what have we become? Can't take much more of it.

74  2014-12-10 by NonThinkingPeeOn

this world is so fucked up. the level of stupidity in the world is just... there are no words for it. I can't stand living in this society much longer. its torture watching all of the morons of this planet throw shit at each other. I imagine a higher being watching us from above sees us as disgusting beasts. Is it any wonder they never bother to interact with us?

we are worse than any other plant or animal on this planet. At least other animals live in harmony with their environment. they are at peace and live quietly and fairly.

But us. jesus christ. we just destroy everything in our path. ourselves. the environment. the planet. what are we doing? really. where are we trying to get to?

striving for the next gadget. hoarding material goods. I watched an apple iphone commercial on tv last night and I almost vomited in disgust. what the fuck is this shit? with the holiday season upon us, we are even worse than usual. its the tradition we have of shopping and gifting random trash merchandise from china that adds nothing to our lives. trample each other to death at walmart so we can have another tv.

Its the more, more, more mentality, more of everything. give it to MEEEEEEE!

my smart phone has 10,000 apps! but I need more! My Tv has 500 channels! more please.

the grocery store has an entire isle of potato chips with shelves stacked above my head, and an entire isle of soda. But we need more options and more choices.

people argue and bicker over pointless shit. read this conspiracy thread for example. front page top post is another racial tension sensationalist bullshit. divide and conquer. just what they want.

the great conspiracy is how stupid we all act together.

Its all so pathetic and sad that all you can do is laugh about it.


Good rant. Seriously. Right on the money.

Now calm down and figure out how to do something about it, even if you only fix your own life.

Exactly. Got to start somewhere.

I believe we can do the most good within our personal sphere of influence. For some people, that's themselves. For some people, it's also their family. For others, it's their school, or community and so on.

I encourage you, and OP, to check out http://www.seasteading.org/?intro=close as one of those positive goals!

The key to change is not trying to break down or destroy the old, it's to focus all of your attention on building the new.

  • Socrates

Pick a positive goal that will benefit the NEW society that will rise up after the NWO has burnt to the ground. Devote your whole life to that positive thing that will help people and forgive people for being stupid, we're all stupid in some way. Start giving Cannabis oil to cancer patients. If everyone did this we could all cure cancer.

Good post but what is with the username, bro?

Maybe he's one of the good ones, they're a minority for sure but they do exist.

What's wrong with the username? Or were you just curious.

Freemasonry and numerology.

Yea I looked into all that like right after commenting. Should have looked it up before commenting.

Does cannabis oil cure all cancers?

It did say treat rather than cure, but there is no doubt in my mind that if we focus on this rather than the side-effects of big pharma drugs then surely we could get much farther. I didn't realize it had so many uses.

You have this completely wrong. Socrates, was one of the only people in history that had a negative philosophy. His primary objective was to break down the old. In contrast, it was the sophists who tried to create the new with a positive philosophy.

His primary objective was to break down the old

?? What are you referencing here?

Have fun pp. 167-183, pp. 193-197 & pp. 157-167 & pp. 198-214

More Fun pp. 384-389, pp. 397-406

Just saying, I don't think humans as a species are somehow different from other animals. Wolves go on useless killing sprees, chimpanzees wage violent, horrid (although small scale) wars. Not to even mention insects. Ravens collect shiny shit for the heck of it. All earthly animals seem to be pretty similar when you look at it closely enough.

I always say, "Life isn't fair, look at the Venus flytrap". The bait and switch master. Hehe.

I think these are even more sneaky.

No other species actively destroys its land base. No other species actively destroys its main food source, for to do so would directly effect their ability to survive. Unfortunately we rape/exploit/destroy our land base on a global scale, and we do the same to our food sources. You're right, we are not too extremely different than our neighbours on this planet, but we are living in a way that no other creature lives, a way that is not sustainable for us or our planet.

The only reason that is, though, is because all the other organisms on earth are kept in check by some kind of opposing force, whether it be predators, droughts, etc... Agriculture and medical care have allowed us to reaaaally tip the scales in our favor.

Yeah yeah, I wasn't refuting that. It's just that if some other animal was capable of what we do, they would propably act in the same way.

