How Reddit Was Destroyed (ver2.0)

925  2014-11-26 by [deleted]

1) The first thing they did was take away r/

This took away the only tool for communicating with reddit about reddit. If you had any concerns about the website as a whole, you could address them through r/all. Taking that away was the first step.

2) The power now resided in individual subreddits, obviously the most popular ones. There was a power grab to become moderators of these subreddits.

I remember as the upcoming election loomed, all of a sudden, r/circlejerk (one of the old default subreddits) became completely obsessed with bashing Ron Paul. I am not even a RP supporter, but that was definitely orchestrated, and NOT by some kids trying to be funny.

3) Once the subreddits were controlled, drastic changes began to occur.

I remember when r/IAma was open to anyone and the popularity was decided by voting. Now it is nothing more than a cheap place for celebrities to whore out their products and you need to be "approved".

4) The appearance of shills soon became VERY apparent.

All of a sudden new accounts started popping up out of nowhere, cue the birth of r/HailCorporate. Also, around this time, "feel good" military posts started appearing, like a soldier coming home to his dog. From brand new accounts that never posted again.

Eglin Air Force Base = Reddit's most addicted city!

I would hate to be the poor reddit intern who got fired that day! "Didn't you read the memo Billy. US military bases are never to be included in our yearly stats!!!"

5) Now we have blatant censorship on r/news, r/worldnews etc... saying that X site is not allowed.

What ever happened to letting people vote on the content of this website?

6) Speaking of voting, they changed that too.

We now have an entirely new way to view upvote/downvote scores. A user used to be able to see their score. But now, everything is fuzzed. For example, if you made a semi-controversial comment before, but many people agreed, you may have a score like (47/45), leaving you with a -2 next to the comment. Now you just get a -2 and nobody knows if anyone agreed with you.

7) *Hey guise, us nerds who run reddit have decided to shuffle all of the front-page subreddits, tee-hee we are so random ‿^ *

No more r/circlejerk, that pesky subreddit hits too close to home. Lets add 2X to the mix, even though they wanted to remain an anonymous sub, fuck them, we need to show our shareholders we represent the female demographic. Lets also add a bunch of subs that we can use to share propaganda like r/nottheonion.

8) You are posting too much, please wait...

It now doesn't matter if you have confirmed your email, or been posting on this site for years. If you anger the wrong mod/admin or your posts aren't doing "well", then you get benched.

9) Reddit is not a meritocracy.

tl;dr: Your votes do not matter. The front page is not decided on merit. Different subs are given different algorithms. There is a behind the scene ranking system that gives certain content a "head-start" and as we have learned at r/conspiracy, if they don't like our sub, then we are banished from the front page, forever. Just like we were banished from r/bestof, after this amazing comment that was gilden 8X and received over 3000 upvotes. They actually gave that user the boot. How dare you bring your unique, first-hand perspective to a web-forum!!!

10) The arrival and subsequent take over of r/undelete.

Due to the now rampant censorship on the site, users took it into their own hands to bring the truth into the light. They created a part of reddit where users could see what was being deleted. Nope.

11) All of the proper "checks and balances" are now in place.

R/worldnews has become the ultimate modern-day version of the Two-Minutes Hate from George Orwell's 1984:

a daily period in which Party members of the society of Oceania must watch a film depicting the Party's enemies and express their hatred for them.

But when we really want to drive a point home, the entire front-page gets in on the action!!!

It wasn't always like this. A few years ago, there were just as many disagreements and differences of opinion on reddit, but they were REAL. And the site was still a democracy. People voted and things swung from side to side, everybody learned in the end.

Now we have a completely one-sided mess that pretends to be democratic but is quickly becoming the Fox News of the internet.

And I believe this can essentially be boiled down to greed. Reddit gets billions of views. The people who run reddit are not the "cool bloggers" they try to portray themselves as. There is a head running things, and it is sinister and they are making A LOT of money, and have A LOT of power, and A LOT of influence.

And they know it. You should too.


Nailed it. I've been here 8 years and that is exactly how this site fell apart. Great analysis.

This needs to get stickied.


Its in the sidebar now.

Oh wow it is! Awesome! Hopefully that raises awareness

Or gets conspiracy kicked off reddit for taking away the smoke and mirrors from the people who are blind.

Well it's already banned from appearing on /r/all

That's pretty telling of itself. Got a history or a key incident? I gotta tell you, I'm one of the reddit oldtimers, having actually been here longer than even this account would suggest, and I'm so fed up with the games that I pretty much limit comments and contributions to lame consumerism and counterconsumerism, which is ironic considering my username. Reddit is outgrowing it's usefulness. If it gets to the point where the only easy posts are consumeristic in nature, and not wide open to political dissent in all it's forms then reddit will cease to be of much value for most of the people for most of the buying season year.

Actually now that I think of it, there was an event that triggered this realization that we weren't on /r/all, and it was this post I made that got to #4 on /r/undelete

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While we're on the subject of how Reddit is turning to shit, this nonsense needs to go, too.

Don't get me wrong-- I can understand the need to prevent "vote brigades."

But do we need to be so careful that I might get banned for following a link from /r/conspiracy to /r/undelete, and then participating in the latter via commentary or voting? Especially considering I am already subscribed to /r/undelete!?!?

How is it fair that I don't have the right to participate in a thread in a sub I'm subscribed to, merely because I arrived there via another subreddit?

Does that not sound a tiny bit harsh and insane to anyone else?

Nope I just found out one day that undelete and conspiracy are banned from r/all once I realized I never see them there

Either way, let them try to. If anything happens, it will go viral off site.

a search of all isn't the same as /r/all

I see.

Instead, it got deleted.

Its not deleted, what are you talking about ?

Sorry, I got to this thread by way of /r/undelete and thought they linked to it because it was deleted. Instead, they linked to it to send an army of infiltrators into /r/conspiracy and take our knowledge, man.

They flaired it META as somewhat of an indication that it is not in fact deleted but its still highly misleading that its posted there in the first place, I hate when they do that. Honest mistake.

It was posted to /r/undelete because it discusses the moderation of undelete.

That's what "[META]" means.

It's not misleading to members of the community.

I'd appreciate it if you would not comment in subreddits you know nothing about without doing some basic reading.

OP parroted and linked to false accusations about them. They had good right to post it there.

The confusion comes from the fact that, in the interest of credibility, /r/undelete doesn't ban people for trolling, brigading, etc and therefore this group of pro-censorship jerks have taken up residence there.


I agree with you, although the infrastructure of reddit is more important than you give it credit for. In the beginning, the infrastructure was very solid because it allowed people on reddit to basically have things like a "suggestion box" that was always getting onto the front page (r/, an outlet for mocking reddit if it started acting a fool (r/circlejerk), a transparent system of voting, and many other important things to keep this place in check.

How long ago would you say it started? I joined 3 years ago, was it happening then or before/after?

I started seeing problems about 3-4 years ago. About 1 year ago it got really obvious. About 4 months ago it went completely nuts and there was no question what was going on. It's still getting worse though.

Yup, that is my timeline as well.

A few years ago it was noticeable. By last year it was like "Hello!!! How are the people here not seeing this!" And these days, being in some subreddits will make me feel physically ill and I have to try really hard to not go there because I began to get very depressed with humanity and very scared about what may be coming if people are this easy to stir up into an angry mob.

Yesterday the frontpage was loaded with so much racist garbage it was infuriating. I get the same feelings as you. It's funny though how some of the racist posts that were front page with 4500 upvotes now only have something like 3000 upvotes 24 hours later, which pretty much proves that vote gaming brought them to the front page and that redditors generally don't actually support that content.

Did you notice that about 12 hours before the Ferguson decision, the top post in /r/videos was a video showing huge mobs of black people cheering to the OJ Simpson not-guilty verdict? Such an obvious piece of programming to get the reddit viewership to equate "mobs of black people" with "supporting the wrong decision."

Yeah. That was one of the first subs to get controlled. I remember one day about a year ago when police misconduct videos got really popular (because of that one video of the policeman shooting that guys dog that jumped out the car window) and then people started posting police misconduct videos to /r/videos like crazy. Literally 18 of the top 20 posts in /r/videos was a police misconduct video, and they were hitting the top of /r/all too. People were pissed. Then, suddenly, they were all deleted, and then there were all these "look how nice and cool the police are" type of videos that were in their place. Threads with 5k+ comments were just deleted. And the reposts to take their place were also deleted. That was the day I knew that reddit was seriously infiltrated, when the people aren't allowed to have their say about problems with the police system. I was pretty shocked at the time.

I just wanna say thanks guy I was starting to question my mental health cause I kept noticing this shit and I thought it was unhealthy to be so paranoid but I don't even go to r conspiracy but r\videos has been absolutely infuriating me. The rascism is next level.

It is absolutely nuts the level of racism I see here now. Just know that 80% of it is astroturfed bullshit. Which is sickening in a different way, but I honestly don't think the people of reddit are nearly as racist as the front page sometimes implies. Those top racist posts have less upvotes now than they did when they were on the front page, which is pretty unusual and proves that there's a lot of astroturfing going on that is against public opinion.

Perceptions management, in this case perpetuating the divide and conquer game that keeps all of us uniting against THEM.

In the recent leaks, mods were discussing r/videos and how the moderators there didn't support similar SJW views that they did. For that I give r/videos the benefit of the doubt.

I was really disheartened yesterday by all the racist garbage on the front page, thank goodness I wasn't the only one who noticed.

Yeah it's astroturfed bullshit for the most part. Don't worry

I'm extremely worried. Even if it's astroturfed, there's a reason organizations engage in it. It works to manipulate opinion.

Divide and conquer, my friend.

The overt Racism maybe the most telling sign Reddit is overrun. The funny thing is these astroturfers expect us to believe that a 21nd century democratic website is supposed to resemble 19th century KKK rally...

So it got bad when Digg Rev 4 failed outright as a platform. Imagine that.

I crossed over shortly before rev 4 went live. Reddit was very different then.

I think we brought the cancer with us :( .

It was planned from the start, just a simple consolidation of power.

Wherever the people go, so go the people who want to control others.

Thank you for your opinion, I may have joined during the transition from what you have stated. But even then it was different, I still remember knightsofnew subreddit. Thank you again for sharing.

Digg's collapse.

I'd say it started when r/politics started getting a lot of Republican shills commenting that were obvious paid plants. I think it was around 2007.

That was when the site got targeted because I think it was seen that it was going to rival The Daily Show to where young people got their news. I think news magazines like Time, Newsweek, and some others also started mentioning Reddit a couple of times so Reddit was seriously on the radar, but was completely uncontrolled.

So once it leaked into the mainstream the quality just went down hill it seems.

It's not just 'quality'. It's the fact that Reddit needs to be controlled because it hit the mainstream.

So also the rules and regulations that come with popularity ruined reddit, damn.

It started the summer of 2008. The teenaged 'Obama-Is-God' social media army invaded. The site doubled in size and posts degraded in quality and intellectualism drastically. Reddit used to be overwhelmingly pro-conspiracy theory (aka critical thinking), pro-activism, anti-war, anti-spying, anti-MSM, etc.

