Happy Thanksgiving everyone... we need more mods @conspiracy. Details inside.

57  2014-11-26 by Flytape

/conspiracy is growing and because of that, we need more mods.

To nominate someone, reply to this thread with something like...

I nominate /u/orangutan, I feel like they would be a good mod.

If the person you wish to nominate has already been nominated, there is no need to make a new post nominating them, simply up vote the already existing nomination and feel free to reply to that nomination with any information or words of encouragement you would like to add.

The two most up voted nominations will become the new mods with one small exception. Nominations must also have at least one existing mod vouch for them, this is to avoid any fuckery that may be afoot from certain groups that like to organize voting.

If a person has already been nominated and someone else makes a new post nominating the same person a second time, we will be deleting the lowest voted instance of that person's nomination to avoid any confusion.

New mods need to understand that we do not moderate content, we only moderate behavior as outlined by the rules.

If you are nominated and have ZERO interest in being a mod, let us know and we will delete your nomination.

Feel free to throw your own name in the hat as well, something like...

I would be interested in being a mod here because I have some free time and I believe in what this community stands for. Etc etc.

It would be a great asset if someone willing to assist with the coordination of AMAs was to become a new mod.

We really really need some people from the UK/European time zones to step up. We have poor mod coverage for the peak hours of those time zones.


I'm going to nominate /u/orangutan; as she is a faithful long time user who has submitted a plethora of worthwhile content and who has shown an ability to assist with coordinating AMA's.

*she and I second the nomination :D

She's a she? Why am I always the last to know these things?

She's a she? Why am I always the last to know these things?

/u/orangutan's sexual orientation is itself a conspiracy.

She would be my choice for mod also.

/u/orangutan is who I am going to support also. Excellent choice if she gets it IMO.

EDIT- I think it's also fitting that we question all the support she is getting with the current moderator power structure here, it would be an injustice to this subreddit if I did not point this out.. :-D

Can't speak for the other mods, but I support her candidacy because of her knowledge of reddit inc shenanigans along with her previous demonstrated ability to recruit high quality AMA's.

I was being less than serious about the moderator's conspiracy to get one of their puppet's elected as a moderator..lol

I was going to nominate her before I ever went into the comment section anyway, and then saw when I saw Flytape using less than subliminal propaganda methods, he must have read about somewhere, to influence the voting I had my prejudice validated for me just like I am sure he planned. I'm a Kool-Aid drinker by nature, so I just blindly pushed the /u/orangutan button and fell in line with the circle-jerk subreddit groupthink.

Or something like that..;-}

ELF towers bro. I'm on my mobile.

The conspiracy here is that I used orangutan as my example on how to nominate in the OP. And now he has all this support?

The fix is in.

/u/orangutan is in my top 5 RES scoring so she's solid in my book, although I do wish there were a way to separate comment scoring from link submission scoring in RES. That would be sweet.. (unless there is a way I don't know about.)

I will also throw my vote in for our fellow primate /u/orangutan.


What about you alllie?


Assuming I am allowed to vote for more than one user, then my 3rd goes to /u/orangutan as well.


Ah, true this as well.


I support this nomination


/u/SovereignMan was a moderator but stepped down of his own accord.

He was great whilst he was with us though.

At this point in time I have to decline.

I removed this nomination because you declined.

Thanks man!

Soverignman wad previously a mod here and resigned due to time constraints. He will need to accept this nomination before we move forward.

I'd like to see /u/Ambigously_Ironic as a mod here. That's my vote.

I certainly agree, I have him on an impressive positive RES score.

Thank you sir!

Thank you for saying so. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours my virtual friend :)

You're welcome. All the best.

I'll vouch for him. Great contributor and long time user.

Thank you, I appreciate it - happy thanks giving to you and yours.

Big thumbs up for A_I from A_Q

I like both of you guys :)

Thanks man - for what it's worth, the feeling is mutual. Happy thanksgiving!

A_I agrees with me a lot, so of course I am going give him my vote..:-D


I thought he was a mod in the past, but gave it up because it wasn't what he wanted?

Good call.



I always like /u/NOT_JTRIG's contributions.

Agreed, excellent balanced comments and good submissions.

I'll chime in and add support.

They've never made a single comment!

They submit posts only.

Really? Oh, my mistake... Stlll, it's your choice to make not mine ;)

Well its the community's choice. Hence the vote.

Ambiguosly_Ironic would be my first choice as s/he seems pretty chilled out and posts relevant stuff.

Thank you for the kind words my friend - I would say the same for you. Also I'm a he for the record :)

You're welcome, I have 116 upvotes next to your name, I guess you're my kind of thinker. I'm a he too if it isn't obvious from all my sexist remarks /s

Hey you got the gig! Congratulations bro :) Try to use the power more wisely than I probably would haha.

Thank you my friend, please don't hesitate to keep me posted with anything you think I should know - I promise not to sell out.


great content...but...a 4-month-old account that never comments?

This is /r/conspiracy...

I want to be a mod! check out my history....

I vouch for this user. Long time contributor and carries themselves well.

Appreciate it!

Think you'd be a good choice.

You have my vote (one of them at least).

Thumbs up!

You also have my vote.


I vote for 33rd


Same here - I vouch for those two that's for certain.

What about yourself?

I'm too polarizing - and I have very little patience for bullshit.

