pointless life pursuits to distract and confuse

6  2014-12-05 by NonThinkingPeeOn

other people only want something to do with you if it can benefit them in some way. it usually involves money. or ego trips.

I have no money, so no one bothers me to try and get it. I have no special skills or talents that can make money, so no one bothers me in order to use my talents. I am not famous or special in the eyes of others, so no one trys to associate with me in order to raise their own status. I've achieved nothing in life, so no one tries to ride my wave of success. friends? family? simply ideas of inclusivity and exclusivity that only cause disunity between the in-groups and out-groups.

the greatest puzzle of life is that everything you acquire and hold over the course of your life is lost. all of your beliefs, your relationships, your achievements, your possessions. all of it dissolved at death.

people know this. yet people still strive after these things. its a form on insanity. clawing their way toward some hope of fulfillment in a temporary form. This is the motivation of a economic society. this is why people work? climb the ladder to fame and fortune. work everyday, build and build civilization without stopping to ask, why?

How can you ever achieve lasting fulfillment from temporary things or from existence in a body set to expire?

Yet people identify with their own temporary forms. their complete sense of self is believed to be within a temporary form. With this belief how can one not be afraid. living in fear of certain annihilation. knowing that everything they do and obtain will be lost.

and so we end up with this world full of fear, a society built around fear, which results in all of the violence and hatred that results. where people have to constantly defend their identity from annihilation. they are afraid to die. afraid to let go of their things. so we argue and fight and attack each other.

how can we find peace? its so simple, yet people cant do it. all we have to do is know ourselves, know who we truly are. when you know who you are then none of those things matter. to know that our identity is not in the temporary form. the temporary form is only an expression of who we are.


Not everything dissolves upon your death.

The consequences of your actions echo in this world forever.

We are beings that have both the ability to recognize what is wrong and the ability to set it right. I believe setting things right is our purpose and obligation.

You're right. Peace is simple.

All of what you're saying stems from a rejection of God. It is undeniable, even in modern science, that we and the universe are created by an eternal intelligence. Everything we have, especially what we eat, is all from Him. Instead of seeing it that way, we try to live without Him and work against each other for our own benefit... We should be working together for His benefit which in turn benefits us all.

This world cannot be in harmony unless we recognize our God and work to be in harmony with Him, for it is only harmony with God that can bring harmony within His creation. He's the one that created it, and He's the one that knows how it was intended to work!

He's also the only one that can save us from ourselves, and the only one that can save us from death. He's the only reason we're here at all and instead of being thankful, we piss it away to argue about who gets more of this or more of that. He will not tolerate our behavior much longer... and neither will creation.

We are unruly children in denial of the very solution to every problem we face because we don't want to accept the fact that we're not the top of the food chain. We should be absolutely grateful we're not at the top of the food chain.

Unfortunately as well as fortunately, I suppose, there will be no peace. We're on a runaway train falling off the side of a mountain. Thank God He sent His only begotten Son to offer us a gift of salvation through God's grace if we believe upon Him and are baptized in the blood of the lamb. He manifested here on Earth to show us the fallacy of our ways and save us should we realize He is right and ask Him for forgiveness.

You dont need God to lead a fulfilling life. Im glad you found something that works for you but dont make the assumption that we need some form of monotheism to find meaning in life.

Just as you shouldn't argue for something without understanding it, you shouldn't argue against something without understanding it. its not wise to judge that which you know nothing. clearly your definition of the word god is in error. otherwise you couldn't live in denial. you can use a different word it helps you better understand. your very existence is due to god.

Im more of a cosmologist which doesnt require a creator.

I dont believe that the bible is the word of God, or any of the the other myriad of religious texts out there.

Do you support other religions? Or just Christianity? Which flavor of Christianity?

For something to exist it has to be created first. That's where god, or the creator, or consciousness, whatever you wanna call it, comes in. The source of all which is beyond time and space, which we are and where we come from and return to. Most religious texts have some truth hidden in them, you just have to wade through a lot of excess and human error. I don't support or align with any organized religion since they are always corrupted by human influence over time. You don't need religion, just an honest search for truth.

Of which I feel I have achieved.

The universe does not need a creator, it doesnt need a designer it can exist on its own without God.