Then again, since about that same time massive amounts of money has been spent to implement "fake online identities" to spread war propaganda and discourage criticism of authority.

It's too bad I never got to see Reddit when it was sane.

It was overpopulated with grammar nazis who accused each other of being overly pedantic. The general iq of reddit was much, much higher though and more helpful friendly users. There was once a free exchange of information (seemingly) where a lot of non USA residents learned that the people of the USA were mostly unaware of the antics of USA foreign policy and it was an eye opener for the USA citizens to learn why everyone else hates Americans. The circle jerking was still there but minimal compared to now where it's only a circle jerk with no real communication, just low level middle school mentality. When the diggtards showed up it was the beginning of the end. Once the appearance of conspiretard the writing was on the wall. I still stop in to look around and shake my head in disgust but there really is not much left of what was. I usually find it amusing when users of whatever message board melt down and announce they're leaving but when it started here, in this sub, it was not entertaining when I knew the user was correct about the direction this site was heading.

Damn, didn't know it happened that early, but can see your point. Reddit has almost turned into a faux facebook. By the way thank you for informing me on the classical reddit that used to be instead of the neo-reddit it is now.

You're welcome. One thing I didn't mention is that maybe 1/10 posts was about computer programming. Lots of "wtf is this nonsense, oh, coding stuff" for me.

That sounds much more informative than what the majority post now.

It was a tiny little golden age of information sharing.


  1. Having several different answers for when Reddit "went bad" is probably a good sign that it's not as bad as it could be. (Counterexample: everyone says Digg went bad with the 4.0 update.)
  2. I personally think that the biggest problem with reddit is how impossible it is to criticize those in power, and to mobilize change that isn't admin-approved. Admins want SOPA stopped or gay rights legalized? You get a blog post. But no admins are advocating for more oversight on moderators.

Breaking down #2, the problems are

  • No catch-all, nor is there a meta-Reddit subreddit (for discussion about Reddit). There is no default subreddit that is uncensored (except for spam) like /r/ was. The closest thing is videos and pics. In theory, you could explain your point of view in a video / pic, and it wouldn't be against the rules of those subs. I haven't yet tried this.
  • Moderator actions are secret 99% of the time. Nobody knows if a post is deleted or why. Sometimes mods are openly hostile to the users (confronted with how they aren't making any sense, they just laugh it off). I wanted to make a splinter-sub off of /r/outside, because I feel the moderation / theme of the subreddit is too lax. But my post was spam-filtered and the moderator refuses to respond to my PM. One person is in charge of deciding what 120,000+ people see.

Thank you for taking the time to type this out for me and explain your point of view. I agree with your view with the moderators and their seemingly unchecked power to control the content, rather than regulating more passively as it once was.Thank you again for the in depth explanation I really appreciate when I get to see other viewpoints instead of just shouting matches most users seem to get involved in.

Nailed it indeed. Btw people, technology is now the best sub reddit to do well in

Technology has it's share of control and problems that resulted in r/tech and other subreddits being created.

On #4 now I see lol.

Yup, so much shadowbanning. Seems I hit a nerve.

The crusade must go on!

See shit like this is why you're on my shill list. For every good point you make, you say some dumb shit like this.

The fact that you're rambling on for weeks about "shill lists" is why I think you're full of it. Stop trolling please.

The fact that you think such a thing is completely impossible is exactly why your position on that list has been solidified.

The fact that you think such a thing is completely impossible

Good grief guy. Take five minutes and look at my user history. Look at /r/MilitaryConspiracy.

You are just really bad at this. Ranting about "shills" and making lists (especially ones that include people like me) is the height of counter-productivity. You discredit yourself and this whole sub with your paranoid misinformation.

Haha you're pretty good at this. They should give you a promotion.

Trolling already?

It's funny how you're always accusing me of the exact thing you're doing, often within the same sentence. You're smart.

Take five minutes and look at my user history.

Did you do this yet?

Every forum I've been on, ends up like this.

There should be a name for that phenomenon

Someone that is NOT condenAst and preferably someone that isn't a whore for the freak/disgrace that is mass media today should start a site essentially the same as reddit with way more transparency.

It's getting really shady here.

Agreed. There was but I think development has stopped.

Actually I just looked it up and apparently they have changed names to

Been here about 5. OP speaks the truth.

you have been banned from

I've been here 8 years

clicks name

redditor for 12 days


Cause all my accounts got shadowbanned when I called out a JIDF shill in /r/adviceanimals about a month ago.... my oldest account was /u/foxfaction

Learn to internet...

I make a new account every 6 months or so; he/she could poss be doing the same - but maybe you're correct.

As someone who has been active in this site for almost 6 years now I could not agree more. Every single change has hurt reddit. This used to feel like a real community where issues would become popular organically and people seemed to care enough to come together and try to find solutions. I'm sure there was manipulation going on back then but the real content would still get out there and rise to the top. Now it feels like issue of the day is pushed on us and the real stuff is stifled.

As a 7 year user, has become my secondary source for news.

I gave it a try early on but didn't see much activity. Maybe I should go back for another look.


It's been getting more active by the day; certainly worth checking out and leaving some comments.

You can actually have conversation there... without excessive shilling. And if enough of you smart guys become active over there you can prevent future shilling. Take control of it before another bipolarbear gets to. Make some rules to prevent another conspiritard from happening.

Awesome, all the subverses have around 300 subscribers or under. Im joining this shit. The music subreddit actually has music that doesnt make me want to kill myself.

Yea, Reddit music is absolutely terrible. I wouldn't doubt they are paying a lot of money to have their junk posted there, I can go through 10 minutes of browsing that subreddit without finding a single song I like.

And who runs whoaverse? It appears to be a mystery. Why is it a secret? It would not surprise me at all if it was run by subversive elements just like Reddit is.

Then the same thing that is happening to Reddit will happen to whoaverse. We should not have loyalty to a platform, but to open uncensored discourse.

You won't have open uncensored discourse as long as people are allowed to create a sub-reddit (or subverse at whoaverse) and lord over it like it's their pet toy. Subversive infants will take over the potentially most popular sub-reddits and manipulate the content just like they have and do here on Reddit. You'd need a strong admin team that's willing to remove moderators who overstep their bounds - a benevolent dictatorship - but then all you will get from the subversives is campaigns about how the admins are harming free speech and doing something wrong, and since most people are dumb most people will believe it and will leave. Again we come to the conclusion that because people are stupid and easily misled, evil wins.

It appears that my outlook on people is more optimistic than yours.

Try getting the average person to care about anything that's actually important, to actually care about the truth and fight for justice by spreading the message to others. Good luck.

The average American spends $500 a year on the lottery. Lottery odds are terrible.

These same people are also allowed to vote. Is it any wonder things are so awful?

Yes, I do agree that the apathy levels in the United States are insane, the root cause of which is education. Something that has been in the works for decades. It will take a few years to undo this brainwashing.

The best thing we can do is to challenge stupidity and ignorance, and to stop consuming what they are selling. Once the dominoes start to fall then the transition to an open accountable society will begin.

It is part nature and part nurture. I was exposed to the very same educational system of brainwashing, yet I am very logical and have a natural desire to find the truth, and therefore given the necessary time it was inevitable that I would come to an understanding of the key issues. Most people do not possess the same natural ability for logic, analysis, and syncretism and even if educated properly on how to think would probably have a hard time doing anything but regurgitating what they are told to think or, if left to their own devices, would either not bother to spend the time to find the truth or would simply be unable to put the pieces together to form a picture.

Knowledge is not meant for the masses. They do not respect facts, they do not have the capacity to find the truth. This is why it is ridiculous to have the masses vote. Instead, a benevolent elite should rule. Maybe that is simply not possible, maybe evil always wins. In that case we are doomed to be led always by an evil, selfish "elite".

Hitler, or at least whichever Jew ghost-wrote for him, had a lot to say on this topic:

But by 'reading' I may possibly mean something entirely different from the great average of our so-called 'intelligentsia'.

I know people who endlessly 'read' a lot, book after book, letter for letter, yet I would not call them 'well read.' Of course, they possess a wide 'knowledge,' but their intellect does not know how to distribute and register the material gathered. They lack the ability to distinguish in a book that which is of value and that which is of no value to them; to keep the one in mind forever, and to overlook, if possible, the other, instead of carrying it with them as so much unnecessary ballast. Reading, furthermore, is not a purpose in itself, but a means to an end. It should serve, first of all, to fill in the frame which is formed by the talents and abilities of the individual; thus reading has to furnish the tools and the building material which the individual needs for his profession, no matter whether it serves only the primitive purpose of making a living or whether it presents a higher vocation; secondly, reading has to give a general picture of the world. In both cases it is necessary that the content of what has been read is registered in the mind, not according to the sequence in the book, or according to the sequence in which the books are read, but that, like the small pieces of a mosaic, it is put into the place where it belongs, thus helping to complete the general picture of the world in the mind of the reader. Otherwise, the result will be a terrible muddle of things learned, and this is not only of little value, but it also makes its unfortunate possessor presumptuous and vain. For now he thinks in all sincerity that he is 'educated'; he thinks he knows life and has knowledge; whereas in reality, with each new contribution to this 'education,' he is more and more estranged from the world, till frequently he ends in a sanatorium, or as a 'politician' in parliament.

When studying a book, a magazine, or a pamphlet, those who master this art of reading will immediately pick out that which in their opinion is suitable for them because it serves their purposes or is generally worth knowing and therefore to be remembered forever. As soon as the knowledge so gained finds its due place in the one or the other existing picture of this or that thing which imagination has created, it will act as a corrective or as a supplement, thus enhancing its truth or its clarity. When life suddenly presents some question to be examined or answered, then this manner of reading will immediately take the already existing picture as a standard, and from it it will take all the single contributions to this question which have been collected during past decades, and submit them to the intellect for examination and reconsideration till the question is clarified or answered.

It is only in this fashion that reading is of use and has meaning.

Thanks for the link btw.

Oh, it is also worth noting that I saw through some of the bullshit even from an early age. Most people never do. Except maybe about weed because they want to get high... nice priorities.

...with no censoring, the same people would just spam disgusting shit, which would turn most sensible people away as well.

Yes, there has to be moderation, it's just that moderators tend to be corrupt and have an agenda, one that usually isn't in line with truth. You'd need an admin team that's willing to remove moderators who abuse their power aggressively and ensure that new moderators are put in their place who will behave properly. But then you need admins who don't have an agenda other than truth, either, and Reddit of course has admins who have a very specific agenda, which is basically the same agenda the moderators of /r/politics have, a mainstream propaganda agenda.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes??"

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes

Hehe. It seems only a benevolent dictatorship can work. Per usual.

Every single change has hurt redditors, as another 6 years+ user I otherwise couldn't agree more. It's so sad when something excellent is killed for the benefit of fascists.

issue of the day

this plus massive amounts of inane content including reposts of reposts of reposts. You can always tell somethings up when the front page gets inundated with one topic but theres nothing in the news, then suddenly AMA and a bunch more content from that person. THis is a well oiled commercial machine.