I am in the same boat as you bro. I was a volunteer firefighter for 3 years and an EMT. I Joined the Military and just got out. From my experience I now have no faith in this society/culture. I find my self not wanting to work for any company because we all know there is corruption and abstract reasons in all corporations worth not working for unless you want to contribute to this rat wheel society exploiting people and ruining this world. Everyone is only out for themselves. I am considering being a Hobo hopping trains. I really want to contribute to something good but I seem to have no idea where to look for an good organization that pays a living wage? Any ideas? I had the American dream in my hands and I took a moral choice to throw it away because its dangerous for this planet and mental health. This consumer/Dogmatic retarded culture is disgusting. I feel like I have taken the red pill and there is no going back.

You're on the right track. Keep going forward and don't look back, even if the road ahead is misty and unclear. Take small steps, you will find others on the same road eventually and slowly but surely we will start building a new and better reality together.

You start your own work.

Welcome to Costco. I love you.

Fuddruckers Buttfuckers

The biggest problem is television. People think it's real, and they spend their time discussing the latest stupid-ass show instead of discussing deeper, more important, and more meaningful things in life. They create your reality with their programming. Do you think it's a coincidence that it's even referred to as programming? There needs to be a major campaign to get people to turn off their TVs. Hell, get rid of them.

Yes. We are clever, and sometimes we are intelligent, but we are rarely wise and even less often are we truly compassionate. Most of us are animals and not actually sentient functioning humans, if you get down to it.

yeah humans have a thin shell of compassion and pretend to be civilized, but when the shit hits the fan watch as most people claw and devour each other.

Just take a break from all this alternative news stuff, it's all so negative. Imagine if you lived in a much better world. Now imagine what you would do in that world? Well, you'd still be eating food, preparing meals, going to bed, entertaining yourself somehow, you'd have friends and lovers, and the outdoors. I think the world remains quite constant regardless of the social backdrop. What I'm saying is, the world isn't as bad as it seems, and you'd be living a very similar, parallel life in the world that you desire.

I'm just thinking out loud here. I know where you're coming from! I get frustrated, too.

I did take a break from the news stuff. In fact i cant stand watching the news or reading the paper anymore. its all so fake and deceitful. the newscasters are so phony and full of shit. they talk and act like fucking robots. and and the papers no better. every news outlet reports the same stories. Problem is its not just the news that's the problem. its the people all around you everywhere. everyone is so fake and self absorbed. Its like we all lost our way a long time ago. been drifting in haze of physical and psychological distractions. and we've been heading into disaster, now about to reach its destination. the only good thing is that we can rebuild something new and better from this pile of burning shit we've created.

Focus on your last sentence bro, they want you to despair and believe you are powerless, take back that energy they feed on and use it wisely.
Source: ex depressive.

Look into Buddhism. Should help you out.

Most are not capable of individual thoughts. They have to play it safe with what they've been told. To take away their security blanket leaves them with nowhere to turn. All these years they've been working hard to get ahead and to find out the government doesn't have their best interest in mind is too much. They won't look even if they can see through the cracks because it's too much to bear. But most do not even notice. I think it was george carlin that said,"think of the stupidest person you know and consider them average because there are a lot more people who are more stupid than them."

The TV's also blurbing that https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHjIXCCHh3s

If 'they' want, they can turn this overabundance into their advantage. They can say we're fat, unhealthy, irresponsible, greed, etc. and then force Agenda 21 down our throats. They can turn any crisis or thought into their advantage.

For example, Ferguson: It might have been staged or not, but in the end, they could say:"OK, lets dissolve the police force which has been proven 'inadequate', and lets create a new task force. And people will gobble it up!

Listen to No Agenda. It will keep you sane.


ITM to you, and thank you for your courage :)

Who is we? I've been rallying against this system for years. Trying to remove myself from the financial system [legally] in every way possible. I have purchased a solar array and controller and am planning to go off grid by Jan 1.

The people who lie for power and money, the people who murder for a college degree, they are THEM. They are so different, it's like they are another species. NOT WE. I REFUSE.

the great conspiracy is how stupid we are all lead to act together.

Plenty of wonderful examples of harmonious societies before information got monopolized into the hands of few, have patience, the monopoly is eroding.

i would say its growing

I understand your frustration and anger. I even agree with everything you say, but there is good in this world. This sub is something I read to get some good view points but only reading this can get the mind in a negative state. I think you need to tale a break and actively look for the good things in life.

It's because nobody wants to accept the truth.

Don't worry, God's guiding the storm. Nearly the entire world looks at itself upside down. We think we run the show and we're being allowed to run down that rabbit hole as far as we want to go until we realize we don't. We're pretty far at the tail end of people thinking they own the place.

