Yahweh, False God of the Bible (Graham Hancock)

5  2014-12-09 by MrRedTRex

I saw Mr. Hancock on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast talking about his idea that Yahweh is a false God, and may in fact be a demon. I found this to be a very intriguing concept, but couldn't find more information on it online, from Graham or anyone else. Are there any documentaries or literature about this? It's a thought provoking idea to say the least.


That's interesting. That's exactly my position on the topic. Everything points to Yahweh being a demonic false "god".


Also consider reading:

John Lamb Lash's Not In His Image:

Monotheism begins with a god who hates trees.

“Ye shall utterly destroy all the places where in the nations which ye shall possess served their gods, upon the high mountains, and upon the hrlls,and under euery green tree. And ye shall overthrow their altars, and break their pillars, and burn their idols with fire; and ye shall hew down the carved images of their gods, and destroy the names of them out of that place.” (Deut. 12:2-3)

The Demiurge of the Old Testament is jealous, insisting that no other gods be honored before him. This demand of course implies that there are other gods, competing deities. They are Pagan divinities who pervade nature, manifesting in all manner of creatures, in clouds and rivers and trees, even in rocks. Monotheism will tolerate none of these sensuous immanent powers. It makes the earth void of divinity, its inhabitants subject to an off-planet landlord.

By a strange twist the biblical deity who claims to have created the natural world forbids humanity to adore his handiwork. For an artist to demand personal adoration for himself instead of, and in exclusion of, his work, is rather perverse considered in human terms, but with this arrogant god it is perfectly normal. The wrathful, capricious temperament of Yahweh belies deep insecurity, for if Gnostic myth points to the truth, this god is a fraud, a violent and demented imposter. One Gnostic scholar describes him as a sullen, disgruntled bully, prone to fits of rage, who “propagates a gang of angelic henchmen, rulers (‘archons’) . . . and goes about setting up his rule in the classic style of a petty tyrant.”

Also Douglas Reed's The Controversy of Zion.

Yahweh/Jehovah is the demon false god of this world. I sometimes wonder if there really is a true God of good, as I don't see why he would allow evil to reign so strongly in this world if he existed. Evil is all around us, tainting everything.

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are all religions that worship Yahweh. They are all demon worship / devil worship / evil extra-dimensional spiritual entity worship / archon worship. http://www.ascensionhelp.com/blog/2012/01/31/never-call-them-archons/

That's why the world is so messed up - because our spirituality and our very lives have been hijacked by an evil alien entity, a cold-hearted, bloodthirsty race of evil beings who see us as their property, their slaves, and the Shabbos Goyim who help them.

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are all religions that worship Yahweh. They are all demon worship / devil worship / evil extra-dimensional spiritual entity worship / archon worship.

I would argue that the God of Christianity is no longer the God of the Jews. He is the same god in name only. Jesus preached a message of charity, forgiveness and love -- these things are directly opposite to the message of the Jewish mountain god. Just because Christianity descends from Judaism, don't make the mistake of assuming that Christians worship the Jewish god. Why else would the Jews hate Jesus so much? He turned his back on their god.

Christians are just controlled opposition.

No, they really are not. They are a separate and unique religious current.

I judge christianity by its fruits. Passive communist ignorant useful idiots. I had hoped for a while that xtianity was true; sadly jesus was a jewish bigot who thought the gentiles deserved table scraps because they are dogs. But u keep worshiping him and his papa yahweh and thinking thatll change things. Itll be like when leftists cry MOAR LEFTISM as a solution to leftism. Christianity is multicultural by nature btw.

I agree John Lamb Lash, his stuff is amazing, about the archons, sofia etc.

Some of his interviews you will find on red ice radio and youtube.

Yeah, this was a great interview: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcloCMs3Uek](Red Ice Radio - John Lash - White Genocide & The Archontic Infection)

Except for the part where he says whites may have some immunity to the archons because they eat pork.

I haven't read all the comments on this yet but I always thought similarly about this subject.

Maybe the gods that people saw or whatever they may have been were also in a power struggle to have control over the creation. Similar to scientists who want precedence over a particular finding and the like.

For example like every group of people have their different characters like the ones in most shows. Ive always thought it was similar to this but the people back then were only exposed to one voice or person at a time maybe, or at least in the case of Christianity anyway.

But your comment definitely fits the mold of who we all could be dealing with.

I'm of Mr. Hancock's opinion about the god of the mountain worshipped by Jews. He is not the highest God, he is a pretender. That's why he uses threats of violence and intimidation to force his worshippers to do what he wants. Why would God Almighty be a jealous god? What has God got to be jealous of? But if he's nothing but a lying demon, he would have plenty to be jealous about.

The true god also wouldnt demand worship or else eternal damnation.

Jesus was sent only to israel- yahwehs sheep. You would think little J wouldve clarified that yahweh isnt god if he really thought that haha.

He very well has something to be jealous of. There are no other Gods, yet his people turn and serve imaginary entities, men, and creatures. They worship the creation more than the creator. He is the only God and his creation He loves so much shits in his face by rejecting Him or serving idols of wood and stone, etc... Imaginary entities. He is the Most High.

