/r/ShitRedditSays conspiracy to take over Reddit by subversion of many Reddit mod teams.

39  2014-11-30 by [deleted]

/r/ShitRedditSays is infamous Reddit-wide for being a hive of SJW activity on Reddit. They've been known to hold extremely SJW views as well as a vendetta against Reddit's community. SRS operates officially on several subreddits such as:







Those are some of the more active in what they call their, "Fempire." SRS has been suspected several times of subverting subreddits such as the male subreddit /r/OneY. /u/Jess_than_three is a mod there and has been highly suspected of working with SRS in instituting an environment where Feminism cannot be criticized. They've even made attempts to infiltrate the default subreddits to institute their PC thought control they believe in. If you even make a dark humor joke, you are their enemy and they will use their dogs of war against you, downvotes.

That is just one example, SRS has shown they are willing to downvote brigade mercilessly. They manipulate the voting system to downvote brigade many threads on Reddit that go against their view.

SRS has allies in the Reddit admin team. If they didn't then they'd likely be banned for vote manipulation which is against Reddit's policy. If the SRS has banned anyone in their subreddit who even criticizes a post. They've created an environment where no opposing view survives.

I am sure they intend to spread this regime across Reddit. SRS encourages downvote brigades by rarely using np links and the mod team even telling their users to downvote a certain user into oblivion.

In conclusion, they are conspiring to spread SJW influence across Reddit, and they are quickly advancing.


SRS has allies in the Reddit admin team.

They have allies because of the success of their project panda raids in order to help get rid of the "free speech problem" that was VA and jailbait.

Fuck SomethignAwful.

How is something awful involved?

Some people have too much time on their hands.

The problem isn't feminism, because SJWs don't actually believe in feminism. They believe in their own brand of insane beliefs revolving around dominance and victim-complexes, whereas REAL feminism is about EQUALITY between the sexes. The idea that females should have the same rights as males, that's what feminism is really about.

And you can see that the SJWs have got their grimy paws not only deep in Reddit, but even the MSM. Just look at the completely bullshit coverage of the GamerGate scandal. The SJWs push the idea that it's about harassment of women in the games industry and that everyone who allies themselves with the movement is a misogynistic cisgendered white male scum. In reality of course, it's about corruption and collusion in the gaming media and it just so happens that some of the key players in it are radical SJWS. Just look at /r/KotakuInAction to see the REAL story (for the most part, I don't trust the mods there), or 8chan's GamerGate board.

Real feminism is and always has been a radical leftist communist Jewish movement to tear down functioning society and the family by attacking men and boys and promoting degeneracy in women. It was never, ever about equality. It seeks to grant women MORE special privileges, forcing equal outcomes, ignoring the fact that men have more responsibilities and women have more privileges naturally, while focusing on rights.

SJWs are just Leftists, and they certainly DO believe in Leftism/feminism. It is their religion.

SJW is a euphemism to mask the fact that these people are radical Leftists.

Huh, I always heard this sub was a joke. This is spot on though.

Just another front in a larger cultural war. Feminism will assimilate everything.

How about a mod free subreddit? "Everything in moderation, including moderation."... Oscar Wilde

That would be an interesting subreddit, maybe a place where the votes decide, but it might devolve into a circlejerk with little real discussion. That's what happened with /r/atheism in its early days before the mods implemented rules to prevent low effort posts.

There are subreddits that have implemented it successfully. There are political subreddits with little moderator intervention, it works better with a smaller community.

Show me one thing on their front page that is wrong and shouldn't be there.

On Darren Wilson receiving donations "Oh good. I feel for this guy. protects him self against a dangerous violent thug and gets shit on by ignorant racists" [+111]

This shouldn't be there, it's meaningless and just shows how fucking dumb everyone over at 'shitredditsays' is, how bandwagony they all are - I bet you they all have their new iPhone6s+'s in their pockets and they feel really good about that, fucking lamestream idiots.