It's not just reddit. 4chan, of all places, recently swapped out all their oldschool mods for SJW's, exactly as gamergate and the fappening occurred.

That whole thing reaked of being controlled. I saw the exact same responses on every site I went to. It really felt coordinated.

What got deleted that was written here?

Reddit is the busiest discussion site on the net. I would have been surprised if the powers that be didn't subvert it.

Exactly. Reddit is the biggest and most active web forum in the history of the internet. It is arguably the top 5 most popular website in the entire Western world and top 3 in North America.

I know this sounds corny, but it is the front page of the internet. God knows I wish it wasn't, but it is.

Reddit is like a weapon of mass destruction that shoots web traffic.

The propaganda machine for millennials.

the powers that be.

Plot Twist: How do you know Reddit wasn't created by them in the first place? How far down the Reddit-Hole does the story begin and end?

The powers that be can only subvert the creations of others. They destroy things rather than create.

Their only notable creation is fiat money, which oddly enough comes from nothing.

Fiat money was created by the Song Chinese...

All money is fiat money


I guess it depends on how you define fiat currency. But Gold still only has as much value as we give to it. Times change and the value that a society places on a commodity changes. Gold doesn't have any intrinsic value. If you define fit currency as whatever the government declares to be worth a certain amount though, then whatever they declare by fiat, is the only fiat currency. It's kinda wordy but it all depends on how you define fiat currency

I was going to say they create missiles, but that's just a creation to destroy things!

Reddit may have been created with the intention of one day taking it over for a different agenda. But the fact remains, in the beginning, it was a real community and that community (as a whole) was actually very intelligent and created a certain "culture" that rewarded independent thought and thinking outside the box (as long as you could back it up with logic and legit sources).

I mean, it had its problems, but on the whole there were checks and balances in place because the community created them. As soon as all of those checks and balances started getting corrupted and altered, it went downhill very fast.

I mean, it is impossible to compare the downward spiral of a shill-infested, coordinated attack to an organic downward spiral that is a natural event of popularity and human nature. But the fact remains, a lot of very "convenient" events were taking place during this downward spiral. And it is very hard not to notice them and reevaluate whether or not the fall was organic.

I am a 32 year old adult who was on reddit for a long, long time. I was keeping a VERY close eye on the site from the beginning. And for those of us who were lucky enough to be staring at the right place and paying attention to the right things, it is hard not to draw a sinister conclusion.

I am 32 as well. It also used to be more technology/science based. More intelligent conversations or debates. Unless I just didn't know about all these other subreddits before

Remember when randall munroe put a coded message to reddit in a book which ended up being 911 was an inside job? Not necessarily he believed it, but because that was a general consensus on reddit.


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Reddit may have been created with the intention of one day taking it over for a different agenda. But the fact remains, in the beginning, it was a real community and that community (as a whole) was actually very intelligent and created a certain "culture" that rewarded independent thought and thinking outside the box (as long as you could back it up with logic and legit sources).

This is what drove me to login here instead of lurk. This is just an idea, and a way for intelligent people to communicate ideas, discuss the validity of sources, and learn things.

This can happen anywhere and be hosted everywhere. Whenever the last straw is, all we have to do is migrate or create our own content aggregator while holding up this one rule, and the truth will be not far down the line.

What a great way of articulating it though. As someone in the same age bracket as you, it's nice to see.

My older textbook describes Reddit as a smaller site that mainly involves IT professionals having a place to discuss and keep up with the most current stuff. Far different from how it would be described today. It's so much fluff and very little actual intelligent discussion. Reddit now brings to mind cats, bacon, and memes. Time to find the next new thing I guess.

didn't reddit sort of win the format war vs. slashdot?

The original creators are not even involved anymore.

The most active/vocal of them is dead.

Think about that.

Interestingly enough, someone could launch a "Classic" implementation of Reddit and simply profit from it being "Not Reddit Reddit." The opportunity is ours.

Just tell me where to go and I'm on board. I've been on here for years and I wish it would go back to what it was.


Thats awesome. The stuff on the front page has around 10 upvotes. lol

Ten bucks says they are real people though.


They will leave when they get bored. It happens with the news cycle.


Its part of my list of communities I visit. A few Chan's, woah, here, and zh are where I do my rounds. I just fear the divide and conquer strategy my friend.

dae all cops r bad and piggies


Not even a cop fucktard

Well, clearly that's on everyone's mind here, but a very important consideration is how we keep this new site transparent and as uncompromisable as possible, while still making it as fun and interesting as original reddit.

There's a downside to that. The methods employed to disrupt and subvert discussion have been developed and ramped up for a reddit style environment.

This would easy to flow into the next bucket now that it exists.

Alternative options might be to observe and catalog the type of strategies being deployed in order to brainstorm ways to work around it, or employ features which disrupt these strategies in the next communications platform.

Well they killed the only Reddit co-founder with any balls so it's no surprise.

In 2013, Internet activist and Reddit co-founder Aaron Swartz ended his life while facing up to 35 years in prison for hacking.


MIT refused to press charges, JSTOR refused to press charges; it was Carmen Ortiz and her henchman Stephen Heyman who are responsible for Aaron's death.

There's a reason she isn't Senator Ortiz at the moment.

Upvoted for truth and knowledge.

Just like the 'DC Madame' Deborah Jeane Palfrey "ended her life" just after threatening to expose most of congress as solicitors of prostitution.

Yeah its glaringly obvious swartz was murdered. No reason to kill himself n certainly not by hanging. He was hung wasnt he?

The case against Swartz was clearly about to embarrass the US criminal justice system on a national level. How convenient for them that he hung himself.

US criminal injustice system

who is "they"?

Who's Dan Jones?


Now I actually wanna know, can you please answer?


You posted an interesting comment that I wanted to know more about. I'm confused as to why you are dodging the question so much.

For a sub who questions everything, you guys sure do get defensive when someone questions you.


Reddit's default subs are toxic hiveminds. Core communities will always move elsewhere. 4chan, whatever your hurr durr opinion is, has been infiltrated by SJWs; and the core community has migrated to 8chan or other places to escape personal- or popularity-slanted moderation.

The only reason I'm on Reddit is because of Android app support, the high number of posters, and theoretically unlimited subreddits with unlimited (though undemocratic) mods. If I still had private PC access, I wouldn't be here; Reddit on PC is ugly as hell, even from a functional standpoint. It's pathetic how bad the interface is for presenting large amounts of content. Usernames with traceable history (namefagging) and karma ruin the volume, though. Lack of anonymity reduces focus on content quality, and levels out comments because people concern themselves with protecting and growing their karma. Reddit's post format is a nice compromise between Futaba and BBS, I'll say. The voting system isn't necessarily bad, but it promotes selfishness and flattens discussion. Maybe they should hide karma and usernames.

It may sound good to let everyone choose what the best content is, but that doesn't work out. Whoever posts early, in a thread that will become popularly visited, is more likely to hit the top for a stupid joke that everyone jerks off to. Serious and knowledgeable replies are likely to to sink into obscurity, or be buried in downvotes. Once a post reaches 0, the replicants will pile on to push it down.

I wasn't here when Reddit started, because I was on other sites that had no assumptions about moderation except removing illegal content like CP. Therefore, nobody had to worry about being banned or negatively impacted because their post was disagreeable to someone.

Meanwhile, Reddit cries about brigading of the imaginary internet points they created. Unfortunately, actual site issues like CP hosting have been expanded to include (and encourage) mob actions against people who hurt others' feelings with text. Visit SRS or TiA to see how stifled talk is, today.

/r/europe is overflowing with anti-Russian propaganda. I'm no Putin fan, I think he deserves the gallows for what he did in Chechnya, but he's definitely not the bad guy as far as Ukraine and other current affairs are concerned.

Also known as r europeanbankers


Had to look this up. Social justice warriors? Why don't you just call them liberals/leftists?

Because of some ridiculous behaviors that set them apart from merely being liberal or left (which aren't the same thing).

So they're radical leftists?

Hm, then leftists call themselves liberals but they really aren't.

I'm guessing you're American. Left and liberal, or right and conservative, aren't used in the proper academic sense in their media.

SJWs are, heh, difficult to sum up. I'd visit /r/tumblrinaction, read about GamerGate (where the SJW thing exploded into popularity), or read Encyclopedia Dramatica (NSFW). The latter has an abrasive, 4chan-style tone but ED is a great resource if you can get past that.

Just waiting for the shit to come about posting ED.

Reddit wants to separate people now. Thus the reason shills were added to the site. They DON'T want people to be on the same page with the same thoughts that could threaten the powers that control peoples minds. This sub is really the last outpost in getting minds together and on the same page of thought.

But your'e a conspiracy nut

Oh yeah!

Did you post the original "How reddit was destoryed"? I liked that post very much, and I recall that you edited in a link shortener which caused the spam filter to remove your post; in turn, the subreddit became convinced there was a nefarious plot by the admins to censor your post.

There is a head running things, and it is sinister and they are making A LOT of money, and have A LOT of power, and A LOT of influence

Are you implying that certain reddit inc admins have been known to run PR firms and attend Booze-Allen panels to discuss "emergent knowledge"? Because that's certainly never happened!

Here's a great interview Luke Rudkowski did with Ohanian on his consulting firm, quite interesting to watch. Also it pisses me off that when he was asked about sopa and pipa he not once mentioned Aaron's group, Demand Progress, which started those sopa/pipa protests.

Yes, I made that post in another reddit life.

Nice to see you're still around. I think you have a very keen sense of some of the meta changes within reddit which have felicitated it's move away from an aggregate dedicated to the free flow of information. The question then becomes, how long can they keep up the charade?

Look at Fox News. They can keep it up as long as they like, because no one seeks out information for themselves.

my question, what is the better alternative? i stopped long ago going to r/news and r/politics is an up and coming alternative. seems pretty good these days by comparison to reddit

/r/worldpolitics is one of the few good subs left


That's fucking clever.


Same great mod team as undelete!

Just checked out fark.

Gotta give them credit for Post titles

If you guessed "la la la la la can't hear you" as to how Fox News covered the House Intelligence Committee's Benghazi report, then step forward and claim your prize

Yeah, they have fantastic titles, that's what they're best at. The discussion isn't bad either.

Just had a look at What is up with all the propaganda on that site?

No shit. Like being able to post an RT link and not have it buried is some kind of victory?

Shit is the whole internet really just a god damn back and forth between interested corporations and intelligence agencies? Might be bloody well time to organize and talk to large groups of people the old fashioned way - shit actually got done then and it was easier to spot an infiltrator.

I'm reading Undercover by Paul Lewis. I wouldn't agree lol

I've been a Farker for years. The community is pretty close nit and users frequently get together for "Fark Parties" which shows that there are real people behind the accounts. The owner is also quite a funny guy who loves to work in a bar stool. It's a smaller community though and could be considered a bit cliquish at times.

it must be created and protected

You missed r technology.

what goes on there? I don't follow it...