Our knowledge is worthless because in the end, we're only going to realize that we did it wrong by trying to change anything at all. It was fine the way it was and we should've appreciated that.


Or things could be this bad because Humanity has been convinced to constantly externalize "God" and absolve themselves from any responsibility in the here and now.

This is the textbook way you create well behaved and properly subservient slaves.

If you blindly follow what gets you by you will be enslaved. You're either a slave to men or a slave to God. God gives you food from the ground that can produce more food. Man gives you labor to make money to pay for food that God gave you. This is one example of many. I like God's system better but there are those that work really hard to destroy that.

There is a third way, always. The Universe provides.

May your God speed you on your journey towards enlightenment.

"The Universe provides" were probably my favorite words for the longest time. God provides, the universe is not sentient.

Some people would argue god and the universe are not separate items.

That's just a fancy way of thinking yourself equal to God.

Please explain.

If God is everything then everything is God. It's called pantheism and elevates our status from created beings. God is not a created being, He is eternal and unbounded. We and the universe are bounded. How this works is something we cannot know, whether it be dimensions or some other mechanic we can only speculate upon. What we do know is that God is outside of time and therefor space as well. He sees our universe from beginning to end something like we see a sketch on a piece of paper.

But I am not everything, and I don't equate myself with everything. From the everything we are formed and allowed to exist within. I don't see how this diminishes the role of everything/god.

How do you know god is outside of time? How can you even begin to describe the experience of god? Now you're equating yourself with god, if you presume to be able to know or intuit his experience and describe it.

I don't claim to know. I take His word for it and trust what He says in the good book.

I don't see it like that. What makes more sense, that there is a personified "God" sitting somewhere, or that "God" is not represented by anything physical or personified, but represented by EVERYTHING around us?

His will is separate to that of ours, therefor our decisions are not made by Him. If everything was God, then our decisions would not be our own and we could not have free will. Instead, He is simply so far beyond us that He can predict our entire generations from beginning to end of the entire universe before He even sets it in motion.

God is a fictional externalization of the wants and needs of the human mind and body, as voiced by agrarian Sun worshipers.

You have no evidence the Universe is not sentient.

I haven't responded to a comment concerning religion in a while strictly because I am tired of trying to get people to see it my way and I their way. However, your comment bothered me. If the God that /u/SquareHimself is referring to is the one that I am thinking of, the God from the Bible, then this God is not everything that the human mind wants. In fact, a lot of people choose not to believe in this God because they do not want to have moral "guidelines."

I always wondered, just because evidence is lacking, does it mean nothing is there? Science is constantly making/tweaking discoveries. Sure, you can choose to have science approve of what you believe but if you do that, I wouldn't consider it fair for you to 'push' your beliefs on others.

I'm not saying people should believe whatever they want to believe, what I am saying is that I feel that we should be a bit more tolerant and respectful. Whether you agree or not is up to you.

You fundamentally misunderstood.

While everyone is free to believe what they want to believe, I was correcting SquareHimself on his own purported beliefs, as prescribed by the religion most frequently referring to the creation mythos as the property of one God.

Christianity itself points out clear as day that it's God is in all of Creation, inside of you and me and rocks and trees. God is literally everything, there is no separate sentient entity. Therefore, you are just as much God as he is and as I am. WE are all God. The respect that is given to the Biblical entity YHWY is misplaced, as it should be respect for ALL OF GOD'S CREATION. Including each and every other human being.

You'll forgive me, but perversions of religion to cover for man's faults (and the now endemic systems of control that directly disrespect everything Christianity claims to stand for) is far more offensive in time, space, and souls than any singular post I could make on a website. And the Unknowing like SquareHimself propagate the damage done in His name by going about their life co-signing to the FARCE they were sold by a business called The Church.

Whether you agree or not is up to you, but I remain spiritual. Even and especially in the face of dogmatic brainwashing and propaganda propulsion. That is what "Christ Consciousness" directs us all to do.

Don't worry, God's guiding the storm

I don't believe that. God is allowing us to guide our own storm because free will was the gift he gave us. Evil is trying to take God's gift away from us.

You should give that bible another read...

Your silly "god" wanted Adam and Eve to remain as animals and your silly "god" got extremely upset that they ate the apple and gained sentience.

Yes, in which case it is His decision to let us therefor He is in control. He can stop us at any time and He has a plan that is just, because we do indeed have free will.

