Can someone explain to me why people here think Sandy Hook was a hoax?

0  2014-12-08 by [deleted]

I like coming to this sub, but there's a current top post about Adam Lanza's DNA that doesn't even link to any real evidence besides unsubstantiated claims. Any comments asking for real evidence and proof were downvoted or ignored and were never seriously addressed. I enjoy this sub because it allows me to see another perspective outside of the main narrative that questions the motivations behind said narrative. Instead, this sub is filled with unsubstantiated claims that get upvoted simply because they're outside the main narrative, regardless of evidence and critical analysis. So, because there is no actual discussion in the comments, I have to ask: Why would Sandy Hook be a hoax? What is accomplished by lying about it? What evidence do we have?


Check out: Let's talk about sandy hook.

"Let's Talk About Sandy Hook" is an excellent documentary that keeps getting taken down. Can you provide a link? There's a link to a torrent at the bottom of this vid, but I can't copy/paste it on mobile.

If you haven't seen it you should! It's got some powerful people running scared

Can your phone play flash content?

Mine can't, but I'm more interested in getting the word out to a wider audience and shutting down fake skeptic shills such as OP.

Calling people "fake skeptic shills" is sure to help them understand your argument better.

With such overwhelming proof, the only folks who publicly support the official lie are made up exclusively of zio shills alone.

You should at least briefly check someones account before throwing out the shill accusations...

Thanks I'll check it out

To push gun control. Before I was awake I saw Sandy Hook happen and my first thought was, "there's no way this is real, it sounds like they're pushing for control."

I called my cousin who was a conspiracy theorists and said those words to him. He told me he had just had a discussion with a friend about the same things I said. At that point in my life I didn't believe in any conspiracies, but it's not that I didn't "believe," I just never researched.

If you really want to know about SH, search it on reddit and read everything, then develop your own opinion. Dont just take what someone tells you on reddit for why it is or isn't a conspiracy and believe it as concrete. People push their own agendas. Read, form your own.

A Sandy Hook parent I once corresponded with thought that if it really was a conspiracy, it would've happened pre-election.

Just watched the 2.5 hour documentary. My thoughts is that there are a few interesting points surrounded by some pretty weak points.

At the end of the day, with the shear number of people involved to pull something like this off, it's unreasonable to determine that this was a hoax. Could an entire town be working together, going through drills in pulling something like this off? Yes it's possible in theory. But there's no way you can keep an entire town quiet for two years now without even one person coming forward.

In my opinion what happened was a small town that did not have a prior history of homicide (I believe there was only one shooting prior to SH) was victim of a horrific event and just did not know how to respond. That's why there are some responses by certain parties that can be considered odd, and to some, suspicious. No one knew how to respond in this situation, which is why there was so much confusion that day.

I believe Adam Lanza was an unstable kid with a controlling mother who may have been also unstable. Adam grew up in a family that owned quite a gun collection, so it's reasonable to assume he had experience with firearms. THAT is a more reasonable premise than an entire town pulling a fake shooting to promote anti-gun law.

I mean no offense with this.

Sometimes we get people like you asking us to "prove" to them something is a conspiracy or a hoax. These posts rarely do well here.

The reason being, is that not everyone here thinks that. This isn't the "Sandy Hook is a Hoax" sub. When it comes to that subject, there's plenty evidence available online for you to consider, but being you're asking such a direct question, it tells people you've done next to no research on your own.

This really isn't a place to ask us to prove anything to you, as much as it's a place for you to try to prove something to us.

But the problem is that you have a lot of idiots who believe that Sandy Hook was a hoax and their "evidence" to back it up is either completely false or scant at best. My point is, a post was just upvoted over 200+ times that linked to "evidence" wasn't actually evidence at all. If you read the actual forensic report that they link to then you would know that the title of that post is extremely misleading and almost entirely false. So I want to know if these people have any real evidence they can point me to instead of me googling through a bunch of sites that make the "sandy hook was a hoax" argument even more of a joke.