It got infiltrated in a very obvious way a few months back. I don't remember the details because I didn't follow it that closely, but I do remember there was quite the hubub all across reddit about it. Part of it was that anything mentioning Tesla cars was auto-banned just by keyword search, but there was a lot more to it. It became very obvious that certain companies were gaming it to use as their personal advertising space.

Much worse than I expected. Damn.

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My impression from the outside was that the problems with r/technology had mostly been fixed and stories on those things were allowed now. The people that didn't like the lesser censorship moved to r/tech.

Reddit is literally the mainstream media.

Fox caters to their crowd.

CNN caters to theirs.

Reddit caters to the young crowd. Reddit is the MSM arm that feeds information to the young, tech savvy, college educated crowd. Why do you think the "You shouldn't even bother voting" attitude is so popular on reddit? The apparent goals of the MSM are in direct opposition of the reddit crowd, and they know this. They don't want you voting, and they use your 'superior' news source to reinforce that idea.

Nobody is surprised when TV news stations censor things, why would you be surprised when an internet news site censors things?


I have been on reddit about two years longer than my username indicates (professional lurker). I too have noticed this.

Let's go make our own reddit with blackjack and hookers.

No, but really, surely there has to be some people on here that have the knowledge to compete with this and bring it back to the core of what it once was and keep it there. If I had enough knowledge or help to make it happen, I would. Truthfully, back then, there was shit that got the votes and made it to the top, and though i disagreed sometimes, that's what made it great. And it was great seeing people come together to make a change (not that it doesn't still sometimes happen now, but you're right... It's selective). is the closest thing so far


It is upsetting to see happen but subs like this are still alive allowing people to share and discuss what is really happening on a global scale.

Its also nice to get to know some of the users and mods as well without getting banned as in the other more controlled subs like:

/r/todayilearned, /r/worldnews, /r/politics

What pisses me off about /r/politics is the secret deletion algorithm that they have setup for sites they "say" are rehosted content when in fact they are not. When you post the so called rehosted content you won't even get a notice about it.

Says the man who deletes posts and bans users in his own subreddit for disagreeing with him... fucking hypocrite!


Sounds like the guy was a troll whose only purpose was to shit on your sub-reddit. Good call.

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So its ok for you to censor people because your right? Thats hilarious! Your ideas about speaker building are at best misguided and at worst totally moronic... Just like your stupid crackpot health 'hacks'.


Haha, It just gets more ridiculous! You've changed the future of loudspeaker have you? Tell you what, if I ever see anyone totally fuck up a driver by doing this to it, I owe you a coke! Moron.


You talk about resonance like you have a childs understanding of it. You load a tweeters cone with mass and this 'gets rid of resonances' does it? How do construct the cabinets of your groundbreaking speakers then?



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Droid Fight!!!

The admins of reddit allow r/ferguson to remain:

That says all we need to know.

Holy wow that is racist. And all those subs linked in the sidebar... good god.

It's over the top. And the admins allow it to stay.

I thought it was obvious since /r/jailbait that the Admins don't care until a problem receives enough attention.

Mind you; /r/jailbait only recieved that attention because members of the circlejerk militia from Something Awful setup subs like "/r/preteengirls", filled them with hard candy, and then emailed Anderson Cooper deriding "reddit's JB problem", and eventually turning him on to /r/jailbait.

Mind you, I think the reddit admins played a hand in that situation (and I think SA's reward was hands off treatment for SRS); as the reddit admins needed a way to deal with their "free speech problem" while also silencing a power moderator (VA) who knew all too well what was starting to happen on some of the major subs.

For example, VA watched this thread about exposing what Chris Brown really did to his girlfriend turn into this barren wasteland, and then made these comments (strongly hinting at ongoing payola) as to why he was resigning as a mod of /r/wtf.

The way in which the admins handled the spreading of VA's personal info (via something called the "predditors tumblr"), by allowing doxx to stay linked for nearly 18 hours sitewide, caused an uproar amoung the moderator which lead to gawker being nearly site wide banned by all major subs, against the wishes of the admins. You can have fun reading the backroom conversation about that incident between mods and admins here.

That incident also coincided with another power user, PIMA, being strong armed off the site as well.

Something Awful, a prime forum for leftist degeneracy. I didn't know for a long time why I got along so poorly with that crowd back 15 years ago. Now I know.

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I agree with everything you posted except where you say at the end that it can be boiled down to greed. Your final sentences are, I think, more accurate - it's about controlling and manipulating the information that the millions of people who use reddit are exposed to first and foremost.

it's about controlling and manipulating the information that the millions of people who use reddit are exposed to first and foremost.

And we have a winner!

From a panel that Mr. Ohanian attended, paid for by Mr. Snowden's former employers,

"How do you encourage the use of "emergent knowledge" environments when users are familiar only with "content production environments"

"In what ways does a secure, customer-driven "emergent knowledge" environment differ from that of the larger blogosphere, particularly in terms of participation incentives?"

Thanks, hadn't seen any of this before. I love the weasel words and doublespeak they use when describing overtly nefarious things. I think it would almost be funny if it wasn't.. ya know.. real life.

The Ron Paul posts started making frontpage. The meme's became "It's happening!!"

Then they deleted the subs from the frontpage to avoid any talk of Ron Paul. Even subs setup for restore the fourth banned talking about ron paul. Course this wasn't the start of reddit's censorship but it was really obvious during the elections.

The whole Restore the Fourth thing was compromised by authoritarian propagandists from (at most) day two. Authoritarians hate Ron Paul.

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Eglin Air Force Base = Reddit's most addicted city!

Followed by "Oak Brook, IL"; Wikipedia HQ

There were several cities on that list with total populations much smaller than their reddit user counts.

Sort of blows the doors off doesn't it? The whole bloody thing is a sham.

Oak Brook is filled with several large corporate HQ (McDonalds is the most notable, but there are at least a few others), and a ton of corporate office space. The residential areas are mostly secluded upper-middle class and lower-upper class areas, but the residential part of the suburb itself is pretty small; the work-day population is probably at least double the size.

If I had to guess, a lot of the Oak Brook reddit activity is probably office workers wasting time, but I'd be very surprised if there wasn't corporate astroturfing coming out of there also.

The governments of the five eyes are racist and want to drag the populations along with them. This is one way to fool the world that all are racist and bigots. seems the place to migrate to

Very well spoken.

Especially the change from showing the total votes up/down to just showing the net.

You forgot to add shadowbans.

Shadow bans are straight up cowardly.

User was banned for this post

Anyway I've only recently joined Reddit but this saddens me. I wish I could've experienced the old one.

I've been here 5 years (three lurking) and OP hit the nail on the head regarding the downfall of Reddit.

You couldn't have imagined that the Neuhaus family would have actually let Reddit go on as it were, right??

This really goes back to who controls the pursestrings of Conde Nast (or "Nasty Condom" as we called them when I worked for a competitor).

Follow the money: Reddit>Conde Nast>Neuhaus Family>Israeli citizens and dual-citizens.

WHY do you think there appeared all of these "feel good" military stories?? Hmm...could it be that ISRAEL STARTS NEARLY EVERY SIGNIFICANT WAR IN THE WORLD yet they NEVER, ever die from their actions?? Does this seem fair? SOMEBODY is getting a HELL of a bargain in both military hardware and soldiers' lives and it is NOT the US. The ONLY time that American Jews have died in recent wars AS SOLDIERS was when the draft still existed.

Mention this and you are an "anti-Semite" (which now means "hated by the Jews" instead of "hates Jews"). Indeed, the truth itself is "anti-Semitic!"

Reddit has not been run by "cool coders" for some time. Reddit is just YET ANOTHER "hasbara outlet" for its owners and controllers.

Don't believe me? Try posting a true post critical of the Nazi-like, apartheid terror state of Israel and see how fast you are downvoted/banned.

Reddit fucking SUCKS. I'm just waiting for someone with better code (I recently saw a MUCH BETTER "Reddit lookalike" and its source code...PLEASE let me know the name if you remember.)

I will do WHATEVER IT TAKES to drive traffic to this site as I am in a VERY good position through work to do so.

Reddit's time is done. It's nothing but a joint US/Israeli disinformation op.

The "website version" of Agent Alex Jones, if you would.

TL;DR--Reddit sucks and is Jewish/Israeli controlled propaganda. Anyone know of a viable replacement?


The mods won't do anything about these "users" (shills) because it would look like censorship the truth would become clear.

A racist user was able to spam this Ferguson article over 100 times yesterday.

The rulers are happy to keep the waters as muddy as possible.


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You're so obsessed, /u/TitusCruentus.

Why not make counter arguments instead of making childish comments and then repeatedly deleting them almost immediately afterwards?

It's because you don't have a single original thought in your head. You've never thought for yourself and you simply regurgitate other people's ideas while praying that conflicting ideas, and the people who put them forth, will simply disappear.

You'll grow out of it. I believe in you.

Define "racist".

Define why a "racist" should not be allowed to express her opinions.

Have you read through the prosecutor's release yet or are you still being the "useful idiot" toeing the liberal media's political agenda?

Finally, why are you unable to debate ideas you disagree with?

How is said user racist?

I defended Wilson with the facts.

They don't like that so they attempt to shut me down by calling me names.

Ironic, considering how they're in /r/conspiracy where you are supposed to be open-minded. They're complaining about me being a shill when they are actually being the useful idiots and propelling the liberal media's narrative.

Thank you for this post i will study it and research it and come back with my views and opinions.

Would anyone care terribly if I cross posted this to CMV? Id love to read the debate it sparks. I love you guys, but out of the loop people's opinions are important too.

Post it everywhere you can. People of reddit should know this stuff.

Magnora hit the nail on the head. Post this everywhere you can.

Have you tried ?

love this post. Thank you for pointing out the obvious that people seem to be missing.

I've burned off a measurable percentage of my life on Reddit to no advantage whatsoever. Maybe it's time to find other hobbies. As hobbies go though, it sure is cheap.

Even the older people act "too cool" for Reddit. Seems like you have valuable discussions about cars and machines, be thankful. You actually get the chance to converse without having to worry about vote brigadiers. Not me though I like politics, news, and conspiracies, probably the three most convoluted subs. I mean common, this sub has a Reddit community dedicated to making it look bad.

I know the site has gone to shit, but please don't pretend like it meant nothing. At least truth had a chance.

Somebody start another site using reddit's old code (or if that isn't open source, write your own clone as close to the original as you remember), call it "nexxit", and post the link here. We'll join and make it the next reddit and this one can wither away.

I remember how worldnews changed basically overnight.

I just got banned from a subreddit, that I haven't posted to in at least 2 to 3 weeks. They stalk you down, and meticulously remove all "harm" from the web.

You can't say anything. It's 100% a social, commercial playground. Most areas.

The only thing that lives here are the trolls, and the marketers.

Don't get me wrong, I loved trolls. You know, way back when, when it was an art. Now karma has totally fucking destroyed that. You need to be -10000 to be a decent troll, but reddit kaps you at -100.