This is demonstrated again and again throughout the Bible. This is part of the reason the Israelites conquered territories after the Exodus and reason for the Exodus... to show the whole world a God who actually had power and wasn't in our imaginations. They slew sinful cultures unopposed when they were in full obedience to God, and when they weren't in full obedience they suffered for it.

It's plain to see if you actually study what's going on with an open mind.

I have to respectfully disagree with you. I've read most of the Old Testament and most of the New Testament (I skipped the really boring bits) and it's obvious to me that the god of the Old Testament is not the Supreme Deity. He has the characteristics of a petty tyrant. He tries to keep Adam a mindless slave in the Garden, and when the Serpent liberates Adam and Eve with the gift of knowledge, he reacts like a 3-year old and punishes them for becoming aware of their own true natures. All through the books of Moses (or Pentateuch if you like) we see the god of the Hebrews protrayed as a nasty, spiteful bully.

That isn't the God that I conceive to be the source of life. It isn't the Christian God, either. It isn't even the God of most enlightened Jews. But it is still the god of the Jews who are wedded to the word of the Book, and accept the god of Moses, an angry mountain spirit, as the Supreme Creator. Really, when you think about it, it's laughable. Of course that petty tyrant in the Old Testament isn't God! He is mired in violence and ignorance and is a slave to his passions. He's everything the true God is not.

a good summation.

The Garden was perfect. There was no death. We were with God and could ask Him anything we wanted to know. He knew they would eventually disobey for curiosity, so we had to find out the hard way what it meant to disobey God. He's given every one of us the opportunity to learn from our mistakes and be saved from death. In fact, for us, He came and showed us how to live only to die as a perfect sinless man at the hands of unrighteous sinners. He offers salvation to anyone who recognizes and accepts Him. There is no God like YHVH.

If you don't want to accept Him, fine, but don't assume His intentions were evil. If you can't understand, then you can't understand. He is the definition of righteousness, and there is no man on Earth who is righteous. We are all fallen beings and there is no salvation in ourselves, in unrighteousness. There is only salvation in God, Jesus Christ.

The Garden was a prison. I'm amazed that you can't see that. Adam and Eve couldn't leave it. They were kept in ignorance about their true nature as divine beings. Out of compassion, God descended in the form of the Serpent (symbol of wisdom and deathlessness) and revealed to mankind our true divine nature. The angry god of Moses, the mountain spirit, tha Chief Archon, threw a temper tantrum because his nice little plan to keep us in ignorance was spoiled by a higher power. Knowledge itself was not a punishment -- man was punished by this petty bully of a god because he acquired knowledge. This meant that the petty bully god could no longer fool Adam and Eve into believing that he was the Supreme Being, because they understood their own natures and saw that they were superior to the petty bully god. That's why the petty bully god of the Old Testament was so angry. He was exposed for what he was by the gift of knowledge, given to mankind by the wise and benevolent Serpent, who was sent from the Supreme Deity to save mankind from ignorance.

I completely disagree with everything you said. Anyhow...

If you're right, we all win no matter what, so who cares?

If I'm right, well... I'm sorry you were too hard-hearted to see the truth.

Knowledge is just a lure, taking you deep down a rabbit hole of darkness and deception. You're repeating the words of Satan himself, whose 'gift' of knowledge is going to drag you into damnation if you let it. I don't want to be like God, nor was I created to be. God is in control of this world and our very existence is by His grace. Time is coming to a close soon, and I hope you see the error you have made before it's too late.

Besides, what you're spewing is the same stuff said in Freemasonry and other occult circles.

The true God isnt such a bitch that he requires worship.

He doesn't. It's your choice to worship Him or not. If you decide not to, you choose death. It's your choice.

Worship me or die! - "god"

Which is fair. He created everything. Obey his authority or get the fuck out makes sense.

He still lets you live one life in His mercy. You just don't get eternity.

Silly fearmongering baloney from a spiteful demonic lying false god.

Also, Jesus is just as bad. He encourages people to do nothing against evil, to turn the other cheek, to be passive sheep. He came not to bring peace but a sword. He came to divide parents against their children. He came only to the lost sheep of Israel. If it weren't for Christianity, Rome would not have fallen. It was a subversive movement to tear apart "Gentile" society. It was the precursor to communism. It has been responsible for war and tyranny for 2000 years. If it weren't for Christianity, there's no way white nations would have supported the formation of Israel. Yeshuah is truly Yahweh's son.

I have a hard time believing mere human beings have executed this plan by themselves. That's why I think there probably really is a hive mind race of extradimensional entities who sometimes call themselves Yahweh. Other times, Ra. http://unity7777.wordpress.com/2014/10/17/the-law-of-one-alien-communication-shows-theyre-all-evil/

"Turn the other cheek" is not exclusive to Christianity, many religions (even pre-Christian) support this pacifist ideology.

The "eye for eye" (which you are favoring), in all its vengeful aggressiveness finds solace in the exact same place which you despise: Israel.

Talk about self-contradicting !!!