How do you feel about specifically Sagans view of a cosmological universe?

again, if something exists it had to be created. there must be a creator. How can life exist without a creative intelligence?

god's depth has no limits. no beginning and no ending. something that has always been, and can never be destroyed. imagine the depth of such a thing!

actually its frightening to the individual ego. people are actually afraid of who they really are.

God manifests itself in creative expression. we are god expressing itself in order to know itself. when we finally return to god, we realize we are god!

and its happening on an infinite number of levels and in infinite degrees of complexities of life.

let that sink in.

and I'm not familiar with Sagan's work, other than seeing his movie Contact.

How can life exist without a creative intelligence?

Over a long enough timeline anything is possible. We know the building blocks of life are scattered throughout the universe and while its improbable that they combine randomly its not impossible. 1 billion years of random combinations will eventually produce the correct string for self replicating life.

Life is so amazing, you are the result of billions of years of evolution, just the perfect string of events leads up to us having this discussion. You are made of star dust, our sun is 3rd generation, this universe is amazing and the craziest part is there doesnt need to be a conductor! You are so unique that you are impossible, but again a long enough timeline in an infinite universe and you will happen. If that doesnt make you feel awe then nothing will.

Please read more Sagan, I recommend Cosmos and Pale Blue dot.

"random combinations will eventually produce the correct string for self replicating life."

Your reasoning is flawed and I'll tell you why.

Modern mainstream science has a universal law called entropy. they teach it in school. Entropy in summary is the reduction of a complex system into a more simple system, thereby "liberating" energy.

All of our known technologies are based on entropy. essentially the burning of fossil fuels, nuclear fission, etc.

Their universal law states that all energy can only go one direction! AN entropic universe will eventually end up cold and dark with no life!

Modern science wholly ignores the thing called life. because they don't understand it or how it comes into being. and it conflicts with their cold entropic theory of the universe.

life is the opposite of entropy. it is a creative, intelligent, self organizing energy that brings all life into being. how else can seeds grow from a seed into a giant tree?

the "law" of entropy doesn't allow for self organization, so life could never randomly occur. science theory contradicts itself in a glaringly obvious way and no one seems to notice or care.

It's been proven that life cannot arise without the hand of an intelligent designer. The simplest organism possible requires over three hundred parts to arise simultaneously in order to even exist, not to mention DNA itself is a language so complex we can't even read it. The universe cannot come from nothing, and the only solution to that is an inflation fallacy of multiverse upon multi-multiverse.

A chance based universe does not allow for anything to exist outside of time and space. We all share the same logic, but if we were just the product of chance and evolution logic wouldn't be possible. Your logic would be chemically different than mine in our brains and it wouldn't work. We all know it's wrong to rape children, and that's because morality is outside of time and space. It's a piece of God's nature. If we were the product of evolution and chemical processes, what's so wrong with me breeding slave children for my own sexual and murderous pleasure? They're just chemical accidents, right? Wrong.

You've been duped without evidence, just a good argument. The evidence is so far in favor of a Creator it's undeniable. The fossil record is proof of global, catastrophic burial due to flooding and dating methods are so fallible it's laughable. You've been indoctrinated into a worldview and need to go back and take a good hard look at the lens you view the world through.

Please read more into it you are wrong I don't want to be rude but impossible and improbable are two different things. Post to ask science if you don't want to do the research.

Please test your faith with knowledge

I have, and you should do the same.

But I have... I don't get it you haven't read sagan you don't understand biology you don't understand how the universe works... I'm sorry but you are clouded look more deeply into it, life is possible without a creator.

Life isn't only impossible without a creator... the evidence lines up to support it. Evolutionism is provably wrong, we cannot date the Earth or rocks or the universe via scientific inquiry, and we cannot replicate life without life. I don't have to read the rantings of a vehement anti-creationism atheist to understand science and the universe. There is still not a single shred of evidence to propose the idea that life can arise without a creator. Not one, and far more evidence to the contrary.

Yes.... Yes we can. You have a fundamental misunderstanding of how the universe works

No... no we can't.

We are brainwashed into a naturalistic, billions of years, evolutionary worldview. Your education and media really is lying to you and controlling your mind... more than you think.



