I'd love to hear about your thoughts on awakening Your own awakening and how to help other people.

14  2014-11-29 by BigBrownBeav

I've been looking back over my last five years of experience and wondering why me?. Why am I aware things that others seem to be oblivious to?. Am I special or do I belong in a special education program?

When I say "awakening" I mean above average knowledge of the system and it's control mechanisms, not some Deity or God. I'm not saying anyone here (including myself) is special. Just wanted to get that out of the way.

I'm really interested in mapping out a better understanding of how some of you came to an understanding about the big picture.

Were there any key moments you can recall?

For me it started with the knowledge that our mission in Afghanistan was basically just an occupation. We weren't really at war. It seemed to me more of a building up of infrastructure. I was stationed at Fob Ramrod at the near beginning of the fortification. This base gained notoriety later when the Kill Team story broke. (great read btw) The point i'm making is I seen firsthand the money being poured into this base and when I asked a KBR (Halliburton aka, Cheney) employee how much he made I was floored. I started connecting the dots then.

My second big key moment would have been my experiences with Ayahuasca a couple years back. It's hard to explain how powerful this was in clearing out the old shitty programming I was clinging to (again let me emphasize I don't think I'm special in any way). I'd highly recommend this for anyone who is severely depressed or has anxiety problems.

Third key moment I recognized was from here. It was about how we are the tools of the system. False belief systems have been programmed into us since we were babies. Essentially we as individuals propagate the false belief systems by projecting and reinforcing the system.

Anyway I wont go too much deeper. I'm really interested in how others have gotten here. I'll get back later after work. Have a good day folks.

Edit: LOL, What an idiot. I just realized how bad I screwed up that headline. Lesson to self, proof-read my shit. Thanks to everyone for sharing. Happy Thanksgiving weekend.


I'd say that I always had a feeling something was wrong, but that's probably mostly due to my family. My brother is a full-blown sociopath, the kind that's just born that way. This man can twist any situation into sounding like he's the good guy, when the truth is he couldn't be farther from that.

For example; he moved in with me, refused to get a job to contribute, and told people for the 3-months he was sponging off of me that HE was helping ME.

My Mother, probably out of shame, continuously denies his condition and fully supports him. AS a result, no one in my extended family (about 30 people) will even speak to him, because they are so disgusted with his behavior. Still, no one really does anything about it, so everyone just pretends that he doesn't exist.

When he was 18 and I was 9, our Mother decided to make us share a bedroom together. This infuriated my brother, so he basically tortured me for about 5-years. The whole time, both my Mother and sister would lie to me and tell me things like, "it's not that bad", and conditioned me to think that my brother was now MY problem, and I need to learn to take care of my problems. Yeah...a 9-year old can "take care" of an 18-year old sociopath.

The thing is, the conditioning worked. For years I believed it, and it wasn't until I was 24 and my brother was 33 when I realized that he's simply a piece of shit that doesn't care about anyone besides himself. Oh, and everyone else knew this about him the entire time.

Basically, I realized one day that my life was a complete fucking lie.

That took years to get over (I'm still dealing with it), but a few years ago a co-worker turned me on to conspiracies. I had heard of some before, but I never took the time to really look into it. I took to it like a duck to water.

To me, the concept that "people lie" is easy to believe, especially when it's an entire family (like the Morgans, Rothschild, etc.).

There are people out there that will say and/or do anything it takes to benefit themselves, and they are typically surrounded by people that just go along with it.

Thanks for sharing your story. Sounds like you got your share of tough love growing up. I can relate a little. My older sister used to beat my ass on a regular basis until I was old enough to defend myself. Those were the days.

Keep your chin up and stick on the ice. All the best.

Obama getting the peace prize for no apparent reason and extending FISA/patriot act early in his first term after his campaign promises were really what did it for me.

To get others to wake up, there has to be some trigger in their own mindstream. To do it for someone else in a normal conversation is practically impossible. They have to already be working at the walls of their prison for any external wisdom to shine through. There is no one documentary or book that is going to work on everyone, it is an individual process. The best you can do is lead by example and to refuse to participate in all the bullshit distraction(i.e. shut down any conversations about sports, celebrities, consumerism etc or subvert the conversation). It requires finesse to do it with charisma.