You can't even be controversial, or thought provoking. Never mind good old fashion trolling.

Now everyone is fishing, hardcore commerical trolling. Don't get me wrong. I love it all.

But dammit. Quit banning me in subs which are supposed to be informational. All I do is post links to authoritative scientific papers, and whammo... I'm fucking out of there in two heart beats.

In other words, half the place is run by college kids being overthrown by cartels, and the other half are social justice warriors.

Only my opinion. Hey, were all at fault, right?

It's a melting pot, learn to love it, I guess. I wonder how poly sci students are making out?

As the way of ebaumsworld and the myspace that came after, all good websites must come to an end

6) Speaking of voting, they changed that too. We now have an entirely new way to view upvote/downvote scores. A user used to be able to see their score. But now, everything is fuzzed. For example, if you made a semi-controversial comment before, but many people agreed, you may have a score like (47/45), leaving you with a -2 next to the comment. Now you just get a -2 and nobody knows if anyone agreed with you.

Fucking THIS.

This seriously needs to change. A voting system that allows people to see your vote ranking is needed. One that specifically requires at least 80% of votes below 5 downvote to hide your post.

This would stop shills and allow people to figure out what information is correct.

I kinda like to think it went down like this. Somewhere behind the scenes of Reddit:

"Guys we're rolling out the new voting system tomorrow, you all know what to do. Up vote the comments that are neutrally or positively receptive, down vote and delete those catching on to the ruse. Mods..ROLL OUT!"

Completely agree op. Hive mind is the new reddit.

Oh you don't like [insert topic here]. (wait 30 seconds to comment). This feature only ensures that by the time you respond to first posters reply; that 8 more posters are there to argue separate points. Making it impossible for you to make a single contradictive opinion...

I often get so frustrated I just delete my account. Heaven forbid that I disagree with an experienced user...

Tried explaining this system of blacklisting to my mum. Whom couldn't even consider that such systems take place online.

Shills, promotions teams, advertisers, and investors are completely guiding "hive mentality".

What is worse is that the only sites I can think of that compare to reddit are godlikeproductions, and 4chan. Which the former is also taking on massive shills (which are more easily distinguishable due to the smaller community size). Or the Latter 4chan. (which I just don't use due to its reputation for stings, and hackers).

So I get pissed about reddit, and keep my opinions to myself. I suppose they win :(

I tried making a subreddit once where there were no rules and some people there argued that I couldn't uphold that idea unless I signed myself (the creator) out and left the sub with nobody.

Turns out when you leave a sub with noone, someone can message the right people and take it over.

Haha I did the EXACT same thing at /r/deletenothing. They trolled me really hard and convinced me to leave and then went to /r/redditrequest (which I didn't know existed) and took it over, literally minutes after I unmodded myself. Unbelievable.

Why isn't there a method to leave an unmoderated subreddit? That would be an excellent experiment and it's very questionable why they wouldn't allow that.

Has anyone officially tried? That would be the first step.

/r/redditrequests after all, does serve legitimate users.

I didn't know about Reddit until two years ago, you just blew my mind. Not surprising though considering the state of our global system.

Thank you for bringing this to light! Have a donut bro! /u/changetip

The Bitcoin tip for a donut (953 bits/$0.36) has been collected by putin_hates_cats.

ChangeTip info | ChangeTip video | /r/Bitcoin

Thanks man!!!

Thanks man!!!

I remember exactly so much of what your topping about, I've been here a little over 5 years, this was my second account. Your right on, I like to think if Aaron was around he would of put a stop to it or created another site

Reminds me of a thread I posted, which was later pulled because 2 other threads popped up about the same thing, 3 days after mine, yet mine was removed for being a duplicate thread

It should also be remembered that just before Elgin Air Force base was "the most Reddit addicted city", the Boston Bombing DDOS of Reddit had just taken place a month before.

Look at the amount of comments compared to upvotes. Everything else on the frontpage has like 30 comments and +200 upvotes.

"They" killed the owner of Reddit and seized control....Just a thought.

They didn't seize control per say; they simply found out who they need to work with.

THANK YOU. For this.

Well said.

I bet I have shadowbans and am to stupid to know.

Too stupid?

No Way. What You Do, is as important as anything you see being done...

post in a subreddit, and notice you are not showing up in the comments

Shadowbans are site-wide, and you can only tell if you log out, then look for your activity. Otherwise all looks as normal.

I feel you can still convert new mainstream people to ideas they would never came across by themselves, so until that is totally finished.... I still like reddit as a vehicle to introduce alternative opinion to consumer happy kitty picture fans. You never know who starts down the rabbit hole.

Isn't reddit open source? Why don't we just start reddit2. It seems like to would be easy and then we can just let the market decide which is better.

Or we stop buying reddit gold and force them to make the site the way it used to be.

There are dark forces active. It started with AMA's just to plug a product. And slowly it rolled out over all subreddits of interest.

Such a damned shame, folks

A very good summary of stage 2 (stage one of course being the introduction of moderators and the subdivision of reddit into subreddits which stopped cross education and caused people to see only what they wanted to see thus remaining ignorant and rarely learning anything new)

I would also add when so many subreddits insidted on exact titles or quotes beucase it stopped redditors from being able to post the important point summary of the article as the title . Using only official titles from only approved media just turned reddit into mainstream media. It was the redditor individual insights that were sk instructional since so many redditors were so much smarter than most of the reporters work they were covering.

Anyone still subscribed to the default subs should really reconsider what they hell they are doing here.

Don't forget that on free websites you aren't a contributor so much as a product sold to advertisers.

Improve your world:

It is a conspiracy

"We now have an entirely new way to view upvote/downvote scores. A user used to be able to see their score. But now, everything is fuzzed. For example, if you made a semi-controversial comment before, but many people agreed, you may have a score like (47/45), leaving you with a -2 next to the comment. Now you just get a -2 and nobody knows if anyone agreed with you."

I wondered about that, I'm new to Reddit and it seemed stupid, misleading, and easy to manipulate to me. Now I know why. What a shame.

i still dont understand why the communist bear was banned, maybe hitting to close to reality.

Yeah, I remember that. I am pretty sure it was banned because it was "making light" of a subject (Russia) that the agenda of this site was focused on only making "evil".

Because it started out as some joke for a school election. And then people on this site started using it to make other jokes. But this was around the time all of the "OMG the Russian's hate gays and they are going to round them up during the Olympics and kill them all" started.

Wanna know something interesting. The Russian propaganda started on this site before the Olympics. And I remember thinking that was pretty weird because, of course a certain anti-Russia sentiment is normal on a western site, but it started getting really over-the-top all of a sudden. Like one day someone turned on a switch.

And then it continued. And I thought "Ok, maybe when the Olympics ends, it will go back to normal". But it didn't. It was like it was ramping up for something. And then BOOM the Ukraine crisis. Then MH17. Etc...

Looking back, its a pretty big coincidence that reddit started getting lubed up for an event that nobody could have even known was going to happen.

These are the kind of observations we need. Let's dig on this and get some links. Foreknowledge can be incriminating, we all know!

Libya comes to mind. Remember the msm smear campaign? Any discussion about AQ was immediately dismissed. The investigation into the next years uprising against the CIA attachment was immediately linked to that fake video...

My high-karma account was shadowbanned with no explanation. I was mod of a groovy guitar sub too. Long live /u/FAP-FOR-BRAINS!

How high was it? Roughly?

around 16,000 comment, and 280 link I think :(

Basically this subreddit is my sanctuary. For all non factual/controversial/some truth/even the slightest bit strange stuff I go to the sports subreddits

Given all the downvotes I've received, here are a few counterpoints as to why your post is a case of confirmation bias rather than a conspiracy to stifle alternative viewpoints on Reddit.

This took away the only tool for communicating with reddit about reddit. If you had any concerns about the website as a whole, you could address them through r/all. Taking that away was the first step.

Ideasfortheadmins ? Also don't they have a blog and shit like that? I don't understand why you wouldn't subscribe or unsubscribe to different subreddits based on what you find valuable or interesting.

remember when r/IAma was open to anyone and the popularity was decided by voting. Now it is nothing more than a cheap place for celebrities to whore out their products and you need to be "approved".

When you have hundreds of millions of page views you simply can't leave popular venues ungoverned. Celebrities or product whores have more of a vested interest in gaining visibility. However I still see lots of "nobody's" doing amas. Remember the vacuum cleaner repairman ama?

All of a sudden new accounts started popping up out of nowhere, cue the birth of r/HailCorporate. Also, around this time, "feel good" military posts started appearing, like a soldier coming home to his dog. From brand new accounts that never posted again.

Isn't hail corporate an ironic subreddit dedicated to overly fawning reviews or presentations of things? I guess I could me misunderstanding it. Also, America is a very pro military country...more users = more pro military posts.

Also, the response about Eglin as the armed services it hub causing it to be the most addicted city makes a lot of sense...

It now doesn't matter if you have confirmed your email, or been posting on this site for years. If you anger the wrong mod/admin or your posts aren't doing "well", then you get benched.

When I first started posting and got downvotes for my conservative views on r politics, I got this message. Once I had a few popular posts and it was clear I wasn't just a troll account, I haven't received this message since. Without this feature trolls could spam honest users without restraint.

Anyway, I'm tired and bored of this but I'm sure everything I skipped over in your post is just proof that you're right.

People love to think.

New thoughts are invigorating, irresistible.

Everybody has heard the lizard-theory.

Don't worry, the people, by the People, by their nature will mix this wonderful site despite any attempted "head-of-the-snake guidance".

Cheers, Estamio2.

so thaaats why /r/funny is terrible

fuck u reddit

If it's the money that they are after than we just stop buying reddit gold.

Thank you for this post OP. I have been trying learn more about this and your post summed it up nicely.

What has happened with Reddit can be said about so many things. Whenever something becomes powerful their are those that will create a cabal and take over this powerful something. It could be the bankers getting together in secret to create the federal reserve, it can be the silicon valley companies working with the government to share our data, and it can be a tool to break down the ability for people to communicate without abiding by the talking points from the top.

That vote change implementation was so brazen.

Every user on reddit, especially the admins/mods, know it's a terrible change. Very disappointing.

Another large site I've frequented also went down hill after the Eric Holder/Rand Paul drone controversy. Mods said the site was overrun with tin foil hat types, and they suddenly began to censor "news," only allowing talk which falls into the left-right mainstream narrative. Everything else was pushed to subforums, typically conspiracy ones.

I'm curious, when did these Reddit changes occur?

So where are people migrating too then?

I would like to drop reddit

A great man once said "You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain" amiright

Why is this post created by a user that is [deleted]?

Only 4chan is left as site that is not under absolute controle of government...

4chan is becoming just as bad. 8chan is where the freedom is at.

Note: "Hunter S. Thompson" was based out of Elgin Air Force Base. He later became one of the most vocal critics of the American power structure.

Controlled opposition?