My main issue is that if were going to be a sub that is supposed to question the information being fed to us, why is no one actually critically thinking through a post that questions something like Sandy Hook? Instead we have a post at the top of the sub that makes us look like conspiratards.

See, right, there, you can't come in here calling people "idiots" and expect a positive response.

There are people here who think aliens control the world. There are people here that think bigfoot is real. There are people here that think the moon landing was fake. I've personally spoken with these people, and I can tell you they are not idiots.

Most people that believe in conspiracy theory are not idiots in any sense. Not a single one of us woke up one day and "just decided" to believe in something.

But I'm allowed to call someone who thinks that our planet is controlled by aliens an idiot because there is absolutely no evidence to substantiate that claim. I'm a scientist and that's how I approach everything. People just like to look at the title of something and post it because it fits with what they want to believe instead of actually looking at the data and critically thinking about it. If I can't produce evidence for something, then why should I not be marginalized for my claim?

What evidence do you have this person's an idiot, besides that they claim something that goes against what you believe?

Even if they are wrong, does that make them an idiot? Smart people are proven wrong all the time.

Typically, when someone here calls another an idiot, it's really a pride thing. For example; you spent thousand on a degree that says "A", so when someone introduces the concept of "B", you're going to want to call them an idiot, so that you don't think you wasted all that time and money,

Bruh, you took the words right out of my mouth. +1

You're right. See I studied physics in college so when someone posts something that directly contradicts the laws of physics, like the idea that we've been in communication with alien life and it has gone unnoticed, I am going to want to call them an idiot because it marginalizes the thousands of years of science we've done to get to this point of understanding. See, I've stayed away from the Bigfoot example because I have absolutely no way of knowing if Bigfoot is real or not. But communication with alien life? We have ways of showing how ridiculous of a claim that is.

If you had any real confidence in your pursuit of knowledge, you wouldn't speak like that.

You speak like someone who really wants to be right and is terrified they might be wrong. So...I don't think you've really accomplished anything. That would make you an idiot.

Being you're an idiot, I'm going to do the smart thing and just not talk to you. As a scientist, I'm sure you understand.

I love how you don't address any points being made and instead just make broad generalizations. That's the true sign of intelligence.

You love whatever benefits you.

Actually if you want to keep participating here you can't make personal attacks.

You're welcome to feel any way about the people here you want, you can post about it elsewhere on reddit if you feel the need. But while you're in here you can't call people idiots. We discuss unpopular ideas here every day and we don't welcome the outside circle jerk in here to constantly inform us we are idiots. Its not really a big deal, a lot of us just want to discuss these ideas without religiously believing them, but we want to discuss them like adults.

That means you'll need to stop with the name calling or I'll just ban you.

I read hundred of informed posts on this sub every week. I will stop with name calling but all I want to do is bring attention to the multiple uninformed posts that rise to the top of this sub that don't allow any criticism of them without being called a "shill"

Thanks, please report people calling each other shills to mod mail. That is also against our rules.

But I'm allowed to call someone who thinks that our planet is controlled by aliens an idiot because there is absolutely no evidence to substantiate that claim. I'm a scientist and that's how I approach everything.

So, because you're a scientist, you approach everything with the mindset that calling people idiots when they present something that conflicts with your worldview is the best way to go about discussing things?

That's the exact opposite of what an actual scientist would do.

Yeah I clearly got too defensive with the idiot comments it is distracting from what I want to discuss I'm sorry. But what I was trying to say was that there are laws of physics that govern communication. Communication with any aliens would be detectable by thousands of researchers and would have no chance to be covered up by a government. I just don't understand why there are people who feel the need to welcome every conspiracy theory. I welcome the idea that 9/11 was a hoax because there is quote a bit of evidence. But I will not believe that that the moon landing was a hoax or that the government is in communication with alien life, because neither of these things have good evidence to support them.

Disagree with you about the moon landings but I agree that there isn't good evidence about communicating with alien life.

And it's fine to believe, think, say, argue whatever you want, there just isn't a need to be a dick about it. Nobody wants to be called an idiot and nobody knows everything. That's why we're all here discussing these things on forums like this.