I woke up In 2003 with a doc called "in plane site" That was my first rabbit hole

Read F.A. Hayek's Road to Serfdom and realized Capitalism leads to Fascism and Socialism leads to Communism... every time.

These are billed as opposites but are the same thing: a small group of people telling a large group of people how to live.

They all have one thing in common: collectivism.

I came into it from a similar angle.

Read bastiat, spooner, Paine, rothbard. opened my eyes to the dangers and immorality of collectivism and socialism. Became an ardent abolitionist and advocate for liberty.

Then I got into some of the really wacko conspiratainment stuff, but then found my way over the ultimate history lesson with John Taylor Gatto, and found that conspiracy could be rigorously sourced and scholarly, not just seeing pyramids in Kesha music videos.

That basically blew the story wide open for me so I started reading quality literature basically nonstop for the last three years. Edward Griffin, Carroll Quigley, Anthony sutton, etc... anything that was well cited and scholarly. I began to evaluate claims, weigh evidence, and THINK for myself. I always assumed I thought critically, but I did it weakly and fallaciously.

Once you see someone present hard well organized evidence of a completely different history of the world, and once you engage with the evidence and come to similar conclusions on your own there is no closing your eyes again. It's the ability to use the trivium of grammar, logic, and rhetoric for yourself. With out the trivium you are not a freeman your are a mental slave because you can't evaluate the world for yourself you depend on others to so it for you.

It's why they call the trivium plus the quadrivium the liberal arts, it's because they liberate the mind of the person who puts them to use.

I think the impetus for awakening, or whatever we want to call it, is deep desire to understand the world. Seriously, how does the world work and how the fuck could things be this bad if humans are capable of so much? It doesn't make sense. Also, when you look around and see ignorance everywhere and think shit, I have to learn more about the world than these knuckleheads.

If me and the average beer guzzling, student loan taking, flag waving, Big Bang theory watching asshole are equal in our understanding of things I clearly have a lot of homework to do. I'm joking in saying asshole, but ignorance looks like this then there just has to be another way and that was my road to waking up.

You can't wake people up, they have to wake themselves up (like you did, which was your journey and your path).

What you can do, is sometimes challenge people (respectfully, and maybe with humor if possible, but that may just be my style that works for me). The truth is a weapon, and if you can prove something, contrary to the Official Version™, you may be able to not wake someone up but startle them. They'll maybe take the bait, jump down a rabbit hole to try and disprove you (if you're lucky), and then they'll come back changed (depending on how far they go).

Sometimes ISIS stuff will lead to 9/11 stuff, which may lead to federal reserve stuff, which may lead to US history stuff, which may lead to international stuff, etc (but that was just my path).

You can't be offensive, either. You lose friends that way. Just be there to offer insight, and calmly and coolly talk about what issue is the issue du jour (you think those videos show ISIS beheadings? Here, let me shown you they don't, or here's some links to the vids to watch when you're ready).

That's the way I try to do it, but I'm just a random dude on the Internet.

Thanks for the insight James. And thanks for all the great advice and encouragement you've sent me in the past. All the best.

You're very welcome Triple B. And you can call me Jim. Learn from mistakes. Never stop learning.

I will offer an alternate account of an awakening that took place as a teenager. It may tie into some of the theories behind Kubrick's references to it.

Anybody who has read "The Catcher in the Rye" will recall how often Holden (young man, main character) mentions certain people as being phony, or phony bastards. Here's an example citation from the book:

"Where I lived at Pencey, I lived in the Ossenburger Memorial Wing of the new dorms. .. It was named after this guy Ossenburger that went to Pencey. He made a pot of dough in the undertaking business after he got out of Pencey. .. He made a speech that lasted about ten hours. He started off with about fifty corny jokes, just to show us what a regular guy he was. Very big deal. Then he started telling us how he was never ashamed, when he was in some kind of trouble or something, to get right down his knees and pray to God. He told us we should always pray to God—talk to Him and all—wherever we were. He told us we ought to think of Jesus as our buddy and all. He said he talked to Jesus all the time. Even when he was driving his car. That killed me. I just see the big phony bastard shifting into first gear and asking Jesus to send him a few more stiffs"

So, reading this as a kid put my brain in a mode of basically not trusting everything you see put before you, including authority. Even if it's playfully telling yourself "just look at that phony bastard over there", etc, you develop this habit of intentifying phonies just by second nature. That boy's way with words and hyper-dry sense of humor was a way to enter a younger reader's pineal without really noticing it at the time.

not trusting everything you see put before you, including authority.