You think you're polarizing. Jk. U think im polarizing too?

Meh, I don't like some of the things you say, but I overall agree with you.

Lol. Can u give one example of the not liking part pls

Ehh that PM you sent my I didn't reply to for starters, I think saying all religions are frauds is an oversimplifcation and a misunderstanding of what early humans were attempting to communicate to us through those religions.

I think ive sent yoy many pms. .. there's one that sticks out? Il check. Actually you had posted in some sub reddit about fractals and there was a nixe image comparing the structure of atoms with galaxies ans then the mayan calender versus other calendars. Im sorry own

Yeah that has to do with the holographic nature of reality, how it structures itself along tetrahedral latticework and because everything in the universe has a singularity at it's center have a fundamental, toroidal spin to them.

Whats that sub reddit again. Hows v2

Can we just have an open minded mod? That is all I want. No BS. Just people without an agenda.

Would you be able to explain what exactly being a mod entails? I feel like it would be something I might be interested in but I'm not sure how much time is required etc.

/u/shadowofashadow - you'd be on my list of nominees for sure. As would u/orangutan- who I thought already was a mod.

I'm also going to throw /u/ian56 and /u/alllie out there.

Please make separate nominations for each of these users, reply to the main thread with the nominations.

I agree, /u/shadowofashadow would also be a good nomination

Its a volunteer position so there aren't any specific time requirements.

Being a mod at conspiracy entails checking the "mod queue" which is kind of like an inbox where posts and comments have been reported, caught by a spam filter or otherwise needs approval/dismissal.

There is also mod mail where community members message /conspiracy and all the mods can see those mail conversations.

Lastly there is our rules and enforcement thereof and we also sometimes exchange recipes for beef butt and peanut butter cookies.

The new moderator will also be expected to assist with AMA recruitment and coordination.

Checking the modmail and mod log when you are active. Removing or approving posts. Looking out for inappropriate content and posts with shitty titles or caps lock.

AS for time required you would need to be active at least a few hours a week and ideally we are looking for at least one moderator who is based in the UK or Europe.

Good luck

I'm interested in being a mod here. I haven't submitted much content to here but I do pop in now and again to offer insight in the comments sections when I can, but mostly I just lurk. I'm familiar with modding subs as I'm already a mod of /r/technology. There will be very little need to train me. As a mod I'm interested in things such as fairness, consistency, transparency, protecting the users of /r/conspiracy, and protecting the sub and community itself. I would be more than willing to help with any AMA's and I'm proficient in the implementation and the use of automoderator. I also have a vast knowledge of the meta scene here on Reddit. I think I would make a wonderful addition to your team. Please let me know what you think.

I would vouch for Creq as well.

He single-handedly discovered Davidreiss's autofilter list that had been setup in /r/technology; and facilitated turning that sub into a bastion of free flowing content, as opposed to the censored's wasteland it was under David and friend's stewardship.

The amount of users within the meta who enjoy defaming Creq's character is a testament to his prowess for opposing the aims of certain factions within reddit inc, and it is my opinion that he would make for a good moderator on /r/conspiracy.


Has my vote then.

I vouch for creq


As do I.


No1113 has been very insightful. I'd love to help too.

I second /u/JamesColesPardon. Hes always been respectful and always seems quite knowledgable and fair with his contributions, even when we disagreed.

Thanks buddy.

I voted for both of you.

I vote against gayunicom6969, if they have been nominated or have expressed an interest in being a Mod here.

Why? because they support the nomination of AE911Truth who does NOT I repeat does NOT represent and is not affiliated with that organization, or Richard Gage, yet was the same one who set up that recent farce of an AMA with what has been determined to be a Richard Gage sock puppet with Richard himself indicating that he's never done an AMA on reddit.

This can be verified by contacting Richard Gage via his organization, which I suggest the mods here do forthwith.

Best regards,


P.S. No I don't want to be a mod, don't have the skillset or the time.


ae911 is a respectable organization,

Only in the Truther movement. In the real world (especially scientific), they're a laughingstock.


I think they talk about it all. I know David Chandler doesn't believe in momentum or understand objects in motion, so that kind of throws most beliefs right out the window.

Next time you invite Richard Gage to do an AMA, send him an email first to make sure that he's really Richard Gage because according to the real Richard Gage of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, he's never done an AMA at r/conspiracy. Also, ask for a twitter photo next time as well, to verify.

So yeah you need new mods who know what they're doing.

Yeah that AMA sucked. I was so pumped for that AMA and my question was basically shrugged off and ignored. Thanks for reminding me.

It sucks that some shills can almost get away with impersonating someone in an AMA. Where did Richar Gage say he never did an ama on reddit?

Obviously I'm all for Pilotsfor911truth..but i dont think that account really IS Pilotsfor911Truth.
Some troll is jumping on some perceived doubt about Richards AMA and sucked you in.

Do you not find it remotely suspicious that PilotsforTruth - a banned troll account - made this claim, with no evidence except a copypasta of a supposed email (yeah right...thats about as convincing as NISTs reports!)...

and then 'coincidentally' welder621 shows up having NEVER posted before... with a less than a month old account claiming exactly the same thing, at exactly the same time.

What are the odds? seriously? improbable : 1

That WAS really Rob Balsamo of Pilots for Truth. I know.

Now I'm beginning to suspect YOU.