You're allowed to call anyone you want an idiot.1

That doesn't mean those who hear you won't lose respect for you when you do so, though.

It also doesn't help one's argument. I stop listening when the insults come out, as do most, and it doesn't win hearts and minds for sure.

1 (In life, I guess, maybe not here per sibling comment below.)

Yeah it seems using the word idiot was a mistake here. I don't think this sub is full of idiots. Far from it. I just don't understand why people who disagree with these conspiracies and try to show how ridiculous some of them sound just get down voted in this sub. All because I don't trust the MSM doesn't mean I'm going to trust a random post on reddit that aligns with my views. I would assume everyone in this sub would do the same. It just seems slightly ironic that I haven't received one answer to my questions aside from the link to the documentary but instead being questioned for even asking them in the first place.

This is actually one of the things that made me connect the dots on the hoax stuff; had people frothingly attacking me way back for even hinting that the hoax stuff feels like it's a diversion and originated in classic disinfo style. Like, the aggressive way M00ns4nt0 shills shrill. Creeped me right the eff out.

You are turning around and doing exactly what he is describing, while ignoring his advise, if you aren't satisfied, tease arch the topic yourself, and don't engage in actively calling down people for doing tease arch and coming to a conclusion, come to your ow conclusion and present to u why you are correct

"Research "own, on Mobil

I don't have the time to explain for myself. Maybe watch these videos and get a better grasp on what this theory encompasses Sandy Hoaxed 2nd Edition

And of course what would it all be without the juicy insane Sandy Hook, a Maya/Aztec sacrificial ritual?

If certain elements are able to spin conspiracy theorists into a tizzy thinking an entire event is a hoax, there will be fewer people and resources involved in getting down to the real conspiracies and cover-ups involved. It also muddies the water so that "normals" won't touch the conspiracy as it's tainted with a little bit of crazy. Same thing happened with the Boston Marathon bombing.

Agreed completely. The reason we can't expose the large actual conspiracies is because people who call them out are lumped together with idiots that repost a link on fb from

Are you two done jerking each other off?

You should really dig into Halbig (the guy behind the hoax theory)'s background and get back to me. I'm not a "skeptic shill," I am very tired of Halbig muddying the waters and covering up all the actual bad shit that's gone on up in Newtown. Also, do some googling on Susan Getzinger...crazy, crazy stuff up there no one will touch because they're too busy tarring conspiracy theorists because of Halbig's dufusness (who's funding him, eh?)...

I think you're kinda right here but it's two-fold in that the event was a hoax. So it's a double (or triple, or quadruple) mindfuck and it not only alienates those of us who've researched Sandy Hook from the general population but also causes schisms amongst us (those who know the official story is bunk) as well - as this comment chain has shown.

All in all, I think there are far more important and pressing concerns than Sandy Hook. We just need to realize it was a psy-op and move on.

Those that think it was a hoax are either mentally deficient or intentionally trying to make conspiracy theorists look crazier than they already look.

There's a sub for that: /r/conspiratard

Are you two done jerking each other off?

Can your phone play flash content?

If you haven't seen it you should! It's got some powerful people running scared

But I'm allowed to call someone who thinks that our planet is controlled by aliens an idiot because there is absolutely no evidence to substantiate that claim. I'm a scientist and that's how I approach everything. People just like to look at the title of something and post it because it fits with what they want to believe instead of actually looking at the data and critically thinking about it. If I can't produce evidence for something, then why should I not be marginalized for my claim?

I think you're kinda right here but it's two-fold in that the event was a hoax. So it's a double (or triple, or quadruple) mindfuck and it not only alienates those of us who've researched Sandy Hook from the general population but also causes schisms amongst us (those who know the official story is bunk) as well - as this comment chain has shown.

All in all, I think there are far more important and pressing concerns than Sandy Hook. We just need to realize it was a psy-op and move on.

A Sandy Hook parent I once corresponded with thought that if it really was a conspiracy, it would've happened pre-election.