And you've already let your bias stop you short of simply reading information written by scholarly men, PhD scientists, etc...

Pot calling kettle black... Read into real science not biblical scholars.

It is real science. Just because the author believes in God doesn't mean he's any less credible or scientific.

That is literally the opposite of what science means. Don't use science when you mean faith

Science does not mean God isn't real. It actually means exactly the opposite, since God is the reason the scientific method works!


Have a look for yourself. The scientific community disagrees with you.

It's not whether you need Him or not, it's the fact that He's there. Going against Him is the root of every problem we have, including death.

You can live your life in denial and die without admitting the truth, but it doesn't change what the truth is or what it means. If you do not accept Him you will not be saved. You cannot spend your life ignoring Him and working against Him and expect Him to break His word for you. He does not lie and He does not deny Himself.

He loves you and gave you a way to be saved. The choice is yours.

I dont need to be saved from anything. I live a good life and do no harm to others without needing to believe in him. I have not seen any evidence of a higher power and believe that life is just as rewarding without bending to arbitrary rules.

I find that many of his followers are some of the worst people I have met, I assume you mean the Christian God also?

There are too many religions to be confident that this one is more or less right than another, its all belief systems to get people in line with the societies they live in. Do you believe that people of other religions are bound for hell? What about the several hundred sects of Christianity? What about the several hundred versions of the bible? Is one more or less correct?

Too much ambiguity and not enough evidence. But again if it works for you more power to you, but again if Buddhism works for you or atheism or Judaism or any one of the thousands of religions out there more power to them also.

That's the work of Satan speaking through you. You've been reduced to thinking it does not matter and therefor don't care for the truth.

The evidence is everywhere and in everything. God is real, which leads ultimately to seeking Him. If you understand this, He will lead you to the truth of Himself.

But specifically the Christian God?

Im a very left brained thinker, I love facts and evidence.

Lets assume you were raised in a Jewish household wouldnt it be a fair assumption to say you would be here praising Yahweh?

God as you perceive it is most likely not real... How else would you explain the thousands of world religions? The insane stories and deaths in his name? You dont need God to be a good person is all Im trying to say, and you definitely dont need to be Christian to be a good person or find a path in life that makes you and the people around you happy.

Do you think people who dont accept Jesus or your God go to hell?

He's the only one that tells us the beginning from the end. I wasn't raised Christian nor any other religion. Had I been raised Jewish I would still have had reason to question everything around me, and this is what I did. I thought critically and looked hard at all the facts and the evidence and drew the very last conclusion I was willing to accept: That the Holy Bible is the truth. Furthermore, the KJV is the most reliable in my language that has no err or contradiction.

There has been a conspiracy against God since the fall of man. Thousands of world religions have been propped up to muddy the water and conceal the truth. The largest Christian church on the planet is lying to their congregation, and is also pointed out in the very Holy book they profess as the synagogue of Satan.

You don't have to be a Christian to be a good person, no... but the Christian God is where morality comes from. Without him there is no such thing, because absolute morality is outside of time and space and is immaterial.

Hell is a second death. It's everlasting death. If you don't accept your God as the Most High, LORD of lords, then you're saying you will not harken unto His voice or obey His command. That's the original sin... disobedience to God. The punishment for sin is death.

It's all very simple and logical, as well as recorded. People from all faiths come to find the truth in Jesus Christ.

I question everything around me which is why I can not accept christianity. Too many contradictions and obvious influience of men.

I take issue with your statement that morality comes from a Christian God is founded on your belief system, your faith, not logic.

This is getting far too esoteric for my tastes. Remember I dont care what Belief System you believe in just dont be blinded by your faith.

My eyes are opened by my faith. You think it's blindness because you can't see, nor do you want to.

I didn't say morality comes from my belief system. I said morality is from God and is outside of time and space, as is logic.

In a purely natural world born of itself there could exist nothing outside of time and space. Morality and logic exist because God is outside of time and space and he defines them. They are a gift from Him to us and witness to His existence.