Hunter gave no fucks. He participated, yes. He was like the comedian from the watchmen, but on drugs and booze.

He also observed Child Sex Trafficking en route to The Grove.

He could have given more fucks.

Was the internet invented yet when H.S Thompson was there? Do people and places change over time?

I have to report some censorship today: I tried to post something earlier to /r/inthenews, stating that mass-surveillance by the NSA/CIA/FBI/etc was a violation of intellectual property privilege, in a sense that you could be building the next tesla engine, talking about it thru email or storing dox on google drive...and surprise, before you get the funding to start the company, the department of energy has your design. Of course you can't really compete with the dept of the illuminati

Well, someone did not like this. I logged out of my throwaway TylerTurducken account only to find my post remained but the content was [removed]. I pm'd the mods, and when I went to relog, my password no longer worked.

So I tried to repost, with TylerTurducken2 (should have been tylerturderkin, but whatevs)... and went thru the exact same thing with a longer/ more complex password. Clearly, NSAbot was fuxing with me.

So I tried again!! And it was remove again. I tried to pm the admins, but the captcha that i put in correctly failed, twice! Clearly this was a man in the middle attack wherein the NSA's apprehend and make fake webpage program was goofing up.

I did this through a VPN, using 2 different browser, and connecting to different VPN servers every few requests, with a user agent set to IE or something retarded like that, so they think I'm grams or a government worker with an old 'puter. Guess it didn't work. I suspect as of tonight, the Internet--and freedom of speech--is over for me, they've achieved total everywhereness and I'm tired from trying to foil them just so I can have some liberty of expression here.

I may just take my ball and go home.

Find a home elsewhere. Check my comment history for alternatives.

Reddit is dead. The admins won't even respond to any of my PM's.

Rick Roderick aptly said, in 1994 mind you,

"... actually Orwell was a doe-eyed optimist, because his vision of a horrible future, which was a boot stomping on a human face, forever, is an utopian image, because he imagined there would be resistance and human faces ... "

Use Google rating system to see my point.

Java vs. Google now.

What ever happened to letting people vote on the content of this website?

blacklists exist because those websites are either incredibly biased or they were caught manipulating votes. Regardless it's up to the subreddit's moderators to decide which is which, same as how /r/conspiracy's moderators don't actually let the votes decide, and ban people rather willy-nilly if they decide they don't like what they're saying.

If you can convince your subreddit that you're banning for the good of the forum or for the good of the subscribers then you're golden. I'd be interested to see /r/conspiracy's banlist screenshotted for everyone to see, and have the mods still maintain the "the rest of reddit is corrupt let the votes decide" sort of rhetoric.


mods & censorship by mods

Corrupt mods were appointed by admins because of a supposed legal threat about child porn winding up on that sub, basically.

One thing I've noticed in only the last three days is when you click to expand a chain of comments, in many cases there won't be a comment....just blank As if it's been deleted but part of the system still lists the comment as being made.

Just really strange. Has anyone experienced this as well?

This is kind of funny, coming from one of the most policed and bigoted subs on this website. If anyone here so much as makes a slight comment that disagrees with some kind of radical theory, they're denounced as shills, downvoted into oblivion, and banned.

Hypocrites, the lot of you.

All aboard the swag_train?

While I agree with much of what you're saying, I think you're giving far too much credit to a small group of people. The problem with this is that it relegates to the concept of personal accountability elsewhere and doesn't hold individuals accountable for their actions. Many of the symptoms you are discussing are also because of (but not limited to) the systematic propagation of ignorance throughout society in order to have a simpler path towards a stranglehold on public opinion.

The powers that be exist only because of a largely distracted populace that props them up, let's not forget that. While the upvote/downvote system is both flawed and likely manipulated, it can give us at least a hint of what the general reaction to certain things is, which is, in many cases, frightening.

Unfortunately, this has infiltrated this sub as well, but in a different manner. We now have a group of users here devoted to posing as critical thinkers yet are quick to jump to any contradictory point without any evidence or credibility. They are somehow quickly upvoted only because they are taking a contradictory point and are quick to disappear from the threads where they are called out. It's frightening to see how much popularity you can gain, even here, simply by stating the opposite of popular belief, without any evidence whatsoever.

Ignorance exists on all sides, it's our job to continue to analyse and critically think for ourselves without blindly following the heterodoxy.

A small group of people is always what changes the world. Every single time.

The entire point of this post is that a small, focused, group of people with an agenda can and did turn reddit into a propaganda outlets.

This "small group" now controls the manufactured consensus of millions of people who need to be told how to think.

But how much control do they really have? The comment sections are open boys. Spread the truth. We should think about coordinating somewhere off site, who says a resistance can't use the same tricks?

We really need an IRC. Not Snoonet.

The worst part is I agree with most of the consensus they are trying to manufacture, but the methods are gross and unlikely to be effective and possibly counterproductive, as you are starting to see a backlash against Oppression Olympics. Unless of course that was their plan in the first place.

But representing my views or not, I can't accept the methods. Reddit is not a newspaper with limited column inches for information but an endless prairie. You can herd some cattle, but you generally are only going to get the weakest stock that way.

It's the work of Satan!

Point 10 is half-truth at best. That post you linked to is filled with embarrassing disinformation.

The authority worshiping troll emr1028 did weasel his way into modship there but was eventually removed for censorship. Other than that month+ long hiccup, /r/undelete is run just fine.

That was a great post until you joined the circlejerk regarding Fox News. Pick one of the leftist MSM like msnbc for a great example of a biased news org.

They're both biased. This is not an "either/or" situation. They're both cheerleaders for their respective parties, both of which have been purchased by big money interests. Period.

True but msnbc is a better comparison since reddit is leftist. Naming fox news instead plays into and builds upon this leftist bias

Yep. Reddit has a leftist bias just like the msm. Silly leftists still dont understand how theyve been duped


You're just a blind sheep. Like an abused woman sticking with her abuser.

Or an abused man. After all women abuse men far more than vice versa. Otoh men who are abused often have no choice but to stick around since the (feminist) system supports female abusers.

This is the same thing that's been posted several times already, isn't it?

woah woah woah.. about the ron paul bashing..

ron paul's MAIN talking point about the federal reserve reducing the purchasing power of the dollar by 98% since 1913 is pretty misleading.

oh god you people are going to absolutely wish satan upon me for having linked that. *facepalm

look: you can find a lot of truth in ron paul, but you better at least figure out what your own point is with enough clarity to not explain it in an incredibly misleading fashion.

it isn't a requirement for an economy to be anti-keynesian in order to solve important economic problems such as world poverty. not by a longshot.

there are multiple kinds of solutions to fixing the world's financial problems, but making factually incorrect statements and proposing utopian ideals with non-existent transitions is counter-productive. you're not gonna fix everything by having the collective establishment make a big announcement: "oh we're now a gold economy and the government makes all the currency w/o debt, yay". it's like trying to explain to a zeitgeist venus project believer that we're gonna switch to the 'resource based economy' when we convince the establishment to be on board. these transitions, assuming they even could exist, would at the very least need many many phases. if your transitions are off, everything becomes chaotic and the whole economy burns to ashes in a sea of hysteria.

Yeah we get it, a small taking point lowers Ron Paul below Obama and Romney. I should have ignored the mountain of bs and inconsistent voting records of the other two bought and paid for politicians. I would hardly be surprised if you think a man a racist as well because of the whole memos scandal that was so obviously an attempt at character assassination.

dude: voting for paul is the same as voting for romney. they're both republicans.

libertarian = republican

they're the same exact thing! same exact policy! the only point of even having libertarian candidates is for the right wing party to capture the pro-conspiracy demographic. it's just a demographic to these misleading, factually incorrect shysters.

at least vote for someone who swings you to their side by giving you accurate information.

want to know why i voted for obama? because the paul ryan budget plan couldn't possibly be any more insane than anything obama could ever dream of doing (and he's done some dumb, promise breaking crap already).

Fox news of the internet? Make that msnbc. Reddit is leftist.

Reddit is Statist for the most part.

Indeed, and leftist also.

I don't see how someone honest with themselves and truly on a search for truth can come to any other conclusion but that limited government and conservative (real conservative, fairly traditional values that actually are proven to work) values are the only rational way of doing things. I don't have all the answers but after years of research this is quite apparent. I used to be a moderate liberal. I believed in global warming. I voted for Obama. I was ignorant. I learned, I did not tie myself down to any view, I always looked for alternative views, both sides of the argument, it was the only way to find the truth. I changed my views. Why are so few unable to do the same?

I've had long, long conversations with leftists on Reddit and they can never demonstrate that leftism (and statism) is actually a good thing, only that they HOPE it will somehow someday be a good thing even though it is already demonstrably horrific - yet their answer is always MOAR LEFTISM. They hate what is natural, apparently. I think a lot of them are just fuck-ups who don't fit in with a normal, functional society and prefer a dysfunctional, ass-backwards, good-and-evil-inverted modern world because such a world accepts them simply because fuck-ups are preferred in such a system, a system in which dysfunction is the ideal. Traditionalism becomes bad, degeneracy becomes the new normal. Thus because they have so much tied up in the leftist lie that they are unwilling to let go of their delusional fantasies and face the stark reality; they are cowards.

It is scary to realize that everything you've been taught from birth is a lie. It nearly broke me. But it is the only way to find the truth....

Republicans, neocons aren't much better, of course, and suffer from similar delusions, they've just been told different lies.

All of them are tied to a belief system, a "religion", one which they have faith in and are unwilling to let go of.

I don't know how they can be aware of grand conspiracies and still believe that the educational system which brainwashed them with leftism from childhood was doing them a favor. Haven't they learned anything at all? It's so obvious. The "elite" did not force feed us leftism for our benefit, sheesh.

I don't see left or right. I see people that want to believe in authority. What's styled as left and right is just branding.

To even use the words left or right to describe the mindset is part of the programming we have to move away from.

Yah, we've been lied to from day one. Part of the lie is left and right.

Part of the problem is the powers that be have not left us with a good word or phrase to describe what they have done. Progressivism, modernity, statism, none of these words really captures the essence of what is wrong with the modern world and its "progress," none completely encompasses the problem, and you're right that describing the problem as "leftism" supports the left/right lie. I lean toward progressivism or liberalism as they describe what has changed in the world since the time of the French Revolution, but of course this all goes back even farther than that to creation of Judeocentric religions and beyond, and many of the so-called "conservative" values pushed by said religions are damaging as well.

Debtism? Banksterism?

Malcolm X called it Dollarism.

Dollarism, I like that. Still, none of them really encompass the big picture and are actually familiar to people so they will no what you are talking about. Which is of course by design - if you can't name something, you can't talk about it. Modernity isn't accurate because it fails to include some of the issues like banking and religion which have been around for a long, long time, and "modern", like "progressive", is a word that has positive connotations, and there are some good things about modernity, and many people choose only to see the good things that actually, I believe, are not at all the result of the political changes we've seen. It makes it easy to paint anyone who exposes modernity as a Luddite.

They've really hobbled us with language.