P.S. AE911Truth has now been outed as a troll and does not represent nor are they affiliated with AE911Truth as the one who hoaxed the Richard Gage AMA.

Here's 'Richard Gage' claiming that he can compare his model to NIST's (partially hidden) model.

A few users demanded proof. None was given. At all.

E: My link was intended to show a 'Richard Gage' answering a question in the exact same way disinformation experts frame the debate. Not sure why your retort below distorts my link. Look at the response from 'Richard Gage' on WTC7:

NIST have said that they wont share their data for safety reasons. This is frustrating. However: what we at AE911truth can do is develop our own models. As we dont have the tools or resources that NIST do, it will take more time. But developing our own models is possible without dependency on NISTs fraudulent data. When we compare our more accurate model to their's we will force them to the table, so to speak.

I would appreciate your contribution as a mod. Pretty sure you wouldn't have dropped the ball on such an important event. I'm pretty sure if you are who you say, that would be a huge red flag of an answer by 'Richard.'

But then again, you have no proof that Richard did in fact show up for that AMA. So if your first and most important impression is to say 'trust me,' then maybe you aren't the right person for the job.

I mean, you did just come back today, of all days, to throw your hat in the ring. How do we know you're /u/gayunicorn6969? Get my drift?

It was a disappointing AMA, but theres noone in your link 'demanding proof'.
Gage does not respond though, oddly.

Im not saying I'm 100% that was Gage, but the way this claim has been broken is very suspicious.

There's more to this than meets the eye...and I think /u/pilotsfortruth and /u/welder621 are in on it.
Probably even the same troll.

They are emailing Richard Gage and he's to be messaging the mods involved in setting up that AMA.

I don't believe it was Richard Gage.

Why did you 2nd AE911Truth to become a Mod? They are a lier and an imposter/troll.

Note that that is NOT GayUnicorn6969 but an imposter.

I was suspicious of this as well.

The account is 6 hours old and seems to have been created to complicate this issue.

Is anyone able to contact the real GayUnicorn6969 about this?

GayUnicorn6969 is long gone and vowed he wouldn't be back.

Ah, I am sad to hear that.

What happened?

As I recall, he received threats of violence and the Reddit admins wouldn't/couldn't do anything about it.

Yeah this is all too common..the best posters always get taken out. Remember IAmJulianAssange? Wonder why he crept away.

Yes, I remember. He too was shadowbanned and returned for a while under a different account name but then disappeared... or did he? Maybe he's still here under yet a different name.

On a side note, I had my first account shadowbanned too.

1+1 = 2?

Please don't allow this subreddit to go the way of /worldnews and the rest of reddit by picking a new mod that has already been compromised. This sub is quite possibly the last bastion of truth on this site.


I would take it you don't think this subreddit's integrity is important. Well, I do. First r/Worldnews and r/politics went the way of MSM, then even r/bestof was taken off the front page 2 days after a certain post made it to the top. Basically, this subreddit is where I go to be reminded that there are others who have taken the RedPill. This might not be important to you, but it's certainly to me.

I would take it you don't think this subreddit's integrity is important.

I think it's incredibly important and not well served by the large amounts of spam that clogs the new queue. Look at one of the top posts yesterday, an age-old piece of rubbish about Putin and 9/11. Add that to the rampant bigotry and general hyper-sensitivity to criticism and/or questioning and you've got a sub with a bad reputation. Some of it deserved, some of it not.

First r/Worldnews and r/politics went the way of MSM, then even r/bestof was taken off the front page 2 days after a certain post made it to the top.

/r/WorldNews isn't as bad as it is painted here. /r/con posters go there looking for pre-existing concerns to be validated and surprise surprise they find what they are looking for. Yeah WorldNews is bad, but it's not exactly a subdivision of the Big Bad MSM. Use of which as a term is sort of silly.

/r/Politics is exactly what you would expect from a large politics forum, lots of shouting and mutualargument stroking. And so easy to ignore. Pretending that what happens in /r/politics is important leads this sub down rabbit holes that aren't there.

This sub is quite possibly the last bastion of truth on this site.

Uhm. OK. Or perhaps /r/conspiracy isn't Fortress Logic and instead is a forum with the problems of any large forum that shares some ideological space with racist spamlords and overly-credulous paranoids.

I think it's incredibly important and not well served by the large amounts of spam that clogs the new queue. Look at one of the top posts yesterday, an age-old piece of rubbish about Putin and 9/11.

Hey! I upvoted that topic. Putin has been going to release those files for about a year now...lol

To me it is kind of entertaining to see The Loch Ness Russian 9/11 Data Dump surface in the sub from time to time.

We really really need some people from the UK/European time zones to step up

OK. I'm in roughly the same time zone, maybe one hour ahead of London.

Feel free to check my user profile.

No hard feelings if I don't get picked.

I second /u/OB1_kenobi.

Given the recent developments regarding the hoaxed Richard Gage AMA, and the discovery of compromised reddit accounts, be very careful and cautious as to who gets to be a mod.

If you have one compromised mod, others could climb aboard with their help and assistance.

Question: Some people were apparently banned for asking or demanding that "Richard_Gage" be authenticated from that farce of an AMA.

Which mods did that banning?

As to this thread, are any suspects volunteering or being affirmed by suspects?

Take a close look at this, for example


Now is that particular mod supporting or putting his vote behind any of the volunteers or those who's names have been recommended? If so, take a good and careful look at who's who.