Can definitely relate. I didn't read a lot when I was a kid but had a strong lack of trust in the school system. I was lucky enough to have a father who engrained that into me at an early age. We just talked about this a couple days ago too. We both remembered him telling me not to trust any of the adults in the school. That was about 35 years ago to put it into context.

Thanks for sharing, Cheers.

My second big key moment would have been my experiences with Ayahuasca a couple years back.

I really wish I could get my hands on some of this. I would love to head to one of my trout fishing spots, set up my tent, get a campfire going and see where that takes me.

That sounds like a great setting to have an experience. I'd love to do something like that. Good luck with the journey.

you can't wake someone from a coma by shaking them. all you can do is drop hints, offer details and ask questions, rhetorical or otherwise, which may hook them to investigate further. the rest is down to interest and available time.

It started for me when I was studying music at my university. Away from home I was able to break out of my shell and determine who I really am.

It first started with 9/11 and the motives behind it. One of the big things that got me is the owner of the twin towers taking a terrorist coverage plan or something of the sort weeks before the attack. Also, how the US were gearing up for the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq months before 911 even occurred.

I then started learning about the economy and the Rothschild world banking system, and it's bloody history. How the petrodollar and opium were among the actual reasons why we invaded. Freedom or terrorism wasn't the issue at all, not even those fabled wmd .

I started reading into the corporations that play a major role in the US. How Monsanto made agent orange during the Vietnam War.

A lot of little things help give the picture clarity, like puzzle pieces.

Then I discovered the framework behind it all.

The occult and the elite connections.

After that I kept digging down the rabbit hole.

I wouldn't take back what I have learned for anything in the world.

Knowledge is power.

I detest this notion of "awakening" and everything that goes with it. The persistent idea that one is smarter than most people is one of the most arrogant and egotistical positions you can take.

Accept your own ignorance and that of others. Build from the ground up and be skeptical of anyone who's telling you that THIS IS THE ANSWER or IT WAS THESE GUYS, anything like that. Distrust high emotion and anyone who thinks having a particular opinion makes them smarter than you.

I started reading lots of history as a kid, always found the shadier side of it more interesting. History was why I originally subbed here, little did I know there was so much "POLICE BAD" and "ZIONISTS EVERYWHERE" fluff.

Ah well.


Describing this sort of thing as "waking up" is horrendously patronising and arrogant. Don't do it. Read good books and don't trust people who say they can explain everything. They're wrong.

Why are you here? You seem to dislike everything about this sub, yet here you are, shitting on everything you can, all the time.

You could have just shared your own experience(s) and participated in a positive way instead of taking this as yet another opportunity to further trash the sub, act like kind of a dick, and then indirectly attack everyone else here who contributes to this sub.


Quit acting like a trolling dick /u/Tchocky.

Why are you here? You seem to dislike everything about this sub, yet here you are, shitting on everything you can, all the time.

Mm. All day every day that's me.

Got into most of what you're asking in this exchange with /u/shadowofashadow

You could have just shared your own experience(s) and participated in a positive way instead of taking this as yet another opportunity to further trash the sub, act like kind of a dick, and then indirectly attack everyone else here who contributes to this sub.

Yeah well the OP set me off, I guess. I don't like arrogance and I don't think I'm being unreasonable in criticising it.

I think a little honest criticism helps around here.

I guess I can understand being "set off" by someone, but still you were kinda harsh. BBB makes some pretty good posts and was just trying to be honest about how he came to kind of "wake up". When people talk or write about themselves it can be tricky too put it in writing without some people seeing it as arrogant. Try it sometime, it ain't as easy as you think. Especially if the writer and the reader are predisposed to disagree on an ideological and philosophical level anyway.

I guess I can understand being "set off" by someone, but still you were kinda harsh. BBB makes some pretty good posts and was just trying to be honest about how he came to kind of "wake up".

All very true, perhaps I was too sharp too quickly. Not uncommon on t'internet or even n this thread a bit. I've seen the phrase around an awful lot recently, and it's usually accompanied with some horrendous comment putting down those who are "asleep", so to speak. Most likely the annoyance built up and found our dear BBB.