How many times has Reddit been destroyed now?

Your comments about undelete are false.

The moderation model has not changed, we only ban and delete content that breaks the rules of reddit.

He could be referring to the constant concern trolling which a certain group of users tend to engage in with the intent of derailing discussion.

That's just the price one pays for an unmoderated space.

There's not much to be done about it.

Certainly and I'm more than okay with it, but OP's point stands nonetheless; one need not be a moderator on a subreddit to control the flow of conversation and derail it's efficacy.

There are some false claims in that link, in particular this one:

The goal was to add things that were getting deleted from /r/undelete, and to never ever delete anything ever.

The mods of /r/undelete do delete things, but only the bare minimum to keep that subreddit unbanned.

It's not possible to run a sub "and to never ever delete anything ever".

Sometimes trolling does distract from the topic of conversation, but it's usually pretty easy to filter out the noise.

The worst circlejerking I've ever seen was all the shit surrounding Yishan's comments after he discussed the sacking on RedditCensorship.

That really did make it hard to find anything consequential.

The mods of /r/undelete do delete things, but only the bare minimum to keep that subreddit unbanned.

True, like that time EMR randomly submitted something which had been deleted from another subreddit with a title that looked suspiciously like CP.

Sometimes trolling does distract from the topic of conversation, but it's usually pretty easy to filter out the noise.

It's harder when people are linksharing on irc and such to influence vote totals in the comment section.

It's harder when people are linksharing on irc and such to influence vote totals in the comment section.

I am sure that this kind of thing occurs.

However, I don't use IRC, and that kind of behaviour is risking a shadowban.

There's no way for admins to be able to trace the behavior, and snoonet admins would never report it (as it's often their friends engaging in the behavior).

For example, one unnamed snoonet admin (who himself had a history of sharing links to his "experiments" on irc with the hope that they would be upvoted) watched #drama invade a thread here (which lead to the user who posted the original brigaded comment being shadowbanned) and did nothing about it.

There's no way for admins to be able to trace the behavio

Depends on the sophistication of the user: admins would be able to see the "referrer" to find out how people found a page, so brigading is often easily detectible.

snoonet admin

It's not snoonet admins that detect brigades, but reddit admins.

It's not snoonet admins that detect brigades

One would think a good snoonet admin would report such behavior...

admins would be able to see the "referrer" to find out how people found a page, so brigading is often easily detectible.

Can admins trace the referrer from an IRC program?

One would think a good snoonet admin would report such behavior...

I'll ask.

Can admins trace the referrer from an IRC program?

I imagine that many users would run IRC from within their browser.

Would that set the referrer?

I imagine that many users would run IRC from within their browser.

I don't think that's the case; if someone is using IRC enough to register a nick and engage in trolling they're most likely using a client.

I'll ask.

Why bother asking when one of the snoonet admins has engaged in the behavior himself?

Oh, just for my own interest.

According to a Snoonet staffmember:

One would think a good snoonet admin would report such behavior...

We have not seen any overt and intentional brigading originating from snoonet. If we did, we would take action regarding it. We would likely not report it to the reddit admins unless it was very extensive, but we would take network-side action.

Can admins trace the referrer from an IRC program?

You are correct, if the user in question is using, say, the kiwiirc client, the admins would be able to tell. The admins are also aware that they can come to us if they detect any brigading coming from snoonet, and we will investigate and take appropriate action on our side of things. If there is a channel dedicated specifically to brigading, it would be removed from the network.

We have not seen any overt and intentional brigading originating from snoonet. If we did, we would take action regarding it. We would likely not report it to the reddit admins unless it was very extensive, but we would take network-side action.

Ask them to inquire about the time Jagula got shadowbanned after emr sent him on a raid from #drama.

No info.

Excuse me, while informative as your post was, I remember way before "reddit is not perfect" Can you share what reddit was like before as you answered the second part "and what did they change it into?"

There were more articles and stories detailing and documenting corporate and Israeli injustices. The rate of appearance of such stories is now a small fraction of what once was. Now it's gotten so bad that if you attempt to speak the truth about Israel foreign policy, you will likely become a target of down votes and vitriol.

1) /r/ was always a circlejerk where people would just dump content more suitable for other subreddits. It was basically a combination of /r/pics, /r/politics, and /r/self.

2) That is a problem, I agree.

3) See above.

4) People who say things you disagree with are NOT shills. I've only seen about 3 or 4 legit shills that have been called out here. The rest are either people with opinions you disagree with, or people you witch hunt and send death threats to over half-truths and misinformation (the Facebook shill incident a few months ago for instance).

Additionally, the appearance of an Air Force base in Florida as the "most addicted city" is NOT proof of a military conspiracy to game reddit. For one, all the psyop and propaganda divisions of the military aren't even based out of Eglin.

Eglin is, however, the location where a vast majority of the US military's IP address ranges are registered to. These IPs are used all over the world, and are routed through Eglin. The reason Eglin ranks so highly is because the target demographic of reddit also coincides with military demographics, so you've got millions of active duty servicemembers accessing reddit while deployed on military computers with IP addresses and VPNs hosted at Eglin used to route global military traffic.

5) >What ever happened to letting people vote on the content of this website?

Letting the people vote on content was always a terrible idea, as it allows echo-chamber circlejerking to drown out legit discussion.

6) The upvote/downvote count was NEVER accurate because of the vote fuzzing. What RES displayed was never a real count of actual upvotes or downvotes, and the admins removed it because it caused so much confusion and people would yell at each other over inaccurate numbers.

7) Expanding demographics.

8) This is also a problem, but even /r/conspiracy uses a system like this. It's to keep out spam. If a system like that wasn't in place ya'll would be complaining about spam instead.

9) I've seen /r/conspiracy posts on the front page before.

10) 99% of the posts on undelete were removed for violating subreddit rules, not as a part of some evil conspiracy to censor reddit. In the end /r/undelete became a place to harass default subreddit moderators for daring to enforce their subreddit rules.

You did a great job subverting this discussion yesterday.

And here you are trying to do it again on this thread.

Great post. It seems like most of these problems are symptoms of reddits increased popularity. This leads to more rules to try and impose order, which creates discontent among those who liked the chaos. A shame so many people on here think people who disagree with them are paid shills and not simply regular people who disagree with them...

I addressed that here:

The fact remains, in the beginning, it was a real community and that community (as a whole) was actually very intelligent and created a certain "culture" that rewarded independent thought and thinking outside the box (as long as you could back it up with logic and legit sources).

I mean, it had its problems, but on the whole there were checks and balances in place because the community created them. As soon as all of those checks and balances started getting corrupted and altered, it went downhill very fast.

I mean, it is impossible to compare the downward spiral of a shill-infested, coordinated attack to an organic downward spiral that is a natural event of popularity and human nature. But the fact remains, a lot of very "convenient" events were taking place during this downward spiral. And it is very hard not to notice them and reevaluate whether or not the fall was organic.

I am a 32 year old adult who was on reddit for a long, long time. I was keeping a VERY close eye on the site from the beginning. And for those of us who were lucky enough to be staring at the right place and paying attention to the right things, it is hard not to draw a sinister conclusion.

And the post you are calling "great" is anything but. It is a cop-out post that seems to be looking at a very complex issue from the shallowest possible point of view.

It is a response that lacks many things, but first and foremost, it lacks imagination. It is completely devoid of it actually.

I don't see the point. If I wanted the cookie-cutter, takes 5-seconds to think of, excuses that Joe Public throws around to keep his brain turned off, then I wouldn't be making my post in this specific subreddit.

As a matter of fact, these kinds of answers seem to only distract people from using their brains and from entertaining the the idea, both for argument's sake, and also as an exercise in thought.

Lastly, this same user did the exact same thing in yesterday's front-page conspiracy post. He threw out an excuse that anyone could think of in 5 seconds and successfully caused a snowball effect that destroyed any actual discussion about the topic.

While not required, you are requested to use the NP domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by prefacing your reddit link with

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

I just don't see a sinister conspiracy here. You are comparing a site with few users to a site with many multiples of that user base and expecting no change. I've been on Reddit for more than 3 years and have seen some of the negative changes you mention (such as PoliticalDiscussion ever since it was linked to the politics sidebar) but I see this as more an unfortunate side effect of popularity and a voting based site than an intentional subversion of...what? I'm not even sure. "The powers that be" trying to prevent intelligent discussion? More like most people are lazy and spout opinions rather than well researched factually based observations.

Interesting that the comment you cite is both succinct and sensible. Sorry Reddit is popular now. You should make some site that no one visits and it can be exactly as you'd like it to be!

While not required, you are requested to use the NP domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by prefacing your reddit link with

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

How can you say that Reddit has been destroyed and not look at this very subreddit? This place used to strongly lean Libertarian/Paleocon, now it's full of edgy liberal fleabaggers who think it's a "conspiracy" that rich people push their own interests. I don't know if it was subverted by the NSA or just got linked to by some leftist site, but it has gone to shit.

That's why this post exists. We are upset with the quality of every sub. Nobody here pretends this place hasnt gone to shit.

I feel sorry for lefty conspiracy theorists who somehow still havent realized that the leftism they were brainwashed with from childhood is one of the biggest conspiracies out there. Libertarians are somewhat less deluded. Most ppl just cant get past their biases to the root of truth.


Yeah, why would people care about one of the most popular internet sites on Earth where information is spread...

Grow up truth hater


Reddit is a platform to spread truth and wake people up. Those who control reddit attempt to stop those who seek to spread truth and awaken people. This is a concern as it inflicts upon the spreading of truth and awakening of the people.

I remember as the upcoming election loomed, all of a sudden, r/circlejerk (one of the old default subreddits) became completely obsessed with bashing Ron Paul.

First I dont remember circlejerk ever being a default. Seems silly to default that sub.

secondly they make fun of him for him being "brave" and how reddit was obsessed with him for being pro legalization.

he appearance of shills soon became VERY apparent. All of a sudden new accounts started popping up out of nowhere

well yeah, reddit was/is growing. people making new accounts out of nowhere is going to happen with growth

Lets add 2X to the mix, even though they wanted to remain an anonymous sub, fuck them, we need to show our shareholders we represent the female demographic. Lets also add a bunch of subs that we can use to share propaganda like r/nottheonion.

  1. 2x wanted to be a default. The mods have the option and deimorz said it was their choice to be a default.

  2. what propaganda do you see on /r/nottheonion?

Due to the now rampant censorship on the site, users took it into their own hands to bring the truth into the light.

lol IIAAC (creator of undelete) said why he created undelete and it wasnt that

Also how is it taken over? The top mod is still there and they added an hailcorporate and /r/redditcensorhip mod to help.

All of the proper "checks and balances" are now in place.

What? This doesnt make any sense.

No one buys your nonsense any more, fritzly.

says the guy who was vote manipulating to sway public opinion.

what part of what I said was shit?

The part where you always act like there's no POSSIBLE way people could be gaming this site, while you actively participate in said gaming.