Just a suggestion. Thanks.

Hi everyone!

I just popped in to remind everyone to beware of spies and infiltrators.

There are many people who would love to take over this sub and destroy it.

Happy Thanksgiving

I addressed that in the OP.

This thread is awesome. A great demonstration for me about how many people on this sub submit comments and content I both enjoy and/or find valuable.

What a swell thanksgiving! Good luck new mods. Do us proud!

I lurk around here a lot, don't really get around to posting too often. I feel like this subreddit, and any of it's like, are one of the best features of this site. We've got the opportunity to come together, as a community, and be open minded. Perhaps there's something for just about everyone to learn in a place like this? I'd like to throw my name in for consideration. Should I get any backing, I make this promise; As a moderator I would do my absolute best to, without bias, moderate this subreddit to the best of my abilities. This is a place for free speech, and should be treated as such.

I'd second that.

I guess I could give it a try. I like to think that I can spot a troll here and there.

edit: my karma breakdown here:

link - 7427
comment - 3605

Related subs I currently mod:


I will volunteer. I probably won't get votes, but I'm throwing it out there.

I'm an experienced mod (vbulletin and invisionfree). I was the co-admin of Nuzlocke for about half a year, super mod at Underground Gaming Federation for two years, super mod at Anfiniti for half a year, and a number of other smaller places over the years.

EDIT: Also relevant is that I am unemployed and have tons of free time.


EDIT: Also relevant is that I am unemployed and have tons of free time.

Sorry buddy :(

Upvoted you

I would be interested in being a mod because i care about this subreddit and come on every night. I consider myself fairly neutral although I do have my opinions, but my MO is freedom of expression.

I'm going to nominate /u/ShellOilNigeria as they are a quality contributor with a long history of valuable insights within comments and submissions on the sub.


Who are the owners of reddit modding this sub?


I had no idea. Anything to support this?


If some fuckery occurs we will simply remove the new mod that causes it. Our risk is limited in that manner.

Thanks for your concern.

That's reassuring.

Do you get free hotpockets?


I'am also going to nominate /u/WTCMolybdenum4753, another quality 911truth mod.

I would second that.

/u/sabremesh has my vote since I think he's in the UK (and thus satisfies the UK/European time zone request) and also because I've always considered him a valuable user to the sub.



Yes, not afraid of any conspiracy and extremely knowledgeable.

If you want the username Zenof on your mod list unshadow it on a local level and let me know and I will log in with it

I'm still curious what earned you your shadowban all those months ago - any idea?

I wouldn't shut up on /r/israel

Haha yeah I suspected something like that. Zenof for president though, you'd have one of my votes.

Sounds like a good qualification.

I want this.

LOL You remember my old name? I am sorta stunned.


Well, you'd get my vote anyway, even though it's not worth anything here.

Anyone who nominates themself should be automatically suspect, thus disqualified.

I'm relatively new to the sub, but I agree completely. How are the current mods set up to vet this many "volunteers"?

Truth be told I won't vote for anyone who nominates themself.

This sub-reddit needs to be less of a platform for white supremacism and racist garbage if anything.

I would like to volunteer to be a mod...I would definitely like to help get some AMAs going and just started r/TSBD (the Texas School Book Depository--a collection of conspiracy related books available in FREE pdf format)

I will vouch for this user, and /r/tsbd needs way more attention than it has gotten. Nice sub man.

Thanks--glad you liked r/TSBD--its pretty much set up as a reference tool.

I would definitely look forward to trying to get some authors, activists and/or documentary film makers for AMAs...r/conspiracy has grown from 75K to over 260K in the year and a half since I joined reddit. I think an achievable goal should be to have at least 2 AMAs every month by January.

You have my vote as well.

Did you apply? You'd have my vote, RES shows a lot of upvotes on your input.

No I didn't, I've never been very comfortable throwing my own name in the ring for things. I do appreciate the kind words though my friend, I can definitely say the same thing for you and your posts - you would have one of my votes as well.

Thanks for the vote too but I'm in the same boat as you, and I don't really think I'd be that good to be honest, I have ADD and can be a bit reactionary if not downright unstable with my opinions at times haha, shame really as I'm in the UK and have loads of spare time being self-employed.

thanks...looks like there are quite a few good candidates


This in a mod election thread, please don't muddy the waters with meta controversy.


Send a message to mod mail please.

I can spend a couple of hours a day to help if you want.

But weren't there 4 of you the other day?! Not that I have a problem with the opinions.

we share accounts yes. but you'll have to trust us.

I do, I like your posts, but will the mods?

I won't post any of that as a mod. I'll make an alt.

You could call it shmegiggity so we know it's you :)

Can I nominate myself?

I think I would be a good mod. I am against corruption and am fairly active. I am the creator /r/ShitTheAdminsSay and I have been a member here for a long time. You can see some of my contributions here. I am also active in places like /r/Hailcoporate. If you have any questions feel free to ask.


Hi again, stranger who is well connected enough to contact Abby Martin directly.

/u/orangutan has been nominated already here, so I'm going to remove your nomination and ask that you add any additional comments about her as a reply to that comment thread (just to keep the top level replies in this comment section clean). Cheers.

Got it, sorry.