Otherwise logic would be relative, which it is not. Same goes for morality.

if you still believe and follow Christianity i am afraid your eyes are anything but open. it's a mish-mash-hotch-potch of several other older religions rolled into one. aimed at appeasing and appealing to a large audience and the old testament is 100% judaic and has zer0 to do with any christ. christianity: a cloak and a cash-cow for rome.

That's what they told you, is it?

Shame. They told me that, too.

Had me on the wrong trail for so long.

People lie.

ah the power of "faith" ...

Well, tell me what you think.

How did the universe begin? How did life begin?

How are you here, today, right now, blaspheming your Creator?

i am not blashpheming my creator, i am ridiculing ancient mythology and more recent fraudulent fiction.

We are gods. The Christian god is false.

They've been working tirelessly for some 6,000 years and still haven't been able to prove your statement.

you are absolutely right. I like the term inversion. people lives are spent turned away from God. I don't know if you can always call it a rejection of god. I think sometimes people don't even know what they have done. They have just simply lost their way, not so much rejecting. Anyway I guess that's what hell could be considered to be then. to turn away from god, live an upside down existence, where really all suffering is self inflicted.

How does everyone who wants to push a Monotheistic viewpoint seem to know God is a "He"?

I am about to start reading The Chalice and The Blade by Riane Eisler so I thought I would ask where this "knowing" comes from. Is there a specific reason God could not be a "She"?

He doesn't have a gender as far as I know, but He created man in His image and then created woman from the man. Jesus refers to Him as the Father. This is reason enough.

What evidence makes you think Jesus A. Ever existed and B. Is the Son of God. Who is God, and why would he create another son with magical powers to convince the other sons to follow? If we are all created in his image are we not all his "sons" (well, males at least, lol) and created equally? So what makes this son any better than the others? And where do females/ daughters fall in? Are females second class? How could they be when we know, that only females can birth. If God created Eve from Adam, wouldn't it be logical that the male is the one who "creates" the human and not Eve (the female). Why did he not "create" twins, one male and one female?

There are so many things wrong with Religion and the insanity behind such beliefs. I'm spiritual, believe in a creator. But Jesus being the "son" of God, give me a break. If you do any research into the topic, you'll see it's probable the Romans were responsible for conjuring up this religion to qualm the Jewish revolts in occupied territory. I think you need to step out of bible study and do some intellectual research and open your mind to the possibility that what you're believing in could very well be against the creator. As goes with all "religions". Each one thinks their messiah, rituals, etc etc are the only way into God's grace. I think it's foolish.

There are extra-biblical sources confirming Jesus' existence. Jesus was the son of God and was God manifest in the flesh. We are created in his likeness, yes. He manifested into flesh to live a sinless life and show us a perfect example, then sacrifice Himself as the only perfect man in order to give us salvation in Him, as we are all sinners. It shows that only by God's love and grace may we be saved from damnation. Jesus knew what was coming, and He knew the times we are living in now back then. It's impossible for any of us to be righteous and none are. Not one. None of us deserve Heaven, but by believing upon Him we have a chance to make it.

He created Eve from Adam so that he wouldn't be alone. It also set a precedent for marriage that the two were one flesh and that the woman was part of the man, not the other way around.

It's not insanity. It's the truth. If you actually studied what you're arguing against you might understand.

First of all, don't imply that I have not studied. I was born and raised a Catholic and went to Catholic schools from K-8. I've learned plenty about the Catholic/Christian religion and am probably more versed in the intellectual arguments and logical fallacies you will find within. With that being said.....

The whole story of the Bible in which you speak of is that it was written many years later, by men who were not even of Jesus' time. These are second, third, and some times forth hand stories of a figure. It is no different than the Greeks believing in the mythology that the Titans where defeated by the Olympians because the elders say so. It's mythology and and the intellectualism that actually existed, whether this man (Jesus) did exist, gets lost in magical fairy tales. Every story has a dash of truth, and I think this was the case. Do I personally think Jesus existed? Yes, I do. Do I think he was the "son" of god? No, he tapped into what God designed for all of us. We do not need to go through Christ, we need to tap into what Jesus tapped into. That is that we are all created in his image, with his knowledge. This is the key. God gave us minds to think. We are doing him a disservice by following group mentality of religion. God/ The Creator wants us to use the gifts he has given us, and that is within, the very being he created. We hold the key, we hold the knowledge, we need to tap into ourselves and our being to truly execute Gods plan. We do not need to believe that by praying to one man, or one messiah, or one imam that we will get into heaven.