I dont think that its impossible. I think the arguments that are brought out to expose it are not well thought out.

while you actively participate in said gaming.

You mean like vote manipulation like you were caught doing?

Yes, because upvoting something 4 times so it's visible in the new queue a few dozen times over 5 years is the same as upvoting something 3000 times to make it hit the front page. Totally the same thing. /s

Funny how no one gave a damn for 5 years until that day I called out a JIDF shill in an /r/adviceanimals comments section

And almost everyone knows you're a paid troll by now

Funny how no one gave a damn for 5 years until that day

maybe because you posted evidence of it until that day? If you didnt post those pictures nobody would have known.

And almost everyone knows you're a paid troll by now

ha it was removed. I wonder which conspiracy mod is part of our secret shill group?!? Or maybe they are all...

also lol @ you putting /u/kingcontext on that list.

maybe because you posted evidence of it until that day? If you didnt post those pictures nobody would have known.

No. This was a month before I posted that evidence. Get your story straight.

sorry you have been shadow banned so many times I start to lose track

Yes, all two times. So complicated to keep track of.


4 of those were banned all at once, when I called out the JIDF shill. Then the last one was banned on the second ban when I posted that evidence. Stop trying to spin things to suit your agenda. There were 2 banning events.

I said shadow banned not shadow banned events.

like I said they were for breaking the site rules. Stop trying to spin the fact you were shadow banned for vote manipulation to prove some kind of JDIF conspiracy

No one cared about my vote manipulation until I called out a JIDF shill. Then suddenly it was a big deal and I got investigated and they dug up that vote manipulation dirt on me so they could shadow ban all my accounts.

You broke site rules. Nobody noticed. You were being annoying and it gave a reason to look into you. They noticed you broke site rules. they took action. You complained and exposed yourself more. With new evidence they investigated more and saw the need to ban the rest of your accounts.

"being annoying" hahaha

You are annoying. You call random people shills. you post trying to start witch hunts, you make posts with no proof and break site rules the sway peoples opinions.

"no proof" hahaha

what was your proof again? All I saw was you posting pictures showing that you upvoted yourself.

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Pretty much all of it. Even the link you used as a source was weak when compared to the very thorough link I used in this post.

Anyways, it is blatantly obvious that you started reading the post ONLY with the intention of arguing or attempting to make us all feel stupid for even considering that reddit was being gamed.

You have no intention of having a discussion about it.

Just like all of his posts. He never posts anything constructive. He always just wants to muddy the waters so no one can have a serious conversation. That's why he's mod of all those trolling subreddits like /r/oppression.

Yeah, I already had him flagged actually. And that is saying something because I started this new account just a couple days ago.

Yeah, he's everywhere and pretty obvious. In case anyone wants it, here's my list of usernames that exhibit similar behavior:



















Yup, I have a bunch of those on my list as well.

Really silly for you to keep grouping me in with the trolls who hate truth.

Ow, wow, /u/KingContext made it onto the list!

I'm sure he'll be pleased.

This is where the "Top Minds" mockery-meme actually comes into play.

You've been around forever too, well it feels like it

I actually agree that five or six of those users have horrid behavior problems.

The rest are probably just people like me that call out your laughably false accusations.

This thread has been linked to from elsewhere on reddit.

If you follow any of the above links, respect the rules of reddit and don't vote or comment. Questions? Abuse? Message me here.

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Pretty much all of it. Even the link you used as a source was weak when compared to the very thorough link I used in this post.

then it should be easy to dispute it instead of just saying "its all shit"

nyways, it is blatantly obvious that you started reading the post ONLY with the intention of arguing or attempting to make us all feel stupid for even considering that reddit was being gamed. You have no intention of having a discussion about it.

Im up to talk. I offered a different opinion and instead of discuss back you just said it was shit. I think you are the one not wanting to discuss things.

I'm here to respond to people who actually have enough imagination to consider and entertain conspiracy theories.

Maybe you just aren't ready yet.

I'm here to respond to people who actually have enough imagination to consider and entertain conspiracy theories.

Im willing to hear what you have to say, but what you are saying doesnt make sense so I pointed out what I thought was wrong. You still havent responded to any of my points. For someone who wants to talk about this stuff you dont seem like you want to talk.

I don't want to talk to you about it.

Maybe if I make a new thread and you come in entertaining the idea instead of immediately shooting it down, we can talk then.

I don't want to talk to you about it.

Do you only talk to people that confirm your bias? Thats not healthy for a good discussion

Maybe if I make a new thread and you come in entertaining the idea instead of immediately shooting it down, we can talk then.

I think you are mixing up me offering a counter point and me shooting it down.

Do you only talk to people that confirm your bias?

Do you really believe a person active in r/conspiracy goes through their day interacting with people who confirm their bias?

It is quite the opposite.

Do you really believe a person active in r/conspiracy goes through their day interacting with people who confirm their bias?

You see it a lot. Anything but reddit is corrupt gets downvoted to hell. Just look at this post. The top comment is literally just "I agree". Where is the discussion and challenging your viewpoint? Besides this thread which you refuse to talk to "me".

You don't want to listen. You never have.

Why do you even bother coming here? Because you love arguing with people for hours a day for years on end? Or because you're paid to keep doing this? You're good at what you do, but I think you know deep down that what you are doing is wrong. It must be stressful to lie to yourself and others all the time. I can't imagine the toll it takes on your mental life. I'm so glad I'm not you.

You don't want to listen. You never have.

My ears are always open but its harder to listen to people who say they were banned for calling out jdif shills when you clearly broke site rules.

Why do you even bother coming here?

atm? Im bored. Im stuck at my house for a while until later tonight where Im going to smoke with some of my friends and get some food and what not.

You're good at what you do

Being logical and questioning what people tell me? Thanks.

It must be hard to lie to yourself and others all the time. I can't imagine the toll it takes on your mental life.

Im fine. Thanks for your concern tho.

Did you really post gore and/or sensational content just to troll a meta-reddit?

Did you end up as moderator of the same subreddit where you're accused of doing that?


Honest question. Why are you here?

I don't go into r/baseball and leave comments mocking posts about baseball.

I mean, are you just here to try to make people mad?

Google Eglin AFB and GLP. They probably don't appreciate the attention. (But I still love you 2nd Lt.)

They do love to post in US sports related subs. /r/mlb, /r/nba, /r/nfl, etc.


Subversives like yourself do what you do because you have a need to lash out against others because you feel yourself to be a failure in some way.

Just tell me where to go and I'm on board. I've been on here for years and I wish it would go back to what it was.

Exactly. Reddit is the biggest and most active web forum in the history of the internet. It is arguably the top 5 most popular website in the entire Western world and top 3 in North America.

I know this sounds corny, but it is the front page of the internet. God knows I wish it wasn't, but it is.

Reddit is like a weapon of mass destruction that shoots web traffic.

I gave it a try early on but didn't see much activity. Maybe I should go back for another look.

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No one buys your nonsense any more, fritzly.

the powers that be.

Plot Twist: How do you know Reddit wasn't created by them in the first place? How far down the Reddit-Hole does the story begin and end?

Holy wow that is racist. And all those subs linked in the sidebar... good god.

I thought it was obvious since /r/jailbait that the Admins don't care until a problem receives enough attention.

Their only notable creation is fiat money, which oddly enough comes from nothing.

Well, clearly that's on everyone's mind here, but a very important consideration is how we keep this new site transparent and as uncompromisable as possible, while still making it as fun and interesting as original reddit.

Did you really post gore and/or sensational content just to troll a meta-reddit?

Did you end up as moderator of the same subreddit where you're accused of doing that?

There's a downside to that. The methods employed to disrupt and subvert discussion have been developed and ramped up for a reddit style environment.

This would easy to flow into the next bucket now that it exists.

Alternative options might be to observe and catalog the type of strategies being deployed in order to brainstorm ways to work around it, or employ features which disrupt these strategies in the next communications platform.

4chan is becoming just as bad. 8chan is where the freedom is at.

Libya comes to mind. Remember the msm smear campaign? Any discussion about AQ was immediately dismissed. The investigation into the next years uprising against the CIA attachment was immediately linked to that fake video...

Hunter gave no fucks. He participated, yes. He was like the comedian from the watchmen, but on drugs and booze.

Nope I just found out one day that undelete and conspiracy are banned from r/all once I realized I never see them there

I was going to say they create missiles, but that's just a creation to destroy things!

Awesome, all the subverses have around 300 subscribers or under. Im joining this shit. The music subreddit actually has music that doesnt make me want to kill myself.

Reddit is Statist for the most part.

Indeed, and leftist also.

I don't see how someone honest with themselves and truly on a search for truth can come to any other conclusion but that limited government and conservative (real conservative, fairly traditional values that actually are proven to work) values are the only rational way of doing things. I don't have all the answers but after years of research this is quite apparent. I used to be a moderate liberal. I believed in global warming. I voted for Obama. I was ignorant. I learned, I did not tie myself down to any view, I always looked for alternative views, both sides of the argument, it was the only way to find the truth. I changed my views. Why are so few unable to do the same?

I've had long, long conversations with leftists on Reddit and they can never demonstrate that leftism (and statism) is actually a good thing, only that they HOPE it will somehow someday be a good thing even though it is already demonstrably horrific - yet their answer is always MOAR LEFTISM. They hate what is natural, apparently. I think a lot of them are just fuck-ups who don't fit in with a normal, functional society and prefer a dysfunctional, ass-backwards, good-and-evil-inverted modern world because such a world accepts them simply because fuck-ups are preferred in such a system, a system in which dysfunction is the ideal. Traditionalism becomes bad, degeneracy becomes the new normal. Thus because they have so much tied up in the leftist lie that they are unwilling to let go of their delusional fantasies and face the stark reality; they are cowards.

It is scary to realize that everything you've been taught from birth is a lie. It nearly broke me. But it is the only way to find the truth....

Republicans, neocons aren't much better, of course, and suffer from similar delusions, they've just been told different lies.

All of them are tied to a belief system, a "religion", one which they have faith in and are unwilling to let go of.

I don't know how they can be aware of grand conspiracies and still believe that the educational system which brainwashed them with leftism from childhood was doing them a favor. Haven't they learned anything at all? It's so obvious. The "elite" did not force feed us leftism for our benefit, sheesh.

And who runs whoaverse? It appears to be a mystery. Why is it a secret? It would not surprise me at all if it was run by subversive elements just like Reddit is.

Was the internet invented yet when H.S Thompson was there? Do people and places change over time?

You're welcome. One thing I didn't mention is that maybe 1/10 posts was about computer programming. Lots of "wtf is this nonsense, oh, coding stuff" for me.

Reddit is a platform to spread truth and wake people up. Those who control reddit attempt to stop those who seek to spread truth and awaken people. This is a concern as it inflicts upon the spreading of truth and awakening of the people.

Actually now that I think of it, there was an event that triggered this realization that we weren't on /r/all, and it was this post I made that got to #4 on /r/undelete

Take five minutes and look at my user history.

Did you do this yet?

But your'e a conspiracy nut

Oh yeah!