Btw, orangutan is a male, not sure why everyone thinks he's a female...known him for years. Ha. Just texted him about it, hope I didn't expose his Psyop... /s

Damn it, I got yelled at the other day for referring to him as a male. These damn psyops are too much for me.


Hi there,

That user has nominated themselves here; we'd prefer if you could make any additional recommendations as to the worthiness of that user within that comment thread such that we may avoid duplicate nominations. Cheers.

Thanks, I saw that and thought that it wasn't an official nomination, technically, so I took it upon myself to do it. You know what I mean?

Certainly can see where you're coming from; by all means feel free to add on to his self nomination with some thoughts of your own though.

I'd be interested to mod this subreddit because I have free time, and from the US, and just want to be a part of what /r/conspiracy is.

Sign me up. Too much garbage and noise lately. I would gladly help rid some of it.


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While we are voting for new mods I'd like to ask what happened to the mods /u/quantumcipher and /u/Three_Letter_Agency? Neither has been active here in months. Or on reddit for that matter. Will the new mods replace these mods, or be added in addition to them?

I've already addressed this issue amongst the mods. I see inactive mods as a potential security flaw. Their accounts could be bought/sold or they could simply be using mod mail access to relay information to our counterparts in the anti conspiracy theater.

I see it as a potential security breach.

We'll have to wait for feedback from the other active mods to see what comes of it. My vote is to cut away the fat and secure ourselves. The other active mods may see it differently.

I appreciate the concern.

I appreciate your response. It's been something on my mind for awhile. In Hawaii we call it being neile. I'm pretty neile about certain things, and this has been one. I'm glad you question the same concern. I'm not implicating anything negative toward either of those mods but genuinely curious as to where they went and what we as a community will and should do with these inactive accounts.

I thought you disappeared also!

I took a brief leave for quite a few reasons. Family passing away, hurricane, harvesting our coffee etc. etc. I've been back for awhile.

I'm sorry for your loss. I too took a leave of absence around the same time for similar reasons. Well, I don't farm coffee but I do drink a pot a day.

Sorry for your loss as well. Sometimes it's good to unplug and get dirty in nature. I tend to do it from time to time.

Right on!

nominating myself

big submitter


/r/conspiracy fanboi

I'd be very interested in becoming a mod here.

I've got 3000+ link karma and 1000+ comment karma in this sub, and half of my top 10 posts are to /r/conspiracy.

I've been here for 4 years (reddit, not sure about this sub)

Serious question.

I thought this sub was against censorship? Moderation of discussion is tantamount to censorship. Ive seen some bans handed out to people for asking legitimate questions to "commonly held beliefs", like the 9/11 truth movement, which many in this sub would subscribe to. This is something that concerns me in this sub. Occasionally there are some posts here, like yesterday, where it highlights how many people actually hold the wealth in the world. THAT is a conspiracy, of which there is evidence. However a certain portion of this sub use this place as a platform to disseminate racial hatred, cultural hatred and all other sorts of unsubstantiated bile.

What I really ask is, will this sub continue to be moderated by people who will keep debate on track, whether civil or not; or will it be a return to censorship of anything butvthe current subreddit groupthink?

Keeping it civil is keeping it on track. We have a set of rules which each serve a specific purpose. This is a conspiracy sub, so there is a certain amount of contrarianism to "the official story" or what have you. For some reason people take it upon themselves to get pissed off that people are straying from that mainstream story line. If those people come here and behave in a civil way then they are welcome, if they can't participate here, where they know they will be in the minority opinion, without calling people names (rule 10) or linking to a hive of like minded individuals so they win by numbers (rule 9) then they simply aren't welcome here.

Its unfortunate that a lot of people feel like they have to crush every little bubble of thought that doesn't line up with their own but if we didn't have these rules then that is what we would be left with. A bunch of people who don't believe in conspiracy or have any interest in talking about conspiracies squatting in here and making fun of anyone who dares to make a post that isn't also mocking conspiracy theories/theorists.

I hope this answers your questions, perhaps I misunderstood them?

The problems I have are:

Rule 1 is never adhered to. EVER. Especially if it's anything negative about Jews.

Rule 10 absolves all questioning of the sub in any critical way. An open discussion has to allow it's very existence to be called into question.

In the past I've seen people banned for asking exactly what I've just asked.

I'm all for making this sub a better place, however I know I am not alone in sharing these concerns with the moderation of these rules (and to a lesser extent, rule 8).

Edit: and misinformed memes always get upvoted highly, top comment debunks and post isn't deleted. I believe these should as they then become misinformation by either blind upvotes or possibly bots (not unique to this sub, r/xboxone is extremely hard to get ANY post above zero because ps fanboys created downvote bots, unbelievably childish, but people do these things.)

Rule 10 does not forbade questioning of the subreddit. Rule 10 forbades attacking the sub, the users, the mods.

You're more than welcome to make a post questioning a rule, you're actually doing that right now. The key is doing it in a way that is civil and makes your intent clear that you aren't just trying derail the entire subreddit.

Rule 1 forbades the use of racial slurs. We ban people for that all the time. We will not however censor a subject because someone is offended by it. Its unfortunate that people are racist, including world leaders and influential people. So racial issues need to be discussed and when they are, someone is bound to be offended.

Who was banned for asking this? I would love to investigate that issue. A lot of people make bold claims about why they were banned while leaving out the details about why they were actually banned. Since we don't publicly announce bans that information had to have come from one of three sources; personal experiences, the banned person's claims, or a mod's claims.