God did give us a free will so we would not be slaves. Our Ancestors Adam and Eve decided they wanted to become like God and were punished. We had it all perfect in the beginning, but because of our mistakes we had to suffer. But he has promised to come again very soon, to give to us what we had from the very beginning!! Keep the Faith!! http://www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/home/

Mumbo jumbo superstitions keeping humanity in the bronze age; may be schematized as follows:

  1. If an omnipotent, omniscient, and omni-benevolent god exists, then evil does not.

  2. There is evil in the world.

  3. Therefore, an omnipotent, omniscient, and omni-benevolent God does not exist.

Or, in the words of Epicurus:

"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" — 'the Epicurean paradox'

News flash: people have always been greedy, self-centered, etc. This is nothing new.

Nature isn't that peaceful.

Speak for yourself man, some of us spend time doing worthwile stuff, not lamenting in the potato chip aisle.

congrats. one of the stupidest comments I've read in a while. singling out a small phrase from my post to discredit the whole message. I don't "lament in the potato chips aisle." I see you just don't get it. keep living your dream life with all the "worthwile" things you do.

The reason I see for it all is this "we have become a country of me not the country of we."

go read Infinite Jest

i think you need to watch some nature shows. Animals can be cruel and nature itself can also. Human nature is fucked up tho, i guess were nor evolved enough as a race. Sometimes i wonder weather those in power know the world id coming to end or some shit and thats why they dont give a shit about us or the environment

This is exactly how I have felt ltely. It sucks!😔😔😔

Brother. There is something odd here you've noticed. We are in a school, prison, farm of some sort. You're not alone. Those who seem to begin to figure it out seem to become more reclusive. More pieces fit the puzzle. You will also. Allow time and fate to do what must be done.

Best wishes.

I feel you. Seriously, I'm so disillusioned that I sometimes struggle to function on a daily basis.
All I see is lies and corruption. Meritocracy? Don't make me laugh.
And worst of all, we seem to moving away from justice and equality. Which is surprising seeing how decrepit we are/have been.

The only solace I take is that historically, people have always felt like this. Every generation thinks that things have never been worse. But on the whole humans live better lives now than ever before.

There is nothing to do to help people. Seek right knowledge and truth. The level of consciousness the general public possesses is low. Millions still watch the tel-lie-vision. Millions are dosed with fluoride on a daily basis. There are people who are so deeply entrenched inside the mindset of this system. This is Satan's system, how? Do your research and you will know. We are at a very precarious position in our timeline. Many will die, there is no question about that. It is already happening before our very eyes however, no one will notice until its happening to them! "My people perish for the lack of knowledge."

All you can do is take care of self. Oh and watch the freak show before your eyes like George Carlin said. It will take a long time before a mass awaking happens.

Our society is what happens when you abandon morality, civility, honesty, and common decency in favor of excess, pornography, violence, and corruption.

We need a return to religion, so that we have a moral code to live by. Some of you don't like to hear this? Fine. It's still the way it is.

If there isn't a moral revolution and a return to some renovated form of Christianity, then Islam will take over. What we have now is a moral vacuum. A vacuum demands to be filled.

Morality isn't something a society can arbitrarily cast aside. It is a necessary part of a healthy society. A formal, organized religion provides a moral structure for a society. That's why there is no human society without its religion.

I agree that at present Christianity has become inflexible and hidebound in its teachings, but there have been hundreds of different Christian schools and sects and fraternities over the course of the last two thousand years. Christianity is adaptable. It needs to be transformed into something the average modern person in the West can embrace.

Talk about abandoning all religions is futile and silly. It is never going to happen. If Christianity is destroyed, Islam will take its place. Think about that, all you who are so keen to see Christianity done away with.


This sub isn't your personal blog. Go away.

I think these are even more sneaky.

I did take a break from the news stuff. In fact i cant stand watching the news or reading the paper anymore. its all so fake and deceitful. the newscasters are so phony and full of shit. they talk and act like fucking robots. and and the papers no better. every news outlet reports the same stories. Problem is its not just the news that's the problem. its the people all around you everywhere. everyone is so fake and self absorbed. Its like we all lost our way a long time ago. been drifting in haze of physical and psychological distractions. and we've been heading into disaster, now about to reach its destination. the only good thing is that we can rebuild something new and better from this pile of burning shit we've created.

It did say treat rather than cure, but there is no doubt in my mind that if we focus on this rather than the side-effects of big pharma drugs then surely we could get much farther. I didn't realize it had so many uses.