Darren Wilson is someone the rest of society pays to put his safety and life on the line to protect us from violent thug shitheads who don't respect other people - the scumbag he shot had just violently robbed an honest convenience store owner when he happened to encounter a cop, who he then attacked - the cop did his job by shooting the violent thug who attacked him(after finishing attacking and stealing from some poor indian/asian immigrant small business owner) in order to protect himself(and the rest of us) from said scumbag thug.

SRS though gets their whole worldview from the mainstream media and whatever is 'in' to talk about and believe based on what comes out of their TV sets, so they think this is a good thing to protest about. In reality some innocent cop is getting shit on by a bunch of retards like them for doing the job that none of the rest of us want to do - which is dealing with ignorant, violent thugs - and then being attacked for it in the press. Maybe he should be supported instead of scorned - he shot some violent thief scumbag who thought he could attack people and get away with it, until charging at a cop.

That whole incident is just being used to ramp up tension to justify increases in police spending/the rollout of militarized police forces to be used even in small town America/the use of the national guard against protesters, and also just to make civil activists look fucking stupid. SRS on the other hand IS fucking stupid, and they fall for it all hook/line/sinker and do nothing but harm everyone through carrying on their bullshit. They see that something is wrong but go completely the wrong way with that feeling.

SRS is not "fighting the good fight", they're people who participate in online communities dedicating to the harassment and ridiculing of other people to make themselves feel good.

Tons of things.

There are multiple threads bashing people who suggest curtailing immigration in Sweden. It's their country, they have a right to want the population to look like themselves and be ethnically Swedish.

It's Leftism. "SJW" is just a euphemism to mask this.

Feminism is a joke in itself. At its core it is sexiest. Anyone who adds fuel to that fire is an idiot.

Who gives a shit about down votes?

If ignorant people don't want to read your comment on the Internet so be it. It's their loss if you have anything important to say. If someone needs a census of people on the Internet they've never met before to believe something then their probably idiots too.

Here at r/conspiracy we should be critical thinkers. I'm a little bit biased but I'm open minded as well.

It isn't anything to get worked up about.

Actually, if you post intelligent things, your idea's will get picked up, even if downvoted. Obviously, downvoting slows the propagation of ideas/perspectives, but simply articulating a good perspective and repeating it a few times will get it into the main stream discussion. I've seen my posts downvoted again and again, but within 2 to 4 weeks, they're picked up and repeated.

Feminism is a joke in itself. At its core it is sexiest.


Moderation is Facism.

In the two years of being on reddit here is what I have learned.

Dont fuck with admin. One of them in particular. As they will have srd attack you in facebook as they can use your email you provide to verify your account.. (was my first account)

As well as my google plus account. Many of admin are cool as hell. A few however just do it for fun is what I think. They like to create the drama as it increases traffic. People love to see a good fight.

Look at what happened with yisshan when he called out the ex employee. I am pretty sure that was a stunt to generate traffic. As many others sites picked it up. Who cares did right or wrong.

How many new users did they get that day? Or how many people visited the sides for the first time?

Admins job is to get new users. They do that by creating drama.

Just my two cents.

Edit. You want to fuck with admin. Take a look at their rules. That is their weakness. They value anonymity above all else. Take thw away and they get really defensive.

One of their radical Leftist lackeys, /u/ignatiusloyola, connived to take over /r/MensRights years ago, in order to turn it into the dump it is today.

more 4chan nonsense

Sjw's are a cancer, and should simply be treated as such.

What's needed is a global euthanization program to eradicate the disease known as "social justice".

  • 1 month old account

  • calls for mass extermination of stupid people


There is no downside to euthanizing sjw's. :)

I didn't get the memo detailing how many months one must have an account before proposing solutions to problems.... Mind sending me your copy of it?

Sure thing hambeast, keep false flagging.

It isn't false-flagging, it's hasbara tactics.

You're hilarious.

Where's your trigger warning?


There is no downside to euthanizing sjw's. :)

On that we can agree.

It's called Leftism.