2015: the year for humanity to get its shit together.

47  2014-12-08 by [deleted]

A change is coming. The truth vibrations are starting to vibrate ever faster and stronger. "They" know this, they know that they are going to lose and are so going to have one last desperate fight and drag us down with them. I predict in 2015 there will be lots of wars, false flags, highly infectious diseases (or no diseases at all; false flag diseases as an excuse for more vaccines), GMOs being pumped out a constantly faster and higher rate, more freedoms being taken away, more development on the transhumanist agenda etc until we have reached such a level of subordination and submission that there is no way we could get our way out again.

What I'm basically trying to say, is, unless we, as a human race in 2015, get our stuff together and join together in unity against these parasites then we're not going to do it. We need to recognise that these four things - LOVE, PEACE, HARMONY and WISDOM - should govern everything, not MONEY, POWER, RELIGION or MEDIA.


I am with you 100% on this. People are waking up, opening their eyes everywhere. Next year, everything will reach a head, and the conclusion will change the world forever. It's time to for those of us that know the truth to start being proactive. The time has come to take our planet back.

As much as I agree with the statement that Love and Peace should govern our life, I still think the reality of our current situation globally isn't so simple. For every one person that does reach a degree of enlightenment, a hundred others won't.

The instability of this world, coupled with people's extreme egos, make peace and love a dying theme. I hope I'm wrong.

Holders gone. I feel it

Let's fucking do this bring it on 2015.

I have a different take on the matter, but will agree 2015 is a make or break year, the lie is running out of steam.

Care to elaborate on your different view? I'd love to hear it.

Care to elaborate on your different view? I'd love to hear it.

Absolutely! People will except the current system with open arms, fair for all, all is fair. Really believe it's a generational thing, they will know no other reality except the one they have been taught, that will be their normal, and to them that's fine, total Huxley. Now the other, say, 20% or less will say "are you crazy, it's a lie". So, being out numbered, the system will assimilated all those left with their "New World Order", and you are left like Sutherland at the end of, invasion of the body snatchers.

Exactly! It's strange, people will feel comfortable in their prison simply because it's all they've ever known.

get our shit together finally? amen to that my friend

Sheeit. It's been "the year for humanity to get its shit together" since at least the 60s when all the racial bullshit and misconduct was going on.

We've been over half a century late as a society.

EDIT 1: Actually I should have said it's been "the year for humanity to get its shit together" since the days of slavery in this country...So it's been well over a century since...

EDIT2: None of this is to disagree with your OP heading. OF COURSE it's time for us to get our shit together. I don't feel that we will, however, for the same reason that we haven't done it up to this point: We live in a world where TPTB make sure and keep us divided and separated from one another. They do this on purpose, and we pretty much listen very attentively and do exactly what they indoctrinated and brainwashed into us pretty much from birth.

This is not to say that we as a people still shouldn't try, but the only way we'll really get our shit together is if we put all our bullshit, indoctrinated racisms aside and come together as the ONE PEOPLE which we indeed truly are. We don't see each other as that, yet we ARE one people; one family. The moment we all come together as that, we will easily beat the manipulation over us.

How likely is it that we all come together as the one people which we really and truly are, however? How likely is it that we are going to be able to see through the bullshit indoctrination that TPTB have put in our heads?

It seems not very, unfortunately.

Heck, just reading some of the comments in this very subreddit, there are a LOOOOOT of happily and proudly racist people. It's really absolutely fucking disgusting, but there are people here that feel very strongly in their heart of hearts that they are just inherently better than others types. It's ignorant and involves tons of hubris...but it exists, unfortunately.

Although we often bang heads and disagree on many points during our discourses, and likely always will (!) I'd agree with you 100% that we have to combat the racism which seeks to undermine the progress we've made as a species (and which is being pushed by a problematic but organised minority here), and come together in the realisation that we are the human race, and that we need to get along, and start fixing problems!

Correct and agreed.

And as far as our "banging heads" - heck...I don't even really know one way or the other. I apparently "bang heads" with so many people on here that everyone and everything's just become one. Big. Blur to me. I don't even know who it is that argues w/me/I'm arguing with anymore, since I'm so used to begin argued with anyway...

I just respond to comments, barely paying attention to who it is/what username it is that's sending them.

Meh. It's all good.

If only theyd protest their slave owners like they do over Ferguson. Organization is key

Organization and togetherness is the key. Yes.

Each end of year I see this kind of posts that next year is some shit gonna happen , awakening and so....keep copy paste just swap years right ?!

I'm all for what you're saying here...but, just from what I've seen, this same shit gets said every year about people waking up and false flags and wars, etc but nothing ever seems to change...


I agree with you 100% brother. Times are changing and people are waking up to their own truth. The facade and the illusion is becoming all too apparent. And many people are waking up in droves. And not to worry this next revolution is a conscious one where we are evolving as a collective. What you're thinking and a feeling is a direct result of the global change that is now happening on earth. No matter what happens stay centered and grounded. You will always be protected and safe in the eye of the storm.

Agreed. But don't live your life in fear. Just be cautious, and welcoming. Question everything. I feel a change too, but more of a shift in the collective consciousness of humanity.

For what it's worth here's my opinion. Every year, every month, every day and every second is the time for humanity to get "it's shit together". But I have a plot twist. Getting oneself together is the missing element. Waiting for others to do it, sitting on a computer talking about it and even dreaming about it are not taking action. There are so many actions I can take as an individual to shift the paradigm every day. It's up to each and every one of us to start dedicating our personal energy to making those small and large changes. For some of us a complete disconnect from "society is necessary" to form new communities. For others it's all about making choices to align with what we believe in. I'm one of those walking the middle line. Still a part of society but playing the game to some extent. And yet aligning myself with what I believe in. Once a solid foundation is in place, it then can become about forming communities of like minded individuals and synthesizing the energies and aspirations from there. We can look back in all years and say a lot of people are waking up, this is the year coming..... But IMO it's all about the self and inner reflection. What actions have I taken in the last year to become more self sufficient and even community involved? How can I develop this into further action next year while involving more folks in my inner sphere all while allowing others views and opinions to have equal merit? If that made sense. I'm a firm believer that the old system is currently breaking down. It's not a solution to bandaid a problem for years or even generations. One part of the solution is to shift the current paradigm and reinvent the balance between the old ways and the new. Balance being the key.

I have been saying with the advancements in technology regarding surveillance/control it'll soon be a now or never moment where we would NEED to do something or otherwise be trapped forever.

imo we have to start change before 2020 (not including any "new" thing happening, fingerprints/eye instead of passwords) - can only hope that the majority of people will feel the same way

Same tribe is running things. Same tribe controls the politicians and the media and the banks and the justice system. Nothing is going to change unless there is a revolution.

Some Impetuous children will break a toy instead of sharing it.

I fear these are the people in control.