What some people see as attacking the sub, some others see it as challenging the subreddit "official" position. Who is to decide what is what? Also with regards to brigading (it does happen, here and elsewhere) what if sometimes "obvious shills", isn't at all obvious shills, but the majority viewpoint on the topic?

I couldn't recall any of these incidents without going through billions of posts, however I can assure you I have seen it done, however in recent times it has got better.

I hope you don't mind me playing devils advocate here, but I kind of have a love for doing it! I'm an atheist studying theology, if I can't take in all sides of an argument, then I don't believe I can truly be able to understand it, for all its strengths or weaknesses.

I hope whoever is chosen is the right choice that will moderate without discrimination, allowing an open, if sometimes heated (hey we're debating ENTIRE worldviews, gonna get nasty sometimes) discussion to unfold.

An end to the calling of the word shill for starters would be nice as no matter who says it, it is always an attack on the bearer of the opposite opinion, detracting from the opinion itself.

The word shill is used too liberally in this sub.

I can't stand the shill accusations.

So say we all.


Shill accusations aren't very inspiring or interesting. If you can provide some proof that is one thingds butp just makingr random accusations o is boring x.

Shills accusations aren't very inspiring or interesting

Your though process is backwards. As a mod, you have the power to ban the shills, yet you hide behind 'shill accusations' as a way to distance yourself from your job as mod.

Stop being an enabler.

With power comes responsibility.


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Not always. Ideally you are right. But sadly reality isn't such. There are those who will abuse their "freedom" with the intent of curtailing it to others. Not to mention trolls, spammers, down vote brigades, shills ...

And while mods are not always the best solution, at hand, its the best we have. At most we should demand from the mods transparency and liability. If someone is banned from this sub or their comments/posts deleted, then the reason should be promptly (and open to all redditors) given.

If you want real conspiracies, head to r/actualconspiracies.

Or one of the other thousands of new conspiracy subs created every week to further balkanize the conversation!

Why does it matter how many subs there are?


Did you know that you can browse multiple subs?

At the top I see Climate Change Propaganda, let me guess, you and your buddies are all mods there


Does this not show that there is a difference between what actually are conspiracies, and what is unsubstantiated crap? There shouldn't be a need for that sub. I am slowly beginning to see a definitive rhetoric stem from this sub, which is why I asked. Are these new moderators purely there to continue censorship of all but the official "party" line, or are they there to keep things civil and encourage all points to be taken? I'd like to believe it's the latter but on past history, I don't think that it is the case.

Everything is more evidence-based.


From what I've come to understand, this person is a troll who does not represent and is not affiliated with AE911Truth.

This is the same person who set up the fake AMA with someone simply posing as Richard Gage but who was not Richard Gage.

Verification can be made by emailing Richard Gage and asking him directly.

Your accusations are unfounded and, naturally, unappreciated.

If you are upset about critical responses you received in the AMA, I would suggest you simply present a concise summary of your evidence for the 'fake/modified planes' theory.
(Evidence is, after all, the key).

I have given a response to one of the moderators or r/Conspiracy.

I have no further response for you.

This has nothing whatsoever to do with the modified planes theory evidence/data and everything to do with a fraud perpetrated by you.

The accusation isn't unfounded, but has been and is continuing to be verified.

You and your activity both here at r/conspiracy and r/911truth is reprehensible.

I see they've deleted many of your comments at both subs.

Verification of your deception to be posted soon, banning to follow.

Looks like you'll need another account, although it would be better if you were to leave never to return.

This thread has been linked to from elsewhere on reddit.

If you follow any of the above links, respect the rules of reddit and don't vote or comment. Questions? Abuse? Message me here.

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No such verification will be posted. It is not possible.
I do not know what you are trying to achieve.

We'll see. If I'm wrong then I'll be the first to apologize.

He deleted his damn account after I let him know via PM that I was reaching out to Mr. Gage via email.

There was an actual conspiracy against the subreddit regarding this AMA.

We are looking more into this behind the scenes and will make sure the user is dealt with by the admins (as he most likely had alts). Do you recall the exact spelling of his username?

It was /u/AE911Truth IIRC.


Both accounts were deleted simultaneously;



This is seeming more and more to be an actual conspiracy aimed at impersonating Mr. Gage to attack his character.

Not to attack his character, but to serve as a sutble gatekeeper regarding the deeper truths and connections and implications of the evidence and data presented by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth.

It was this redditor who set up the AMA and who "verified" simply based on their user name - sent a reply to the person who made the suggestion for the AMA in the first place, and then the mods of r/conspiracy bought it.

No one thought to email and contact Richard Gage (the REAL one), and the person who did the AMA didn't follow standard procedure/protocal in terms of the usual twitter photo etc.


Glad we found him out. Rob Balsamo of Pilots for 9/11 Truth (banned from reddit repeatedly) deserves all the credit for outing this troll/shill/imposter.

Best regards,



Absolutely there is nothing wrong with you or your activities.

It looks like one of their mods, axolotl_peyotl, was a staunch supporter of the one who perpetrated the hoax.

No one thought to email and contact Richard Gage


It's disconcerting to know that someone would go to such measures just for that.

I hope you guys can sort this all out soon.

It's disconcerting to know that someone would go to such measures just for that.