Abuse me, and I'll turn the other cheek so you may abuse me more. That's a little more extreme than simple non-violence. And it's quite foolish to abhor ALL violence, in fact nobody sane does so. Violence is always the threat behind power structures. People want protection, that's why they want the police force: violence. That's why they want criminals in jail, with the threat of violence over them if they try to escape.

One law for Jews, another for "Gentiles". They want "Gentiles" to be stupid, completely passive, sheep. They want Jews to be aggressive, vengeful, and hateful against non-Jews.

One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them

Also, Jesus is just as bad. He encourages people to do nothing against evil, to turn the other cheek, to be passive sheep.

don't forget the purpose of religion is control.

Look into Joseph P Farrell, he wrote a book Yahweh the 2 faced god, also look up about the archons.

His website


His youtube channel


What can be done to free our brothers and sisters from this false god and build a free nation?

True spirituality. Dispose of religion.

hear hear

Jesus was the light and he was born under the birth star. Lucifer, the being of light, was the Morningstar. Just saying.

I find the abundance of belief in bullshit within this forum troubling.

This is /r/conspiracy !! We shouldn't be judging people on their beliefs or "conspiracy theories".

Be open-minded and respectful (and not to dismiss it as " bullshit"). You are free (and even encouraged) to disagree, and state your own counter-opinion.

Conspiracy theories - religion is the biggest, oldest, most effective control mechanism mankind ever invented. I've watched its use by way too many "leaders", including atheist US Presidents (yes, there were some) invoking it to get the masses to agree with them.

We need to free ourselves.

O ye of little imaginative scope. Yes, religion has been used to control populations. But it is much, much more than that. It is a vital part of any healthy society, and societies that attempt to eject religion do not prosper. Yes, it can be manipulated and abused by the ruling class. But it is the codified expression of the collective upwelling of the true and honest spiritual aspirations of a people.

There is not one thing healthy about religion.

Read The Bible. I mean read it. Do not have it read to you. Do not have a preacher translate it, putting a happy spin on it.

If THAT is the aspirations of a people, I want NOTHING to do with those people.

Same goes for the Koran.

All Abrahamic (Jewish) religions are pure evil.

Without the second and third words, that sentence is more true.

Religion no. Spirituality yes.

Yes, actually we should.

Anyone who doesn't think Michael Hastings was murdered would face what here? Rational discussion?

Any degreed physicist who presents data about the WTC collapse is run out of town as a shill.

Why are we so fucking accepting of the biggest, most thorough, oldest conspiracy ever to harm mankind? It's fucking stupid. Let's grow up and throw off those mental shackles.

Its because itis backed by fear of eternal punishment. If people can be made to see how this fear is irrational, and that the description of god does not match the actions of god, people would discard it. God of love and justice that punishes eternally for mere disbelief should be something that makes everyone pause a moment and recognize the disconnect between the two accepted beliefs on god.

OTOH, people who can think and learn can understand that the universe behaves exactly the same in the absence of a god, therefore there isn't one. And the only reason the myth is perpetuated is control / money.

I have to admit it doesnt seem like there is a good god out there. The world is evil and yahweh has conquered humanity.

I feel like, since some truth has popped, shills have cropped up to spread hate material... like they always do.

Anyways, thanks for assuring me people aren't necessarily buying into this crap.

Hate material? For pointing out Jehovah is an evil hateful false deity, the greatest hater that ever existed?

My bunghole, hate material.

For pointing out Jehovah is an evil hateful false deity

The only part of that fragment that is true is "false".

If you have proof of a deity, publish that shit, get it peer reviewed, and become the most famous, most beloved, most worshipped human being who ever existed.

Until then, LOL.

Whether Jehovah is real or just a construct of the Jewish soul, and if he is he's not a deity but an extradimensional spiritual entity, I just meant that he's definitely evil and hateful.

Souls aren't real either.

Maybe, maybe not.

Pure lies.

Read the old testament and pay attention to all the times jehovah calls for murder, genocide, baby killing, enslavement of the entire world by the jews, genital mutilation, just the tip of the iceberg.

Go back to /r/atheism.

The first, most important step of becoming a critical thinker, of throwing off the yoke that controls us, is understanding all the yokes that control us.

Religion is the oldest, most prolific, most widely accepted control mechanism.

Your understanding of religion and its place in society is pathetically simplistic and insufficient. Read, think, meditate, and come back in ten years. Maybe we can talk.

It is your understanding of religion that I think is pathetic. You don't see it. In this modern age, an age in which so much information about how nature really works, how old things really are, you're still back to the superstition of "gods made thunder".

The world is damned because people are fools who think they are wise.

Ain't that the truth.

Set your imaginary friends aside. You never needed them. And they're not real.

Hate material? For pointing out Jehovah is an evil hateful false deity, the greatest hater that ever existed?

My bunghole, hate material.

The first, most important step of becoming a critical thinker, of throwing off the yoke that controls us, is understanding all the yokes that control us.

Religion is the oldest, most prolific, most widely accepted control mechanism.

Christians are just controlled opposition.

Set your imaginary friends aside. You never needed them. And they're not real.

The world is damned because people are fools who think they are wise.

I have to admit it doesnt seem like there is a good god out there. The world is evil and yahweh has conquered humanity.