I stand by what I said, but if I was to say it again it would be toned down

When people talk about themselves it can be tricky too put it in writing without some people seeing it as arrogant. Try it sometime, it ain't as easy as you think. Especially if the writer and the reader are predisposed to disagree on an ideological and philosophical level anyway.


EDIT - You might see where I'm coming from in the exchange linked above. I hardly think I'm "shitting on everything I can", as you put it.

You might see where I'm coming from in the exchange linked above. I hardly think I'm "shitting on everything I can", as you put it.

Yeah, that was probably a bit hyperbolic. I do that sometimes.

Heh. Let he who is without sin, eh?

Most likely the annoyance built up and found our dear BBB.

Stay Gold Tchocky :) All the best to you and the family and hope you have a great Thanksgiving.

Cheers, same to your lot. Not in thanksgiving territory but I've always liked the holiday

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Why are you here?

Same reason I'm here you hostile user, open discussion and debate.

You seem to dislike everything about this sub

Substantiate those claims with evidence, I have not seen any of that.

yet here you are, shitting on everything you can, all the time.

Provide evidence, thus far you are making FALSE CLAIMS.

You could have just shared your own experience(s)

They did, allow me to quote them directly:

I started reading lots of history as a kid, always found the shadier side of it more interesting. History was why I originally subbed here,

and participated in a positive way

They did, they engaged in a dialog about the notion of "waking up", which you are rudely dismissing and falsely labeling as "opposition to this sub".

instead of taking this as yet another opportunity to further trash the sub

Your comment reply is one of the only things here trashing this sub.

act like kind of a dick

No, YOU are acting like a dick, please stop.

and then indirectly attack everyone else here who contributes to this sub.

Where did they do this?

Quit acting like a trolling dick /u/Tchocky

/u/Tchocky is not acting like a trolling dick.

/u/sudo-tleilaxu YOU are acting like a complete ass.

Please. Stop.

Thanks for further revealing yourself, your tag was very easy to make as well.

Already had a tag actually for people like you. Welcome to the list.

so naive.

History was why I originally subbed here, little did I know there was so much "POLICE BAD" and "ZIONISTS EVERYWHERE" fluff.

This account is not old, but I have been here from the start.

It wasn't always "police bad" "zionists everywhere" fluff, that got heavy starting about one year ago, which seems to be the point in time where the full infiltration of /r/conspiracy was finally completed.

It's been a continual shit show ever since then.

I use the term in a general sense. Not to categorize anyone as being smarter then one another. For me personally I was asleep. Then I wasn't. So it seems accurate. I understand why people might not like the word though.

I understand. Was really reacting to how it's used a lot around here which I find distasteful, not exactly where you were coming from.

What in God's name is Ayahuyawhosits anyway?

Ayahuasca is a drink made by Shamans (medicine men) of traditional cultures. It's a hallucinogenic drug used to heal ourselves from the shitty internal baggage we carry around with us. It basically forces us to look inside ourselves, at your life and your experiences and allows us to flush away the turds.

I kind of think of it as a brain de-fragger. Puts the important files in the front of the line and cleans out the hard drive. It's not for everyone though.

I believe it is for everyone, I did pharmahuasca and the drinks you get from the shamans have 30 MG dmt per drink. I took 400 MG of harmaline maoi and 150 MG of dmt. I discovered who I really am "eternal" and this is all just an experience. I've never been happier and overall sense of wellbeing is indescribable.

I was watching the Daily Show and some guy in the audience was yelling what about building 7? Everyone mocked him, I had no idea what it was. Found a YouTube clip of it falling, then a suggested video of a how a hijackers passport was found at the WTC sidewalk before any collapses.

These 2 things sparked a thirst for more coincidences and here I am.

"I'm awake, which means I have above average knowledge of the system. But I'm not special, guys! Then I did drugs and I shook the shitty programming that everyone else has, but not me anymore! But I'm not special, guys!"

Come on, OP...

Anyway, what woke me up was digging and digging in conspiracy theories and finding out that people are always at the center. People who lie. People who cheat. When you realize that it's people all the way down, you realize you can't take anything at face value and either have to A) Not trust anything and hide from the world, or B) Educate yourself so you can be skeptical of everything without it hindering your life.

I was trying to minimize the chance someone might think I was behaving arrogantly. I was showing humility. I honestly don't think I'm smart or special. I'm just a human being, same as you. Thanks for sharing.

Happy Thanksgiving.