It is very disconcerting and we are working with the theory that this troll was designed entirely to defame Mr. Gage.

The lengths to which /u/ae911truth went to provide false verification has also forced us to raise our standards for what will be considered acceptable proof for AMA's in the future; which only complicates further the process of setting up these interviews for the community.

This was not a short con; the user had been impersonating the organization for months and this is something we are taking quite seriously; which is to say, this reaches beyond normal reddit meta drama and directly impacts the reputation of an actual person.

which only complicates further the process of setting up these interviews for the community.

This is disappointing to know, but your position is understandable. I hope it does not interfere to severely with the scheduling of AMA's here in the future.

Have you made any progress in contacting Mr. Gage about the ordeal?

Have you made any progress in contacting Mr. Gage about the ordeal?

Not as of yet (most likely due to the holiday), but we will continue to reach out over the next few days.

Ah, hope all goes well.

Btw happy Thanksgiving from Canada!

Not as of yet (most likely due to the holiday), but we will continue to reach out over the next few days.

I have also left a phone message for Richard. Hopefully he'll call back.

Richard has replied via email to u/WTCMolybdenum4753 (mod at r/911truth). I was cc'ed on the email (along with a few others).

This is the content of that email with permission to post from Richard...


Thanks for checking out the source of that series of posts on your website a month ago. I read through the entire thread that you linked to below. There is clearly an imposter at work: "Richard_Gage". I never posted anything on Reddit.

Unfortunately there were some people hurt in this deception – pilots for 9/11 truth, David Ray Griffin, and perhaps others.

Please make sure this guy is banned and that a notice is put up stating "Richard Gage, AIA from Architects &Engineers for 9/11 truth has never posted on Reddit. The posts are clearly by an imposter who was intentionally deceptive and through the questions and answers led many people unfortunately to be deceived. We apologize for this situation and will endeavor to keep deceptions like this from happening again."

If you would like to talk to me about this please email me your phone number and I will call.

Thanks again,

Richard Gage Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth"

Here was a thread started by SovereignMan re: the Richard Gagae AMA controversy


That's shows how and where this came about in case you wanted some backstory.

It was AE911Truth if I'm not mistaken.

Yes, there was a conspiracy against r/conspiracy regarding the Richard Gage AMA.

I found it interesting as well that he was acting as a type of gatekeeper in regards to the data and evidence presented by Pilots for 9/11 Truth, but that's besides the point.

This user had the very same language pattern as the Richard_Gage persona who did the AMA, and both accounts were set up at the same time. I'm all but certain that it was the same individual, about 99.999% certain.

and both accounts were set up at the same time

They were also deleted at the same time. We will look into this conspiracy to impersonate Mr. Gage and defame his character on the backend.

We will look into this conspiracy to impersonate Mr. Gage

Thank you, on behalf of us all.

Perhaps Mr. Gage would be willing to do an AMA on reddit here at r/conspiracy? That would be nice. And perhaps he might consider making it a panel with others like David Chandler, to answer as many questions as possible and really give it to the "debunkers".

Best regards,


I did kind of like his bowling ball analogy / thought experiment, which wasn't too bad.

This user and Richard_Gage were one and the same person.

Rob Balsamo of Pilots for 9/11 Truth deserves the credit for outing this troll and proving that the AMA was a hoax.

So, how about having the REAL Richard Gage do a reddit AMA..?! as a do-over?

So, how about having the REAL Richard Gage do a reddit AMA..?! as a do-over?

We'll work on that.

We need to sort out some things on the backend with regards to having the admins look further into the user who was behind the malicious impersonation of Mr. Gage. At this point we feel the AMA was less about trolling this subreddit (/u/ae911truth had tried to organize an ama on /r/911truth months ago) and more aimed at defaming the reputation of Mr. Gage; a matter which is considered quite serious.

aimed at defaming the reputation of Mr. Gage; a matter which is considered quite serious.

Very serious, which is probably why he deleted both accounts, to try to cover his tracks.. I hope you can sniff him out with some sort sort of geek-tech..

Yes, the admins will have access to his info though; and hopefully I will be able to put them in touch with the AE911truth organization.

Furthermore, although it took some investigations to determine what exactly had occurred, I wanted to extend a thank you to you (and Rob Balsamo) for both uncovering this conspiracy to defame Mr. Gage and, subsequently, bringing it to our attention.

This was no traditional troll, and it is appearing more and more that the entirety of the six months of existence behind the impersonator's account was aimed at defaming Mr. Gage.

Thank you, and you're most welcome, but neither I nor Rob Balsamo require any acknowledgement as we're all about pricipals and truth before personalities, although I guess I can't speak for Rob.

Go get 'em now that he's on the run. I KNEW it! Ha!


Not everyone on this sub is mindless. Others asked for the same information and were subsequently banned from this sub for the same questions.

Good work btw. Others smelled the shit too.

axolotl_peyotl looks like another shill/troll.

I wonder when the mods might make a thread to annouce what happened? Maybe when the real Richard Gage agrees to do an AMA on r/conspiracy?

People were BANNED for asking about it, you're kidding me.

Could there be another troll amond the mods, do you think?

Which ones were involved in setting up the AMA and why didn't they seek any verification as to "Richard_Gage" true identity?

Why didn't anyone simply email Richard at A&E49/11Truth?

It was handled very poorly, imho.

Check you're other mods, there's at least one problem one in the mix..