Think about what you are saying. God says, you shall not have any other gods before me. Yet, you pray not unto him, but unto his son, Jesus. This is the very act of which God is saying you shall not do. Talk directly to him/her/it/wtf ever. You do not need to play telephone and go through a third party. This is the problem I have with all religions. Each one of you have a third party, why not just talk to him directly? He loves you and wants a relation ship. So... talk to it. This is like in middle school where my friend goes to the friend of a girl I like and says, I know someone that knows someone that like likes emily. Then emily's friend, goes to emily and says I heard from brad that he knows someone that knows someone that likes you. It's fucking childish and you are not tapping into what the creator/god has given you. You are not using your intellect he has given you to think for yourself and come to peace with your self, you would rather rely on ceremonies, rituals, and old paper to give you directions in this world.

I'm sorry, but there are no directions and anyone telling you that there are, is a snake oil salesman. The idea is within you, the knowledge is within you, the power is within you. Because god has put it there. It is your mission as a human created by god to find it and tap into it.

I was born and raised a Catholic and went to Catholic schools from K-8. I've learned plenty about the Catholic/Christian religion and am probably more versed in the intellectual arguments and logical fallacies you will find within.

That explains a lot. Catholocism is hardly reminiscent of Christianity whatsoever. They fall so short of Biblical doctrine that it is well within the range of blasphemy. I apologize if this seems overly critical or hurtful, but it is the truth. Revelation speaks of the Catholic Church as the Synagogue of Satan and calls the Papacy the Antichrist for a reason.

You're not playing telephone through a third party. Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Father are one. Jesus was the Father manifest in the flesh guided by the Holy Spirit. It is through Jesus' sacrifice that our sins may be forgiven, and only God can forgive your sins. We must repent, accept Him, and be baptized!

I'm talking about Christianity. I'm not sure if you are daft or what. I'm well versed on both Catholicism and Christianity. Now, answer appropriately to my response or I will just close out of this discussion, grab a beer from my fridge, denounce Jesus and continue listening to Norwegian death metal while looking at pictures of cute cats :)

Yet you sound as though you don't even understand Christianity, and I don't think you do. Our salvation is not within ourselves... our salvation lies with God. That's the point. It's his mercy upon us that saves us, it's not our self-righteousness. None of us are righteous and all of us are damnable... nothing can change that except for God's mercy. He is the one who chooses who lives and who dies, so He gave us a choice.

God only asks that you repent of your sin and believe in Him, that He sent His son Jesus Christ to die for our sins so that we may be saved by His grace and purity, and be baptized in the name of the LORD.

You can do that and form a relationship with Him, or you can die an eternal death. It's logical. Obey the one who created you or you choose to be damned.

Lol, I'm baptized, have said prayers, rehearse the same old shit you are spouting. It's all bullshit, and yes I understand Christianity pretty well. Can I ask you something? Who is the LORD? Why do I need to be baptized to be in good grace with him? Is he baptizing me or is a priest/pastor? Who gave that person power I do not have? Can I hop in my bath tub and baptize myself? No, I can't because the faith requires some one who is more "learned" in the belief then I am? Seriously? What makes a pastor more learned then me? Did you know most pastors and priests rob from the ministry? Give your tithe, allow me to bestow "my knowledge" and power on you, because in a book it say I have more power over you, you little man.

Christianity died with Jesus, and what you are believing in is man's word. Go ahead, follow man. Even though, the creator tells you not too. In my mind you are the antagonist, you are the very satan you wish to portray on others, because you are following mans rules, beliefs, and dogmas. I'm following the mind the creator gave me. Put that in your pipe and smoke it. Wait you can't because you think it's wrong, put that in your bible and pray upon it. Good riddance child, you are lost and so far from the true words. I pity you, and so does your creator.

edit: here's a vid watch it and think about what you believe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cwOqKfEYTg

Cheers, and god bless!

ah the power of "faith" ...

Yes.... Yes we can. You have a fundamental misunderstanding of how the universe works