and fear. Fuckin stroke job

This post is being actively censored. It's number 19 on the main r/conspiracy page with 14 up votes, but when I log out and look at it, it shows no votes at all... just that little dot. WTF reddit??

Hey, what do you know... The second after I posted this comment, you can now see the number of votes. But the score of my above post is hidden.

A lot of times you seem to have to go into the comments and refresh the queue to see a posts score. You have to get browser extensions if you want to know what the upvote and downvote scores are. reddit voting is fuckin sketchy as hell anyway. It seems to always mesh with what the manufactured MSM consensus is on most of the main topics.