Do you really think the admins care that /r/conspiracy got trolled?

Same language pattern as the Richard_Gage who did the AMA, and both you and that one registered at the same time.

You are the one who set up the AMA, but provided no verification except to say that you are affiliated with A&E49/11Truth.

seems you are an imposter.
And i rushed into defending you.

why dont you and your - i assume- conspiritard friends go and bother someone else?

Yeah, you would second that person. Heads up - they're a troll and do not represent A&E4911Truth.

Nice edit. Et tu, Brute?

Sure why not. I think it'd be fun.

I once again nominate myself. I think it's time me or one of my other DocHopper accounts be made mod. The People need a moderator.


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I would be interested in being a mod here because I have some free time. I've been a member of this community since the beginning (almost 9 years ago! How time flies) yeah this is an alt (my original was banned for some infraction years ago). I'm a huge supporter.

Not banned from here, but from a different subreddit that I started which was taken over by someone that didn't like me

Id be interested

Suggest u/george_tenet

I would love to vote on this but I feel underqualified. :(

I guess you can throw my name in the hat. I work during the day and into the late hours of night. Im always online. Let me know.

I'm in the right time zone and I'm always on here voting. Since I found this little bastion I've been like "batten down the hatches!" I've got a previous account with more time invested if that's necessary.

Otherwise I nominate Mr RedPillPolitics, the investigative journalist /u/MalaKemist

I would like to nominate /u/OB1_kenobi.

Solid contributor IMHO.


For those that didn't read the job description: Being a mod here doesn't mean you get to randomly pass judgement on users you consider to be "shills" (i.e., people that disagree with you) and "get rid" of them for their viewpoints. It means you have to fairly enforce the rules of the sub even if you don't agree with every single user.

In that case I would enforce the rules.

depending on what being a mod means in terms of responsibility...

I would be interested in being a mod here because I have some free time and I believe in what this community stands for. Etc etc.

Else I nominate /u/OWNtheNWO. He's around here often, and a good contributor.

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Look at how /u/ownthenwo treats a fellow conspiracy contributor.

Do you really want a mod that can't even recognize a shill from a conspiracy user?

I just thought his being here often helped his chances. he would get to know more people being a mod. everyone starts somewhere.

I specifically said that I was banned and I outed my old username to show I wasn't lying.

This moderator-in-vote decided to label me as another sock of the brigade on Richard Gage, although I was /u/thefuckingtoe and only I would know that that user was banned for 3 months from /r/conspiracy.

A mod of this sub did that the same day I asked for Richard Gage's verification.

PLEASE go ahead and go through the candidate's commenting history and make sure they aren't a. pathetic people from /r/conspiratard who spend time out of their life trying to wage meaningless internet battles against the many and varying pieces of text on the internet they don't like, b. white-power jew-hating christian fundamentalist nutjobs who have no grasp of the big picture of what's going on in the world that they live in, or c. egotistical idiots.

I'd be willing to also

I would like to mod here. Someone's gotta keep these shills in check.

I'm interested

I nominate myself as King Mod.


dis guy fer sure

IIRC they were demodded long ago for censorship. Right?

I'm also going to nominate /u/humanoidpimp; as he is a quality contributor who has shown concern for the sub and it's continued success.

You guys should vote for me.

I've been part of this community for more than a few years now and my wife says I'm a handsome beast. I'm not within the UK/EU time zones but I do have insomnia. I like whisky and cigars and make a kickass bread pudding from scratch.

I've also only been called a shill like twice in the two years plus on this user account. That's gotta be some kind of record.

*Edit I was one of the original mods of /r/stopisraelishills. I'm the only mod who attempted to figure out why it was banned. No, they never told me why or let me take ownership of the sub.

Someone who used to mod r/stopisraelishills, clearly has an agenda and should not be considered.

Hi everybody

I would love this opportunity to return as a moderator for this sub. Those who know me will know I am passionate about this community, and have moderated in the past at r/911truth.

This is an imposter.

This is an imposter.

Indeed. Notice that it is gayunicoM6969 - not the former user gayunicoRN6969 that formerly posted here.

The letters "rn" look similar to "m" in some type faces.

Clever disguise has failed.

LOL @ image.


The mod-work you did at /r/911truth was a thing of beauty.

Censoring the sub to the point of uselessness?

Soverignman wad previously a mod here and resigned due to time constraints. He will need to accept this nomination before we move forward.

This in a mod election thread, please don't muddy the waters with meta controversy.

/u/SovereignMan was a moderator but stepped down of his own accord.

He was great whilst he was with us though.

Meh, I don't like some of the things you say, but I overall agree with you.

Thanks--glad you liked r/TSBD--its pretty much set up as a reference tool.

I would definitely look forward to trying to get some authors, activists and/or documentary film makers for AMAs...r/conspiracy has grown from 75K to over 260K in the year and a half since I joined reddit. I think an achievable goal should be to have at least 2 AMAs every month by January.

At this point in time I have to decline.

Yes, I remember. He too was shadowbanned and returned for a while under a different account name but then disappeared... or did he? Maybe he's still here under yet a different name.

On a side note, I had my first account shadowbanned too.

No one thought to email and contact Richard Gage


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LOL @ image.

If some fuckery occurs we will simply remove the new mod that causes it. Our risk is limited in that manner.

Thanks for your concern.
